DAY 42.
GOLD: 326,104.
BLOODOATH GOLD: 6,138,653.
Tyler woke the next morning with Seria asleep on his arm and Metalica in her human form on top of him with her wide and soft moth-like wings their blankets. And it was INCREDIBLY warm. He smiled at this as he kissed his wife awake. Seria smiled.
"Mornign to you too, my Love."
"And you, my Beloved princess."
She sighed and snuggled her face in his arm.
"Metalica's SUPER CUTE!"
"Thanks Princess."
They chuckled at her mild tone as the sprite rose with a stretch that slapped Tyler in the face with her massive breasts.
"oh. Sorry. I knoe you liked that."
Seria chuckled at that one as she hugged the sprite from behind.
"Me too!"
Tyler just watched with a smile as his wife felt the sprite's bust up with a sexy inquistiveness. It was so sexy he snuck a photo with his crystal. Which made the models smirk and Seria said it.
"Do NOT let that get seen."
"Oh this is for my collection. RIGHT, METALICA?"
She shuddered as she remembered.
"And there goes my horniness. Ugh."
"Should I be worried?"
"Nah, Seria. Just some stuff from his world."
"I see."
The trio got dressed and Tyler kissed his wife hard as she faded out.
"I'll see you soon, my love."
she smiled and was gone. Metalica smiled as she pulled her gown of grey over her flopping rack.
"I'll head home too."
He picked the now in fairy size sprite up and pressed her to his heart.
"Your FREE RIDE milady."
"Idiot! I-oh. Oh I hear that song. Huh. I kinda like it."
"Slow ride. Foghat. Take it easy."
Tyler smiled as he headed to the table and met up with the leaders. As he walked up he sniffed the breeze and grimaced.
"Yup. We're near saltwater."
Asuna looked at him curiously.
"don't like the ocean?"
"Ocean's fine, but the scent it has when you're on that sweet spot of salty air and FOREST AIR is kinda nasty to me."
Strand smiled sheepishly.
"So it is NOT just me that thinks that. I feel relieved."
"I get it. Like when you go to a resturante and pour half the bottle of ketchup on your fries....and everyone looks like you like you killed somebody....but for the redheaded girl behind you to nod and do the same thing."
Asuna chuckled at the sideways shoutout.
"I have done this. I admit."
"The redstuff is great."
"Yes it IS."
"Wanna grab a pizza at the next city? And utterly RUIN the other diner's day?"
She smiled at that offer.
"If we were back in our world, I'd call that an attempt at a date. HERE? I call it being good friends. Sure."
Kirito was heard chuckling.
"Don;t get TOO friendly with my gorgeous wife, Tyler."
"So long as you don't get cozy with MINE Kirito."
Asuna chuckled at that before smiling warmly.
"We'll hang out in the capital. Seria can join us then."
"Ha. She'll love you."
Mina smiled from her spot at the table.
"We're ready to roll out."
"Alright. Bloodoath, MOUNT up."
They rode out and Mina smiled as the scent of saltwater increased.
"Never get the smell out of your hair after two tours in Brittiania."
"Ha. Where's Lyn?"
"She's back with Yoshkia. She's a level 5 and struggles as her Proficency is Sniper. She hasn't had much opportunity to gain levels as she has to hang back from the fiht."
"I'll pair her up with Strand then. She's an elven Ranger and by default is the best sniper in the army. Lyn might be a crackshot, but she needs a little more practice."
Strand smiled.
"I know the girl and have been instructing her, Tyler. She is VERY shy and timid. Yet has more courage then I think I do."
"Lynnete Bishop. Looks and plays the part of the good looking yet timid mouse. Then when you figured her out, she steps up and reminds you of WHY she was the Strike Witches' best shot. even IF her rifle was a piece of crap."
Mina looked at him curiously.
"It did it's job and well mind you."
"True. But the Boys Antitank rifle is GODS AWEFUL. Those rechambers take FULL SECONDS. She'd been better off with a reloadable rocket launcher then that thing."
She chuckled at that as the trees thinned ahead.
"I suppose your world is more advanced then our own. And I see where you're coming from."
The force left the trees a few minutes later to find themselves on the edge of a great ocean. As far as the eye could see was nothing but waves of blue green water with not a cloud in the sky. Belfast smiled as she smelt the breeze and heard the cawwing of the gulls.
"I missed this scent. And that sight."
Tyler smiled at that as he took a photo of the horizon for Seria and looked up the road.
"Come on people we can gawk later."
They chuckled and got moving along the shore heading toward Sardona. Tyler flipped one of the seagulls beside them off as they went though.
"Get the fuck away from me ya flyin rat."
The gull sqwacked in offense at him and winged away. Asuna laughed.
"What the hell did that bird do?"
"I was at a boardwalk once and them freakin bastids robbed me of my hotdog. NEVER forget the flying bastids."
She and a good few of the heroes chuckled at that one. The waves had a gentle rumble to them as they lapped shyly at the shore while the friends rode on the road. Tyler looked out the sea everyfew minutes and Mina looked at him curiously.
"looking for something?"
"Making sure a pirate ship doesn't sneak up on us."
"Yeah we wouldn't be able to reach even WITH our spells."
Belfast smiled.
"I am on watch Dear."
"Thanks Belfast."
She smiled as the friends continued on their way. Strand looked at him as they went.
"Sardona is two days up the breach. we'll see her middle of day two as she's kinda big."
"Alright. We'll spend a night in the city and continue on. Sad to say we don't really have a lot of time for touristy shit."
Victoria nodded.
"I am afraid not. we were expected to arrive two days from today in the capital. But many factors waylaid us. I am happy with the results however. so this was a successful excursion."
Tyler chuckled at that as they broke into a full gallop along the level ground.
"Took out a forest giant's army of forest wolves, destroyed Dunkrick, took out like 15,000 bandits, discovered we have a PRINCESS in our midst, and I have a sprite living inside me. Full few weeks."
They chuckled at that truth as Akeno smiled.
"And we only lost 25 members of a 158 man force. Gained two back."
Tyler smiled as they thundered along the road.
"I think I like this world."
The friends rode for the day and came to a solid stretch of woodland for a campsite. Tyler looked out to sea.
"Strand, put a spell on the camp bonfire that makes it unable to be seen from a distance please."
She nodded.
"I will. Pirates?"
"would see that beacon for MILES."
She nodded gravely and did just that as the fire that kept insects at bay was lit. The Berserker lifted his nose to the breeze as it picked up and smiled.
"Clear skies and following seas in the morning."
Dryft looked at him curiously.
"You know the ocean?"
"It's one of the few things I'm truly nervous around. I can't win that fight and it knows it."
She smiled.
"I understand. I felt the same way when I saw my first high dragon. Like it KNEW I was ALLOWED to see it."
Tyler went to his task as company cook that night and he smirked as he took some beef-like meat.
"I got an idea."
Belfast appeared like MAGIC as he started mincing the meat.
"Tyler. what are you attempting to create?"
"Em? oh. Beef patties."
"I see. Yet those are TYRANT."
"Closest in consistancy we have."
"Now that mention we don't HAVE beef. So a replacement. Very well. Yoshkia dear!"
The little strike witch came over all smiles.
"what's up?"
"HE is making something new."
Yoshkia tapped a wooden spoon on her hand with a smile.
"IS he? I'll be the judge of it's GOOD or NOT. we clear?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Wow so THAT'S what that feels like?"
She shrugged and watched Tyler closely as he worked.
"So you got made company cook, Yoshkia?"
She smiled at that.
"Yup! Me, Asuna, Akeno, Javelin, Gasper, and Kyba got made company cooks. I'm just the best of them so I'm in charge of the kitchen."
"Oh that's kinda cool. explains the quality."
She smiled with pride at that as he formed a set of minced patties and set them on a grate over the flames with a battering of butter. Yoshkia watched this with hawklike intensity....until the wafting aromua hit her.
"Oh my god."
He added some diced onions and the familar sizzile had more then a few heads look over longingly. Rias being one of them.
"Hmmm, WHEN was the last time I had a real burger?"
Akeno nodded longingly.
"Or an ACTUAL pizza?"
Kirito sighed.
"I MISS pizza."
Tyler chuckled at the now rumbling stomachs as the memories came back.
"we'll talk to a few people. The pieces are here, we just put em together."
The first set of patties were readied and topped with soem pickles, ketchup and mustard before he slid the thing to Yoshikia.
"Have a taste."
She took a fearless bite and her eyes lit up like light.
Tyler chuckled as he passed out more plates.
"I DID work as a frycook at a few places Yoshkia."
Belfast smiled as she got her own.
"I see we have ANOTHER company chef."
Rias smirked as she dug into hers.
"Seria is going to be so jealous we got a meal made for us by her husband! BEFORE HER!"
"She gets massages."
The entire women faction of the army bellowed at him in furious shock and he chuckled as he flipped the next patty.
"Sorry ladies! Ya gotta be my wife for THAT kinda spoil!"
They grumbled at that as Rias and Belfast smiled knowingly. Once the meal was gone Tyler made a few more pattie batches for more meals he then instafroze with an ice spell for the wagon. Belfast smiled as he filled a small chest enchanted to keep them cold.
"I apologise for the misfaith."
"I get it."
He went for his watch by the ocean and the camp powered down. Tyler smiled as he did his statue of armor impersonation for a few hours until Gasper relieved him.
"I thought you got hit with a time spell."
He patted the vampire and went to his tent. The Berserker walked in and found the thing empty and Metalica appeared with a smile.
"Yes! I FINALLY get you allll you myself!"
He chuckled as he laid down and she snuggled up beside him.
"Night Metalica."
"Night Tyler."
DAY 43.
GOLD: 326,104.
BLOODOATH GOLD: 6,138,653.
Tyler woke the next morning to find he'd snuggled into Metalica's massive chest. He'd literally shoved his head in her breasts and she'd wrapped him up in them too. Well. I GUESS this is nice. He smiled and Metalica chuckled as she opened her grey eyes above him.
"Guess you wanted to snuggle."
He chuckled as he got out of his sprite friend's soft bust.
"Guess so. I like em, Metalica."
"Me too. And we'll not tell Seria. Until you do it to her too that is."
"Sure thing. I think she'd laugh."
They got dressed and Tyler went to the table with the rest of the captains. Asuna smiled as she walked up a LITTLE wobbly and smirked as she saw tyler note this.
"Don't say it."
"Ha. We good?"
She nodded.
"Yup. we're set to move out."
The Knights broke camp to ride out and Tyler was in the lead. The ocean had a more restless feel to it that morning and Asuna noted it.
"A storm?"
Tyler looked.
"Nah. Just the tide's coming in. Kinda HARD too."
A wave slammed into the shore and splashed a few of the warriors some drops and Strand smiled.
"The Pharn coast has some MEAN tides."
"We'll keep that in mind."
A sound of distant thunder was heard out to sea and they all looked. A pair of large sailing vessels were dueling on the waves with thundering cannons and Tyler chuckled.
"Two pirate barques dukin it out. By the look of that Ship of the line, she jumped that Man of war. The MAW NEVER saw it coming and is now fucked."
There was a large explosion from the Man O War and Tyler chuckled as two masts toppled.
"There go her powder barrels on the aft deck. She's a lame duck. Now they'll either board or sink. If they're SMART, they'll do both."
They watched as the more elegant Ship of the Line sailed to the Man O war's intact side to board and the screams of pain were heard even at that distance before going silent. Tyler smiled as he watched through a spyglass.
"man o war surrenders, the hold is looted and the surviving crew members given a choice. Join up, or be set afloat."
Strand looked at him.
"You know ship warfare too?"
"My world we have types of games using enchanted screens that let us visit other worlds. One I was a pirate captain and was undefeated on the high seas."
Sora chuckled.
"Nice. Ship type?"
"OOoh. I see your strategy. Lighting attacks with overwhelming firepower and accuracy. Then when you board, you kill everything that moves."
"Pretty much. Come on. Not our game, not our table."
The company moved on as the ships handled their own affairs. Belfast looked at him as the sound of another salvo was heard.
"Will we do some sailing of our own, Tyler?"
He shrugged.
"Right now I don't know. The ships you're used to sailing are NIGHT AND DAY differences compare to old school sail an tack. I'll slap a maybe on it as it's a distinct possibility."
"Very well."
Asuna smiled as they left the battle behind.
"I kinda wanna go pirate hunting, Tyler."
He chuckled at that.
"Me too actually. But again. we'd need to do it RIGHT."
"Kirito would make a sexy pirate."
They laughed at that exchange. and Tyler looked ahead as the top of a grand lighthouse was seen in the distance. Dryft smiled.
"The Great Guide of Sardona. The largest lighthouse on the coast. It stands at 500 meters tall and has a light no fewer then 15 meters across. it can be seen for hundreds of nautical miles and has saved the lives of thousands of sailors."
Tyler smiled as they drew closer.
"It ever get taken out?"
Strand shook her head.
"No. It's seen as a nautical beacon and serves as guidence for not just Macedona ships but any ship in the region. If a country were to shutter the light for any reason, it would be seen as an act of war and every country that uses that lighthouse would respond in kind."
"Yeah we'll check it out."
Mina nodded.
"If it is THAT important, it's a military target. and the Drakens can take it out, and blame it on Macedona. The bam. The queendom's enemies triple."
The natives looked at them like they were hurt. Strand saying it.
"Is THAT how you people wage war? with NOTHING being sacred or....even RESPECTED?"
Tyler sighed.
"In our wars, it is common practice to use gas based weaponry....on civilians. The country that does it gets LEVELED, but they still do it. Why? Because it's efficent. When our world goes to war, any form of infrastructure is a viable military target. The more important it is to morale, the higher the list of FIRST TARGETS it is. A war broke out in another country and the first thing they bombed was the dam that spanned two miles. It was seen as an achievement of humankind and an example of what that country could do in peace time. It was on their flag for fuck's sake. And it was the VERY FIRST target they hit. 3,000 people died building that thing. And they blew it up just to make a point. When the river was released, a further 40,000 were just swept away."
Victoria shuddered.
"So THAT'S why you're so good at military strategy, Tyler. Your world is wartorn with NO RULES OF ENGAGEMENT."
"Oh there are rules. But they're just for courtrooms. When you're gettin shot at, you're told to follow orders. PERIOD. If we were in my world and you were my soldier, I'd fully expect you to gas an orphanage without question if I told you to. If you refused, YOU'RE the bad guy. And the reason I'd have you flame that building? The enemy built it as a symbol of pride."
Dryft shuddered.
"No more stories from your worlds, Tyler, Mina. We don't want the nightmares."
He smiled.
"I understand."
The lighthouse had a wide beam of light circling around it's tip at set intervals and as they climbed a small hill Tyler got a good look at Sardona.
"Huh. I kinda like what they did here."
The city had been built around the lighthouse and a large cliff jutting over the water. It had the appearance of a horn of stone with speckles of light decorating it with a long tooth under the horn with a beam being fired under it. The city was built in an inverted U shape around the stone horn and the lighthouse was built into the horn. There was also an immense port under the horn with hundreds of ships at anchor with thousands more either sailing into port or leaving port. Tyler smiled as he looked at it.
"every house is built in a staggered pattern. The ones closest the outer wall are lowest while the ones behind it are one story higher. Overlapping lanes of fire if the wall is breached, and plenty of space for fighting on said roofs. The city is a meatgrinder."
He then frowned as he looked at the immense stone horn jutting out over the water.
"But that horn is making me nervous. if that goes, the ENTIRE city is wiped out."
Mina nodded.
"It's COLLASAL and a VERY big target. Look what we did at Dunkrick with a single sprite, a few bombs and the element of surprise."
Strand smiled as she provided reason.
"THAT is the Horn of Valor. They say if you dive from the HIGHEST point OVER THE WATER, and LIVE, yhou are granted a boon from a GODDESS of valor herself."
Tyler smiled widely at this news.
"Ya don't say?"
She looked at him sharply.
"If you miss, you die. There is NO wriggle room up there Tyler."
"Worth it. For what I have in mind? UTTERLY worth it."
The leaders blinked at this before Rias smiled as it clicked.
"Another piece?"
"And a rather big one too. I KNEW it was only a matter of time before I found SOMETHING like this. I am DOING that challange. And I WILL succeed. For Seria."
Asuna smiled at the vow.
"Willing to kill yourself JUST to give her the wedding of her dreams. I'm jealous. Kirito. I don't want you to try."
"No. It;s not worth losing you over."
He kissed her lovingly.
"It;s worth it to me. With such a gift, Asuna? I can protect you better. Do it with me."
"Oooh Kirito. I will!"
Tyler smiled at the moment and sighed as he felt a longing for his beloved princess inside his heart.
"Soon, Seria. Soon."
Rias smiled longingly as she and the rest felt the intense feelings in the air.
"I want that. Oh how I want someone to love me like that."
Tyler caught her below the breath wish and he sighed internally. I NEED to remember who she is and what she's been through. Metalica's voice was heard in his head and it was full of understanding.
"She longs for someone to love her for WHO SHE IS. Like YOU did. YOU got YOUR wish. Why can;t she?"
everyone deserves to have someone in their life that loves them without compromise and is utterly devoted to making them smile. I have Seria and she has me. RIAS has NO ONE and has had to suffer time and time again because of that fact. He glanced back at the redhead as she got a warm hug from Asia, making her smile but the entire time her blue eyes were full of a deep depression and sadness. He sighed as he looked ahead. even now she is TRYING with all her heart not to long for what Seria and I have. And it HURTS.
"You can make it better."
He smiled at this truth and Mina saw it.
"Something click?"
"You could say that. Was chatting with Metalica. She made a good point."
"Whatever it is, I'm sure it's important. We're here too."
"Thanks Mina."
She smiled and the friends rode until they found a suitable campsite in a small circle of rocks out of immediate sight of the ocean. Tyler had his tent up and he looked out to where rias had set hers directly across from it. He smiled and slid the chessboard into view. She smiled and came right in.
"Nice signal."
"Gremory family values. Am I right?"
She busted up laughing at that one.
"Oh my hell I want that on a T-shirt!"
"So long as it has a chessboard under it."
He hugged her the and she blinked at this attack.
"Umm, hi?"
He smiled.
"Sorry. I kinda got wrapped up in my head."
She blinked again and looked at him.
"What the hell does that mean?"
"YOU'RE more alone here then I am. I got my dreamlover. YOU lost yours. i..forgot how much that hurts. I'm sorry."
Rias smiled warmly at this as she hugged him now.
"It's okay. I understand. You were trying to be loyal to Seria. I was just the girl next door trying to butt in."
"True. You WERE pushy and annoying as hell. Fact you're RIAS GREMORY was what allowed you to get away with that crap."
She smiled sheepishly and lowered her chin like a caught toddler.
"Sorry. I...kinda knew that."
"Ugh. Okay. You just stole Asia's cuteness crown."
They laughed at the distant whine of their favorite blonde and Tyler hugged the redheaded girl hard. He leaned in her ear.
"I love you, Rias. You deserved better then what you got."
She shivered.
"I love you too, Tyler. Does..."
"We'll make it official with Seria. But it does."
She smiled with such joy it nearly SPLIT her FACE and he held her. The redhead didn't shed any tears as she settled her head on his chest.
"I like it."
"Me too."
The pair ate together before he summoned Seria. The blue haired princess smiled as she saw Rias beside him.
"So was a choice made?"
Tyler nodded with a smile.
"She deserves better. And I know how much it hurts finding out your dream was just a fantasy."
He hugged the nearly crying again redhead.
"I can at LEAST make sure her new dream is a happy one."
Seria had a proud smile on her face as she hugged the redhead too.
"And THAT'S one of the reasons I love you so freakin much, Tyler. You have a VERY kind heart and EXTREMELY gentle soul. Is she in the family?"
"She is my number two girlfriend."
Seria smiled as she hugged the proud redhead.
"WE will SHARE the snuggles, Sister."
"Yeah. We will, Seria. My heart hurts."
Metalica appeared then with a smile and a tear on her cheek.
"His heart cracked for her on the road today. And it reminded him of WHY he liked her so freakin much to begin with. Seria owns his heart and not a SOUL could hope to challange her. But YOU, Rias, ARE his soul. And right now it is GLOWING."
Tyler smiled as he hugged his girlfriends.
"I'll keep you all safe. I promise. I love you."
They smiled.
"I love you too, Tyler."
"I love you too, Tyler."
The berserker smiled as he held them tightly for a moment longer before Rias smiled.
"will I get one too?"
"I will not say yes or no. NOT right now."
"I'm greedy."
"You're a DEVILPRINCESS. I expected it."
Seria chuckled as they settled down.
"Sad to say THAT will require HEAVY negotiations TYLER."
"I get it."
Rias got his left arm as the ladies laid on his chest and Metalica returned to fairy form to snuggle into Rias' hair.
"Oddly enough this is SUPER comfy."
They chuckled at that as Tyler smiled.
"Good night, Seria. I love you. Good night, Rias. I love you too."
"Night, Tyler. I lvoe you."
"I love you too. Night."
DAY 44.
GOLD: 326,104.
BLOODOATH GOLD: 6,138,653.
Tyler woke to the sight of red and blue hair over his eyes. That made him smile as he saw Rias and Seria soundly asleep in his arms while Metalica was sleeping in Rias' hair like it was a hammock. He kissed Seria awake and she smiled.
"I love you too."
He smiled and stroked Rias' soft, blood red hair affectionately.
"She means a lot to you, Tyler."
He nodded as Seria rested her head on his chest to look at the sleepinf redhead.
"She does. Before I met you, Seria, she was my dreamgirl. I wanted to be with her so badly it hurt sometimes."
She smiled.
"Then you met me and gave your everything to me with utter devotion in mind."
"Yup. She was my best friend in this world."
"And she wanted to be more. You made a promise to me. And kept it. I think we'll be fine now."
He hugged his new redheaded girlfriend tightly.
"We'll be just fine, Rias."
She opened her eyes with a smile.
"Yeah. I love you."
"I love you."
She looked at seria and a subtle nod was given before the redhead pounced on the Berserker for her first kiss and the man smiled as they got into a VERY intense makeout session that had sparks FLARIING between them that even Metalica winced.
"Damn. Like when two volcanos MEET and MESH."
Seria smiled.
"How intense is it, Metalica?"
"I'm afraid they'll melt my forge with the heat between them."
"Oh dear."
"Relax. His soul is on FIRE for her right now. His HEART, is ACHING for you, Seria."
The princess smiled as Tyler pinned the redhead to the tent.
"Demonic Chariot."
And he lifted off the busty girl as she smiled.
"That was everything I dreamt it would be. I love you."
"I love you too, Rias."
Seria kissed him now and Metalica smiled.
"YOU just dumped a bucket of water on his soul and now it's lovingly warm. She just lights a FIRE in his soul and they RESONATE. A VERY balanced trio now."
Tyler smiled as he hugged them again.
"I love you two. Annnd we have work to do."
They chuckled and Seria smiled as she looked at Rias.
"Remember. NO further then what we have done."
The devilgirl smiled.
"I'll remember that Seria."
Se faded out and Tyler hugged his dear redhead.
"We'll make up for lost time."
"It's okay. We're here now."
"Yeah. Come on."
The pair got dressed and headed out. Akeno was waiting with a smile to kidnap her friend on sight and Tyler chuckled as he met up with the captains at the table. Asuna greeted him as he walked over.
"Morning. So we'll reach Sardona in a few hours. The very first thing we do, is make sure that lighthouse is secure. Then we take a VERY deep cleaning bath. Tyler will commit suicide and then me and Kirito will commit double suicide."
They chuckled at that plan and Tyler nodded.
"Heads on a swivel. Let's not get jumped twice in two different cities please."
They nodded.
"Good. BREAK."
The Knights of the Bloodoath b roke camp ad got riding.
"Hey that ship's out there."
Tyler looked and sure enough the Ship of the Line from yesterday was riding rather close to shore. The majestic vessel had four masts and some holes blown in her hull but was making headway with the tide.
"Looks like she's in good shape. Odds are she'll put into the port for repairs."
Asuna looked at him.
"She's a pirate vessel."
"True. But pirates have to be caught in the act by those that HUNT THEM. The laws have loopholes."
"Ah. Us?"
"Not our game. Not our table."
She nodded as they came over the hill to approach the city gates. The scent of sea air and the cry of seabirds meshed with the rush of the waves as the Knights of the Bloodoath approached the gates of the port city. Tyler noting the guard were geared in bright blue starlite armor as they checked wagons and horses.
"Guess smuggling's a big thing here. Ha. Makes sense."
Asuna had a small jar of balm she applied to her lips as she replied.
"Speciallly since it's a port city. Be kinda funny if they ask to check OUR wagons."
Tyler chuckled at that as they approached and the guard looked up at the intimidating warrior in black.
"Name and business in the city!"
Tyler smiled.
"Tyler the Berserker with the Knights of the Bloodoath. Lookin for rest before we get going again."
The guard went WHITE at THAT one.
"LOrd Berserker?"
"In the mess!"
"My WORD I meant no disrespect Sire!"
"Ha. I like bragging. You're good."
The guard chuckled at that as hr relaxed.
"The Lady is expecting you, Lord Berserker. CLEAR!"
The gates opened and the Knights rode through them and into a mass of cheers from a crowd that had gathered on the otherside in SECONDS after the words Lord Berserker had been uttered. Tyler chuckled as roses and petals were thrown from windows and balconys of the defensively structured city and children ran alongside the parading Knights. Tyler smiled as he caught a flung rose and tossed it to a small girl on a balcony with near pinpoint percision. She gasped at this while her mother smile with pride at the story her girl now got to tell. Asuna chuckled as she did the same to another child, much to the crowd's awe.
"You LOVE spreading tales don;t you?"
"I LOVE showing off."
They chuckled at that one as a small girl looking over her railing overbalanced and fell towards the street. The crowd gasped in horror at this tragedy....only for Tyler to appear beside her in midair and kick off the wall of the house to land lightly on his feet holding the unharmed girl like a princess.
"You okay princ-ARRGH."
She stabbed him in the jugular with a knife.
Tyler didn't flinch as the tiny girl went to run...and grabbed her by a leg.
"A classic trick toots."
The crowd looked on in horror at the assassination attempt that had JUST been preformed and Tyler tore the knife from his neck with his teeth.
"Too bad for you this isn't the first time I've been jumped by a kid on the street. I saw it coming a SPLIT SECOND before you shived me. You missed EVERYTHING vital and are just another tally on my wall of chicks that have tried to kill me. You got some balls HALFLING."
The ranting girl was then tied with knots from HIS world and lashed to his horse. Asia appeared all smiles.
"Twilight healing."
His wound was closed and the blood purged. Annd the poison too.
"There! All better!"
Tyler mounted up on Shadow as the crowd looked at each other as if not sure how to react.
"well? Let;s keep it moving people! we were putting a show on right?"
There was a chuckle from the crowd as gthe captive thrashed on the back of Tyler's horse. The hero's parade picked up again as shouts of,
Went up from the city as they approached the main keep that enshrouded the lighthouse. A wall of armoured knights were waiting with a lady in starlite chainmail wielding a scythe leading them. She was Tyler's height with long, pearl pink hair and vivid purple eyes that had a blazing fire inside them. Her skin was faire and her bust massive in her mail. Her hair hung to her feet and had a knife tied to the end while her scythe was bigger then she was. Victoria smiled warmly as she saw her.
"Sister Brutalia! It is good see you in good health!"
The lady smiled and spoke in a warm yet firm belltone.
"Sister Victoria. I see you have not changed at all."
TYler chuckled as he looked at the intimidating warrior.
"Nice to meetchya, Brutalia. I'm Tyler. Nice headtaker."
She chuckled as she hefted her solid blue scythe with evident affection.
"Her name is Heartbreaker. I hit you, you will break. An honor to meet the legendary Lord Berserker."
Tyler chuckled and held up the still thrashing assassin.
"I caught a snake in the camp."
Brutalia chuckled as she hefted her scythe.
"we are aware. Lady Slyindria is LIVID that parade was nearly ruined for her people. Have you decided the prisoner's fate, lord Berserker?"
"Usually toss em to Mylissia."
"Ah. A sound solution and one the Lady will agree with. we are your honor guard to her. Your steeds will be stabled this way."
The knightsfollowed the pink haired warrior through the gate of the horseshoe shaped keep and Tyler had an idea. He looked at Brutalia while holding the thrashing halfing in view of his eyes.
"So that lighthouse."
She chuckled.
"IS quite the sight is it not?"
"It is. and is the thing secure? I can see those idiot Drakens trying to destroy it....and blame Macedona some how."
The halfling FROZE midthrash at Tyler's mild tone. EVERYONE noticed this and the Berserker chuckled.
"So they ARE trying to take it out? Thanks runt."
The halfling went limp in her bounds as she realized what she'd done. Brutalia had a look of awe on her face as she looked at him.
"HOW did you do that?"
"Simple. She was out of her mind with emotion and I used it. The first reaction is instinct. She knows what they are planning. I had ten minutes I could get it out of her."
The hafling smirked around her gag and Tyler looked her in the eye for a moment.
"Ha. Toots, I already know how they're gonna do it. They'll rig demo charges to the main support structure and try to tip it into the port."
She went white.
"If that fails, they'll resort to simply smashing the light and rigging it to bolw when someone goes to repair it."
"And their men are inside the keep as we speak.....among the guard."
About to pass out.
"And. ONE of them....."
He grabbed one of the guards in armor seemingly at random by the throat.
"Is you. the guy that's been glaring at her like you knew her the entire time."
The helmet was torn off the reveal a Draken in disguise. The dark elf had a look of shock as four mroe were discovered the same way.
"It's what i'd do. Ha. We have a LOT of stuff to give the queen today!"
Brutalia just looked at him like she was halfway between hero worship....and utter terror as the guard were inspected by internal affiars officers.
"YOU are a god."
"Thanks Brutalia. It's called Cold Reading."
Sora laughed at that as he came up.
"YOu learned that from ME!"
"Pretty much. Sora's the best at it, but I know what I'm doing."
The scythe wielder looked at her sister and Victoria shrugged.
"You DON'T really get used to him, Sister. He taught the Rangers a new way to milk venomous serpents the other day."
"Oh my."
He chuckled as the prisoners were dragged through the door of the keep and into the base of the grand lighthouse. The place was in an uproar at the discovery of so many Draken inside their walls and there was a VERY pissed lady in a rather pretty blue dress holding a golden trident. She was Tyler's height with foot length sky blue hair and vivid red eyes set into a tear drop shaped head. Her skin was sapphire blue while her frame was slender. She spoke in a hard, yet airy voice to the warriors.
"I and my city are DEEPLY ashamed by this failure, Lord berserker. You set foot in my city and not even an hour later have discovered an ENTIRE SQUAD OF DRAKENS INSIDE MY GUARD! I looked at these men and women every day for HOURS and suspected a thing. I WILL put this right. Summon the queen."
"Sure. Just one question."
She smiled.
"My name is Sylindria. And yes I am a mermaid."
"Cool. Alright."
Tyler tossed the orb out and Mylissia appeared after a moment.
"You have reached Sardona?"
"Yup. and I got presents."
She blinked.
"That light house is a VERY blatant target."
"Oh by the sky."
She sighed in irritation.
"How many?"
The queen looked at him and he nodded ti a pile of tied up prisoners.
"Wow. That's an entire Deep Hand BRANCH. we will make MOST use of them."
Tyler threw the trash through the orb and Sylindria knelt.
"My lady. I am ashamed of my failure. They LITERALLY just arrived an hour ago."
Mylissia smiled sympathically.
"Do not feel shame, Sister. Tyler and his Knights do that. Yet I see one more, Tyler."
"THIS runt tried to assassinate me on the street."
"Oh my. I see. I will have a SPECIAL interrogation for her."
He flung the halfing through and the queen smiled.
"A halfling. It seems your love for the children has turned around to bite you in the ass."
"She fell off her balcony."
"Ooh. Using your hero instincts against you. VERY clever."
Tyler chuckled.
"Not the first time a cutie with a knife has gotten the drop on me. and it won't be the last."
That got a chuckle from the queen.
"A true hero's weakness and no mistake. Sylindria. You are absolved of any wrongdoing on the grounds Tyler does not seem to blame you."
The Berserker chuckled.
"She knew nothing and Seria was involved this time."
"Ah. Understandable."
"And I am aware of a test of valor or something with that horn."
The queen and the rest of the room blinked. The Mylissia looked at him curiously.
"WHY would you TAKE such a STUPID risk?"
"I need pieces don't I?"
"It's not worth KILLING yourself over!"
"Of course it is. I WILL make that girl happy with everything I am and WILL do everything in my power to make sure she NEVER forgets. I WILL do this test and I WILL pass it. And I WILL see my wife again."
The room was taken quite aback by the FORCE packed into Tyler's words and eyes as he made those vows. Mylissia smiled proudly as she watched.
"I'll be sure to distract her."
"fuck you."
He chuckled at that kneejerk reaction.
"Hilarious. Okay."
He looked at Sylindria.
"Do a mass search. And triple check the tower."
"Absolutely. YOUR chambers are ready. And the test of courage is up THAT way."
Asuna sighed.
"Go on. Kill yourself for a gift."
He chuckled as he ran up a seperate set of stairs in the tower with a smile on his face and his heart as he reached the level for the stone horn. The Berserker ran out onto the long stone spike as Metalica appeared on his shoulder.
"If you die I'll go live in Seria's soul."
He didn't hear her as he ran for the edge of the narrowing spike with unerring footsteps. Tyler smiled as he leapt off the tip close to 200 yards from shaore.
"For you, Seria."
He dove towards the surface of the water close to 700 meters below and as he fell he flipped on his height to drop feet first. He pulled his arms in close to his chest and shut his eyes tightly as he focused on Seria. His feet hit the water and he dropped deep beneath the surface. The Berserker smiled as he landed on the bottom of the ocean, dropped into a crouch and THRUST upwards with all his strength for the surface. He broke the surface cleanly and was faced with a tall woman in a boat beside him. She smiled sweetly at him as she patted the spot across from her.
"Well done Hero of the Unflinching Heart."
He climbed aboard the lady's craft and found he was as dry as a bone. The he got a look at his companion. She was extraodinarily beautiful wih neatly braided golden hair that put even ASIA'S lockes to shame while her skin was pure white. She was slender with delicate features and her eyes were a beautiful shade of blue. Her voice was a soft breath that had the same relaxing quality Seria's did and her attire was an english ballgown complete with umbrella. Tyler smiled as he settled in teh rowboat across from her.
"Nice to meet you, Aphrodite."
She blinked at this and smiled.
"You knew my name on SIGHT. Truly a remarkable warrior."
"Tell Hestia I said hi."
"I will most certainly do so. Normally, a goddess of courage bestows the reward upo you. But. Since you did it with such extreme devotion and love for that princess of yours, you entered into MY jurisdiction of rewards. And I could not be happier. Speak, warrior, NAME HER PRIZE."
He presented the goddess of love and beauty a book. Aphrodite chuckled at this audacity.
"TAke what you can and give NOTHIN back. Adorable."
She looked through the book with a smile.
"It will be as you envision. I will PERSONALLY see to this."
"Thanks Aphroia."
"OOh I like that!"
He chuckled.
"I'm glad you do. Thank you."
"Not at all. If anything, I should thank YOU for such amusement. Now. My time for this encounter is up. If you seek another boon from a god, know there are many and more such challanges in the world. I will return you to the tip."
"Thanks aphroia. Hey."
She looked at him curiously.
"What has surfaced?"
He smiled widely.
"Is now a bad time to mention I can't swim?"
The goddess looked at him. And just looked at him as if NOT hearing him. Tyler busted up laughing as her serene expression broke into one of utter PAIN.
"Ooooh I HATE YOU SO MUCH! Hestia is LAUGHING so hard it is KILLING her head!"
Tyler was coughing violently now from his laughing fit and the goddess looked over a little fearfully as he nearly BLACKED OUT from how hard he was laughing.
"Oh dear. YOUR world did EXTREME damage to your body. Thank the sky when I teleport you back it'll heal it."
Tyler smiled as he was blinded by water before he was next standing back up on the tip of the stone horn. Metalica appeared from his soul with a smile as he walked away.
"That girl's wedding with be sung about for CENTURIES to come, Tyler. And I'll be there to see it."
He smiled as he walked back to the tower.
"I love that girl, Metalica. I have to make it epic some how."
"Once again. I'm jealous."
Tyler smiled as he walked down the stairs and saw Kirito and Asuna waiting at the bottom. The black swordsmen looked up and Tyler chuckled as he came down.
"Like a charm."
Asuna smiled.
"If YOU made it work, WE'LL make it work."
"Keep your legs straight when you hit the water."
They nodded and headed up. Sylindria smiled as he walked over to her.
"That lucky, lucky girl. Now. Your chamber."
A maid appeared from behind Sylindria and the young girl had a giddyness to her as she approached the Berserker. She was half his height with the same blue hair, skin and eyes as Sylindria. But with a more petite frame and smaller bust. When she spoke it was with a softly air feel.
"I am Lindria, Lord Berserker. I am honored to be your maid."
Tyler smiled as he patted her.
"Nice to meet you, Lindria. I'm Tyler."
She blushed a happy purple as they got moving.
"The Lady Sylindria is my mother."
"So THAT'S what you'll look like in a few years? Good for yuo."
She smiled proudly at that as they climbed the steps.
"Mother IS exquistely beautiful. And a beloved leader as well."
"Makes sense."
The pair climbed the steps of the lighthouse until Lindria led him to a door near the middle.
"Here, Lord Tyler. I hope you enjoy."
She opened the door and he was faced with a large chamber identical to Seria's in the royal palace. it even had the same row of manniquins and dresses for her to wear. He smiled as he saw it was indeed his wife's chamber as he walked in.
"Thanks Lindria."
She smiled and left. Tyler ser his gear down and took a VERY deep cleaning bath before laying in the bed. He smiled and looked to the door.
"Safe Rias."
She walked in sheepishly and shut the door behind her.
"I was just about to knock too."
He chuckled as the redhead climbed up beside him on the bed and rested her head on his shoulder. He stroked her soft red hair soothingly and she smiled.
"This it for the day?"
"Pretty much. You?"
"Same. HAven't been able to REALLY relax on a bed in a bit so."
She shrugged and he kissed her.
"I love you too, Rias."
She smiled happily as they got comfier.
"I love you too, Tyler."
The pair dozed on the bed for a while before Lindria came in with their dinner and smiled.
"I'll be joining Lady Asia for dinner Lord Tyler."
"Watch out for her Lindria. She's a snuggler."
"I love blonde snuggles!"
The pair chuckled at her joy and the mermaid was gone. Tyler smiled as he looked at Rias.
"There she goes."
"And she was never seen again."
Once the pair had been fed they took a bath together in the water and Rias blinked at the spear across from her.
"I'd need some serious lube for that."
She chuckled at that as the pair cleaned up and laid in bed together. Tyler smiled as he held the redhead to him.
"Good night, Rias. I love you."
She smiled with closed eyes.
"Good night, TYler. I love you too."