Chapter 68 - Chapter 68

It took an entire week for the Gardening Club room to be ready both inside and out, before Danuja and Kana showed up again in the teacher lounge, Sasaki-sensei surprised eyes on them.

'' Already?'' he asked even though he took out another heavy book from a drawer and begin searching in it '' A week passed. I though the two of you will get stuck there for months.'' he said huffing

'' We are hard workers Sasaki-sensei.'' Kana said politely making the man shake his head in despair and mutter something about the sun and moon.

Crazy bastard Danuja couldn't help but thought before adding 

'' We finished the garden too. Kana work.'' she said looking proudly at the silver headed girl seeing her smile in the process

'' Let me guess, she worked in the garden and you repaired the door Sora-san?'' the man said and even though it was technically true Danuja didn't want to add anything. Kana had other ideas.

'' That's right.'' Kana said looking up at Danuja '' Danuja-san worked hard so the door could open properly.'' she said and Sasaki-sensei looked like he wanted to add anything before thinking otherwise and giving Danuja a closed note

'' Well then, good work and all that President-san and Member-san.'' Sasaki-sensei said nodding at them both giving them half a mouth smile before adding '' Now, take this to the Lost And Found Club and tell them that you need things for your Club room so it wouldn't be that bare. I don't really care how the room looks like if there will be actual flowers going out of that soil.'' he said referring to the outdoor garden, waving a hand for them to go

'' There's a lost and found Club?'' Danuja couldn't help but ask making the man look at her confused

'' No.'' he said slowly '' We have a Lost And Found Club.'' he said nodding before adding '' With capital letters. Now get out so I can eat my lunch.'' he said practically kicking them out

Once outside Kana laughed shortly making Danuja look up from the note.

'' What it is?'' she said already guiding Kana by putting a hand around her shoulders and going towards the Lost And Found Club by following the note instruction, messy how they were.

'' At last he didn't say anything about the, well you know.'' Kana said a little awkwardly making Danuja chuckle

'' Porn?'' Danuja asked just to see her cheeks redden and squirm uncomfortable at her side, despite the fact Danuja didn't let her go

And gods it was a lot of porn. After Kana found the first poster and the walls were half cleaned, the next day Kana somehow found an entire stack of nude magazines that made Kana red all day long. It took the poor girl ten whole minutes of whining before Danuja stopped laughing and she finally got ride of them.

'' Bet he was excepting at last a pack of cigarette's.'' Danuja said taking the corner, glancing with cold eyes at the group of upper year boys who were obviously eying Kana that was tucked securely at her side.

Not a change you fuckers.


'' That should be it.'' Danuja said finally stopping looking at the brown door with too many scratches to count

'' The basement?'' Kana said surprised looking up at her like it was a joke making Danuja snort

'' You know I don't lie like that.'' Danuja said smirking slightly at Kana pout before raising a fist and knocking just to knock louder a second time when no one answered. There was a loud bang that made the two look at each other before looking back at the door.

'' Password?'' a voice said on the other side sounding so uncertain that it made Danuja huff amused. She opened her mouth to throw them off but Kana beat her to it, while looking pointily at her.

'' We are here for supplies for our Club room. Sasaki-sensei said we should find help here.'' Kana said bumping her hip on Danuja side making her snort amused

'' Oh!'' the voice said together with more relieved voices '' Just a second then. We were just going to-'' they said opening the door abruptly, voice trailing off when he catch sight of Kana, staring at her 

Not even trying to stop herself, Danuja growled, the same primal sound she learned long ago, making the boy jump in fright when catching sight of her.

'' Right! Right! Come in.'' he said getting out of the way, the two girl entering one after another

That's a new one Danuja thought amused at the sight before her despite the annoyance she got at the beginning 

'' Hungry huh?'' she said nodding towards the open grill and stack of raw meat at the side. Around the grill, seating cross legged or lazing around, where three other boys all of them looking startled at the new guests.

'' Well, no one really comes here if it's not a teacher you see. So we have a lot of freedom.'' the boy said trusting a hand forward '' Yamato Itsuki, call me Itsuki though.'' he said fretting his hands '' I'm a third year and um-''

'' He it's the club president.'' one of the boys beside the grill added, getting up from the floor but not making other move otherwise '' Daichi.'' he pointed to himself before at the last boy who looked bizarrely similar with the other '' And my twin, Daiki.'' he said making the other get up as well

'' ... '' the last boy, the one that was still holding a pair of chopsticks, most likely used for the meat didn't move from his spot till Daichi pushed him with his leg to get up '' And I'm Botan.'' he said faintly, waving awkwardly making Kana smile and nod at the boy

'' All three of them are second year, even Botan believe it or not. He doesn't look like much but he grills the best meat I ever eat.'' Itsuki said somehow looking more steady and twitchy at the same time, his black eyes looking everywhere but not at them

'' And suppose that's us. Um, the Lost And Found Club I mean.'' Itsuki said hurried before adding '' And you two are?''

'' Shishijima Kana and Sora Danuja.'' Kana said bowing slightly at them in greeting before smiling at the boys '' From the Gardening Club.''