The next day skull and dionfhel created a new technology which is related to health. Though it is not yet known but the two of them collaborated and added a new functions for their target item, the shoes. "How is the code going my dear friend?.". "Step counter is already added and functioning well. You may check the count on your smart watch.," said by dionfhel. "Is the gps also added?." asked by skull. "Yes, I already added the gps.". Skull then said " Then let's try it by roaming around the community. I hope it will work just fine." . So the two of them turned on the smart shoes and link it on their smart Gadgets. The two of them were glad to see that their smart shoes is giving them an accurate number of steps and accurate information on their gps. "It is reflected on our smart glasses. Like we are a player on a game pacman.". "The good thing is that, you could clearly see on our smart glasses if we are nearby or not.". The two of them then continue to walk around the vicinity. "Hey skull, can you go to the nearby mall and then send me a video footage once you enter it. ". Skull then nodded as he went to the nearby mall. Skull could see his location gradually moving inside the gps. Thanks to his smart shoes dionfhel is able to see where skull is. " This shoes is good if you have a wife. You will immediately know where she is headed to.". Several moments later dionfhel saw skulls location arriving at the mall. "Oh so there he is, I will now for his live call ". In just a second, skull finally called dionfhel. " Hey dionfhel, I am already inside the mall. See, I made a thousand steps, and it says here heart is healthy.". Dionfhel then said " Great, then wait for me, and just check my path on the live gps application.". Skull then said " Ok, Can you buy some coffee for me. As you see, there is a nearby coffee shop on your location". "Sure, a latte or frapuccino". "coffee latte please". So skull checked dionfhels movement inside the live gps tracker. After several minutes, skull saw dionfhels location getting near to him as it was reflected on their smart glasses, thanks to their smart shoes.
"Sup, you finally arrived." Skull welcome dionfhel as he took the latte. Dionfhel then gave him his coffee and he said " Skull, can we update it even more?.". Skull then took a zip on his coffee and he asked what functions do you need?." . "How about we put wheels on this shoe as alternative if the user wants to play roller blades.". Skull then remember a video where in an electronic roller blade is created from scratch. " You mean air trek. That idea is great, so when are you going to create the spare parts design and circuit flow?.". Dionfhel then said "Thats great, as soon as we arrive back to the laboratory, then I will immediately design you the gear flow, circuit flow and design.". "Okay." said by skull.