Skull that night, added the volume of his nanotech and instead, he ordered several magnets into the blackmarket. That night, skull spent his 4 hours in creating more volume of his nanotech. Then little by little he was able to create a nanotech gauntlet. Then he take a look at it and he saw his hands filled with a technologically enhanced gauntlet. Then skull tapped his phone and and he controlled the nanotech back into his smart table. Then just like that, he ended his day. Too much of soldering, too much of radiation, too much of activity drained all of his young bodies energy. The next morning, he saw his maid maria preparing his uniform, then skull immediately tidied himself and start to brush his teeth. Then he took a bath, and went into the waiting hovering bus. He even forgot his breakfast, due to his sleep, he was late for around a minute. Due to that case, he was dennounced public inside the science school and was sent into the guidance councilor because of his tardiness. "My friend skull, you finally hit the jackpot, and was sent into custody.". Then skull said "I guess, one week of guidance monitoring is my punishment.". Then crow said "Are you kidding me, are you that blind?, That mini mosquito is monitoring you. It means the guidance councilor is doing his work.". Then skull look above him, and he saw one mosquito hovering above him. Then skull gave out a loud sigh. So the two of them then went into the hovering school bus and they were both escorted back into the IT park. Once more they went up into the rooftop, and prepare for another IT course. Their fellow little classmates are preparing for their next topic, for their last topic made them nuts. After a minute, their professor said "Good afternoon younglings, I have already log in. You may now log in into the IT park system. Yesterday, you have successfully created your own design of a hovering vehicle. Today, like usual, we will tackle another IT lesson which is suitable for all of you.". Then the professor once more tapped his smart phone and outside the room, an Artificial Intelligence Humanoid Robot appear. Then the humanoid Ai robot started to talk "Hello little ones, My name is Tony. I am humanoid robot, controlled by the IT parks, main system.". He then started to walk like a human being and just like that, several kids eyes turns into diamonds. Even crow the friend of skull went minions. Each of them then started to hug the humanoid ai robot. The ai then said "Little kids, follow me. We will have another tour on one of the IT parks, business franchises.". Then the professor said "Go ahead little kids, and follow tony. I will be waiting here when you return. ". Unknown to them, the professors smart glasses is connected into the vision of the humanoid robot. He is just enjoying on his chair while sitting like a king. The Humanoid Robot then send them into a sales marketing company. Then the humanoid robot said "Good afternoon mister smith. This little kid is under their apprenticeship. I would like them to observe your work transactions here. Since your company is on sales and marketing, it is a good chance for this kids, to learn how the technology works around your office.". Then the owner of the franchise answered "Sure, let them observe here". Then the robot named Tony said "Dear kids, learn how the company works, with the use of the technology. I will be waiting outside for an hour and after that, your apprenticeship for today will end.".
Skull then went into someones desk. He observes the pc screen and he is observing the screens display. One of it is their main website. On its right was their database. On its left was their mailing services. Then he is casually checking the report on his right, wether their branches outside the building are doing their best to sell their products. He is also monitoring their website if there is a log error. On his left was their mailing address. The office worker is gradually monitoring each of the screen on his front and just like that he is waiting on his desk. Crow then went near to skull. As soon as the the little kids, gathered into the officers desk. The kind worker turned around and welcomed the little kids. "Hello little ones, how are you today?. Want to know what my work is?. My work here is kinda simple. I am here monitoring the franchise website, the visual report and the bank transactions. On my left is the mailing service confirming lots of bank related transactions. On my right is a visualize graph and chart report for our daily sales. On the center is our main website. In other words, my work is a monitoring officer. Once my shift will end, some one on the same position as me will continue the work, until our branches outside will log out. So in other words, this place is the main office of our franchising business. Then he stood up and went into a secret and cold place. There they saw a massive ten footer super computer. Then the kind employee said "This is our main server. The ancient one, it holds around hundreds of memory cards, enough to hold the several franchises and businesses that we have. The reports that are gradually appearing on our monitors are recorded on this ten footer super computer. Did you see several cubicles. Those cubicles are same like me. In other words dear kids, this company handles lots of business franchises. Each of those businesses outside this room are sending their report to us 24/7 nonstop. For now little kids, since you have seen our main system. You may now go ahead and observe how thee other businesses works.". Then all of the little kids starts to wonder around the room and observe how macro businesses use technology on how they handle their businesses.