Chereads / Ice vs Fire / Chapter 38 - Fear or Aggression

Chapter 38 - Fear or Aggression

*Dragon has been spawned*

Second dragon is here and it is a cloud dragon which grants movement speed.

Yes whoever gets this one will have a faster rotation for sure.

Alex lets fight even though they know were are here what does that change? We can still kill them.

Why not go on make them fear our wrath.

Ohh Itachi goes into the bush that Bengi was camping in Alex also joins in Bengi escapes with 1 hp.

Very nice engage All Stars they can start taking the dragon.

Who cares about the dragon go on take the mid turret.

Ohh mid turret has been destroyed now is it turn for the dragon?

Not yet let's take the bottom turret as well.

그들이 용을 복용하지 않는 것은 무엇입니까? (What they are not taking dragon?)

봇에게 우리를 다이빙할 건가요? (Are they gonna dive us at the bot?)

아마도 Impact는 텔레포트 기능을 갖고 있나요? (Most probably Impact do you have teleport?)

네, 그냥 사용하고 싶을 때마다 말씀해주세요. (Yes I do just tell me whenever you want me to use it.)

"All four members of Skt march towards Skt's bottom turret an attack that would seem impossible to stop".

지금 당장 Piglet에게 충격을 가하고 PoohManDu가 뒤에서 플래시를 터뜨려 포탑을 향해 궁극기를 가합니다. (Impact right now tp on Piglet and PoohManDu flash behind them and ult them towards the turret.)

Oh nooooo he ulted me in.

Shit I have to get out "both Alex and Johan gets out using their escape abilities but Itachi and Max gets stuck under the turret".

그들을 죽여주세요. (Nice kill them.)

그래 네가 죽여라 내가 가서 그 코기를 죽이겠다. (Yes you kill them I'll go and kill that Corgi.)

안돼 피글렛은 그럴 가치가 없어 쫓아가지 마세요. (No Piglet it's not worth it don't chase.)

Piglet is going for the kill of Johan.

But Alex goes in again and...

Piglet has been slain he fails to get his revenge yet again.

"지구의 중력이 세 배나 늘어난 것처럼 피글렛의 턱이 떨어집니다." ("Piglet's jaw drops as if the gravity of the earth had increased by three fold".)

Well played Alex you rock.

Oh no their lee sin is latching onto me.

Don't worry my friend "King ults onto Max and saves him with his seconds ability" My shield protects hearts both yours and those beside you.

Thanks don't let him run.

No I won't "King predicts Bengi's movements and throws his spear in that direction".

Ohhh! Not only King comes in clutch by saving Max and Alex he also kills Bengi.

Yes in this game the best assassin is not Alex or Bengi that is undoubtbly King.

무슨 일이 일어나고 있나요? 내가 저지르는 실수를 믿을 수가 없어. (What is happening? I can't believe the blunders I'm making.)

흠 당신은이기려고 플레이하는 것이 아니라 자존심 Piglet을 만족시키기 위해 플레이하고 있습니다. (Hm you are not playing to win you are playing to satisfy your ego Piglet.)

죄송합니다 코치님. 하지만 저는 죽이고 싶은 강한 충동을 느꼈고 게임에 다시 참여했습니다. (I'm sorry Coach but I just get a strong urge to kill and bounce back in the game.)

생존반응인가? 당신의 두뇌는 '그것'이 당신을 제거하기 전에 위험을 제거하려고 노력하고 있습니다. 즉, 당신의 공격성은 두려움에서 비롯됩니다. (Is it the survival response? your brain is trying to eliminate danger before 'it' eliminates you meaning your aggression is coming from fear.)

그럴 리가 없어요. 두려움이 제가 세계 무대에서 느낄 마지막 감정이니까요. (It can't be, fear that is the last emotion I would feel on the world stage.)

당신이 무의식적으로 이러한 두려움을 더욱 강하게 만드는 일을 한다는 것은 당신의 잠재의식적인 의미입니다. (It's in your subconscious meaning your subconsciously does things that makes this fear even stronger.)

이 두려움 코치를 어떻게 극복할 수 있습니까? "Piglet은 자신의 뇌가 자신에게 불리하게 작용하고 있다는 정보를 알고 불안해집니다." (How can I get over this fear coach? "Piglet gets agitated after knowing this information that his own brain is working against him".)

당신은 할 수 없습니다 그것은 당신의 마음 속에 깊이 뿌리박혀 있으며 이 경기가 진행되는 동안 사라지지 않을 것입니다. (You can't It's deeply rooted in your mind it won't just go away not in the span of this match.)

단지 한 번의 손실로 끝날 수는 없나요? (It can't be just from one loss?)

전투 또는 도피 반응을 유발하는 데는 단 한 번의 나쁜 경험만 있으면 너무 놀라지 마십시오. (Don't be so surprised you only need one bad experience for something to trigger the fight or flight response.)

Ross you are not playing your best what's the issue?

Mike I don't know my mind is not thinking about openings but instead trying to create openings to take advantage of.

Why are you in such a hurry? Patience is more important than the action itself just waiting for the opportunities to come to you is the secret many people don't know until their death.

Hm I will try to be patient and calm.

I can only guide you but you are the only one that can win this battle.

All Stars is up in gold lead they also have a turret whilst Skt is still not ready for a team fight.

Indeed King's Pantheon is especially clutch during times like these.

*5 minutes later*

모든 차선이 삭제되었으므로 중앙을 무너뜨리는 것은 어떨까요? (Done all lanes are cleared why not take down the mid?)

물론 중간에 있는 모든 그룹이 팀 싸움을 시작할 수 있다면 그들이 얼마나 흩어져 있기 때문에 승리할 것입니다. (Sure all group in the middle if we can start a team fight we will win because of how scattered they are.)

Skt has had enough of the farming they are ganking Alex to take control of the mid.

"Bengi, Impact and Faker all try to overwhelm Alex to take down the mid lane turret".

Fuckers think they can just dive me huh?

Alex don't engage just clear the minion wave that will be more than enough.

You sure Mic they are giving me such a nice opportunity.

It is a trap if you want to engage just wait for Itachi.

Guys sorry but their bottom lane is also coming so deal with them as well.

What? You won't come Johan?

I am taking the turret and if no fight happens the chance might not come to take finish this turret.

Oh you can't be serious with this logic.

Alex is under immense pressure will he subdue or flee from the mid lane turret he has to make a crucial decision.

그럼 그 사람은 물러서지 않을 건가요? 힘든 놈. (So he won't back off? tough bastard.)

그를 바로 그의 기지 분수대로 보내자. (Let's send him straight to his base fountain.)

Alex does not retreat he is still looking to engage.

Itachi and King come fast or Alex will die.

The stance of Alex is still strong like he cannot see the three players in front of him and...

He enages on Bengi ult + shadow combo his health is quite fragile and he flashes into Bengi-

The confidence he has in himself is immeasurable.

And kills he kills Bengi Alex trades his life for Bengi and mid turret.

Wow Alex you really did it now we can enage.

Bengi and King also joins in Faker is down.

Impact escapes with a sliver of health left.

젠장, 우리 계획이 역효과를 냈어. (Shit our plan backfired onto us.)

걱정하지 마세요. 우리가 그들의 정글러를 죽일 것입니다. (Don't worry we will kill their jungler.)

어떻게? 어떻게 그렇게 확신하시나요? 피글렛. (How? How are you so sure Piglet.)

에헤헤, 내가 무슨 말을 하는지 좀 기다려봐. (Eheheh just wait and see what I'm talking about.)

Hey King their adc and support are coming to mid wanna take them out?

Sure why not.

Itachi and King wants to take advantage of Skt's vulnerable duo lane but what they don't know it?

Impact jas taken the honey fruit and is rejoining the battle.

"As soon as Itachi jumps onto Piglet he gets of using his second ability and Impact jumps onto him with Janna's shield".

What where did 'he' come from?

Itachi no I might not be able to save you my brorher.

And Itachi has been fallen he alone could not handle the powerful attack of Impact and Piglet.

What seemed like an easy kill turned out to be a trap and Itachi has fallen for it.


"Michael looks over to his classmate" What about him you don't like his dressing sense?

No I how could I have not seen a simple psycological trick? Not only that I didn't even wait for King to come.

Oh you mean in game ok ok "after observing Itachi's irrational behavior Micahel comes to a conclusion" Ross I think I have the answer to your bad performance but I can't tell you the reason or your gameplay will deteriote even further.

Is it 'that' bad?

Hm "Miachael simply nods in response".

I don't know what to respond.

Don't think about it just don't do the thing you think first your first thoughts are making you impatient.

Got it do not do the first thing that comes to mind.

"Amygdyla hijack is a phenomenon that occurs when somebody or something attacks you and your brain tries to defend itself by all means but doing so creates a whole set of problems in todays day and age this hijack can really destroy your work, relationships, mental well being and even life".

"Both teams members respawn after getting killed".

Baron이 등장합니다. Impact는 분할 푸시 압력을 가할 수 있으며 우리가 원하는 것이 무엇인지 혼란스럽게 만들 수 있습니다. (Baron is coming up Impact can put split push pressure and we can make them confused on what we want to do).

하지만 당신은 이 행동 계획이 그들이 남작을 차지하려고 할 때만 효과가 있다는 것을 잊고 있습니다. 우리는 남작을 시작할 단서가 없습니다. (But you are forgetting this plan of action only works if they try to take the baron we don't have the lead to start the baron.)

허세를 부리면 우리가 준비됐다고 생각하게 만들 수 있습니다. (Bluff we can bluff them into thinking we are ready.)

우리가 공격적으로 변할 때 그들은 상황을 이해하지 못할 것이라는 좋은 생각입니다. (Nice idea they would not be able to make sense of the situation when we are the ones getting aggressive.)

"Skt prepares to put their plan into action".

What they are going towards baron let's chase and kill them as soon as they start ok?

They are not starting baron but baiting us into making a bad decision just wait and watch.

Wait but what if they want us to believe that they can't take baron and they are actually taking it?

That can't be true one person go and scout the area don't get caught.

I will go.

Johan nice you go check all the bushes.

"Johan uses his mystic shot to check the bushes and sends an ult to the baron to identify what Skt is doing".

No they are not even on the baron.

Nice then we will start.

What? itachi isn't it a little premature?

No this is fine let's get to it.

Michael what is your opinion on starting baron or not?

Do it we are in lead and they cannot kill us even with the health advantage.

그들은 어떤 영향도 받지 않고 남작을 차지할 수 있다고 생각하는 게 아닐까요? (It can't be they think they can take the baron without any repercussions?)

기회가 오면 우리는 공격할 것입니다. (Why not let them and when the chance arrives we will strike.

"SKT 코치가 이것이 함정일 가능성을 판단했다"는 말은 아닐 수 있다. (It may or not be true that "SKT's coach judges the possibility of this being a trap."

Half baron is at half health both teams are ready to strike.

Skt still waits for the right moment.

Now the baron is under 1000 hp.

하나. 둘.. 셋... 가! (One. two.. three... Go!)

"Bengi goes into the baron pit and kicks Itachi away to steal it via smite".

Ohhh Bengi does it again he fully utilizes his power as a lee sin.

Alex casts his shadow to get vision over Skt but what is this Max takes advantage of the vision and roots two players and all of All Stars follow up to engage onto Skt.

Alex goes in with his shadow and kills both PoohManDu and Faker Max combos down Piglet.

Three players of Skt are down in under 10 seconds It happened so fast PoohManDu didn't even get a chance to ult himself.

King ults to the middle to push it further.

No he is preparing to end.

Bengi and Impact cannot stop them.

One small miss and the game is gone completely into All Stars hands.

Done it's concluded All Stars takes the first win of the World Championship Finals.

Wooohoooo! We won.

Yes let's go.

What an amazing combo by you two I'm surprised you were able to coordinate in slit of a seconds.

Actually I was already preaiming at the edge of the pit so it was not that instinctive hehe.

No Max take the compliment you deserve it.

Come on let's go and rest for the next match.

당신은 살아 있고 당신 안에는 무엇이든 할 수 있는 힘이 있습니다. 올바르게 사용하면 무엇이든 할 수 있습니다. 이것은 이제 당신이 컵을 원하는지 후회할지 결정하는 것에 대한 작은 테스트일 뿐입니다. (Listen to me with as little disappointment as you can you are alive and you have the power inside of you that can do anything if used correctly this was just a small test of that now make your mind on what you want the cup or regret.)

하지만 어떤 일을 하기 위해 그 힘을 어떻게 빼앗을 수 있을까요? (But how do we take out that power to do anything?)

당신이 꺼냈다가 다시 넣는 것은 희소한 소스가 아니며 당신은 그것을 꺼내는 방법을 이미 알고 있습니다. (It's not a scarce source that you take out and back in it is eternal and you already know how to get it out.)

"페이커가 웃으며 대답합니다." 무엇이든 할 수 있는 힘이 우리 모두의 내면에 있고, 그것을 어떻게 사용하는지는 우리에게 달려 있다는 말을 들으니 정말 좋네요. ("Faker responds smiling" That is very good to hear the power to do anything is inside of me inside of us all and how we use it is up to us.)

나는 그 권력을 빼앗기 위해 무엇이든 할 것입니다. (I'll do anything to take that power out.)

그럼 Asap 연습을 시작하겠습니다. (Then lets start practicing Asap.)

What an opening match this was but it feels good to see I was right All Stars got the first round under their belt.

Now the question is which game will they decide to throw?

We'll see and once we have read them we'll bet on them and win the biggest profits in the country.