"Hello grand pa, how is he?". "He is doing great, I am happy to see his innovations slowly and slowly being recognised. He do now have a great plan of creating a moving city through deep waters. ". "We saw how his imaginative ideas come into reality and how he modernize some of the cities that we have. I guess, the Modernization plan is slowly coming into life.". "I will be coming back next month with great connections behind me, I already endorsed him and who knows, they will love his ideas." said by the lady to his grand pa "Great, the man is on a date right now, it seems like he is on a date with a girl". " Let it be, like someone is forcing him. ". The grand father is shocked to hear that her daughter is on a passive voice.
Meanwhile skull is on an interview, he is interviewing a great girl in front of him. "Why should I hire you?"."I need some work, and I cannot provide my needs if I don't have work.". "Skull then checked the rest of the applicants and he said "Please do sit on that empty chair.". Skull then tapped his table and the door opens up. It was another applicant, he greeted him and he sat comfortably. He could see how tense the applicants is. He checked his resume and he read it like "With work experience.". "Can you please tell me something about yourself?". "I am O'G I am a previous bpo associate and I am with them for 2 years. I quit on my work since I don't find myself growing up. I saw your companies hiring status and I saw a data researcher job description. I am an Information Technology graduate and I love R and D works, so I immediately took my time to apply for this work.". Skull checked the resume and he then informed the previous applicant to take a sit with the new applicant. "Thank you guys for finally reaching the final process of the application, the final interview. You have been with lot of screening and process before reaching the final interview. You passed the electronic test, the hands on training and ofcourse your initial interview. Mr.OG you have a work experience here, as a worker, would you be kind to this woman and guide her during both of your work time.". OG realized what skull meant so he immediately answered "My pleasure sire". The woman beside him is also happy to hear such congratulatory remarks. "Please follow me on your empty sits. Your fellow researchers are waiting on your arrival.".
Skull escorted the two newly hired employees as he sent him into the technical team were in they are tasked to register their name for a smart armchair. "Hello everyone, these are the newly hired persons today,please do register their names and give them a new smart armchair with newly formated operating system. Link their account on the group, so that they could enter our research team. Then please give them a contract which states their salaries and rate.". At that moment, the worker on skulls company then gave the two a new equipment from their storage room, they gave them a contract and a ring for their date and time report. "Please do send me your address so we could deliver this smart arm chair on your residential area. You may use this smart ring as your means of date and time record for you daily work. The smart armchair has this built in os that would calculate your rate per hour and immediately send paycheck on your bank account. Also be prepared for untimely research conference, our boss the one you just met usually gave us a new concept and our job is to create it in real life, understand.". "Yes we understand it, thank you." said by o'g.
O'G then went back to his residence with a smart arm chair. He then instructed the technical support to set up the smart armchair on his private room. It took them several minutes just to install the smart armchair. "We have successfully installed your equipment dear sire, please do log on it. ". Og then used his smart ring and he let it be scanned on ring reader. The display on his smart armchair then suddenly change to "Welcome to skull corporation ". Then og saw several shortcuts on its screen saver. Live meeting, research library portal, company products, payroll system, your study lists. "Can you please check the payroll system " said by the technician. O'G then checked his payroll system and shows him his daily login data. "You have successfully logged in on our company, please do not forget to logout after 8 hours." "Understood" O'G replied.
The technician went out prior to his work and og was left all alone on his room. OG then started to familiarize the shortcuts on his smart armchair, he then clicked the research library portal. It was a website mainly created to let the worker on skulls company informed of their researches, books and studies. On the website, the main screen shows the current big project of skulls company, the arc of noah. Og clicked the picture and it gave him a pdf file that consists of several studies combined for the big project. He clicked the link and he saw a 3D model blue print. On the smart arm chair it says please wear your smart glasses. OG then used the given smart glasses and he synchronised it on the smart arm chair. What OG saw gives him chill and he start to feel the sweet cold sweat running on his skin. "What kind of research is this, they are building a modernized arch able to travel on deep seas ?". OG used the augmented reality and he saw an Animated clip of how will the project arch noah will save the people living on their land. "Should I check their other projects. " Then O'G saw a famous mix Reality game and he opened his mouth upon recognising it "So this company is the owner of NXTMR game which most of the people play?". He felt a shivering cold enough to penetrate the deeper part of his bones, like the marrows are being pinch by the sharp needles. "Why didn't I hear of this company before. ". Then he saw another study which is all about Artificial Intelligence on BPO Industry. O'g took his time and he checked lot of studies on skulls library portal.