Chapter 21 - The gifts

I started reading and I must admit my old self definitely had a interesting way of looking at the world but after a while Triss came down saying it was dinner time I nodded put away my book and claimed out of the hole with her we walked into the house and we all eat as a family which we hadn't done for a while but after dinner we want to bed and like that a week quickly passed the house was lively before with only 5 of us in it but with 4 more there wasn't a dull moment in these 7 days I hadn't just worked and trained but I had dualed against Duke and Jenifer well Duke and I wasn't really dualing I just wanted him to show me the basics of dual knife fighting as for Jenifer she wanted to test me since she also used a spear and I must say it was a hard fight but in the end we tide as for Lucy she helped me with my swordsmanship as for Rose she didn't stop wanting to fight against me so we dualed every damn day but they all ended in one thing my victor Rose relied way to much on overwhelming her opponent there wasn't no strategy or anything she was like a beast but unlike her, I used both strategy and fast overwhelming strikes if she fought like a beast gone crazy I fought like a old demon using both my brain and brawn so I had are uncle give her some tips sense I heard there fighting style was similar when I had time I worked on the chain cross blade but when my stuff arrived on the second day I got started on two new weapons the first was a lever action rifle that shot 444 which was a straight-walled cartridge this rifle was a harder hitter then a 3030 and had pretty good range this rifle can hold 5 round plus one in the chamber the bullets was silver tipped of course but not just that I dipped all of the tips in the holy water I had plus I used some of the black root sap that I had I mixed that sap with a few more ingredients before dipped my bullets in it but adding all this together there was one more surprise it was a fire rune at the tip of the bullets as for my second weapon it was a colt single action revolver with a fanning hammer chambered in .45 bullet I used the holy water and the sap mix plus the runes on these bullets as well I was working on a back holster for it that I could put on my belt I had already made a sling for the rifle for each gun I made about 300 special rounds and 300 normal bullets I didn't think I would need the normal ammo but one never knows I had also been reading my old life hunters journals but I still had a lot to go it was the last day that my siblings would be where I was laying in bed cuddling with a warm pillow which was Triss, Duke and Jenifer was staying in are room sense we had a extra bed wall Lucy and Rose stayed in the guest bedroom, to be honest, I don't care that my brother and his girlfriend stayed in Triss and I room but we all came to a silent agreement no fucking or sexual shit in the room if you wanted to do that go anywhere but here it was a easy rule I woke up at my normal time before the son comes up I got up I dressed my self opened the window walked onto the roof closing the window behind be I walked to the edge of the roof and jumped off of it when I landed on the ground I used my lighting to flash in front of Eant as I did that I smelled the area I had broke through another gate this one was my 5 senses gate yesterday and I must say it was useful I could smell as good or better then a bloodhound and this was only one of my senses Eant was already off the trap door I simple opened it and claimed down I quickly got to work finishing my back holster after that I started on the chain cross blade again and I must say completely forging a blade in the shape of a cross then putting all the little details on it making it look pretty I made most of it out of Damascus wall the cross and blade edges was made from silver wall I used gold to draw my runes I did this with my metal control I was a lot better then I was when I first got this skill but I also used my hands at the same time carving and painting these runes was very important, especially for someone with define powers I asked what runes they wanted on it and I was a little shocked but didn't complain when they told me the runes and how the runes needed to be made from gold it wasn't just the blade that got runes put on it no the hole thing did I even made a silver and black metal sheath that could hide the blade in public making it look like a normal big cross after I was done drawing all of the runes it was time for the last part I walked over to the barrel of hi grade holy water and put the chain cross blade into the water when the weapon hit the bottom of the tub the runes slowly started to glow I nodded and turned around and left it alone I walked to my work table which had my half complete holster on it I sat down on my stool and started working on it and it didn't take me long to finish it after I was done I put it on my belt I pulled the revolver out from my soul space I pulled the hammer half back and opened the loading gate and moved the cylinder when I did it made a clicking noise I made sure it was fully loaded with my supernatural bullets I then closed the loading gate put the hammer back down spun the revolver on my right hand finger and I holstered it and walked out of the room I was walking to the ladder when I noticed something out of the corner of my eye I turned and looked at the blanket and pillow with the bottles around it I walked over picked up the blanket and moved it off of a old warn brown cowboy hat that had a rattlesnake skin over a warn leather strip wrapped around it I picked up this hat I brushed off the dust on it so that's where I left you huh I must have bad one hell of a hangover if I forgot my hat o well I got it now let's go and like that I turned around with one hand I moved my longish hair back and put my hat on I hadn't noticed but the beginning of a black and red beard had started I climbed out of my hole and started my day like always my mom walked out of the house and we started my training at this point I could confutable fight 3 dummies at the same time but my mother had me fighting against 7 dummy's that could is chakra skills like one through a fireball at me wall another could control the ground to a certain extent but these skills varied and wasn't the same each time we fought and today wasn't different after I was done fighting Rose walked out challenging me to a deal even though I was out of breath I excepted and even me being exhausted I still won against her the fight just took a bit longer and she had gotten a lot after that we want inside and for breakfast as a family I sat down with my sausage, toast, and eggs and started digging in wall, my uncle and dad scrolled through the news seeing if there was anything new wall Duke, Jenifer, Rose and Lucy was looking at there phones scrolling through there orders and the information of the mission wall Triss was reading through a old looking thick book as for my mother she was on her phone as well but she wasn't looking through any news or anything no she was looking through the fucking black market weapons she specifically was looking at heavy machine guns I was the only one who was just eating my Mom glanced over to me asking Hunter dear y ant you looking through your orders I raised a eyebrow mom I am still a small business I don't got many orders she shrugged you never know and she was right so I pulled out my laptop and clicked into my orders and I did have one request it was from someone called Onna Musha as for what they wanted I was a little shocked they wanted a katana made out of an asteroid that they had they said they had gone and talked to many other smiths and craftsmen but most didn't think they could use it for anything so they understood if I couldn't as well here is a picture of the asteroid and what I saw made my eyes go wide it was a huge black rock that had red dots on it Triss looked up from her book and seen the picture and her eyes want wide as well I quickly recovered and excepted the order I sent them a email asking them to send me the asteroid I also asked what chakra elements they used and if they wanted anything unique on the guard or handle I quickly got a email back they asked can you really do this??? I sample replied yes but it will use much of the asteroid if you're ok with that I looked over to Triss who was about to say something but I simply winked at her and she rolled her eyes and want back to reading I looked at the next massage I got from Onna musha they said I am fine with that I will ship it over it should be there tomorrow as for my chakra elements wind and shadow mostly one other thing can you make a wakizashi out of the left overs?? I simply said yes and ok I will be waiting and is this a rush job? I quickly finished my breakfast after I did I looked up reading the next massage great and yes I would appreciate it to receive these weapons as soon as possible I don't care about how much it will cost money is the left of my worries thank you and have a nice day I closed my laptop and pulled out Mauler smiling well old friend it would seem you will be splitting some strong metal soon Rose rolled her eyes saying thats weird y are you talking to that weapon I smiled chuckling hi this weapon has a name it's called Mauler and didn't you know if you talk and take care of your weapons they will never fail you almost everyone at the table nodded except for Rose she was shocked asking really there's no way my mom laughed saying it's true for example I call my 50 cal Bety and she and I have a very good relationship my dad nodded indeed my shotgun has two names the first everyone knows the make and model as the trench gun as for me I call her Lucille she has been my dirty girl for 20 something years now my uncle nodded indeed I got Sharmaine who hasn't failed me yet I chuckled saying indeed she served me well Rose looked to Jenifer with pleading eyes please tell me you see the craziness in this hole thing right Jenifer chuckled no I agree with them all you should always us and get to know your weapons and if they find a name they like so be it Duke nodded Rose looked over to Triss with pleading eyes Triss shrugged saying I walk to two ravens and talk wall I am drawing tattoos and new magic circles so I understand what there saying Rose was stunned I chuckled wall Rose is digesting all of that do any of you know anyone by Onna musha my dad slowly lowered his coffee cup looking at me asking y and how do you know that name I shrugged someone just made a order and that was there name and they said money wasn't a worry with them so that means there either rich or this weapon means so much to them that there willing to pay any price my dad side but Lucy answered its more shocking that you don't know about them but seeing you have only just awakened and have been brought into the sticks I guess that's to be expected the Musha family is one of the big three family in Japan but the Masha family specialize in hunting yokays and oni's and there damn good at it to this Onna musha must be a member of this family cuz no ones that foolish to us the Musha family name oni's and spirits huh how fun I said smiling my uncle side saying fun more like a pain in the ass my dad laughed come on Samuel are you still agree you got played by a 2 tail fox huh my uncles frowned angrily yea I am and I got every right to be don't act like you wouldn't be angry if it happened to you my dad laughed saying something like that did happen to me remember the sirens my uncle smiled at that yea I remember you almost kissed one luckily I was there to blow it's face off before you embarrassed your self, even more, my dad side chuckling hold up what the hell you almost kissed a siren Rose yelled my dad shrugged saying if you think I am bad your older brother had sex with 5 girls who had mermaid blood what Rose and Duke yelled turning to me and standing up out of there chair I shrugged smiling but Triss laughed saying that ant the only supernatural thing he has slept with trust me Meg could smell them all on him he even slept with a few demigods and I think the worst one was a gods damn lizard woamn I still have no idea how you didn't notice the scales or how you survived but here we are I simple shrugged again no shame or anything on my face to be honest I have no idea how I didn't notice the scales either till now but actually looking back she was actually really nice and gentle with me for someone of her kind I still got thrown around and it was definitely a little ruff but who cares about that I then looked to Triss saying indeed look where I am I am dating a very powerful and hot sorceress and I plan on making her other friends mine as well I guess I do got a type Triss simple laughed wall Rose and Duke was dumfounded wall my parents simple smiled to each other Lucy didn't seem to care either way wall my uncle had a proud smile time quickly passed I spent most of my time today in the attic not for the books but for the alchemy tools I wanted to make a few mixtures for my smithing and rune drawing but I also wanted to make a few bottles of poison and low level heath potions after a while Duke came up and started watching me work I simple slid him three vials two of them had a dark black liquid in it wall the other was orange looking what are these he asked picking them up I shrugged they are gifts the two black vails has a deadly poison in it that could even kill supernatural creatures wall the other one is a vail for spirits cot this on anything and you can hit the spirit plus all three have silver dust and garlic powder in it so if you run into a vampire or something don't be scared to us them Duke nodded and touched one onto his belt wall he put the rest into his soul space thank you brother I simple waved my hand no need for that Duke just don't die and spread my company's name around that's all the thanks I need Duke nodded but then my mom yelled up the stairs boys lunch is ready I yelled back coming I picked up 12 more of these vails and looked to Duke saying shall we he nodded we got are food and sat down to eat as a family which my be the last time for a while after we was done I gave Jenifer, Rose and Lucy 3 fails each and I told them that I told Duke Jenifer was shocked but graciously accepted them wall Rose quickly took them thanking me over and over wall Lucy simple grabbed them said thanks and pocked them I simple nodded no need for your thanks jaut don't die out there and maybe spread my business name around that's all the thanks I need and if you need help don't be scared to call me I will be happy to kill a few creatures or people if the pay is right Duke and Lucy laughed at my words wall Rose rolled her eyes Jenifer simple smiled chuckling at my words this reminds me Lucy said we all got a gift for you from your big sister I gift you these and she pulled out two 1911 she placed them in front of me I picked up both pistols in both hands they was just two normal pistols but I didn't mind this means I can customize them any way I want she also put two boxes of ammo in front of me and two mags for each pistol I smiled there perfect sis thank you Lucy smiled proudly Duke stood up next this is from Jenifer and I both and he pulled out a black leather gun belt that had two holsters on each side there was also two spots on the belt for the mags the holsters even had leg straps but what stood out to me was the belt buckle it was that of a dragon skull he threw the belt at me I cot it with one hand standing up I took off my revolver holster from my normal belt and I put it on my gun belt I then pulled on the belt I even did the leg straps I then put my mags in there holders the last thing was my two 1911 I picked them up and holstered them on either side I smiling at the familiar, feeling weight and feeling of the gun belt it felt right Duke nodded sat back down smiling Rose then spoke I made these for you and she stand up and throw me two dark leather gauntlets I cot them both and put them on tightening the strings in them and I must say she did a pretty good job I looked up to her smiling good job sis it would seem I ant the only one who is skilled in crafting Rose blushed yelled shut up and sat back down embarrassedly we all chuckled at her reaction, Lucy looked at her watch saying it's time yall she stood up hugged me saying don't die, little brother, and be careful I chuckled same to you sis she nodded hugged Triss whispered something to her which I heard she simple said watch after him Triss nodded to her Lucy then hugged mom and Dad wall I turned to Duke I reached out a hand for him he took it and we want for a bro hug I then looked to Jenifer who just got done hugging Triss take care of this dummy will you I know he can be a headache something Duke said hi but Jenifer laughed saying don't worry I will I nodded I then turned to Rose who just got done hugging uncle I simple raised my fist for a first bump she smiled and punched my fist you all be safe out there watch your backs I said they simple nodded and started walking out we followed them out side and we watched them drive away I lowered my hand from waving I looked down to my new pistols smiling it's about time I start practicing and I will definitely need to make way more .45 ammo I quickly walked inside and got a paper plat I drew a circle in the middle of it I then walked outside walked back outside and around the house and put this homemade target up on a huge stump we had just for this I pulled one of the many nails off it and put up this target I then walked about 20 foot back and pulled out ear protection from my soul space and like that, I started sitting in all of my guns starting with the pistols I only needed to shoot 7 shots till all of my guns was sited in I waved my hand and all the spent casings flew up into my hand as I turned around pulling off my ear protection and started walking back to the house I got to the screen door when I heard someone walking behind me to my right I quickly turned around my hands on my guns and walking up are drive way was a old lady in very normal clothes but she reminded me a lot of Meg so I guessed this was her grandmother or something my hands didn't leave my guns though better to be safe then sorry this woman looked to be in her late 70 maybe early 80 but she was straight back and walking just fine hell she definitely didn't look that old but it was common knowledge that supernatural creature live a lot longer than humans if they get the chance this woman didn't feel weak either she smiled to me when she cot closer but I spoke that's far enough miss I haven't been told we was expecting guessed so excuse my cautiousness the lady smiled nodding indeed you have every right to be cautious but I am here to speak with you so this is perfect first introduction I am Shorly spin green you met both my husband and my oldest son both have the name Sobek I nodded my body loosened hearing that but I still kept a hand on one of my pistols it's a pleasure mam and I tipped my hat I am Hunter Colt but you already knew that she nodded indeed I got a message from my husband he wishes for you to be at his house next Friday you will stay with us before we head out to the tribe meeting you can only bring 2 people with you I smiled asking tell me true miss is war likely Shorly side nodding indeed it definitely looks that way but don't worry dear we got many allies and are enemy doesn't I laughed I ant worried man you miss understand me the thought of war brings a smile to my face but even so and my smile faded I won't underestimate are enemy the pigs may not got allies but there numbers are great and there not scared to us every dirty trick in there power I fight fire with fire, planning and making as much fear and chaos as I can and if that means I got to us some dirty tricks of my own so be it tell the elder he can expect me next week she nodded thank you and have a nice day and she was about to turn around when I said hold on I got one quick question Shorly stopped and looked at me nodding and I knew that was a sign to continue so I quickly asked how is Meg taking all of this Shorly was shocked but smiled she was shocked when we told her what you did but she is reading her self for war just like everyone else and she is excited to sink her fangs into some little pigs I laughed nodded thank you mam she nodded and started walking off I walked inside and told everyone what just happened my mom was shocked wall my uncle and father wasn't surprised so who is going with him my mom asked I assume we are right and she looked to my father I shook my head no I chose and if either of you come with me you will over protect me way to much and try and stop me from joining in the talks or if something happens I don't need that headache so Triss and uncle will be coming with me my mom stood up angrily no me or your father hast to go I side saying see what I mean overprotective I am sorry to say this mom but you will not always be there to protect me i must learn how to protect my self training is good but in real combat where your life is on the line is where you learn and grow my mom was frowning at this point she looked over to my father who had a complicated expiration but he side he is right besides the elder gave him the choice who he wanted to bring besides he isn't going to be alone and Samuel knows more about the families in these woods better then I do I have been gone for to long my mom glared at him but through her hands up into the air fine fine you fucking win gods damn it and she sat back down and glared at me but I didn't care I smiled besides 5 of us I think we will be fine my dad was shocked you plan on bringing Hera and Selence with you I nodded indeed Hades and Deimos are still to young or I would bring them with us as well besides you know be I like to be prepared and I pulled out one of my poison vails this is a deadly poison that I made lets just say if any creature gets this poison in there body very bad things will start to happy most humans would be dead probably in a few minutes at best wall it all depends on the supernatural creature we are talking about and how powerful they are and all my silver bullets have been roller in this poison wall also being quenches in hi level holy water and if this wasn't over kill I put a fire rune on it so this bullet explored ones it gets inside the body I put way this vail my dad uncle and mother all was gaping at me wall Triss chuckled yep that's my man alright the embodiment of over kill or fuck around and find out I smiled at my family saying what you didn't think I would go to this meeting with only my training did you my mom cleared her throat embarrassedly wall my dad simple looked away as for my uncle he was chuckling to him self you all did didn't you damn what do I look like a damn fool or what a glaive is mighty so is a sword or a gun but nothing can beat a mix of strategy and over kill aka if villains doesn't solve your problem your simple ant using enough my dad cleared his throat I stood up rolling my eyes excuse me I got to go and make some antidotes to my poison and some heath potions bye and I walked up stairs Triss followed me I got to work on my stuff wall she started reading another book.