With you, even Hell would be Heaven.
I sweeten heartbreak so it's easier to swallow - I drizzle it with melted sugar and leave it in the freezer and turn it into some kind of candy so it's easier to forget.
(I have never said your name - it sticks to my throat like a lie I cannot tell, like a truth I will not admit.)
One night I asked you what you fear the most, so you kissed me - feathery light, for just a second.
But in that second, I realized the secret of all untold tragedies, and the reason mothers cry for their daughters. (I hope mine doesn't.)
I drink my tears and wash it down with wine and I almost - almost - plead for you to be cruel - you cannot be kind to me.
Come - cut the tether, love; don't hide behind vague statements and weak attempts. Pretense doesn't look very good on you.
Don't let me down slowly - I don't know how to leave if I think you're staying.
But your hand is still in my hair and you're kissing me goodnight (before I can even think of asking for it) because you know I miss you.
You know I miss you.