Chereads / A Shinobi of Paradis / Chapter 19 - Captain Cat Boy!

Chapter 19 - Captain Cat Boy!

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Chapter 20 (An Accident), Chapter 21 (Who is the Traitor?), Chapter 22 (Melting the Frozen Heart), Chapter 23 (Growing Stronger), Chapter 24 (A Demon Revealed), and Chapter 25 (You are still You) are already available for Patrons.


As Naruto and Annie stumbled into the makeshift campsite, collapsing onto the dusty ground beneath them, Naruto managed to gasp out the words, "I-I hate Shadis." They had been running for what felt like an eternity, with scarcely a moment's rest, under the searing heat of the midday sun that beat down upon him like a relentless hammer. Naruto couldn't even remember the last time he had trained for so long or pushed himself to such limits. His shirt was drenched in sweat, clinging uncomfortably to his back, and his face was still flushed and red from the day's exertion.

Annie was trying to catch her breath, almost falling on her knees in exhaustion. Despite her training, running the whole day wasn't exactly something anyone could do and not get tired.

"W-We both agree on that." Annie managed to say, still breathing heavily.

Suddenly, the silence was broken by the sound of footsteps, causing them both to turn their heads in unison. Emerging from the shadows were Krista and Ymir.

Krista and Ugly Freckles were each carrying a heavy load. In their arms, they held loaves of bread that were still warm from the oven, giving off an enticing aroma that made Naruto's and Annie's stomachs rumble. Water-filled skin bottles dangled from their fingers, reflecting the moon's dim light like crystal. The sight of their friends and the promise of fresh bread and water was a welcome relief to Naruto and Annie.

Krista, with a gentle smile on her face, approached Annie and Naruto with a sense of urgency, carrying a basket filled with food for their growling stomachs and skin bottles filled with cool, refreshing water for their parched throats. "I brought you both food and water," Krista said warmly, holding out the basket and the bottle skin. Annie eagerly snatched the bottle skin from her arms, taking a long sip to quench her thirst. Meanwhile, Naruto, who had been sitting on the ground, stood up and immediately enveloped Krista in a big hug, grateful for her timely arrival and the comforting embrace of a friend.

"Krista, my dear, you are truly an angel that has graced us with your presence. Your kindness and compassion have saved us, peasants, from certain doom." He couldn't help but chuckle as he watched the blonde girl blush, her cheeks turning a bright shade of pink. Ymir, on the other hand, growled loudly, clearly not amused by the way Naruto was hugging her Krista.

"Speak for yourself, peasant," Annie commented with a brief smile as she was drinking water like a starving woman.

"Back off, stupid cat. She's mine." Ymir growled, pushing Naruto back before putting a protecting arm around Krista as if trying to protect her from Naruto's craziness.

"Ever heard of 'Sharing is caring'" Naruto japed with a teasing grin. Ymir growled at him, slowly approaching him in a menacing manner that only made Naruto smile as she loomed over him, both their foreheads crashing against each other.

"Well, whoever said that was a moron. Taking care of yourself is much better." Ymir exclaimed right in front of his face.

Annie watched silently as Naruto and Ymir started bickering like little kids while Krista was acting like a mother, chastising them for bickering with each other. She found the situation funny, to think such a fighter like Naruto could act like a child.

Annie found it amusing and funny. A small smile spread on her face before it disappeared instantly as she remembered her father's words from years ago.

"Never feel for your enemy. Think of them as bags of flesh and bones. They're your enemy. They have no faces. No feelings. No loved ones are waiting for them. No one cares for bags of flesh and blood. That is what an enemy is."

Remembering her father's words, Annie stood up, dropping the skin bottle that still held water inside, ready to walk away and inside the girl's domain.

"Annie, stay with us. We would appreciate your company." Naruto's friendly voice reached her ears. She just wanted to walk away and ignore the idiot.

"Speak for yourself, blonde cat; Krista is the only company I need," Ymir said, giving the blonde girl a side hug.

Without looking at him. "No. See you later, Naruto." Annie answered with an ice-cold tone before walking inside the girl's domain.

"Good night, Annie." She heard him say as she closed the wooden door. She quickly found her bed and just threw herself in it.

Back at Naruto, he looked slightly dejected when he felt Krista placing her hand on his shoulder.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine," he quickly said, dismissing her words before deciding to change the subject as he turned to face Krista and Ymir.

"So what happened while Shadis told us to run like slaves?" Naruto changed the subject as he turned to face Ymir and Krista. The tall, freckles girl narrowed her eyes at him.

"Why do you care if Annie wanted to go? If she doesn't like to spend time with anyone, then that's her problem." Ymir asked instead, wondering why Naruto wanted the cold blonde girl to stay.

"I think it would be good for Annie if she has a friend or two." Naruto answered casually with a bright smile. Krista nodded in full agreement with a bright smile.

"Forget about me. Thank you for bringing me food. I always knew you loved me, ugly freckles." Naruto said to Ymir with a teasing smirk. Krista giggled as Ymir growled at the stupid boy cat, her eyebrows twitching in annoyance.

"Next time, I will let you starve." Ymir proclaimed as Naruto and Krista laughed at her annoyed face.

Soon they were greeted by Mikasa and Eren, both carrying more food for Naruto. "Wasn't Annie running with you?" Eren questioned as he looked around, noticing that the blonde girl was nowhere to be seen.

"The sleeping beauty went to sleep, Eren." Ymir said teasingly, Eren rolled his eyes as he handed the bread he had saved for Naruto to him, but his little brother always being generous, still give some to Krista and Ymir.

"Thank you, Naruto." Krista said with a cute smile adoring her face, Mikasa and Eren sat beside their little brother. Soon they started discussing about every day things, like Naruto's desire to plant trees and being a wonderful gardener, much to Krista's satisfaction, who quickly started talking about a certain flower she had back home. Soon they all went to sleep.


"Today, you will start your ODM Exercises. Unlike what we did a month ago, this time the training is different. In the forest, we have put mannequins with sandbags around their bodies, mostly around their knees, arm muscles, and most important, nape." Shadis exclaimed to the sea of 250 cadets in front of them, all of them listening intently; Naruto was standing beside Krista, and Ymir, the tall freckles girl, was clearly not paying much attention.

"It doesn't matter how good you are. If you can't work on a team, then you're doomed to fail. This is why you all will be split into teams with five members each. Your goal is to earn as many points as possible. Each sandbag will earn your team a certain amount of points, with the bag around the nape having the most amount of points but is the hardest to cut through. You will start in ten minutes." Shadis shouted before someone gave him a notebook. He started reading the names that would be on which team.

Eventually, he reached Naruto's Team. "Team Wolf will be Naruto Yeager, Ymir, Krista Lenz, Sasha Blouse, and Mikasa Ackerman," The moment he said that, Naruto told everyone on his team to gather together.

"Very well, we need to plan before we go inside and fly around like a headless chicken," Naruto whispered, his voice barely audible. Sasha and Krista nodded their agreement while Mikasa remained silent, but Naruto knew she was listening to his every word like she always did. Ymir appeared to be the most skeptical. Her arms crossed and a furrowed brow.

"What is there to plan, cat boy?" Naruto gave her a deadpan look for the nickname but didn't interrupt her.

"We just go for the nape of each mannequin we come across," Ymir finished with a casual voice as if the answer was obvious to everyone.

"That's exactly what we shouldn't do," Naruto said right away, much to the surprise of his whole team. They all leaned closer to listen to what he wanted to say.

"If that was the case, then why are we even split up into teams? Remember that Shadis said that alone all of us would die out there before mentioning that points were everything. He said that way so that those that are not good enough will completely ignore the part about 'working together' and go for the nape of every mannequin they see." Naruto explained. This earned a look of understanding from his team, especially Mikasa, whose eyes flickered at someone beyond their team. Naruto followed where her eyes were looking and noticed she was looking at Eren.

"What is your plan then? Captain Cat Boy?" Ymir's voice was filled with playful mockery as she threw a teasing grin at Naruto. The nickname didn't seem to faze Naruto as he smiled back, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

"The plan is simple ugly freckles-"

Ten Minutes Later

"Start!" Shadis exclaimed, using a speaker. Everyone started using their ODM Gear to fly inside the forest; Naruto was in the front, Mikasa was behind him, and Ymir, Krista, and Sasha were in the middle, his blue eyes scanning the forest for any sign as they kept moving using their ODM Gear.

As Naruto's eyes scanned the surrounding area, he quickly noticed the first target - a mannequin that was cleverly concealed behind a tall tree. With a quick flick of his finger, he fired his wire and expertly guided the hook to pierce the bark of the tree. As the hook secured its hold, Naruto deftly pressed the trigger on his ODM Gear, feeling the gas surge propel him forward with a burst of speed. The wind roared in his ears as he soared towards his target, his eyes fixed on the mannequin as it slowly came into view.

"Ymir, Krista." He shouted from above at the two girls who launched themselves towards the imposing mannequin, their bodies twisting and turning in the air as they expertly maneuvered their way toward their target. With a swift pull of their blades, they positioned themselves at the knees of the mannequin, ready to strike, while their teammates, Naruto and Sasha, positioned themselves above the shoulders, their eyes fixed on the target.

' The sandbags around the knees are the easiest, Krista and Ymir. That's your job, only one strike. We don't have the luxury of trying a second time on the same mannequin. '

With a look of determination in their eyes, both pulled the triggers, the gas giving them a speed boost. Their swords raised, as did Sasha and Naruto.

Krista and Ymir swung with all their strength, feeling the satisfying impact of her blade against the sandbag. As Krista pulled back, she noticed the tip of her sword had cut through the bag as cleanly as a knife through butter, a feat that left her feeling elated.

At that moment, Sasha and Naruto swung their own swords, cutting through the sandbags where the muscles would have been.

' We both strike at the same time. Therefore we spend as little time as possible and don't waste gas. Mikasa, you are the best when it came to cutting through those bags. '

With a war cry, Mikasa completely obliterated the hardest sandbag around the nape of the mannequin. Their team completely destroyed every sandbag of one mannequin. Sasha's face brightened up, but Naruto kept his stoic face. They weren't done yet.

"Everyone back to the position. We should find the next, and good job, everyone." Naruto shouted firmly. Everyone nodded in agreement before quickly following Naruto behind.

As he tried to find the next mannequin, they all heard Sasha. "I heard sounds coming from there." Everyone turned to see where she was pointing at, but none of them could either see or hear anything.

"Potato girl, there's nothing there." Ymir moaned in annoyance as they kept using their gas to go from tree to tree.

Naruto squinted his eyes but couldn't see anything. Either she is wrong, or Sasha is good at hearing things from afar, he concluded before quickly coming to a decision.

I might be wrong, it is a gamble, but so is everything we do, Naruto thought before speaking up but not looking away from the path forward.

"Sasha, I want you to inform us whenever you hear any sounds around us."

"Yes, Captain Cat Boy. I hear there are three groups, two on our left, very close to each other, and one on the far right." Sasha informed them, earning a raised eyebrow from Ymir and Mikasa.

"That means, the next mannequin should be right..." with another burst of gas, they both found a mannequin to their left. This one was smaller, only nine meters tall.

"Same Move, Mikasa. You are with me; Sasha cut the nape." Naruto shouted as they all maneuvered around the mannequin.

With three slices, they cut through the sandbags, except Sasha's slice, which clearly wasn't deep enough, whose eyes widened in horror, seeing that she didn't complete the job.

Ymir's voice was filled with irritation as she exclaimed, "Good Job, butterfingers," to her clumsy companion. The words were laced with a hint of sarcasm, and as she spoke, she couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"We can't stop, as I said. We find another one, Sasha. Next time don't let your fingers tremble." Naruto shouted as they all started looking for a third one; Sasha wondered how he had seen that but quickly dismissed the thought. As they kept moving from tree to tree, Naruto knew they should save as much gas as possible.

"A team is approaching us." Sasha suddenly shouted right as they found another mannequin. Naruto squinted his eyes as the other team came from his's right.

"Don't even try." One of them shouted, pointing his sword right at Naruto's direction, causing Mikasa to glare at the fool with rage.

"Cut the sandbags, Now," Naruto ordered as he shot a cable upwards, dodging the fool, before he started running upwards on the tree, getting higher and higher. His team listened, cutting through the bags, except for the one in the nape; Mikasa had decided to help Sasha instead in case she failed again.

With a burst of speed, Naruto flew towards the nape as his hook pierced the mannequin's eye and, with a single strike, cut through the sandbag completely.

"Yes." Krista cheered before they all started moving away.


"Sasha, I understand you were nervous, but next time, don't let your fingers shake. You should keep them still like this." Naruto adviced with warmth in his voice looking at the girl who nodded to every word he said.

After completing their little objective, Naruto had asked them if they felt any sort of pain since he knew a thing or two about medicine. Krista had said that her hand felt sore, Naruto had softly massaged her hand for a few seconds, and the girl said that she was feeling fine now much to Ymir's annoyance who had no idea how to massage a hand.

Naruto then started talking with Sasha about her mistake during the training, he quickly demonstrated what he meant with 'firmer grip' when he gently grasped her right hand, and showed her how to have a firm grip on the trigger, but Naruto didn't seem to realise that the way he was holding Sasha's hand had caused her to turn red like a tomato.

Mikasa looked at the scene like a hawk, she remembered what Armin had said. She didn't know Sasha that well, but if one day they became a thing, Mikasa swore that she would never allow any girl to play with Naruto's feelings and break his heart. Out of the three of them, Naruto was the kindest person she knew, not counting Armin.

As they landed outside the forest, they noticed many were already there.

Ymir saw Frank being yelled at by the instructor. His whole team was being yelled at by Keith. Ymir almost felt bad for them. Almost. She knew the instructor and many of his men had been in the forest with them to watch how they did the exercise.

Soon everyone was gathered together. They were split into teams. It took an hour of them just standing there and being scorched by the sun until Shadis finally found enough pity to finish writing whatever he was writing in his notebook. After he finished, he cleared his throat to gain everyone's attention.

"The top three today are Team Snake in third place." Jean's team cheered. Marco was shaking Jean's hand, Bertholdt and Annie were mostly dead silent, and Connie was ecstatic.

"Team Eagle is the second place." The team cheered; Reiner grabbed Armin before raising him in the air as if he weighed nothing. Eren smiled brightly, punching the air, as did Thomas and Mina.

"The first place is Team Wolf." Hearing that, Ymir slapped Naruto's shoulder a bit harder than necessary; Sasha was jumping up and down, while Mikasa hugged her little brother in celebration. Krista hugged Naruto, much to his embarrassment.

"Well, cat boy, it seems you're not useless after all." Ymir proclaimed before ruffling the top of his head, much to his annoyance.

"I despise you, ugly freckles."

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