AN: This story is one chapter ahead on my Patreon. - link can be found in the story description or on my profile.
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The next several days following the ordeal with Montes would prove to be uneventful. And those days were all the worse for it. Benezia would wake up, get dressed, go to work, and go about her usual day, forced to pretend that her life hadn't been irreversibly changed. That she hadn't been made into a human brute's sexual plaything.
Benezia dreaded to even think about it, but the truth of her situation hung over her head like a dark cloud. She belonged to Montes now, body and soul. And after that damned human had forced her to speak the blessed Osa'Omasi oath, it would forever stay that way.
And so Matriarch Benezia sat alone in her office, her chair turned away from her desk so that she may look out over the Presidium. The clear lake, the exotic trees, even the spanning holo-screen of a vibrant blue sky, they were all meant to evoke feelings of nature, of freedom.
But it was all a lie, a pretty falsehood. The clouds in the holo-sky drifted above, but there was no wind to push them. The trees and the bushes were carefully tended. The lake was always monitored. It was all controlled.
'Controlled', Benezia thought as she slowly rose from her seat. 'Like me.'
The centuries-old CEO strode forward towards her office balcony, gripping the railing as she peered down at the people below. They weren't quite as numerous and bustling as the crowds in the wards, but they were busy all the same.
Benezia's eyes fell upon a random asari walking down below. From her spot on the balcony, Benezia wasn't close enough to make out any distinct facial features or paint markings. The matriarch chose to assume the asari was younger than her. A matron perhaps.
The matron wore a lovely gown of white with soft green accents upon the shoulders and sleeves. Stylish it was, but still coming across as official. Maybe she was a diplomat or a businesswoman, Benezia assumed.
The matriarch found herself envying the nameless woman. Watching the matron walking the footpaths that lined the Presidium lake, Benezia was reminded of her own life centuries ago, navigating the fast-paced and cutthroat world of Citadel corporate politics.
Was the matron going to a meeting? Was she going to a business lunch? Off to discuss a deal with a potential client? Perhaps she was returning from one instead, heading back to the office to a heroine's welcome. Or maybe the asari was already successful enough that she could afford to stroll through the Presidium without a care or an eye for time.
Yes, Benezia yearned to be in that asari's place, to live that life instead of the cursed one she was now stuck with. Benezia wanted a life where she only had to worry about meetings, memos, and falling stock values. A life where she didn't have to worry about being subjected to such sick, lewd things from the barbaric mind of some human man.
Benezia envied that matron in the white and green dress… Right up until she watched that same asari walk right into the warm embrace of a human. A male human. One that was tall, broad-shouldered, and had short, dark hair - much like the man that Benezia did her best to not think about. The human below wore a blue uniform from what Benezia could see, possibly C-SEC or Alliance military. A martial type of man, Benezia noted bitterly.
The hugging pair soon pulled apart. The asari headed off with her human, hooking her arm around his as they departed to whatever destination awaited them. Lady Benezia watched them go with a frown. She turned away from the balcony then, suddenly sick of observing the denizens of the Presidium.
"Utter nonsense…" The matriarch spat, roughly plopping herself back into her chair. Deep down, however, Benezia knew that she shouldn't have been surprised. Though the man had been taunting her at the time, Montes' words held some measure of truth. Ever since humanity's first contact with the Citadel, asari and humans commonly joined in romantic relationships together.
So many of those damned humans putting their filthy, grubby hands on her fellow asari… And so many of those same asari were just letting it happen, jumping into bed with those low-minded barbarians with smiles on their faces. Even her own beloved daughter, Liara, had taken a human lover. Some Alliance soldier she met while out on a prothean dig.
They were poor, deluded fools, the whole bloody lot of them. Yes, even Benezia's own daughter, as much as it pained the matriarch to admit it. That was the ignorance of youth, to be wowed and impressed by the new, exciting thing. The humans may have had the rest of her people fooled, but Benezia knew the truth. She had seen the true face of mankind when Gabriel Montes walked through her door and blackmailed her into giving him dominion over her body.
'Those lustful beasts want to turn every asari in the galaxy into a pretty, obedient sex pet. The bastards will make us all slaves to their lusts, their desires… And we're just allowing them to do it! It's madness!'
There was a high-pitched chime then, sudden and surprising enough to have the asari matriarch jumping slightly in her seat. Benezia composed herself an instant later. She recognized the electronic tune as a ringtone. Her ringtone.
She was receiving a call, she realized. But it wasn't a business call. No, those were supposed to go through her receptionist. This call was being sent to her personal omni-tool. Only a handful of people knew her direct contact information… And the most recent recipient had ravaged her body just last week.
Benezia felt her heart begin to pound within her chest. A chill crawled down her back. She desperately hoped that it wasn't him, hoped that she wouldn't have to hear his deep, rumbling voice again. She hoped beyond hope that she wouldn't be reminded of that night in his apartment.
Reminded of the way his large hands pawed roughly at her naked body, of the way his hard, muscled mass loomed over her. Reminded of the way she squealed and shrieked as his big, fat cock split her cunt apart…
Benezia shook her head violently, banishing those awful thoughts from her mind. The asari made a noise of disgust then. At herself. At him.
Frowning, she brought her arm up to inspect her ringing omni-tool. The device blinked to life, the holo-structure enveloping her wrist and forearm. There in the center of the holo-screen, two words stared back at her, taunting her.
Unknown caller.
It was him. It couldn't possibly be anyone else, Benezia knew. The matriarch felt dread even more potent than before, anxiety slithering its way into her belly, coiling in the pit of her stomach. She had been waiting for this day, waiting for when Montes would demand of her body again. Thoughts of what the man would do to her crept into her mind then, dark clouds of unspeakable visions. Benezia took a deep breath and answered the call.
"Hello?" She said, her voice oddly calm and serene.
"I hope I'm not interrupting anything important." A familiar, reviled voice answered back. Next she heard him chuckling, the sound sending her heart hammering. Benezia's other hand made a fist on her lap. Montes spoke again. "It's been a few days, Nezzie. I figured I'd check in, give you a call."
'Nezzie.' The pet name almost sent Benezia reeling. 'You don't get to call me that, bastard!'
The matriarch bit her tongue, keeping that harsh thought to herself. The Osa'Omasi oath may have guaranteed her daughter's safety, but she knew better than to antagonize the man who quite literally held her life in his hands. By the Goddess, he would probably enjoy it if she spat venom at him, if the way he responded to it on their first night together was any indication.
"Your concern is…" Benezia paused. Appreciated? Welcome? She pressed her lips into a thin line. "Unexpected."
It was meant to be a subtle insult, a mark against the man's non-existent honor. But she heard him chuckling on the other end of the line. Maddening laughter that had Benezia silently fuming.
"Well, I gotta keep an eye on what's mine, don't I?" He shot back. Benezia couldn't see him but she just knew that the man was wearing an insufferably smug grin. "But enough small talk. I think I've been pretty generous giving you such a long break. It's time we meet again, Benezia. I'm interested in seeing just how binding that Osa'Omasi oath is."
Benezia felt her belly do a flip. She wanted to scream, to unleash all of her pent-up fury in one piercing cry. To destroy all of the enemies that stood before her like the banshees of old. Instead, she swallowed her rage and Montes' indignities. The matriarch took a deep breath and forced herself to be calm.
"When would such a meeting take place?" Benezia asked, aghast at herself for playing along with Montes' game. But there was nothing else she could do. She had spoken the sacred words of the oath. She was honor-bound as a daughter of Thessia to follow it, lest she be damned. She was trapped, enslaved to the will of Gabriel Montes.
"Tomorrow evening. My place. Wear something pretty. I'll try not to ruin your outfit this time." Montes spoke simply but at the same time commanding. His voice was cool, confident, like that of a man who always got his way.
It made Benezia angry.
"No." She told him, her voice flat.
"No?" He sounded more amused than outraged. And that made Benezia angrier. How dare her moment of defiance only amuse him!
"We're not going to meet at your apartment." Benezia told him firmly, exhaling through her nose. "You are going to come to my estate. And you are going to make yourself presentable."
There was a moment of silence. Benezia feared the worst. But then Montes responded.
"Is that right?" He again sounded amused. "Any particular reason for these sudden demands?"
'I want you to feel how it's like for a change.'
"If I'm going to get fucked then it's going to be in my own damned bed." Benezia bit back. "You want to meet again? Fine. But that's how it's going to be. Do you understand?"
There was another pregnant pause. The silence nearly drove Benezia mad. Montes' voice shockingly came as a relief to the matriarch.
"Alright. We'll play it your way." He conceded, to Benezia's astonishment. But from the tone in his voice, the matriarch knew better than to celebrate. "I'll meet you at your place. Hell, I'll even wear a nice suit for you. And when I fuck you ass over tits, I'm going to do it so hard and so loud that everybody in your mansion is going to hear it. I'll be seeing you soon, Nezzie."
Before she could respond, Montes ended the call. Silence reigned in the T'Soni office as the centuries-old matriarch realized then that the man had once again turned the tables on her. Her attempt at a power play had just blown up in her face.
'Damn him! Damn him to the deepest hell!'
Benezia's anger was potent but fleeting. Dread soon settled in once more as realization fell over her mind.
In only a day's time, Gabriel Montes would be at her front door. And in front of Samara and all of her personal staff, he would once again bend her body to his will, his desires…
'By the Goddess… Why did I invite him to my home?'