The Li family usually had a massive family gathering each.
Li turned Eighteen, during that family gathering, Li was to be crowned the next family head after his dad.
Before the event began, Li was called to the hospital because his aunt had a serious headache.
Though his aunt could call another person to assist her, perhaps her husband.
The problem was that all of them were already in the event, except Li because he had to prepare himself mentally and physically.
"Thanks for coming"
His aunt said.
"No need to thank me"
Aunt Xiengi was a very kind and respectful woman.
She had two children; Li Nathaniel and Baby Li Mei.
Li Mei was still a little chick, so aunt Xiengi had to move around with her.
Since this child had seen the sun, Li Senpai was indeed the best to her.
Even if he had to learn a lot, he still spared sometime for the little cutie pie.
"Beautiful, who is beautiful?" Li asked the baby, as if the baby can talk.
The baby gazed at the giant in front of her and chuckled.
This child was charming, she was the only member of the family who had green Emerald eyes.
Indeed, she would be a moving bomb when older.
His aunt had finished her check up, and it was already time for both of them to head to the party.
Aunt Xiengi had red shoulder-length silky hair and purple shimmering eyes.
For the party, she had put on a tinkling black knee-length strapless tight-fitting gown and a golden snake like chain.
The Li family were not only original from China, they were a mixed gene famous family.
Li Senpai was damn handsome at that age, his silvery white hair seemed to exude youthfulness.
Girls were like sheep behind him.
If someone had a glance from Li Senpai, then he or she would be considered as the luckiest in China.
"Future boss Li, are you nervous?"
Aunt Xiengi asked.
Li Senpai was indeed a little nervous, but it was very negligible.
The Li family had many business branches, they invested in Electronics, E-sport, sport, cosmetics, housing and even had a branch in the Mafia, each business having a vast number of branches.
Thinking that one day, all this would be his, indeed made him shiver a Little.
The three entered a white Limousine which was to take them to the family Mansion.
Li was doing the last arrangements on his black tuxedo when the TV in the Limousine went crazy.
"A considerable fire broke out at the Li resident"
"It seems like all the family is still inside"
"What could have happened"
The three family members or should I say two family members saw their world crumbling.
Aunt Xiengi started breathing hard and gasping for air.
The Limousine changed it destination to the hospital, but before they arrived, it was already late.
Li bought a bike and rode home quickly.
The house was still on fire, no fire extinguisher could extinguish such a fire.
By now, almost all his family members were roasted meat.
He ran to save them, but the police officers didn't let him.
"Let me save my family!"
He screamed as tears rolled down his cheeks.
An hour later, the fire was finally gone.
Li Senpai had to go through the worst moment of his life.
He gazed at the lifeless bodies of his family members, rapped in white clothes.
He identified each of them.
For many nights, he couldn't sleep.
He saw his family members burning while he was playing with a baby.
Why did I not burn with them?
Li asked himself several times.
His classmates came to visit him, but none of them was allowed to enter.
Some days later, his family was being buried, and he didn't even have the courage to attend.
A year had passed and no one, heard of Li Senpai.
He tried killing himself countless times, but the security agents didn't let him do.
He tried starving himself to death, but each day, he was chained and forced to eat.
One day, when he was crying, he head a high pitch voice crying.
He knew this voice well.
He opened the door for the first time after a year and saw a little girl child of about a year and above, crying and hitting a little doll.
These emerald green eyes could only belong to one person, and it was his little cousin.
"What happened to her! Who shaved her hair?"
Li asked.
The housekeepers were surprised to see their boss out, some even cried.
"Boss no one has shaved her hair"
They replied.
Li now had a color blindness.
Li Senpai (Potential ML)
Twenty seven years old
CEO of Li electronics and mafia boss.
Usually cold and arrogant, but turns warmer when close to Nathalia or Mei.
Loves Li Mei and Hu Nathalia.
Dislikes red, orange and yellow color.
Strong and fearless leader.
Love status: single but in love.
Motto: your golden stones are my wealth.
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