"Hello sir, I would like to ask if ever you could allow me too choose a subject which is best for my kid?". Skull then said "Sure madam, can you tell me your preferences. So I could inform the deans". " I want him to be a politician and an information Tech ". Skull then said "Sure let me inform the deans so they could merge your kids major subject and combined all of the modules that he will need on his career". Skull then transfer the call to the deans with a message saying "dual course please, IT and political science". At that time the parent then was transferred into the deans department. The parent then talked to the deans and he was given two syllabus which contains different subjects that are related to the course of Information Tech and Political Science. The deans then do their thing and combined their major subjects and minor subjects into one. Unlike the normal deans, this deans were engaged on a software engineering and basic computer organisation life. Which allows them to be able to do code on their own. They merge the available modules slots on one and created a dual course type of professional path. Thanks to the technology that they used they were able to help the parent. "madam thank you for just waiting for our call back. We were able to merge the two course into one. Please check the newly created syllabus for your kid. Ding! Pdf has been sent". The parent then checked the pdf file of his sons module and he saw several merge major subjects. LAW 101, Law 102, Humanities, Philosophy, Political Science 1, Public Governance, Business Administration 1, Business Administration 2, Java, Visual Basic, C, System Analysis, Database Management. History, Civilisation. The parent saw this subjects and he smiled "Finally, I would like to register my son on your private school. ". "Then we would transfer this call into the registrars office. Thank you for being a part of our institution". The call then was transferred into the registrars office. Just like that, skulls private science school then gained another student.
While skulls private home base science school is working and his so called Mix Reality game are giving him a huge lump of money. Skulls outsourcing company are also doing their advertisement on the public. Thanks to his so called experience in life, skull is able to get ahold of a position on the old Political families life. Due to this, several companies invested on skulls private science school, allowing him to create a public relation office, that would allow his so called student to get an on the job training smoothly and be able to find work to these so called companies easily. Skulls gaming company, private school and outsourcing company are also included on Public Relation Office.
At the top of their office, a broadcasting station also exist, its sole purpose is to promote skulls companies at a certain frequency were in people could easily hear it through their radios. "The private science school is accepting student from all across the border of the country..". The recorded introductory line then is being played on the radio broadcasters laptop. While the radio broadcaster is on his comfortable sit, waiting for the recorded audio file to be played. He is waiting for his cue to appear. At that moment, air time rang out and the broadcaster started to talk on his microphone. "Good morning everyone, we are here on your favorite radio program called as mix Reality nxt. We just saw a fantastic duel from two great rankers inside our game, Level 99 Pirate Black and lvl 99 Police Strike. On their first bout, Pirate was able to get ahold of his rapier and is able to decapitate Strikes hand which paralysed him from moving. However strikes character skill prevailed. HOLD on dear gamers, the fun is just getting started for the first season of the year. Looks like we have a bold challenger here, the guild Crow and the guild behemoth just publicly announced their family duel on this so called grand field. Thanks to augmented reality set up, the whole park in this ip address were booked, for hundreds thousand of dollars, a reservation was made just to finally clash in one single battle. Behold, they are going to clash as family war and will he broadcasted by us yours truly moderators of nxt game. But this battle is not all about the skills and superiority, but because of who will be able to gain their family treasure chest. We are not talking about 1 dollar here, we are talking about millions and millions of dollar here being linked on their guild treasury chest. The winner will ofcourse win their family saving. A great family battle indeed, stay tune for we will give you an update on the upcoming family war". Off air, at that moment the radio broadcaster then played the next slide for the radio broadcast station.
"Skull, dionfhel is here". Dionfhel then entered the room as he see skull playing his nxt Mr game. He was the creator of the game, so he is using his own authority on creating a concept. "Great that you are here. Can you please wear your smart glasses". "Sure, you want me to join you" Dionfhel then tapped his smartglasses as he wear the smartglasses. It then says tuning in sync process, synchronisation is complete. Dionfhel then saw skulls world. In front of skull, dionfhel saw a metropolitan city much more advanced to their civilisation. It is a moving vessel on the ocean that carries life." Isn't that a moving island?". skull then nodded, after all, skull lives on a far more advanced civilisation compared to this. He still vividly remember the place were in his mother and father lives. The moving island of snail, the modern city of freasts and the floating sky island of puff. "This moving island is possible isn't it?". Dionfhel then hovered his hand and he checked the architecture. It says "Running without the use of fuel, but base on solar, nacl based energy generator, ocean wave kinetic generator, wind turbine and gold array for heat based circuit board.". "So this ship, I mean moving island is moving due to this series of studies?.". Skull then said "Yes it is, and look, it is running on a renewable energy source. Nacl, its a sea water, wind, it is always present, ocean wave like who can stop all of this thing from existing.", Dionfhel then think of it "Like what is the purpose of this thing ?.". "Like if ever a catastrophic scene appear, who knows we need to escape from global natural disasters like the rapid rise of sea level. I don't want my property to be sink in the ocean floor. ". "Isn't that too much." said by dionfhel "Not that bad either, plus I'll get a feeling of going overseas for free, it is indeed moving island after all. I don't think this floating island would still be affected by the relatively constant moving earthquake. I feel safe living in this constantly moving island.". Dionfhel then zoom it out and he saw how civilisation work, under the great influence of the moving island. Skull then created a scene were in the neighboring continent starts to sink, the ice caps of their world starts to melt and the only living civilisation that exist from such catastrophic scene is his moving island. "Dionfhel, what do you think?". "You mean we create this so called idea and concept of yours?". "Yes, I mean what's the purpose of creating this idea and concept If we don't apply it for real."...Dionfhel then took his time and after several times of zooming the gold array that surround the island he asked "Is this a new form of circuit that you create that distribute heat source into the whole island?". "Heat and electricity my boy, instead of copper wires, I used gold plate to distribute current around the island.". Dionfhel then took his time and he gave his review on skulls moving island "Its like a fairy tale to come true, so it's a yes. Let's do this". "That's the way I like it.". He then said inside him "Time to modernize this world. Afterall, that is my quest.".