Chereads / Ice vs Fire / Chapter 12 - Compi player

Chapter 12 - Compi player

Absolutly brilliant Alex you single-handedly destroyed the entire Speed demon's gang without any assistance what so ever. you know they were a hustle to deal with. you see i own 2 large scale cocaine factory, 7 casinos all spread out in germany, 40 acres of coca farm and approx 16 unisex brothels and of course i run a big bank and 2 companies to cover up my underground businesses so these speed demons they were not happy with my "product" circulating in the market so they started protesting discouraging people from buying and comsuming it and they filed a lawsuit which greatly demerited my "product's" value in the market.

What is it some kind of business? or a freelance entreprenuership you want to hand over to me? or use me in a scientific project? oh no assassin you want me to become a hitman or your own safety gaurd what ever the case be my answer will always be "No".

Hehehe You will be certainly amused with the job I will offer you. Come with me to a place where hundreds of pros are competing every second as we speak esports particularly:

"League of Legends".

"They both visit the biggest esport bootcamp in the world where every player is grinding their ass off in order to get even the tiniest bit of advantage over the other players a world where only true monsters can

survive and thrive to there fullest potential just like a seedling growing up to become a full fledged tree with blooming flowers and growing fruits that fruitfully fulfill all the hardships it took to grow".

Hey Alex Michael here I will be your coach instructor and i will be teaching you the basics and the advanced mechanics of the game hopefully you will enjoy it.

league of legends LOL for short is all about coordinating coordinating your hands coordinating with your team mates coordinating with your emotions to win and capture the heart of millions. If you learn to do that no one can stop you,not even the best players in the world can beat a well coordinated team.

"Alex was taught the beginner rules and controls of LOL he knew nothing of specific of rotations, team fights, items for him even the map was an alien object for him from that point on began the legacy of Alexandrite Zangief".

Sir i've teached him the core fundamentals of the game now he just needs to practice and get better and betted over time.

Michael don't underestimate that kid he is different from all the other shits you have coached he deserves way differant treatment than the others get him into a "Diamond" lobby and experience the destruction he brings.

But sir he..he is not ready I don't want to be disrespectful but-

There are no ifs or buts I command and you follow.

Yes sir, As you wish.

Alex now you will be playing against opponents in real time.

you will be playing in dia- "no i should not tell him about on which level he will be playing on or he might lose under pressure".

In what? "Alex asks with a curious face".

In super competetive environment but don't get nervous and choke OK just focus all your energy into your own gameplay.

"Alex's rotates the keyboard in a vertical position and slightly lifts his right hand palm and plants his index and middle finger on the keys of the mouse forming a "claw" grip".

Hey that's not ideal for a beginner Alex you should switch to the normal positions of the input devices.

Why not? this is way more comfortable than those lame ass grips. "Alex drifts towards his most primal instincts".

Ok then these are champions, there are 3 lanes and 5 roles and your role is mid you should pick a 1 difficulty champ as it will make you familiar with the game.

This red ninja looks cool 'click'


"cut the last breadth ftom them".

Sure i will. "Alex says with a evil grin on his face".

"Michael was shocked as to what tell him about Zed".

Passive: Zed gains energy whenever he and his shadows strike an enemy with the same ability.

Razor Shuriken(q): Active: Zed throws a shuriken in the target direction that deals physical damage to enemies hit, reduced to 60% against targets beyond the first.

Living Shadow(w): Passive: Zed restores Energy icon.png energy whenever he and his Zed's Shadow.png Shadows or multiple Shadows hit an ability on the same target. This may only occur once per cast ability.

Active: Zed creates a Zed's Shadow.png Shadow that dashes to the target location and remains there for 5.25 seconds, being able to mimic Zed Razor Shuriken.png Razor Shuriken and Zed Shadow Slash.png Shadow Slash regardless of range. Living Shadow can be recast while within range of the Shadow.

Recast: Zed and the Zed's Shadow.png Shadow Flash.png blink to swap places. If Living Shadow was recast while the Shadow is dashing, the recast will instead occur once it has been placed.

Shadow Slash(e): Active: Zed slashes to deal physical damage to nearby enemies.

Death Mark(r) or ult: Active: Zed becomes Untargetable icon.png untargetable and, after 0.6 seconds, he Dash.png dashes 125 units through the target enemy champion over 0.35 seconds. Afterwards, he becomes targetable again, renders them Marked for Death for 3 seconds, and gains Ghost.png ghosting for the same duration.

So alex your opponent will be oh no!

What now? your face look like oh no! did you shit your pants? "Alex questions with a worried face".

Obiously not Alex it's just that , you can easily beat a corki if you play good but he will be a top level main with that skin.


The game has started now go into mid.

and place a ward in a bush.

Ok but what'a a ward?

It's a flower that enables you to gain vision and control over a area without you actually being there isn't it great?


So these little troops will drop gold if you hit them on the finishing blow

which you can use to buy items to increase your stats and you will also gain experience from them you will have 16 levels to upgrade and you can upgrade all 4 of your ablities to max at level 16 you will unlock your ultimate ability at level 6.

So i do like this? "Alex ulocks the 1st abilit and last hit the first wave of minions".

"Woah he is a quick learner as if all the verbal information i gave him went straight to his head".

Michael was perplexed to where Alex was going Alex goes to the raptor bush and uses a combo of q, w, and e to steal the entire raptor camp.

Michael was perplexed a second time in under 15 seconds.

Alex how did you know that you can use it like that?

Hehe "Alex looked at Michael and smirked" I tested the 2nd ability on the minions and i thought the monsters were neutral as no bird protecting his birdling be fighting for the enemy and decided to steal his gold and xp by killing them myself.

"I did not teach him a single thing about jungle camps but he used my instruction and applied it himself he has already surpassed most ametuar's his skill is comparable to an intermediate".

Now let's test this so called "ult" it has a long cool down the only problem is this samurai's shield he seems to have generate shield by walking, oh i after i pop it goes away in 2 seconds so i have to attact after that 2 second mark.

lets go w to the enemy then wqe simutaneously what he survived wait there is a heart beating on him what's that for "Splash".

*You have slain an enemy*.

Amazing absouluty astonishing "Mabye his grip is giving him advatantage as he able press all three keys in under one second" now recall and get full health.

How do you recall?

Press b and buy items from your left side of your screen.

When you press recall you chracter will taks 5.5 seconds to teleport to the base where your game began this place is called fountain or as i like to call it "laser" this laser will heal you and enable you to buy items with the gold you got from slaying minions and enemies the reason i like to call it laser is because if an enemy tries to step in it he will get killed in a blink of an eye by the god's eye.

"As the game progressed Alex learnt all the mechanics there were in lol that made it unique at that time not only that he starting to master let me say it again MASTER the game's mechanics".

*Dragon has been spawned*

Dragons are permanent buffs that spawn between equal intervals of time

there are 4 types of dragon that gives extra damage, movement speed, health regeneration, and armor.

Go to the dragon pit fast or the enemy team will take it.



"After seeing Alex combo Michael's jaw dropped as if it's temporal bone was broken".

Oh my god! go duo lane "Michael cheered Alex in a frantic manner".

Yes kill that Miss fortune!

Fuck that sona! in our team she is useless sorry if iam being a litte excited.

A little? "Alex say with a sarcastic tone" whatever the enemies are not good they are not coordinated like you told me and "a building whose base is not build strongly his destined to fall"

All chat: gg my jg is noob.

What's noob?

It is a word used to deprecate a player you can use it on sona she is doing nothing but farming our adc's minion.

Chat: Sona you noob.

Like that.

Exactly like that "Michael says emotionaly while wiping his tears of joy". now you are a pro player i'll get you a good role in Team All Stars you will certainly bring a lot of trophies for us and the whole of europe Alex.