Chapter 132 - a master and students

Few days later in the dead of night I was at the bow of the ship I was sitting all the way at the edge my legs was crossed and my eyes were shut meanwhile at the helm was a puppet that had the face of a dragon the mana particles or the arch energy was dense around me as I cultivated so much so that my hair was standing up and my body was glowing normally when people cultivate the glow coming off them would be a single color for each cultivation path and the few who practiced 2 cultivation paths there would be a mix of 2 colors but for me someone who practices all three paths i had a mix of 3 colors but these three colors changed from blue, blood red, green, white, purple and more this showed all the different laws I was proficient in but my body glowed gold with these other colors happening around it this gold clock if you will showed I practiced all three paths the same as the first cultivators but that's a story for another day there wasn't anyone on the deck nor did there need to be I could run this ship by my self with ease but more then that this ship was made to be ran by just a few people it worked best with a lot but it could be ran on just a few so dearing the day Zarock and Ben ran the ship no one was surprised that I named Zarock my first mate, not even Vermillion nor Lotus they all expected this the only one who was surprised was the queen and her daughter Areal Zarock and her relationship started off very shaky but they worked through it and got closer but she still to this day doesn't fully understand Zarocks and mine relationship, for example, she made a big deal about how when Zarock and her was going through there ruff patches Zarock always confided to me and asked me for advice she couldn't understand on how two people who weren't blood could act so close and not be in a relationship she stayed silent for a while till she finally snapped and at a party no less she screamed at Zarock asking if we were in a relationship behind her back we all was confused and when he said we wasnt she then returned yea right then y do you go to him for everything you confide in him way more then you confide in me dont you trust me dont you love me Zarock at that point calmly looked at her and said yes hon I love you I wouldn't be married to you if I didn't do you think I just look at you like and see used goods no when I look at you I see my wife and I take pride in that fact ask anyone where all that I talk about is you cuz your my everything as for Hounds and mine relationship we are brothers we may not be blood but he is my brother are bond was forged in the fire of war I trust him with my life and he trust me with his life this bond has been tested and strangthended in the heat of battle but I dont need to watch my back do you want to know y that is its cuz I know he gots my back and I got his we are blood brothers this is how it is how it is and this is how it will always be hell it was Hound who came up with the plan to get you away from the king she was sceptical but Lotus and Vermillion talked to her after this party and that talk seemed to put her at ease but she still doesn't fully understand are relationship and she wont till she experiences it for herself in these 50 years Zarock made sure to keep her out of danger even though she passed the lion barbarian training with flying colors she was very skilled in her water law and if that wasn't good enough she was also a body cultivator she was half merfolk so the body cultivation technique she chose made her body as flexible and flow like water but she had the punch of a angry wave in a storm Zarock begged me not to bring her into Grave even when she asked I told him it was her choice and he couldn't stop her if she wished to he didn't seem to like that answer so he kept her busy and made sure she didn't see me unless he was with her this was a bit possessive for my taste and I told him my thoughts but he didn't listen but here we are on a ship filled nothing but graves members the only two people that wasnt part of grave was the queen and Areal this annoyed me Areal was a very skilled healer untop of her strength and I am sure Areal felt left out right now cooped up in her room but I couldn't do much but let the problem fix itself and I had a feeling it will fix its self very soon yes very soon hehehe to most people I was just cultivating and I was but I was also using the arch energy around me to sense the area of 500 yards surroundings the ship this naturally meant I could sense everything happening on the ship but most didn't know that and the few who did didn't care this is how I knew the problem was about to salve its self Areal and Zarock was fighting with one another and at this point Areal literally through Zarock out of there room yelling dont come back till your ready to face the truth and she slammed the door in his face Zarock laid there stunned that Areal was able to throw him out for a few minutes but he side sitting up scratching his head mumbling i just want you to be safe my dear y can't you see that I laughed my draconic eyes opening I smiled feeling the ice cold wind hit against my face I stood up on the point smiling o brother you sure are helpless what will you do when I am gone huh and I side and I turned around and walked back onto the ship as I walked I shrugged off my rob it hanged around my waist as tempest appeared on my hip I moved it so it was more comfortable I stopped in the center of the deck smiling lets have some fun and I I started putting on these metal bracelets 2 in each arm and 4 on each leg and even my new tail had one at the end of it the wood deck under me creaked slightly from the wait but I wasn't worried I built this damn ship to survive cannon shots from my artillery guns so it should definitely hold this extra wait how much wait I am glade you asked each bracelet was as heavy as a fully loaded house and garage normally this would be way to much wait for my rank especially for a human but I was neither normal nor was I a human anymore so there's that I started to do many different stretches to keep my body flexible I then rolled my shoulders as 10 new training puppets appeared these puppets looked much more thicker and stronger then the ones I made in the past if I wanted a good training dummy I needed them to be able to last and to put up a challenge or at least give me a bit of a work out but the moment these puppets appeared spirit weapons appeared in there hands and charged at me but the moment my hand gripped Tempest time almost seemed to stop my draconic eyes was glowing as they flashed over them all I could predict  there movement even before the puppets knew them selfs hell the snow even was falling so slowly that I could make out the beautiful patterns on them I unsheathed tempest shooting past them and I sheathed it again tempest slash I mumbled as time resumed and the puppets heads hit the ground there bodies soon following I side and straightened my back as I looked behind me the puppets started to shake and soon the cut off heads shot back into place the puppets jumped to there feet I smiled as I walked into the center of these puppets as I walked I pulled out a black cloth and I tied it around my eyes I could easily looked through this cloth with my draconic eyes but I chose not to sense I wanted to practice I wasn't a fool I new I relied on my draconic eyes way to much and I am sure there will come a day that someone is able to blind me in some way or at least there will come a time where my draconic eyes will not be able to work when that time comes I dont want to be cot on prepared so I trained like this besides this improved the rest of my senses untop of keeping my battle prowess sharp for a worrier like me I am always training always honing my skills I did not believe in perfection nor am I foolish enough to think with my current strength no one can touch me or my family I maybe in the 6 holy spirit rank in all my cultivation and I may be able to fight people a move my rank but I never let my power cloud my mind arrogant is earned not given the only reason I have acted arrogantly in the past is cuz I had the skills to do so I have never underestimated a enemy nor will I ever again after what my old life father and brother did but there's one other thing that separates me from all the other cultivators also its the main reason I ant like them is cuz at heart I am a Hunter not a cultivator and nothing will change that you won't believe how much it work it took to turn all the cultivators in my squad to get rid of the mind set of a cultivator and adopt one of a hunter it was especially hard for the older more powerful ones but at the end if the day they all learned how to think like a hunter so that's good the only people I didn't have to teach this to was Artemis, Porthos and Athos who was hunters like me Porthos really understood me though there is a reason y he is my navigator the man and I became good good friends Athos and I was friends but no where ar near as Porthos and me the man has a very dark past and spend a lot of his time drunk but he was starting to get better the kings Musketeers was starting to show him self more and more every day it might have something to do with Brick hehe the two of them have been dating for a few months now and I think it was good for both of them as for Artemis he was still trying to cort Mercury and failing spectacularly Vermillion and Lotus was particularly hard on the man they always have him very dirty and growling tasks but Artemis did it all with a smile on his face and a yes mam the man was definitely interesting and strong-willed I ducked under a attack as I spun to the side as I felt two attacks just pass over my I then swung Tempest up cutting the hands off a puppet that was about to swing a axe down at me I then ran up springing off it flipping backward kicking this armless puppet in the head as I flipped back I landed on the railing of the ship I felt the wind blows strongly against my that was coming up from the bottom of the ship but I didn't care about the wind I sensed two puppets jump onto the railing on either side of me as one jumped back gaining distance as it did I sensed something flying towards me I swung tempest cutting a arrow out of the air before ducking down a spear just passed over my from the left the puppet that was coming at me from the right got stabbed in the chest by the spear but I used this to my advantage I pushed my self up wrapping my legs around the spear users arm as I swong Temoest cutting the other puppets head it slumped onto the deck I then leaned back down throwing the puppet that my legs was wrapped around at the bow puppet the bow puppet jumped to the side shooting another arrow at me I but it out of the air as I lunged forward towards them my muscles was straining to move at my top speed do to the wait but I gritted my teeth and swung tempest to the side I sensed and felt two heads being cut off I side standing there my eyes still covered my mental map of this ship was telling me I was missing something but I didn't sense any enemies how strange I was using the vibrations in the ground and air to sense the hole ship and the area around the deck but that wasnt the only sense I used o no I used all my senses except for sight to help me see sound touch sent and even taste yes taste my forked tongue could taste many things in the air like heat sent and even arch energy i side sheathing tempest as I pulled off the cloth around my eyes saying y don't you come on out you two I can sense you shit I heard someone say but Artemis walked out rubbing the back of his head embarrassedly sorry about that Hound I just have never seen you train before so I was curious so I stayed to watch I rolled my eyes saying yea right I sensed your eyes on me sense I got on to the ship so whatever you got to ask just ask for it Artemis side damn it of course you senses my eyes but ok I will just come out and say it and he walked in front of me and kneeled down bowing his head saying train sir I want to be your subordinate I was stunned hearing this he wasn't me to be his master normally cultivators pledge them selfs to a sect after that they would then chose a master to both train and learn under but it was way more complicated then that a subordinate learns and trains in the same techniques as there master plus choosing a master is a very big chose since you're putting your future cultivation power in the hands of your master and that's if they give you there hole techniques to train in it takes people years to choose a master and to be accepted by that person could take even longer Fjord took Zarock as his subordinate when he found him and normally its very common for a subordinate to be married into there masters family ones they reach the late gold or early holy spirit rank but there was a very big problem with taking a subordinate they are seen as your student or even children in some cases this means for example if I agree to be Artemis master and he some where down the line fights against another subordinate of a different master and he kills that subordinate there's a very good possibility that that master will come searching for Artemis for killing his student and as Artemis master it would be my job to protect him and a fight will happen sooner or later between me and that other master and I either kill or badly wound that master, either way, they're a very big chance that master sect would declare war on my sect do to me killing or wounding one of there powerful members did I care about this sort of thing no not really let them fuckers come there souls will taste but back on topic I looked down to Artemis who still had his head lowered and on one knee I side enough Artemis I am no king look into my eyes boy when asking for something Artemis shook at my words and with a shaking body he slowly looked up into my eyes I seen fear and conflict in his eyes I could tell he was second guessing his request I nodded good I assume you know what sort of thing your asking of me right he nodded yes sir I do I nodded that's good y did you ask me this I have already gone through two hellish training first to be a lion barbarian and to join our ranks I may not have trained you all in my cultivation techniques but I trained you all in my fiscal skills and with how I see the world I developed both your body skills and minds so you can be free to train in any cultivation techniques you want so y do you want me to be your master when I am already your caption if this is cuz of Murcery you should stop here I don't mind you trying to win my daughters heart hell I encourage it having something to strive for is a great thing but to be my student that won't be nearly enough I use three techniques that ant for the weak hearted take my body strengthening technique  for example I am the only being in this world who can us it its call giants might it gives its user the strength of a giant many people have tried to cultivate with the giants techniques but they all either died in a brutal way or want insane from the pain as for my other two techniques hahaha dont bet me started on them my soul technique repairs you to face the beast inside of you and become one with it like we are but that last part didn't come from me my face turned into a beastly snark or was it a grain who knows and one eye glowed with a green fire as it looked more wolf like wall the other was glowing with a orange flame and my eye was more fox-like fear spread across Artemis face as he yelped asking who are you my voice changed to that of the fox as I chuckled o the little boy doesn't know what we are how cute we are Hound or more specifically we are Hounds soul beasts my voice then changed to the Hound indeed everyone has a beast inside of them we are Hounds beasts you have one to hahaha I am sure it is a pretty nasty one seeing how obsessive you are with our daughter then fox spoke hehehe yea boy not just I can smell sin coming from people and you reak of it holy man hehehe Artemis eyes narrowed hearing those words you know he asked confused hound responded of course we did kid look at our body what do you see Artemis looked my body over his eyes going a bit wide seeing all of my scares that's right boy we was ones served under the church like you we did terrible things in the name of love but in the end we left the church and started a family but sadly for us the church didn't like how one of its best assassins just up and left so the angels burned are family and brain washed us we was not even able to barry our old family so yes boy we knew what you was the moment we seen you Artemis clinched his hand asking y then y did you welcome me into your home y train me y allow me to pursue your daughter if you know my hands are stand with the blood of innocence y welcome a hound of the church into your home from what you have said you should hate the church and the angels with all your might and soul so y I chuckled this time I spoke in my normal voice that is cuz Artemis y shouldn't I welcome a man who has a similar past as me and who also hates the church and angels as much as me when you join Grave Artemis we do not care for your passed we will welcome you with open arms we expect all but rapist and cereal killers and that last one all depends sense many of us have butchered, burned, and tortured are enemies as for the innocent blood on your hands I shrugged most of us can't take either I didn't make a squad of good people Artemis I made a squad of monsters cuz good people are weak they ant scared to ask for help but what if that help goes against there morals what if I give a good person a knife and put the person that harmed someone they loved very dearly and I told that good person to have there fun and take there time most people couldn't do what I ask do to there morals no matter how angry s good person can be they could never do something so cruel with there own hands I have no such restrictions neither do the people in my Squad cuz at the end of the day I would rather be the evil person then a good guy so I ask you again Artemis y do you want to be my student Artemis thought about it and stood up saying its cuz I want to stand next to you daughter I want to be worthy ones more I want to prove it to my self that I can do it besides if I become your student I can protect my brothers I laughed looking to the second person I sensed but now there was a 3 person let me guess you two want the same thing Athos and Porthos walked up the stairs and stood next to Artemis Porthos nodding yes sir we I want to get stronger and I won't except no one but you as my master cuz like us your a ascender Athos nodded ones more mate your damn fine warrior it would be our lucky day if you excepted us I laughed looking over them saying a drunk, a child of slavery and a ex church assassin mmm yes I think I will become your master but be warned hell is the least of your worries hell it would be like a sunny day at the beach if you become my students cuz you will not only be representing are Sect and squad but you will be representing me also so I won't stand anything but the best from my students you should be prepared to bleed brake and even destroy your body for power do you understand they nodded yes master I laughed fine I Hound ace cult expect Artenis, Porthos and Athos as my first students the three smiled at one another but they all took a few step back when they seen my demonic grin let us get started I laughed but to them that laugh was that of a devil I through them similar bracelets to mine saying put these on but the moment they cot them Athos and Artemis slid back from the wait of the rings Porthos cot the rings and slid back also but he stayed standing unlike Athos and Artemis who was on the ground struggling to push off the rings I side saying really you two those are the lightest waits fine I guess its body strengthing for the two of you and I walked forward and helped them put on the waits they slowly got into a lotus position and they closed there eyes I placed my hand on the back of there heads and I closed my eyes and I activated my body strengthening technique and soon the familiar sound of clanking metal and the heat of fire hit my senses I opened my eyes smiling soon the clanking metal stopped and many huge heads peered into the fire seeing me o welcome back Hunter and whats this who are the chumps in front of you I laughed seeing Artemis and Athos sweating and slightly squirming do to the fire they are my student my friends they wished to get stronger so I ask you please forge there body they all smiled and laughed there laughed sounded like thunder sure Hunter any student you send our way we will happily give them our blessing and love I laughed nodding then I leave them in your capable hands they all nodded and before I left I yelled cuz its a sparks a flying boom I was gone I opened my eyes ss I pulled my hand from there heads I chuckled seeing there bodies start to turn red and even a bit of blood came from Artemis nose I looked to Porthos as for you it's combat training and then you will cultivate he nodded I through him a training stick I then pulled out mine and with one hand behind my back I slowly walked towards him I had a huge demonic grin spread across my face as I walked.