June 3, 2978
21 year old Rob Baywest visits Howling Woods until he reaches Owl City. He is puzzled to find the city completely still as the morning sun illuminates the treetops.
Rob: Huh? Where the hell are all of the locals? Did tragedy strike in this city?
Mysterious man: (laughs) No, they are all asleep.
Rob: And what makes you unique from the rest?
Mysterious man: Determined climbers don't sleep until they reach the top.
Rob: Ah, so you're a fellow climber. You tryna reach the top of the world too then?
Mysterious man: I'd be half the man to settle for anything less. Name's Faren by the way (reaches out his hand). Faren Isra.
Faren Isra is just 23 during the time he meets Rob.
Rob: (shakes Faren's hand) Good to meet ya Faren, I'm Robert Baywest but I prefer just Rob.
Faren: Fair enough, Rob. Say, what brings ya to this city anyways?
Rob: Passing through to train a bit but my main destination is Climber's Paradise.
Faren: Ah, I take it you're participating in their biannual competition then.
Rob: Solid guess there, Faren.
Faren: I happen to be training for the same reason, why don't we join each other for a quick race to the top of that tree there (he points to the tallest tree in Owl City).
Rob: Sounds good to me, dying to see what the competition is like.
Faren: Alright, on my mark Rob.
Rob: Gotcha.
Faren: Set… Go!
Rob and Faren run neck and neck towards the tree. A couple of minutes pass. Before Rob knew it, he was looking up to see Faren climbing the tree.
Rob: The hell? How'd you get up there so quick you were beside me a second ago.
Faren: Funny thing 'bout that my newfound friend… I cannot be beat in a race, ya see?
Rob: You must have superspeed you bastard, why'd you even challenge me?
Faren: (laughs) Ah come on. I'm just playin' around, man.
Rob: Wait for me there, let's see who's the faster climber.
Faren stays put until Rob catches up to him. They race for the top.
Rob: Almost there-
Faren: Just one more-
Rob: Branch to go! (Rob climbs atop the tallest branch just before Faren could)
Faren hoists himself up and sits next to Rob.
Faren: You're a solid climber, Rob.
Rob: Not too bad yourself, Faren.
Faren: Why don't we accompany each other to the competition?
Rob: I mostly go alone, but long as you don't slow me down I'm cool with that.
Faren: With a guy like me, you don't have to worry 'bout being slow.
Rob: You're right about that.
Rob and Faren climb down the tree and head towards the inn just as the city residents are waking up. They sleep until the next morning for a silent departure.
June 4, 2978
The two friends make their way out of Howling Woods and reach Climber's Paradise. The village is decorated with all kinds of climbing obstacle courses as well as many traveler inns and shops.
Rob: Damn… This place is unbelievable.
Faren: I know right? Even though I've been here a few times, the village never loses its luster.
Mysterious man: Ayooo Baywest!
Rob: Is that Hoagie I hear?
Hoagie: The one and only!
Rob and Hoagie dab each other up.
Rob: How's ya fatha doin' Hoag?
Hoagie: My ol' man is doin' okay for now. Not sure what's been gettin' him in bed so much but if we know him, he'll be back on his feet in no time.
Rob: He's one resilient guy.
Hoagie looks at Faren. Rob notices their unfamiliarity.
Rob: Sorry, this is Faren, Hoag.
Faren: (nods) Hey, nice to meet you.
Hoagie: Likewise. The name's James Lando but everybody calls me Hoagie.
Faren: (puzzled) You a big fan of sandwiches or somethin'?
Hoagie: Well yeah, but my dad owns a well known sub shop back home in Rover Heights.
Faren: Huh, I'll have to stop by there next time I travel west.
Hoagie: How's the fam doin', Rob?
Rob: Fam's good. My sister moved down to the midwest region.
Hoagie: Ah, what brings 'er down there?
Rob: She went there for her studies and fell in love with some aspiring scientist. They recently bought a house there. If I remember the guy's name is Arian Belmonte.
Hoagie: Wow, look at her. That's awesome dude!
Rob: Enough small talk Hoag, let's go register for the twenties pool and get ready for this tournament.
Faren: Now, you're speakin' my language Rob!
Rob, Faren, and Hoagie register for the tournament.
June 5, 2978
They rest, then compete.
June 6, 2978
After the first day of climbing and a night's rest, they find themselves together in the finals.
Faren: Well gentlemen, we got this far. Only one of us is earning that medal this mornin' though!
Rob: May the best man win.
Announcer: Alright, ladies and gentlemen. The moment you've all been anticipating… Let the finals of the biannual Climber's Paradise Games commence!
Rob, Faren, and Hoagie rush towards the ropes course. They effortlessly swing from rope to rope. A few other contestants drop out from that section. The remaining climbers are Faren, Rob, Hoagie, and a guy named Ronald Kaun. He is a 25 year old man who is tall and considered a rising star amongst the community. He has won 5 other tournaments across Instivale in the twenties pools.
Ronald Kaun: Good job getting this far guys, but I'm afraid the outcome has already been decided once I made it to the last round.
They climb the tallest rock formation in all of Climber's Paradise.
Hoagie: Get off your high horse Kaun, there's no way we're lettin' ya snag one more medal!
Ronald: Oh please, you will never be good enough to win anything. After all, you're absurdly nicknamed after a sandwich (arrogantly laughs).
Hoagie loses his cool, which causes him to slip and fall. Hoagie drops out of the race. Faren and Kaun are neck and neck, attempting to block the other from climbing farther. As they are fighting, Rob gains the opportunity to get a lead and stands atop the formation, victorious.
Rob: Well, looks like I broke yer streak Ronald (laughs).
Ronald: You'll regret mocking me, you jackass.
Rob offers Faren a hand to climb up the top. Soon after, the award ceremony starts.
Announcer: This term's winner of the twenties pool is Robert Baywest!
Rob is given a gold medal as well as a cash prize! Hoagie and Faren bring Rob out to drink at a bar to celebrate the occasion.
Hoagie: Congrats my friend!
Faren: Yeah man, you were sick out there!
Rob: Hey thanks guys, it was anyone's game though!
Hoagie raises his glass.
Hoagie: Hey, how 'bout y'all hit the road with me boys.
Faren: We could accomplish a lot together.
Rob: Agreed. I know just the place to start out with.
Rob places a newspaper with an advertisement for a new transit system called the Challenger Train.
Hoagie: Then that's where we'll start then.
Faren: What about a name for our team?
Rob: How 'bout the Masters of Stone?
Faren: I like it.
Hoagie: Me too. Here's to many more competitions and excursions of the Masters of Stone!
Rob and Faren: Aye.
They drink that night till they can't stomach anymore.