With a lantern above their heads shining like a miniature moon, the group sat around the round wooden table in living room.
"What I am about to say is just my personal theory, nothing more, nothing less." Wang-Yi, looked to everyone around the table, who looked to him to continue.
"Pretend you are a wealthy landlord and your years are limited. What would you do, in order to ensure your family to prosper for generations to come?" The prince scanned the table for answers.
"If I was a wealthy landlord, I will give my land and wealth to my most capable heir." Yu-Xiao-Xi answered.
"Exactly. But in this case, the wealthy landlord came up with a competition, and wanted the inheritance to go to the son who wins the competition. This competition might not be able to figure out who truly is the best heir, but it definitely sparks infighting."
"My prince, what you are meaning to say is…" Ye-Li's voice trailed off.
"My father was a wise ruler in his prime. But his mind hasn't been the sharpest as of late." The prince said.
"As you all may know already, my father has gout, and he uses the milk of the poppy to ease the pain. And one side effect of the milk of the poppy is that, it makes the user half conscious half asleep. And a lot can be done, when a man is half asleep."
"You are saying someone drugged your father and made him sign a whole bunch of documents that he didn't know what it was about?" San-Qi crossed a different leg.
"Yes, and combined with the events that happened during the announcement day and Zhang-Ran taking over my position, I have a pretty good idea who is behind all this."
"Who is it?" Lin-Lin stood up with both hands on the table. The rest of the people at the table looked to the prince with eager eyes.
"The one who is behind all of this is the 5th prince, Wang-Jian-Rui."
There was a white flash from the window, followed by a roar of thunder in the distance.
Silence fell at the table, as Shi-Er-Wa stepped through the door.
"U-uhm…Your servant just wants to ask if my prince and greatnesses are hungry, your servant had no intention to interrupt!" Shi-Er-Wa bowed.
"It's fine, you can bring the fruits over for now." Wang-Yi said.
"Yes my prince." Shi-Er-Wa disappeared behind the door.
Seeing Shi-Er-Wa gone, Jiang-Yi spoke up:
"If I remember correctly, the 5th prince's position is the head of the intelligence bureau."
"Indeed. However he didn't pull this off alone. His mother Dong-Hua has been taking care of the emperor during the days leading up to this, with his right hand eunuch Zhang-Ran serving as his puppet." The prince rubbed his chin.
"If I was him, my next move would be to rally my brothers against me."
"What shall we do then, my prince?" Yu-Xiao-Xi asked.
"Dealing with my brothers is the future threat, we need to deal with the more immediate threat first."
"What is this immediate threat my prince?" Shu-Wen asked.
"Well, don't you think this place is too fancy for a governor?" The prince gestured towards his surroundings.
"Now that you mentioned it my prince, it does really seems so." Yu-Xiao-Xi said.
All of a sudden the door burst open again and Shi-Er-Wa stepped through. She was completely drenched. Once inside, she quickly closed the door with the rain still pouring outside.
"I am really sorry for the delay my prince! Your servant did not expect the rain to get so big!..." Shi-Er-Wa lowered her head like a sad wet puppy.
"No, I thank you for your service. Just place the plate here, then go and dry yourself inside at once." The prince said gently.
"Thank you my prince!" Shi-Er-Wa placed the plate on the table, and then hurried inside the resting chamber.
"Lin-Lin could you fetch the forks please?" The prince asked.
"Yes my prince." Lin-Lin got up and went to fetch the forks from one of the drawers.
"Thank you." The prince said, as Lin-Lin placed a fork before everyone.
"Now that all of you are here, there is only thing I need…" The prince picked up his fork and stabbed one of the apple slices.
"An opportunity."
The prince took a bite out of the apple slice.