Chereads / Heroes For Hire: After Midnight / Chapter 23 - prologue : The search continues

Chapter 23 - prologue : The search continues

T'Challa had been in New York strictly on Avenger business. He had a million responsibilities as a reserve member (former active leader) of the Avengers, The notorious Black Panther the masked warrior-hero of his African peoples, and king of the African nation of Wakanda. After Daredevil had been responsible for the events of Shadowland, Hell's Kitchen was left without a full-time vigilante to protect its violent and deadly streets. Assuming the role left available my Daredevil in his absence, Black Panther became the unofficial new Devil of Hell's kitchen. When he had recently returned to Hell's kitchen it was to investigate the rampant organized crime families that always took residence in the bowels of the city. To monitor illicit activities in the East River Savings & Loan T'Challa had left the crown jewels of his nation in one of the safety deposit boxes. The necklace itself had also been outfitted with an imperceptible gps beacon that had been discreetly placed beneath the jewel. Discovering that the necklace had been stolen, but by The Night Shift came as quite a surprise to T'Challa. He expected it to be taken, but by Hammerhead's branch of the Maggia. Adding even more confusion to the situation was the involvement of the Heroes For Hire. T'Challa had very quickly learned of how the organization had been framed for the theft of his necklace, as he still actively tracked its movements. So, T'Challa anonymously donated a million dollars to the local superior court system in an effort to bail the Heroes For Hire from the local jail. But, he remained anonymous and them began observing the Heroes For Hire to follow their lead. It had. Been him who had been spying on Matt Murdock and Johnny Bifrost during their alleyway parleyance, adeptly dodging and hiding from Daredevil as he had grown familiar with the rooftops and alleys as the devil of these grounds was himself in his absence. T'Challa had even followed the Heroes For Hire waiting for his perfect opportunity to reveal himself and retrieve the necklace.

After doing so T'Challa spoke with the heroes. He expressed his happiness with the return of Matt Murdock to Hell's Kitchen. "This is your territory now, Devil."

He planned to return immediately to Wakanda with the Starfire necklace after filing his report with Avengers HQ, but vowed to continue to aid the Heroes For Hire in any way possible in the future. He would even act as s character witness in the ensuing legal actions against the Heroes For Hire franchise.


Immediately after being escorted to the surface by The Morlock Skids, Black Widow and Misty Knight sought out the closest SHIELD field operative. Given the security-enforcing nature of the protection agency SHIELD, the clandestine agency had innumerable operatives working as splinter cell within their own nation's borders to identify and infiltrate any and all known threats to the security of the nation. Given her high level of clearance within SHIELD, Black Widow overrode the operation of what appeared to be merely an ancient pay-phone in disrepair and was essentially a SHIELD call-box. Used by these splinter cells to relay intel gathered throughout their missions in as secretive and inconspicuous means as possible.

Within minutes, and upon hearing the issuance of an inter-agency distress code word, an entire unit of armored SHIELD soldiers were on site and under Black Widow's command.

When the SHIELD commandos finally made their way to the Foxhole the battle had been won. But, there was Mister Fear's dreaded device to be confiscated and understood by the highly intelligent scientista back on one of SHIELD's helicarriers. The machine had been dubbed The Hypno-Porter. When restrained in one of the many confinement cells, a small neural transmitter placed on the base of one's skull and attuned to the machine properly, an individual was subject to a probing of their thoughts and memories by the operator. This function seemed to have three potency levels, but had only been primarily operated under the first in this capacity. If the victim resisted questioning they could be psychically bombarded with horrific hallucinations of flashing light and terrifying sounds. These mental attacks could be intensified by the varied potency levels, the third being a torrent of unbearable psychological activity that targeted pain and fear receptors within the brain. This led to the victims losing total control of their own mind and its functions. Their consciousness and personality would remain intact, but their physical actions were controlled entirely by the operator of the Hypno-Porter. This was how Mister Fear had come to control the Night Shift and Felicia Bifrost. The victims would also have no memory or recollection of the events that took place while control was implemented on them, and how Felicia had been unaware of how she had led the Heroes to the bomb that had been set in her brother's apartment. During her time in captivity at the hands of the agents of Operation: WIDEAWAKE the neural transmitting disc must have been interfered with by the experiments and rigorous tests performed on Felicia and the signal emitting machinery. During her time on Ellis Island she had been consciously aware and in control of her own body and thoughts for the first time in weeks. It was not until she was properly extricated from the government labs that the Hypno-Porter's advanced technology attempted to repair itself. Felicia's implant restored itself and turned back on, and back in his headquarters Mister Fear then applied the second capability of his device.

The second capability allowed for a controlled subject to be teleported to or from the confinement cell to any predesignated location. When it occurred the cell would begin filling with a strange gas conduit, then blue lightning would dance across the cell and the subject's skin (causing no injury, but slight discomfort), and then there was a loud bang and the subject would vanish until recalled via the Hypno-Porter. The subjects of any and all confinement cells could be all teleported at once and even to seperate locations. The Hypno-Porter could transport up to 20,000 lbs of organic materials up to 250,000 Miles away. The computing device for the Hypno-Porter had been uploaded with a constantly updated and precisely rendered grid map of Manhattan. Teleporting within the designated area had zero percent chance of failure, as indicated by the device's internal algorithms. A safety feature prevented the passengers from being teleported into dense or solid objects. The subjects could only be returned if they were their implants and could only bring back up to 50 lbs of inorganic material with them. The implants were about the size and shape of a quarter. This link displayed the subject's vital signs upon a monitor to the machinery. Certain intervals for arrival and returning could also be pre-set, as well as a fail-safe to return the subjects upon any drastic alteration to their vital statistics. Because of its many useful functions, the Hypno-Porter was obviously a very valuable device. Despite being created to carry out a nefarious scheme, uncle Sam decided it still had its positive uses. The on-site SHIELD operatives seized the device, on the initial claims of it being considered a potential threat to national security. Once aboard a helicarrier or secreted away in some military stronghold the agency would then assemble their greatest minds to decipher its many programmed secrets. Such a machine clearly had militaristic uses and the replication of said device would quickly become a priority for SHIELD. Especially when after interrogation it was learned that Mister Fear had not created the machine himself but was also a victim to it. A mysterious employer had tricked Alan Fagan into using the machine and become and unwitting pawn. When drilled about the identity of his employer Mister Fear could not divulge anything useful as the Hypno-Porter had placed in him a strangel mental block, impeding his ability to recollect his employers' appearance, voice, or even any time he may have met with him. Also, he referred to this enigmatic boss of his as "They" implying this could be a much larger team effort to topple Manhattan. Felicia Bifrost had little memory of the events that had taken place while under the influence of the Hypno-Porter. The only useful piece of information she could relay was that Mist Fear's "Big boss" was in possession of the book. The poor Night Shift remained completely unaware of the entire length of time spent under Mister Fear's rule.

Alan Fagan was somewhat relieved to be returning to his cell in prison. At least in prison, of all places he could reassume control of the fragmented resemblance of his life. His thoughts and actions would be his own. After being thrown into a solitary cell on a SHIELD helicarrier for transportation to the nearest detention center, Alan Fagan began composing a letter in his own mind. A letter to Felicia Bifrost, expressing his gratitude to the powers that may-or-may-not be for allowing his bleak existence to be touched upon by the grace of Felicia Bifrost's presence for however long a period as possible, and to extend his most deeply felt and sincere apologies to Felicia.


Just a few days later Marc Spector, Luke Cage, and Danny Rand stepped out of a court room at the New York Hall of justice and hugged each other before amicably shaking hands and even hugging their legal consultants, the marvelous legal beagles of Nelson & Murdock attorneys at law. The trial date for the Heroes For Hire criminal charges for the robbery of East River Savings & Loan as well as the theft of the crown jewels of Wakanda had come. The profile of the case brought publicity in a drove of news reporters patiently awaiting for the verdict. The presiding Judge "Mask Hater" issued a resounding not guilty to all criminal charges, including the slew of felonies Marc had attained attempting to prevent the theft of the Met. The assortment of testimonial witnesses assembled by the prosecuting attorney proved to be less than credible, as though all of them claimed to see the heroes defacing the property in an attempt to gain entrance it proved that none of them had actually seen the heroes inside as they all fled shortly after the sounding of the bank's alarms. This was compounded upon the retrieved security camera footage from ERS&L that had been found on a flash drive in Mister Fear's hideout that revealed the true culprits. In a closing statement to end all, the partners of Nelson & Murdock asked the King of Wakanda to speak as a character witness on behalf of his clients. Given that the nation of Wakanda no longer wished to pursue criminal charges in the US justice system after the return of their crown jewels all charges were dropped as quickly as the gavel that struck the podium.

The three men walked free and exonerated. They all wished to thank T'Challa again in person for all that he had graciously done for them, but he had slunk off after giving his speech in court and like his alter ego's namesake disappeared into shadow. But somehow they knew he would keep his eyes on them, always watching like the panther in the brush. Luke Cage vowed to use the Heroes For Hire franchise to someday earn enough money to repay the gratuitous loan that had been extended to him by his colleague. However, as Danny pointed out, that would require much hard work as the only paying client the company had was implicit that the book stolen from The Met be returned. After defeating Mister Fear and uncovering his secrets, the book "A Madman's mutterings" was not recovered. It had to have been in Mister Fear's possession at some point but its whereabouts since that time were unknown to the heroes. "Looks like we're gonna have to start taking more cases." Luke sighed as he stroked his cleanly shaven chin.

"Does this mean we're partners again??!" Danny asked ecstatically.

Luke sighed exasperatedly. "I don't wanna hear that fiddle-faddle right now."


A few days after the trial and initial investigation, a small land-line phone rang in the hidden room of The Roarin Twenties. Hammerhead laid his hand of cards down onto the table and signalled his fold to the dealer with an exaggerated slicing motion across his neck with his fingers. "Kill it." Hammerhead reiterated in his gruff anachronistic speech.

"Hello?!" Hammerhead barked into the phone. When an equally agitated voice barked back at him, Hammerhead respectfully waited until the other party on the line finished speaking. "Nah, i told you i didn't take no damn book, you think I'm some kinda crazy mook who fancies monsters??! "

Hammerhead sat silently, listening over the receiver as the other party spoke. His expression morphed to one of agitation. "Nah, but i know that bastard Luke Cage was the mook who robbed my card game. Him and that punk sidekick of his Iron Man--" Hammerhead listened momentarily and then slammed his fist down hard on the table. "Iron Fist, same difference!! I'm sayin they crossed me, ya hear, and nobody crosses Hammerhead or the Maggia. They wanna swim with a shark, they're gonna get bit. The whole lot of the Heroes For Hire, down to their receptionist. This is gonna be war!"


Cloaked in the shadow cast by a large overpass, Moon Knight stood with the Shroud. Given the nature of Mister Fear's Hypno-Porter and the mind-control exerted over them, Moon Knight valiantly worked to petition for the release and exoneration of The Night Shift. He had aided and abetted in their escape from SHIELD imprisonment once the neural transmitters were removed from their bodies. Rain poured onto the cement of the road above them, echoing in a pitter-patter around the tunnel. "--And Black Talon?" Moon Knight asked.

"He'll be fine. Honestly, there isn't much left of that man's body that hasn't been regenerated or replaced through his necromancy. He's practically a zombie himself." The Shroud answered.

"His arcane ability is quite impressive. He had access to the book?" Moon Knight questioned.

"The Madman's Mutterings? Yes. I'm certain it was crucial to Mister Fear's plan. Without it Black Talon would be a powerful sorcerer, but he wouldn't have been able to summon Frankenstein's monster or The wolfman without having discovered its secret knowledge. After i was forced to steal it from the Met i was able to regain control of my own actions for long enough to gander at its contents for myself. I was curious as to why that specific book was so important. I also think i know why you have such interest in it…" Shroud confided.

"There is an evil afoot, one who intends to use the book to foul ends. Knoshu had forewarned me of the events that had yet to occur. I know it has great power." Moon Knight replied.

"Unfortunately, not even Black Talon knows what was done with it or what its whereabouts may be. Thank you, once again, Spector. If there's any way that i or The Night Shift could ever repay you please just ask." Shroud said as he clapped him on the shoulder.

"You wanna repay the favor, i want you and The Night Shift to go back to California and stay the hell out of Hell's Kitchen. I know you aren't a bad man, but there aren't very many others who would understand your logic. Or your methods. SHIELD also doesnt need any more of a reason to keep me on their watch-list. You and your men are fugitives, so act like it and go into hiding." Moon Knight demanded.

"Easily done. I personally like the West Coast anyways. You know, I've never understood why so many people have chosen to stay here in New York. You have the largest concentration of the metahuman population all residing in one state, and a day doesn't go by without a building be kicked over or a bank getting robbed. Chaotic environments aren't exactly conducive to one's well-being." The Shroud diverted.

"Life is a battlefield of constant chaos, and the winner will be the one who can control that chaos, both within and without." Moon Knight said as he looked to The Shroud.


"Welcome back, Bartholomew!!" an agonized sufferer shouted in greeting.

Bartholomew Jacobs had been returned to the plane of eternal suffering in the realm of Anubis. His plan to retrieve his grimoire and use it's magic to release himself from captivity had been foiled. The heatless flames licked at his limbs, sending bone-chilling shivers along his spine. He screamed long and loud, pushing forcefully out all the rage and aggression he felt. By conspiring against the ruler of the realm whom he had made an implicit pact with, he had rendered said bargain null and void. By Anubis' will Jacobs would no longer be permitted to temporarily leave the realm. There would be no future of escape. Extra chains were draped across him and bound tighter than before to the Obsidian pillar he hung from. Anubis cackled in animalistic ecstacy at the pain that was being wrought on one who had seeked to betray him. One who had been foolish enough to believe he could. But, with that Anubis realized the jeopardy he had actually been in. Although Jacobs would have most likely used the book simply to free himself there was always the slightest possibility that he would turn back to seek his vengeance on the entity. Alone the sorcerer had no power of his own that could accomplish the task of harming what was considered by the lesser species a god, but within the ancient pages of the sorcerer's archaic text laid a tool to do just that. Bartholomew Jacobs had discovered and transposed a mighty spell into his book, a spell to kill a god.


Deep in the depths of the Morlock tunnels the mutant-rights activist group X-Cell were gathered. As they began to help themselves to an assortment of stolen food and edible refuse Skids detected someone in their vicinity. She reacted out of fear quickly and cast her mutant kinetic force field over her companions. She then stood and drew her weapon. "Who's there??!!" she called into the dark tunnel.

Slowly but confidently, Johnny Bifrost approached the congregation of mutants. Callisto recognized the form of Johnny Bifrost and urged for Skids to retract the defense. She did so and Johnny stood hesitantly at the perimeter of their chamber. "I smelt chicken." he said plainly.

"Come, there's always an extra space available for a fellow mutant." Callisto beckoned.

"And the chicken's just about the only thing we didn't fish out of a trash can." Skids added.


Misty Knight stopped her car outside the gates of a large mansion estate in upstate New York. As she put the car into park she looked to her passenger who fidgeted nervously in her seat. "You're going to be fine, Felicia. You'll fit in just fine here. I promise." she reassured.

"I know….it's just…" Felicia began but the rest was washed away into indecipherability in the tears and sobs that poured forth.

"I know you never asked for this. Any of this. But you also have to understand that you could never go back to your old life." Misty stated as she wiped a cascading tear from the young woman's cheek.

"I just…" Felicia choked as she attemptes to stifle her own sobs. "I just wish none of that stuff and happened and i could have just kept on working at the Met and singing on the weekends. Even dealing with Johnny's gang activity would be nice, at least it would be familiar to me."

"You'd be living in ignorance, Felicia. At least now you can learn to control this wonderful gift you have, and how to use it to defend yourself. Everyone fears change, sweetheart, and you've been through alot but this will be for the best. Everyone here will protect and take good care of you. I promise." Misty said.

"I...i trust you, Misty. You were the one who helped me when i came to you in the first place."

"Good. You should." Misty tried for humor and smirked at Felicia. "Now, why don't you head on in and introduce yourself to the staff. Make some friends."

"Ok." Felicia consented. She clutched her backpack closer and reached for the door.

"And you can call me anytime, ok?"


Felicia stepped out of the car and extended her umbrella to shield from the rain. Misty's car shrunk into a dot on the horizon before disappearing completely. Once she was gone Felicia faced her new home. A massive golden plaque hung high on the iron gate fence read: "The Jean Grey Academy of Higher Learning