Chereads / Ice vs Fire / Chapter 71 - Mid to Jungler

Chapter 71 - Mid to Jungler

*1 year before*

So Alex how does it feel to play a different role than mid?

I don't know Mike it is not very different just a bit complex and tedious as there is no one to face off with me.

If you want to there is a way to face off you just have to put a ward to the enemy junglers red or blue buff and wait to steal the buff and kill the enemy jungler.

Jeez Mike you sure are evil trying to leech off someone else's buff and that with their own help that is quite a malicious idea but I want to give it a nice try.

"Alex's first Jungle game starts with him invading the other team's red buff".

So I camp in this bush and wait for the enemy jungler to make it into my combo smite range and then give him the biggest jumpscare of his life.

Yes exactly... "Alex smites as soon as the enemy jungler presses it and then he becomes the obvious target" Very good exactly like that.

But he escaped I was not powerful enough to kill the Amumu.

Don't worry you have the buff now complete your rotation like I told you.

Umm first go to the red then to the raptors then to the blue and when you want to avoid the enemy jungler's path and and when you want to face the enemy jungler do only one side and meet him at the scuttle crab.

Nice now don't be all nerdy there are, like endless variations to what can and cannot happen so don't take everything at face value.

"And so Alex discovers the joys of jungling the way you can make the game go at your own pace the way you can get the objectives by just pressing a button and the way you can make even the most garbage players play good by ganking it is the ulitmate powerful role".

The only problem with this role is that it is hard no the hardest but once you get the hang of it, it becomes very easy over time.

Yes this role is very hard I have to keep an eye on each teammate, enemy, wards and objectives and it is the most frustating I assume.

Yes when you give your all and the team just throws the game it might be one of the most frustating feeling in all of league but don't worry I believe you can achieve wonders with it.

*After months of practice 2013 League of Legends worlds takes place*

We are ready to witness the greatest league of legends world championship let every team which is qualified make their entrance.

"Every team one by one makes their entrance".

Oh this is something very new All Stars has changed their mid laner's role to jungler was this a right decision?

I don't know, his last year's mid lane performance was unmatched we only have one way to find out how Alex performs in his first match.

"Despite getting so much criticism Alex was no doubt in his best form possible".

First pro match of Alex jungling goes like:

Perfect jungle clear, amazing ward placement, control and vision over the enemies, ganking at all the right timings, best utilisation of abilities in team fights and of course his almighty smite when all of these are combined they make a monstrous jungler.

Ross you were correct putting Alex in the jungle position was the best decision. you sacrificed yourself for this young prodigy for that I have nothing but respect for you.

Alex! Alex!!

Shk it feels wierd to hear the crowd only chanting one name.

What Max you also want your name chanted?

Of course but that would be very hard as you know I'm a support so if I don't do a crazy baron steal or like a penta or game saving play no one will chant for me.

That's not true look over there.

Where? "Max looks over where Johan points" that's my family.

So don't say no one will chant for you.

And who are you cheering for?

Adam scott I like Phil Mickelson but still Adam will win.

I meant in League which players do you want to cheer for if you were a spectator.

From my own experience viewing is not an easy job and if you cheer for a specific team that means you cheer for the entire team and with every play you would be happy or sad so no I don't want to cheer anyone I just want to enjoy the game.

That's quite a well suited answer and look at that Glady has also shown his performance.

Nice use of the ultimate of Lissandra Glady.

Thanks Max.

"After Itachi had left Alex was shifted from Mid lane to jungle and there was a slot empty for the mid laner and thus Gladiator joined All Stars".

Let's go Alex the game is over let's meet our opponents and return to the base.

Glady don't worry about him he will only get up when his replay is shown on the big screen.

Is that his gaming ritual?

Yeah you could call it that.

And there it is Alex's gank which won All Stars their first Worlds match of 2013.

"Alex gets up and starts to walk towards the exit".

See I told you.

Won't he send off his opponents?

To him they are dead.

What? How come.

They lost without making the game close meaning they are not worthy to lift the summoner's cup and thus dead to him their existence merely served for a wasted slot nothing more.

That's some strong judgement by him to get to this stage this League of Legends is a big achievement.

Judgement or not it is true they will have no legacy their fans will blame them their coaches will blame them that's what it means to lose in esport's top stage.

It's so cruel yet so fun.

Huh? You are ok? "Max concerns for his new teammate's mental health".

Yes without the unworthy players being eliminated there would be no respect for the worthy ones.

Oh you are saying for the last gladiator to reign supreme others have to die.


Alex! Alex!! Alex!!!

"As Alex starts to walk through the crowd everyone splits up and asks for his autograph".

Alex please sign here.

No take a selfie with me.

Hey hey now all of you get out of the way Alex wants to return to base to rest for the next match.

Just one won't hurt right?

These guys are really persistent huh security! "Michael saves Alex from his fans".

Why were they so obsessed with a sign? Isn't experiencing the best player's gameplay live enough?

Alex you need to think more commonly they are the people that can never set even a foot on the worlds stage so if they can get a sign from the champion himself they will feel like they have earned something in their life when in reality they haven't.

Hmf weird settling for the bark of the apple tree.

You sympathise with them I can't blame you.

No I feel like I have so much control over these people wherever I play they will come to watch me whenever I win they will celebrate with me whenever I lose they will be sad with me.

Uhh that is true you are a celebrity now "Michael slowly starts to gain Alex's trust".