Chereads / IGTAWCD (Unofficial) / Chapter 4 - Chapter 4: The Inn Raid

Chapter 4 - Chapter 4: The Inn Raid

Ford continued along the road to the Inn.

Ford: "I should definitely thank Arias for giving me these coins for the Inn."

Currency in this world is different from Ford's world. It is split up in three different ways: Bronze Coin, Silver Coin, and Gold Coin. Gold being the highest. There is a higher form of payment called World Coin, but that'll be explained later.

Anyway, Ford had finally made it to the Inn. The clerk was surprised to see him again.

Clerk: "What are you doing here?"

The clerk said in a harsh tone. Ford responded by saying-

Ford: "I actually have some coins to buy a room now."

Clerk: "oh great! Well pleasure doin' business wit' ya! Your room is upstairs. Have a good night!"

Ford: "Thanks!"

With that, Ford headed upstairs to his room.

Ford: "will be nice to sleep on a bed instead of an old park bench.."

Ford layed on the comfortable bed before falling asleep. In his sleep, he had a dream, and it goes like this:

Ford was walking along a dark sidewalk, only eminated by a streetlight. He was walking pretty fast, as if trying to get away from something.

Ford noticed something else, he was in his world in this dream. Anyway,

Ford was trying to get away from something, it was a dark figure, almost like a fog, following him. Later, he would start running, but it would be too late. The dark fog was catching up to him quick. After about a minute of running, the dark fog caught up to him, engulfing him a shadow, before-

Ford: "AAHH--"

Ford woke up, screaming, before realizing it was just a dream. He tried going back to sleep, but he felt something was off.. It was awfully quiet in the Inn. It would probably make sense, since it seemed late. It was a little bit too quiet though.

An ominous silence.

Ford: "It seems way too quiet in here..."

Upon saying that, Ford would head downstairs, using only a lantern as his source of light.

That was also strange. The Inn should be manually powered everywhere else but the rooms. Ford failed to notice, as he was too tired.

Anyway, upon heading downstairs, he stepped in something that didn't feel like hardwood floor.

He looked down, and froze.

The Inn floor had been covered in a pool of blood.

Ford was petrified.

Ford: "AAHH--"

He screamed before stumbling to the floor. Unable to process anything-

Ford: "everyone... Dead... Why... How.."

Ford wasn't able to speak clearly, as he was terrified at the sight in front of him. Just then-

??: "Oh you were here too? I guess I have no choice then.."

Ford turned around, but before he could say anything, his throat was slashed. He never saw who was responsible for the murders.


Clerk: "oh great! Well pleasure doin' business wit' ya! Your room is upstairs. Have a good night!"

Ford slowly opened his eyes, back in the lobby of the Inn. Realizing he had reset again.

Ford: "Was my respawn point.. updated to here?"

Ford said quietly, so no one could hear him.

Everytime Ford dies, he goes back to a certain point in time. He calls them "Respawn points".

Ford: "Thank you sir."

Ford said, before heading upstairs back to his room.

Ford: "I must stay up. I have to find out who's responsible for the attack."

Ford did everything he could to stay up, to the point of poking himself in the hand with a needle.

That wasn't enough though, and Ford had passed out.

He woke up, and-

Ford: "Shit!"

Ford rushed downstairs, but it was too late. The floor was covered with blood.

Ford: "I need to find out who the attacker is.. I MUST find out!"

Ford turned around quickly, catching a glimpse of the attackers face, before getting slashed in the throat.

A male, with medium length, scruffy blue hair, wearing the clothes of what looked to be a peasant.


Clerk: "oh great! Well pleasure doin' business wit' ya! Your room is upstairs. Have a good night!"

Ford slowly opened his eyes.

Ford: "Thank you!"

He rushed upstairs to his room.

Ford: "I will stop the attack.. I probably can't do it on my own, so I'll have to ask the guards or Arias for help.."

And with that, Ford had planned to stop the attack.