I awaken, bathed in the snug warmth of my room at The Northern Light Inn. The first rays of the morning sun filter through the drapes, casting a golden glow across the space. A sense of fascination mixed with excitement seizes me as I contemplate this new reality, this unknown dimension into which I have been transposed, that of the world of Faerûn.
Last night, I narrated a fantastical story that captivated the audience, mesmerised by the tale. The heartwarming sound of applause and the enchanted sparkle of smiles lighting up the faces of the spectators still resonate within me. This experience has reinforced my self-confidence and my sense of accomplishment, amplifying my desire to continue to deploy my storytelling talents in this world charged with magic and adventure.
Having readied myself swiftly, I make my way to the common room of the inn where the tantalising aromas of a freshly prepared breakfast tease my nostrils. I serve myself a bowl of succulent fruit, accompanied by a slice of warm bread and jam. As I savour every bite, I engage with another traveller who shares with me tales and advice on places to discover in this region of Faerûn. He speaks to me notably about the ancient school of Ulcaster and a tower situated northeast, the famous "Durlag's Tower."
Once satisfied, I make my way to the temple situated a hundred metres from the inn, still within the town of Nashkel. I saunter down the large paved avenue, admiring the picturesque architecture of the buildings surrounding me. The morning dew is still present, the air is crisp and the sun has just risen.
Nashkel is a transit town, a merchant crosses the city with his ox-drawn cart. On board, I discern an armed couple, probably mercenaries or adventurers hired to ensure the protection of the merchant and his goods. I allow myself to be lulled by the ambiance of the town, and I meander to the temple, passing by the imposing cemetery of this small city.
Finally, I arrive at the sanctuary, a majestic structure flanked by four towers similar to the minarets of my home world. Adorned with delicate sculptures and religious motifs, the edifice is indisputably the largest in the town. Above a commanding double door sits a gauntlet surmounted by an eye, flanked by two statues. The door, slightly ajar, gives a glimpse of a peaceful and serene interior. The dim light filters through the colourful stained-glass windows, creating a mystical and sacred atmosphere.
The temple of Nashkel is dedicated to Helm, also known as the Watcher or the Vigilant One, an intermediate deity. He is venerated as the god of guardians, protectors and protection. A priest, adorned in a mail coif bearing the symbol of his god, a left gauntlet surmounted by an eye, welcomes me at the entrance. An aura of serenity and benevolence emanates from him.
"Welcome, traveller," he greets me with a warm smile. "I am a healing priest of Helm. How may I assist you today?"
"Greetings, I have come to seek advice from the deity Helm, or rather from his servants. It happens that I recently discovered a manuscript written in an ancient language which explains the gestures to perform to save lives."
The priest seems intrigued.
"A medical manuscript in an ancient language? That is a find of rare preciousness. Even though medical knowledge has greatly evolved over time, it is always beneficial to immerse oneself in the healing methods of the ancestors. We could no doubt help you to translate and understand this manuscript. Servants of Helm are often scholars in ancient languages and we certainly have knowledge of the art of healing, even though we excel mainly in protection. However, this service could require a recompense, depending on the complexity of the task. Can you show me the manuscript in question?"
Fortunately, I thought to bring it with me, along with a few other books not on the same subject. The book is written in French with a glossy paper cover from the other world. Above all, what I seek is to know if French is one of the languages spoken in this world.
The priest takes the manuscript that I hand him, flips through it, and squints.
"I fear this language escapes me. It resembles a complex and structured language. Perhaps a scholar or mage specialised in ancient languages could help you. However, the temple of Helm could attempt to use a Comprehend Languages spell to read and translate this manuscript, although it might take time and require certain compensation for the use of the spell and the time dedicated by our servants. If you agree with this, we could begin working on the translation."
"In truth, I was hoping that you could tell me the name of this language. For a reason that escapes me, I am able to understand this language." This is a pious lie but I need to learn more, although I lack caution. I continue:
"I am sufficiently proficient in common to translate most of it for you."
This is another lie; I speak both languages perfectly. I continue:
"If you wish, I can give you a summary of the teachings of this book? That would spare you having to resort to a spell."
The priest seems interested in my proposal.
"Oh, really? Well, that would be splendid. We would like to learn more about the teachings of this book. It is always a blessing to acquire new knowledge, especially those that could help save lives. If you are willing to share your knowledge with us, we would be delighted to listen."
He then leads me to a quieter corner of the temple where I can comfortably sit and start explaining the main concepts of the book. While I speak, the priest takes notes and occasionally asks questions to clarify certain points. He seems to appreciate my willingness to share this information and thanks me several times for my generosity.
His incessant thanks for my "generosity" begin to irritate me. Every service has a price, if not in gold, then in support. But will this priest understand that?
"Sir, ... I fear you haven't shared your name with me. This book comes from an ancient order of healers who welcomed all strata of society and healed the rich and the poor without distinction. Isn't such a practice in opposition to the customs and traditions of temples?"
The priest seems a little surprised by my question.
"My name is Nalin," he replies.
"As for your question, I believe I understand your thinking. It's true that in some temples, healing services are provided in exchange for gifts or offerings. However, this is not an immutable rule, and there are many priests and priestesses who tirelessly help the needy without demanding anything in return. Here, in Nashkel, we follow the precepts of Helm, and we firmly believe that every life is precious and deserves to be saved. Donations are, of course, appreciated, but they are never a prerequisite for receiving help."
He affords himself a pause, before continuing:
"However, I am truly delighted to find that the book you discovered conveys a philosophy so akin to ours. The world needs more healers like those described in your book. I am convinced that we could benefit greatly from these teachings."
"What would you say to restoring this order of healers? The NGO, or rather, the Order of the Red Cross." I asked.
Nalin, appears surprised, yet nevertheless intrigued by my proposition. "Restoring the Order of the Red Cross... That is a bold idea, undeniably. We could certainly accomplish a great deal of good through such an order. However, it would demand time, resources, and sincere, deep commitment. It would not be an easy task."
He falls silent, pondering my proposition.
"However, before we discuss this in further detail, I would like to know... what do you expect in return? What is your interest in all of this?"
I offer him a smile.
"What I expect from you is unconditional support for my future projects. Furthermore, I would like to receive an honourable mention on the temple walls as an eminent donor. Nothing more."
Nalin, slowly nods, examining me with new appreciation. "Your support for such a project is noble, and we would be delighted to recognise you as a foremost benefactor. As for your request for support... we are always willing to assist those who work for the greater good. Tell me, what is this project you have in mind?"
I afford myself a moment of reflection, though in reality I am mentally asking Aura to help me find a way to obtain funds from this man and this project.
[In order to obtain financial resources within the scope of this project, you could consider the following options:
Soliciting donations: You can encourage the temple's faithful and the inhabitants of Nashkel to donate money to support the foundation of this order of healers. A well-conducted fundraising campaign could gather a considerable sum of money.
Temple funding: If Priest Nalin and the rest of the clergy are truly interested in this project, they might be willing to invest a portion of the temple's resources. This could include a direct contribution in gold, as well as resources such as premises, medical supplies, and even staff to help train future healers.
Fee-based healing services: Once the order is established, it could offer healing services to citizens in exchange for some compensation. This could be a sustainable way to finance the order in the long run.
Requesting grants from wealthy patrons: Nashkel and the surrounding towns might harbour wealthy individuals or organisations who would be interested in supporting such a project. You could try convincing them to invest in the creation of the order of healers.
Do remember that even if your goal is to obtain financial resources, it is important to preserve your reputation and credibility. Dishonest or deceptive actions could damage your reputation and the perception people have of you, which could make it more difficult to obtain support for your future projects.]
[Information presented by A.U.R.A (Anima Ultra Rationis et Arcanorum)]
"Thank you, Aura", I replied mentally.
"In fact, I envisage several projects. One of them is to restore this order of healers."
I take a brief pause to pique his curiosity.
"But for this, I will need your support to establish this order. Whether it's you or others, it is essential that I meet patrons willing to support the creation of a school of healers linked to this order."
Nalin, seems thoughtful for a moment, then responds:
"That's an ambitious idea, but at the same time, it fits perfectly with our mission to serve and heal. I believe I can help you find patrons among our faithful and within the wider community. The temple also has some resources that it could invest in this endeavour."
He adds:
"In exchange for your generosity in sharing this precious knowledge, we are prepared to support you in your projects. However, I must specify that this support will be within the limits of what is acceptable to our faith and principles. Regarding the honourable mention on the temple walls, I need to discuss it with the rest of the clergy. But, considering your contribution to our mission, I don't see why this would pose a problem."
He thinks for a few moments, then adds:
"With your permission, I will begin to search for potential patrons and plan how we could set up this school of healers. Where may I contact you when I have news?"
I respond to him:
"I reside to the east of Nashkel in a large mill with red bricks. You just have to follow the river to find my home.
I am going to have to be absent for some time. What day is it currently? So that we can agree on an appointment."
I also think I am going to have to translate this manual. I ask Aura if she is able to assist me with this translation. Moreover, I hope that the merchant has been efficient in finding me some sturdy people for the harvests.
[Regarding the translation of the manual, I am fully capable of assisting you in translating it from French to English, or in this case, Common. However, I must remind you that I am not infallible and I cannot do the translation myself, but I can assist you in doing so.
As for your question about the labourers for the harvest, it would probably be wise to return to the merchant to inquire about the situation.]
[Information presented by A.U.R.A (Anima Ultra Rationis et Arcanorum)]
Nalin responds:
"We are on the 15th day of Mirtul, according to the Harptos Calendar. I propose that we meet here, at the temple, in 15 days, on the 30th day of Mirtul. This will give us time to start organising things on our end and let you handle your business. Does that work for you?"
"That's perfect, Nalin. It was a pleasure. Next time, if your faith allows it, we will toast in honour of Helm and this new Order of the Red Cross."
With that, I take my leave and head to the merchant's to inquire about the situation.