In a world filled with an endless rocky plain, on a specific peak, the radiant figure of a brown-haired boy trekked upward. Above him, black clouds slowly converged, heralding a pending storm.
Not bothered by that, Nico focused more of his attention on the trail that was becoming steeper with every passing second. The laboured noise of his breathing echoed in symphony with his feet striking the ground.
A bead of sweat slid down the side of his face. He gritted his teeth, sending more virtual mana towards his legs.
The effectiveness provided by his own body's energy had long dwindled. Although the Knight Class didn't possess as sizable of a mana pool as a Shaman would, they had enough to last them through a tough battle.
However, with Nico now forced to use it to make sure he didn't fall, his reserves were slowly but surely diminishing.
'I need to reach the peak before that happens.'
Inhaling, he sent another burst of strength to his legs, traversing the length of a couple of strides in one step.
Along the way, several repulsive abominations appeared, easing the monotony of his upward trek a little.
The first had features that seemed a mixture between an eagle and a bull. It possessed a powerful torso, and two hind legs rippling with unreleased power. On the upper section of its frame, two sets of obsidian-black wings extended from its back.
Its claws glinted in the rapidly dimming light, making Nico a little wary.
However, with him being granted the ability to use mana, he remained unfazed. He made quick work of the Demon, this one posing a little more difficulty than the very first abomination he had encountered.
The second unnerved Nico a great deal more. It possessed skin the colour of deathly black, or blue… he couldn't quite discern the colour. That, however, was not what had made him go stiff.
No, the reason was the rotting stench it gave off, being many more times potent and pervasive than he had previously come across.
Its humanoid form staggered forward, the gauntness of its foul face reflected in the boy's maroon eyes.
What was more, just as the clouds overhead had roared and prepared to unleash their fury on the land, the strange creature lethargically raised its hand, appearing like a broken marionette. However, that couldn't have been further from the truth.
As the heavens glowed, Nico's instincts flared like a tidal wave.
He instantly stepped to the side, just in time to avoid a streak of forked electricity smiting the area where he had just stood a moment prior.
Realising that he couldn't stay in one place for more than a few seconds, he gritted his teeth and dashed forward, attempting to close the distance between him and the unsightly abomination.
Now, not only did he have to dash up an incline, but he also had to avoid the bolts of lightning hurled his way under the abomination's command.
Nico's figure glowed brighter, expending more virtual mana. The wind howled in his ear and rain assaulted his vision. Not to be deterred, a manic grin split the boy's face, synchronising with his next action.
A bolt of electricity thundered down in a flash just as Nico shifted his body. The lightning grazed within inches of his face, little hairs on his skin singed from the near impact.
Not paying the weird sensation any mind, the brown-haired boy took a step forward, got into stance and tensed his body, extending his spear outward. Under his instruction, the radiance which had covered his figure rushed towards his outstretched weapon, filling every nook and cranny.
As he inhaled, Nico gritted his teeth and roared, launching the spear at the zombie-like being. His shoulders burned under the strain.
Yet, he did not care as he gazed intensely at the fruit of his efforts.
Right after he threw his weapon, the golden armament screamed and shot forward, almost slicing the wind in two.
It sang a song of unbridled desire.
A desire to hit its mark.
True to its intent, the spear collided with the abomination's head, instantly causing it to explode in a gory mess of fetid black blood.
Nico sighed and recalled his weapon, issuing an exhilarated breath. Truly, there was nothing better to get your blood pumping than to stare death right in the face.
Even though he would not die for real - his consciousness transported back to reality in the event of an untimely death - that did nothing to stop the intoxicating thrill of adrenaline from rushing through his veins.
'Ah, this is the life.'
Indeed, this was much better than any mundane activity could ever hope to achieve.
A while later he came across the third abomination which dared to obstruct his path. Rather than appearing humanoid, its bestial form rested on all fours; two mighty tusks escaped its bottom jaw and curled up, ending in two razor-sharp points.
The deranged crimson flame symbolic of all Demons ignited within its eyes, full of vengeful wrath and lust for blood.
A little accustomed to being stared at like some delightful prey, Nico hid a smile. He exuded an air of confidence, doing his best to seem like a seasoned war veteran.
Which, of course, was a far cry from reality.
As the leopard-like abomination tensed its hind legs, preparing to use the decline of the rocky mountain to its advantage, its maw opened, revealing a menacing set of teeth. A crimson shine covered its fur before the same light manifested at the base of its throat.
'Blazing Fates!'
Having an inkling of what the Demon was about to do, Nico hastily jumped in the air, a burst of air propelling him further just in time to dodge the abomination's adjusted attack. As the crimson beam flew past him, the health bar in the corner of his vision flickered slightly.
Just a few currents of heat serving as an aftershock were enough to cause him some damage.
Nico's expression turned grim.
As gravity took its toll, he straightened his body and faced the ominous Demon. The baleful aura which surrounded the abomination attempted to burrow into his psyche and intimidate him.
Luckily for the brown-haired boy, he had enough experience with the nightmares and his traumas, that it caused his mental toughness to be above what an average person might possess.
The pervasive air failed to produce any effect.
Releasing a fierce shout, Nico coated his legs with mana and kicked the air, flying towards his enemy, speed increasing by a few notches. At the same time, his spear whipped forward, screeching in excitement.
Not to be outdone, the abomination roared, visible concentric circles of air shooting out in his direction.
Nico's body slowed involuntarily.
'Blasted Fates!'
Nico clenched his teeth and shifted the grip on his spear slightly.
As the glowering abomination sprang into the air, its claws seeking to rip the elusive gnat to shreds, the boy roared:
'Second Form - Mercy of the Soothing Zephyr!'
Utilising the Demon's extra momentum generated from flying downhill, Nico struck.
A deafening boom shook the mountain. Stray pieces of rock were dislodged and fell into the drop. The rocky mound trembled, the shockwaves of the clash casting a natural plume of dust in the air.
As it settled, the vague outline of a figure leaning on a spear gasping for breath could be seen.
An annihilated corpse lay strewn between their feet.
Nico coughed and spluttered, waving his hands to try and clear the lingering dust.
He tried not to wince as he coughed once more. He gazed at his health bar - which blinked amber, teetering on the edge of red - at the corner of his vision and couldn't help but sigh.
The abomination's attack with its claws was easy enough to evade, gifting him the chance to use the Second Form to its full potential. The problem appeared after that, however.
Sensing that it was about to be skewered, the Demon had initiated a desperate strike, prematurely igniting the crimson energy before it had fully escaped its mouth.
The result: essentially dooming itself to oblivion and landing a critical hit to Nico in the process.
The boy continued to pant, trying to take his mind off the pain. Parts of his armour were dented particularly his chest and midsection.
'One more strike like that and it won't hold…'
The same held true for his health points.
He had to be very careful with how he engaged his next enemy. Otherwise, if he fought with careless abandon, a stray hit would be more than likely to reach him.
Thus, giving the smartly dressed, chaotically lawful woman a simple win.
'I can't let that happen.'
Flicking his spear to the side in a familiar fashion, Nico inhaled and cast his gaze up toward the peak with a hint of urgency.
By now, the steepness of the trail had increased so much that it almost felt like he was walking vertically in the air.
He was getting close to the summit. He just had to give one final push and he would be there.
Nico only hoped that Toni hadn't made it there before him. Envisioning the smug expression she would display if she turned out victorious made him grind his teeth together… the flame of competitiveness in his heart burning brightly, refusing to be snuffed out.
Biting the inside of his cheek, the boy took a moment to collect himself before getting ready to start the vertical climb again.
The end was now finally in sight.