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The World of Guns

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The latest deep dive wargame is hacked, and turns a mere videogame into a true war scenario. The objective? SURVIVE

Chapter 1 - The World of Guns



DAY 0.

"Tyler, that freakin game came in!"

"Got it Michelle!"

"I WILL be watching."

"It'll be boring. I'm a sniper. Kinda."

That reply got a disappointed sigh from a spindly lady in her late 50s as she watched her foster kid set up the equipment for his deep dive game.

"You and your violent videogames. It's why you're in my house."

"NO. I'm here because of my sister. If I had had my GAMES, the fat whore would not have gotten to me."

"I will keep you from 'diving' or whatever it's called, speak like that again."

The ultimatum was met with a mocking chuckle as the teenager finished hooking cables to the football helmet that served as his controller.

"You can't. Remember I'm paying for all this. The internet, the GEAR, the ELECTRICITY, the WIFI backup, eh you get the idea. Like you always preach, you pay for it, you set the rules."

The woman glared at him for that.

"I WILL be watching, and you WILL turn off the blood and 18+ features."


She sighed at the continued defiance as the tall 16 year old boy laid on his bed.

"I am calling Tori about your attitude. And if I do not like your actions inside the game I WILL pull you out and make sure you never dive again."

Tyler merely shrugged as he got comfy. Then he pulled the visor down on the helmet and smiled.

"Log in Identification: Goreleech. Password: TheDemon. Diving...NOW."

His vision was filled with blood and the sounds of heavy artillery and gunfire filled his ears as he was transported in to the realm of The World of Guns. A fully immersive deep dive Role Playing Game that used firearms and modern military hardware in the place of swords and magic. The developers, Software Magi, had worked with the leading scientists and gun manufacturers the world over to bring EVERY firearm from the dawn of gunpowder to the modern era into the game. Which had over a 100 floors with every floor a solid 50km across. The rating was UR. Unrated. Because it really COULDN'T be rated due to how the ESRB operated. They needed concrete features and gameplay to rate games, and since TWOG was designed from the ground up to be completely free and open ended in all it's engagements, it COULDN'T be rated. The company's Artificial Intelligence was programmed to react accordingly to any and all interactions between players and Nonplayers. Shoot an NPC, and it dies. Shoot a player and they die. The game was designed to be as realistic as humanly possible. And it had achieved that goal. Heads exploded from perfect headshots, people bled, the pain was real and so was the smells of gunpowder. Tyler smiled as he appeared before the avatar creation booth. He walked in and looked at his fully rendered naked body in a virtual mirror inside a military tent. He was a tall boy for his 16 years. 5 feet 11 inches tall and weighing at 220 pounds. He had a lithe frame and was rather well cut from his job hauling lumber. His skin was pasty white he made a nice tan, his hair was black and his eyes brown. He picked the starting attire of a skin tight wifebeater and green camo tac pants with black combat boots. Then it was to starting weaponry. TWOG started every player with a choice of weapon from WW1. Muskets and older had to be bought in the game world since they were a specialty piece. Tyler smiled as he went to the cavalry carbine Carcano bolt action rifle. The thing was the only sniper rifle you could choose from at the start and Tyler knew how it worked from his experience in other games. He took the weapon down and was faced with an Are You Sure prompt and he hit yes. Then an option to learn how to shoot option was put up and he selected the free learn option.

"Private Goreleech, ON THE LINE!"

"Yes sir!"

The gruff bellow of the drill sergeant was met by the teenager's tenor as Tyler was directed to the firing range. He smirked at the sight of other players also learning their new guns since the pre-game lobby was also a hub for new players. Tyler hopped into the trench that served as the shooting position and slid a set of 18 6.3mm rounds for the carcano beside him as he looked at the set of targets in the distance. Each one shaped like a cutout of various people and animals since hunting was also a thing. So was hunting monsters with a shotgun. The player smirked as he pulled the smooth bolt back and loaded the 6 rounds in, loving the sounds of the clicking rounds and feel of the rifle in his hands. The deep dive technology enabling him to feel, see, hear, feel, and even TASTE everything in the world around him. He pushed the bolt forward and sighted a target at the 65 yard line using the stock iron sights since in TWOG the guns all came bare bones. But functional. He smirked and pulled the trigger. The rifle went bang and the round hit the center circle on the head of the target for a perfect 10. He pulled the bolt back and the spent round ejected with a click and a smell of spent gunpowder. The drill sergeant smirked as he passed by.

"Beginners luck, Private. Hit the one at the 150 yard line an you'll impress me."

Tyler smirked, sighted the distant target, and fired. The center target at that range sparked and the Sergeant chuckled.

"I lied."

The head at the 300 yard line sparked from the third shot ad Tyler smirked at the NPC sergeant.

"How bout now?"

"Cocky prick."

He walked away with a sullen expression and Tyler chuckled as he looked down the sights again, seeing the clean sightline. TWOG offered NO aim assist or any crutches for the player to use to hit their targets. No autoaim, no aim assist, no preprogrammed flight paths that could be memorized, no hit markers, no hit spots, nothing. Hitting your target was entirely up to the shooter and their skill with their rifle. And to upgrade said weapon you needed to LEVEL UP said weapon. And you had to use it and get results. Everything on your guns could be upgraded. Sights, barrel, trigger, stock, firing pin, mag size, ammo type, cosmetics, everything. Tyler smiled as he made targets spark for a few more minutes before he nodded.

"I think I got it."

He left the range and got a prompt that asked him if he was ready to deploy. He hit yes.

"Private Goreleech! On the helicopter! You're going to Verask!"

"On it Sarge!"

There was a whirring Blackhawk helicopter sitting on a blacktop tarmac with the side doors open and Tyler got his standard issue duffel bag before he loaded into the transport bird. The bag had his rifle case, maintiance kit, 150 dollars in ingame currency, his tac map of the current floor, and his dogtags he donned on his neck. He climbed into the chopper and was met by a group of other players. Most carrying Winchester carbines since everyone knew of the gun that won the west. Tyler smirked as he got a door seat.

"Alright. Let's go to hell together."

They laughed and one, a girl, noted his rifle.

"A carcano?"

"I'm a sniper. Kinda."

She smirked and lifted her m1887 lever action shotgun.

"I'm the terminator."

He poked her in the chest, and pulled the trigger. There was a click and she blinked.

"And you just got terminated."

A few of the players whistled at the move and the girl chuckled as he looked out the door of the Blackhawk as it lifted off the ground.

"You're a crazy bastard, aren't ya?"

"You're a dude."

"FUCK. How'd you tell?"

"Not my first rodeo."

The crossplayer sighed and Tyler looked out the open door of the flying Blackhawk. They would be flown to the city of Verask, which was the starting area for the game. Once there the players could no longer return to boot camp. The teenager smiled as he loaded the 6 rounds into the fixed magazine and slid the bolt forward.

"You a tester?"

He looked at the speaker.

"Nah. I play Airsoft a lot."

They chuckled at that and he looked out the door to see the roman style city of Verask in the distance. The city itself was 1 solid mile across with dozens of high towers, open plazas, narrow alleys, and flat rooftops for intense firefights. The city was a player safezone though with the exceptions of events that took place inside the city. In architecture the city was a well maintained ancient roman city with limestone buildings and aqueducts. It was basically a reskin of Rome itself. The Blackhawk flew the new soldiers to the coliseum and hovered as a set of ropes were dropped from the bird. One the 50 foot ropes were in place the pilot gave the word.

"Go! Go! Go!"

Tyler jumped out of the bird and was spiraling around the fastrope to the ground where the rifle was in his hands as his feet hit the dirt. He smirked at the military movie entrance and hung the weapon on his back with his duffel bag and he looked around. The coliseum was easily ten times larger then the real world version and there were Blackhawks flying in more and more players every second. The ingame population was currently hovering at 650,000 with over a million well on the way. Tyler smiled at the whirring of shopper blades. I missed this sound. He looked around and noted a line of players heading into the arches into the city and he followed on throng. Everywhere he looked he saw western style guns. Winchesters, colts, Schofields, lever action shotguns, even a few rolling block rifles. We had world war 1 to choose from as well people. I mean I don't even know a lot of WW1 gear too but ya know. VARIETY. He smiled and moved to the city proper. Then he was free to explore the world as he saw fit. There WAS a war occurring on the floor and he could join either side, but for the time being he was more interested to see what weaponry he had access to. His duffel bag's weight vanished and he chuckled as it became a piece of his character that could be removed at will. The duffel bag was his ingame inventory and in order to access it, he had to take it off his shoulder and open it from the zipper. Just like the real thing. Thankfully it had unlimited storage and dozens of organization menus and a search bar that had a keyboard and a voice option. Plus you could paw through it yourself too. Just for added immersion. Tyler was smiling as he walked over to a large shop with the words GUNSHOP over it and went inside. The owner smiled at the soldier as he walked in .

"A new merc in the city? Welcome new meat. Just got a fresh shipment in."

"Thanks QM, I'll see whatchya got."

The man passed him a book ad Tyler leaned on a counter looking at it. He smirked as he saw the only real options were ammo, food, and tools to clean his gun. He went to guns and found a col M1911 sidearm was 500 dollars and his carcano rifle was a solid 1500. He had 150 and noted a tab that said recruits only. He hit it and found a selection of gear for free that was gifted to new players. Some tools for cleaning your rifle, extra ammo for your weapon, a few low grade MREs, or meals ready to eat, a knife since melee combat DID come into play in any warzone, a canteen, and extra tent and bedroll. Th QM, or Quartermaster smiled as Tyler got his requisitions of recruit gear.

"Good kid. If you get into a tight spot, come see me tomorrow and I might have more requisitions."

"Thanks QM. General is where?"

"Top a the clocktower by line 43."

"Thanks a lot."

Tyler left and looked his ammo count over. To start, he was given 18 rounds for his gun. Or three full reloads. THAT'S IT. EVERY player got three full magazines to start. And enough money to buy 10 more. Tyler had gotten an extra 3 full reloads from the Quartermaster, bringing his total shells to 36. A full mag for him at the Quartermaster cost 5 bucks. So pick your shots. And since his weapon was a sniper rifle, ammo was more expensive as a rule. But he'd expected as much. He headed to the clocktower near the frontline of the current war which saw the country of Italica fighting off an invasion from the northern country of Narzickten. Basically Italy got invaded. The sounds of heavy gunfire and exploding artillery was heard in the distance as Tyler found the clocktower in question. It was made from limestone bricks and soared a solid 50 feet above his head and he was met at the door by two Military Police.

"what's your business Merc?"

Tyler smirked.

"Lookin for work. Genny up there?"

The men nodded to the stairs.

"Don't try us kid. We are INCREDIBLY bored."

The soldier walked up the stairs whistling as he went. He reached the top floor command center and was faced by an older man in green fatigues looking at maps while around him men and women were hunched over radios and phones relaying pertinent information to those that needed to know. The man turned as the rifle toting teenager walked up. He was a gruff man with brown hair and green eyes and olive skin. He smirked.

"Looking for a contract, MERC?"

"Ha. Yup. Got one?"

The General sighed.

"You're just a kid, and are a merc. The world is truly lost. I have a contract for a new riflemen on the frontline. You'll be tasked with holding the trench and advancing the lines."


"10 bucks per kill, and more depending on what you accomplish. Do nothing, and you get 25 per week. 150 upfront on sign on."


"Covered by our QM at the front. Same with medical."

"So I join the army to get health insurance. Weird joke there."

The man smirked at that.

"a funny one. Ha. So."

"I'll sign on, Genny."

"Oooh CRAP. Now everyone is gonna start calling me that."

The exasperated man passed Tyler a paper copy of his contract and he signed it. In his vision, Tyler now saw the Italica flag, a set of yellow bars on a white background, at the top left of his sight. It indicated he was working for the Italica Magnifica. Of the Magnificent Italicians. The general then smirked.

"You are to take your place on the frontline and provide fire support for our boys. Your signon."

Tyler got his 175 dollar bonus and a waypoint appeared in the distance by a section of the city and he nodded.

"Moving on."

The general sighed.

"Give em hell, kid. Dismissed."

Tyler let the clocktower and headed for the waypoint along a flashing set of blue bars on the ground that helped him navigate. THAT being the only thing in TWOG he ACTUALLY needed to use since the world was unfamiliar. As he trotted a buzz was heard in his duffel bag and he opened it curiously, only to see an old fashioned walkie talkie beeping.

"what then hell?"

He took the thing out and a video call opened up in front of his eyes with Michelle looking at him. The confused teenager blinked.

"I did not see that in the brochure."

The woman sighed.

"I didn't either. I was looking at the paper work that came with the game and it said I could call you with a video chat from a phone or computer."

"THAT'S kinda cool not gonna lie. Plus how I had to take my radio? Ha. Neat trick."

"I agree. It4 WAS kinda cool. Now. WHAT are you going to be doing?"

He looked at the blue line on the ground.

"I'm going to join the frontline in the Cross Maxin Line war. My gig is mid range sniper support for the trenches. I think the feed for my eyes is on the TV."

"It is. And know I can call you now."

She hung up and he shrugged.

"Neat trick, but come on."

He hung the radio on his chest and moved on. The long limbed teenager left the city a few minutes later and reached a truck depot where a Corporal was loading halftrack troop transports with fresh troops. The man looked at Tyler as he approached.

"Private Goreleech on the track now. You're reinforcing the Hellcat line. It's a hellstorm so be ready to die."

"Got it."

He climbed in and was met by other players also on their way to the frontlines. Most were giddy at their first war experience.

"I can't wait to put this baby to some REAL use!"

"I got a rolling block rifle, thing's a freakin MONSTER in RDR."

"Ha. I got a 1887 shotgun."

Tyler was running a cloth along his carcano rifle and one of the girls in the truck noticed.

"Oh so you think you're Sniper Mask from High Rise?"

He chuckled.

"Nah. I don't miss."

The girl smirked as she hefted her Krag-Jorgensen.

"Neither do i."

"Ya got five rounds in the box there. I got six. Yet all it takes is ONE perfect headshot."

He lifted the rifle,


The girl laughed as he aimed it at her and made the sound.

"Oh watch out, we got a badass here!"

The halftrack rumbled as they crossed the fields outside the starting area heading for the frontline command center. The trip took a mere five minutes even though they'd crossed several miles due to the transports being fast travel systems. The armoured vehicle rattled to a stop and the doors at the back opened up to let the fresh soldiers out. Tyler being one of the first. The forward base was getting shelled from the enemy forces hard. The 105mm shells whistling and howling as they fell and left massive craters in the landscape and blew men and women to pieces when they impacted. The battlefield was set into a stretch of flat forest. The Italica side of the lines were flatland grassland with a ten foot deep, 15 wide trench lined by men and women stretching for miles in either direction. Beyond their trench further in the Italica homeland was the forward Operating Base. Or FOB. The base was a collection of tents and 15 foot tall sandbag lines with some tanks all firing shells. The things on the Italica side were beastly Mark IVs facing the forest to get both of their 6 pound heavy guns to bare on the enemy line. The first few floors were all based off World War One hardware. Tyler smirked as he looked forward to World war 2 equipment. It'll be AWESOME fighting the Germans at Stalingrad or storming Okinawa. The rest of the other players were all white in the face at the sounds of heavy machinegun fire and the graphic smells of an active warzone. TWOG sparing no detail in their depictions of war as blood rained from the sky when a shell hit a person, brain matter flew through the air from headshots, arms were detached from bodies from the same. The scent of burning flesh, piss, shit, and flesh permeated the area along with the odor of spent gunpowder and the air was heavy with the screams of the hurt. Tyler merely shrugged at the hellscape and walked over to a tall tent that was the clear command center. I've seen worse. He walked in,

"YOU, front and center line two!"

and he walked out to head to the indicated position. Tyler smiled as he found the frontline QM and got another 5 full reloads for free as his requisition. The frontline Quartermaster had a limited stock since again, he was on the frontline. So most items from the city shop were not available. Most of the guns were not able to be bought, but you COULD loot weapons from dead enemies. Which was what Tyler was going to do. He reached the end of the sandbag defenses and dropped into a crouch as he ran to the trench. As he ran, rounds fired from unseen snipers slammed into the dirt around him with little ziiiipppps and spurts of dirt from their impacts. The teenager ignored them and jumped into the trench unscathed. The men around him were hunched over the wall of their trench firing weapons into the forest that was the enemy line and Tyler hopped onto a box and set his rifle on a sandbag. He pulled thr bolt back and sighted an enemy machinegunner with a Vickers MMG firing at the men around him The sniper pulled the trigger and the gunner's head exploded from the clean hit.

"gunner down! I got it!"

"Good shot! You, fire the launcher!"

A deep thud was heard as the soldier beside him fired a rifle grenade at the quiet Vickers gun and it exploded, blowing a small hole in the enemy line. Tyler swiveled his gun and dropped a submachine gunner trying to tie off a tourniquet. Then he spotted a sniper in a tree and he fired again. The sniper fell from his tree and he flipped the bolt.


Tyler merely smirked as whistling 105mm howitzer shells slammed into the ground around him, but NOT on him. The men on his line were hit hard but due to his position wedged into a small dent in the trench, he was unharmed. The men either side of him were turned into mush and the teenager was covered from head to foot in their blood and viscera. The trench itself was now a good three feet wider and had a slant in it too. There was a yell from the enemy lines at the breach in defenses and Tyler smirked as he slammed 3 rounds into the attached mag through the receiver and started plugging hostile troops as they poked their heads up. The carcano barked with every trigger pull leaving a dead soldier on the other end. Tyler was smirking as he flicked from head to head to head to head to head before slamming a stripper clip into his gun and continuing the hunt. He blew through all the ammo he had on him and frowned as he fired his last round.

"Out! Ammo I need ammo!"


He caught a pouch of extra rounds tossed to him from a man further down the reformed line.

"Thanks I owe you a beer!"

He reloaded and smirked as a whistle was heard from the enemy line.

"Stick a fork in em, they're done."

He flipped the button on his gun that was the safety and lifted off the trench wall. He'd scored 72 kills that one fight due to his rapid target acquisition and laser accuracy. The pouch he'd been tossed had an extra 10 reloads, so 60 rounds minus the 6 in the gun already. Tyler climbed out of the trench on the Italica side and reported to the Commander. Who promptly tossed him a wad of cash.

"720 dollars. Get out."

Tyler pocketed his money and went to a spot by the trench he could look his gun over. The weapon was scorched from the blasts and had some scratching on the moving parts. He sat against some sandbags and field stripped the rifle with his duffel bag beside him before cleaning this thing and putting it back together. In TWOG, you had to manually maintain your weapons for peak performance and that included taking the entire thing apart and cleaning the pieces. It'll be interesting to see how those idiots that picked those MASSIVE MMGs are getting on right now. He chuckled as he looked down the sights and found them to be properly aligned.


He looked at his total funds,

"All told I got 1,050‬ bucks."

He looked into the trench and saw the weapons were still there from the killed men and women from the fight. So he hopped into the trench and looked at the offerings. He smirked as he saw a Krag-Jorgensen sitting in the dirt. The scavenger took it for himself before spotting a Schofield revolver sitting by more dirt. Happy with his looting he made sure to collect the leftover bullets for the rifle and revolver. The result was him finding an extra 3 reloads per gun. He climbed out of the trench and settled down to clean the newly acquired guns. The Krag-Jorgensen had a deep red finish on the wood and a rather brightly polished trigger system. The schofield was merely dirty and when he took both guns apart he found them to be in perfect working order. The new guns were added to the duffel bag when his radio buzzed. He took it and was faced with a white faced Michelle in the living room of her house.

"Log out. NOW."


She shuddered.

"You are a murderer."

"Iiii am playing a videogame. A WAR, videogame."

"were you shooting people?"

"Dunno. Probably. Most were most likely AI controlled."

She looked like she was about to throw up.

"Log out. NOW. Or I rip the helmet off."

"You can't. You do, it'll fuck with my head. It's in the user manual. Ripping the helmet off runs the risk of neurological problems due to the sensory systems NOT being returned to the real world. You'd basically give me a nasty concussion."


"No. I will log out, when I log out."

she was red in the face now.

"That is IT. I am CALLING Tori! You just lost your videogames and your toys! You WILL stop defying me!"

He hit the button and the videocall ended.

"Miserable old lady. I am playing a WAR GAME. BLOOD COMES with it. Ugh I don't get paid enough for this."

He went back to his carcano rifle and reached into his duffel bag for the gun's user manual. Every gun he had came with a user manual. Even the looted guns. Even if he didn't see one. The thing was a pamphlet that detailed the gun's stats and how to use it and field strip it. And also told you how close to leveling up the gun was and what parts were available for the weapon. If you looted a weapon , it kept ALL it's upgrades it previously had since that's how guns worked in real life. He opened the paper pamphlet and looked at the small bar at the bottom of the diagram and smiled as he saw the gun had leveled up once. Unlocking a better sling. A SCOPE was unlocked at level 15. And the gun itself was level 2. Since scopes were so taken for granted in other videogames, the devs had decided to make people EARN them the hard way and reappreciate the gift of zoom sight. Tyler had chuckled at that one and now he chuckled again. I can hear the bitching now. Idiots. Ya wanna snipe, get good. He looked at the sling he could buy and found it was a mere leather. Nothing fancy. He looked the Krag over now and found it too was level two. And it too had a sling unlocked. The Schofield was still level one since it had not been fired. Happy with his loadout, the soldier leaned against the sandbag as he considered his next move. I don't need ammo for the moment. The next attack won't be for a few hours, and I'm not hungry yet. I COULD go loot the enemy's side of the No-mans-land, but we're still at World War 1 guns. An era I know fuck all about. Eh. He looked at the command tent.

"I'll go get an odd job. Make some extra cash."

He got up and walked over to the commander and he merely waved.

"Over there."

Tyler looked at the board of extra contracts and smirked as he saw one.

"Ambush an enemy patrol in the forest on the eastern flank. Difficulty…5 stars. So the hardest. Payout is an extra 250 bucks. NOT including men killed."

He took it and the commander nodded.

"Good man. Get going."

Tyler went to the QM and bought himself an extra ten reloads for his carcano for 50 bucks, and looked at the ammo for the schofield and Krag. The schofield was 6 shots for 3.5 bucks. So he got ten. Ammo merely sat in his pockets since he didn't have any bandoliers or carriers….there's an idea. He looked at clothing options and smirked at the old fashioned belts lined by magazine pouches. He bought one for 35 dollars and loaded the speed reloaders and stripper clips into them. The things were a deep green and sat on his waist. The Carcano rifle's ammo was in the larger pouch on his right, and the revolver ammo on the left. Happy with the set up he looked his funds over. I got 930 left. Hm. He looked at the offerings and noted a bucket helmet for 25 that increased headshot resistance by 15%. So he had a 15% chance for the helmet to deflect a headshot. He put the metal thing on and smirked at the feeling.

"Hey buckethead. Ha."

Next he looked at sidearms and saw his schofield was a 400 dollar gun. Makes sense since it's a revolver. He looked at the other offerings before shrugging and heading off on his search and destroy mission. Only to blink and turn around.

"Forget something?"

"Yeah. Grenades."


Tyler bought five of the small throwable explosives for 250 dollars and headed to the forest on the indicated flank. He smirked. There'll most likely be a tank involved. And so long as I focus and aim, I SHOULD be able to ick the driver off inside the armor. The forest n question was a good fifteen minute trot from the command center and Tyler moved into the trees without a sound. Around him the forest was silent from the war being fought next door and he noted tracks in the floor from boots and that made him smirk. I count thirty men. Most likely dogs too. I'll make some pricks cry with this one. He pulled the bolt back on his carcano and moved into the forest on his hunt. The soldier moved for another ten minutes before a deep rattle was heard, indicating the approach of a tank. He moved to a rockface and climbed atop it before looking into the distance. There, moving through the forest, was an enemy Mark IV tank bulldozing through the forest escorted by 40 something soldiers and a pack of hounds. Tyler smirked and sighted the commander of the tank standing out of the top hatch directing the driver. Tyler scoped in on the driver and fired. The man's head exploded and the tank lurched to a stop as the hounds were released on reflex. The soldier smirked as he pulled the Schofield and popped the six german shepard attack dogs in their heads while the enemy force reeled from the ambush. The revolver was reloaded and Tyler scoped in on one of the side mounted cannons on the tank. He found the small groove used for aiming and he fired. The force then found his location and the returned fire was heavy. But the tank was down a gunner. Tyler moved from the rockface and dropped into the trees as he pulled the bolt on his own rifle back. He then moved to a side sightline and spotted the force commander in a red helmet trying to direct traffic. Only for a rifle round to take him from behind. The loss of their commander threw the enemy force into disarray and Tyler moved to the motionless tank as the men inside fought to establish chain of command. The wily soldier dropped a grenade into an exhaust port and was gone. The thing blew and the blast hit the fuel inside the tank. And IT blew. The blast knocked the enemy troops off their feet and Tyler picked them off with single shots per. The entire force was picked clean by the accurate shooter in a matter of minutes and he smiled as he looted a model 1887 level action shotgun from the dead commander along with 500 extra dollars from his wallet.

"Thank you for your donation."

Tyler returned to the command center and the commander smirked.

"I wish I had more men like you. 5,000."

Tyler got paid and returned to the sandbag line for a look over.

"Not bad for a rampage. I got 6,380‬."

He looked at the shotgun and whistled.

"extended tube. Reinforced pistol grip, and lengthened barrel. Not bad. I guess I got a legendary weapon here. Tube holds 12 shells. And I got 36."

He cleaned his guns and looked at the time. 5:45PM. Michelle has no place to stand on my game. And she can't touch it since I AM paying for everything. Hell. I am playing a military shooter. And Tori knew what I was getting. I'll log out now and get some food. MAAAAYBE log back in after."

He pulled his duffel bag over and took the radio over. He flipped it off and a prompt for the log out appeared on the radio. Yes or no. he hit yes and the radio beeped as it turned off...and Tyler didn't return to the real world. He frowned.

"I THOUGHT that's how you did it."

The teenager looked at the radio now and saw the tick on the side that said logout. So he turned the dial to the logout selection and the prompt reappeared. He hit yes, and there was a mess of static on the radio.

"Request denied Soldier! Get back in the fight!"

Tyler tilted his head at the gravelly voice.


He tried again.

"Request denied. You're a SOLDIER. NOT some kid playing a videogame."

"Ummmm. Good joke."

"request denied."

Tyler sighed and rubbed his eyes.


He looked to the other settings for the dial and went to the videocall option he had not seen prior.

"who am I connecting your call?"


"One minute please."

The screen appeared and he was faced with a view of inside Michelle's living room as the call used the TV as a massive two way camera/screen. He saw the woman sitting on her couch,

"Hey, Michelle."

She looked over with a scowl.

"Dinner will be ready in five minutes-"

"I can't logout."

"NO dinner-"

"I'm not kidding. There's a glitch and every time I hit the thing it says denied. Look."

she watched him do the procedure.

"Request denied. You're a soldier. Act like it."

The woman frowned now.

"That is the correct way to logout. I know that much."

Tyler shrugged.

"It's day one on the servers. You saw the detail they packed into this. I'm not surprised the servers are having problems. It happened that other time on that other game I played too."

"I remember. What do we do?"

"Hm. Hey just a thought, check the news. I got a feeling it's not just me."

She pulled her tablet over.

"I got the-OH MY GOD."

Tyler sighed at her horrified shock.

"Let me guess. The helmets are killing people."

The woman looked at him in horror.

"You're trapped. And yeah."

"GREEEEAT. Ugh. I am amazed it took this long."

He rubbed his eyes.

"Alright. Call the idiots at the hospital. I'll set up for the night here and go from there. Fucking. PERFECT."

She was already on her phone.

"Yes, my foster kiddo is trapped inside world of guns. Okay. DON'T touch the helmet? Okay."

She was a tiny thing at 4 foot 8 with faded tan skin and matted brown hair. Her brown eyes were full of worry as she looked at him.

"They're on their way. You'll be placed in a hospital with the fastest internet money can buy and the ambulance will have mobile wifi too."

"That plus my helmet, I'll be fine in here."

"They want you to stay on the screen since you're skilled in there it seems."

"Of course they do."

He shrugged and packed his gear into the duffel bag.

"we're not due to be attacked en mass like that again for another few hours so I got time. I'll go grab a plot for my tent and roll."

She watched helplessly as he got off the dirt.

"If you die in there, you die out here."

"I figured. Remember that one anime I like? Sword Art Online?"

"I do?"

"This is just gonna be that. But with guns."

She slumped at that.

Tyler found a good spot in the tent line for his own and he laid inside it. Then he set the radio with the videocall still up beside it and took the pamphlet for his carcano rifle out.

"I unlocked a better butt plate. Ha."

The plate added a minor reduction to recoil and slightly decreased weight. The thing was also able to be colored different styles in the Quartermaster. That made him smirked.

"Level 3."

His schofield was halfway to level two. And that would get him a better front sight for a 1% increase in accuracy. Small I know but hey. Floor one, level one. His CHARACTER level was two and so he'd unlocked a patch. It being an inverted V with a bold bell shaped outline. That, and a new tanktop of black that added .1% heat resistance. Tyler shrugged as he pulled one of the MREs from his duffel bag for his dinner.

"Bottom a the barrel. Makes sense."

He fed on the high output food while his body was prepped in the real world and loaded into an ambulance before his videocall was taken over by a woman in green fatigues.

"Hey, Tyler? Can you hear me?"

"Loud and semiclear, lady."

She nodded as she set the phone to better see him.

"Good. I am Captain Selena Macgorden. I will be your advisor on your war tactics and strategy ingame. I am an expert marksmen and have been served four tours in four different warzones."

She was a pretty enough woman with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes set into a fair skinned face. Her frame was slender and well cut from her soldiering while her bust was large in her uniform. Her voice was a confident tenor and he chuckled.

"So a soldier barbie. There's a rare breed."

Selena smirked.

"Smartass. And I've heard that one already."

"Sure you have, Shadow."


"Homeward Bound."

"Ooooooh I like you. That's a new one and I LOVE it. I have a golden retriever….FUCK YOU."

He chuckled as the jab sank in.

"A blonde with a decent brain. Ha. And halfway decent guns."

she smirked thinly now.

"I can sacktap you and you feel it."

"So they're NOT just for show. Noted."

"a cocky teenager. GREEEEAT. Your kit?"

He unloaded the duffel bag and the captain looked his gear over.

"five MREs, two sniper rifles, a revolver sidearm. An m1887 lever shotgun, 4 grenades, no medical, 20 full reloads for the carcano, 5 for the Krag, 3 for the shoty, 10 for the schofield, a KABAR, and your bedroll. Funds?"


She whistled.

"damn. So you're a sniper."

"Kinda. This is the first time I've played this game. So my strategy for any new FPS is I always start at the sniping. Since it's something I am VERY good at and learn quickly. Once I get comfy with my sniper skills I branch out."

"I see how you play. Start at the rear and learn the mechanics, then slowly move into the main firefight. Smart."

"Hasn't failed me yet. Plus I kinda like sniping."

He took the carcano over.

"My base rifle. And the one I've used most."

"No upgrades?"

"Level 3."

"Ah. Scopes are unlocked at 15?"

"Yup. But I don't really NEED a scope for it since I stay at midrange and that's my ideal spot anyway."

"Hm. The Krag?"

"It looked cool. And I used it in other games."

She sighed.

"The phone's battery's low. We'll chat more in the hospital room."

"I'll most likely do another contract from the commander before the day's over."

"we're recording your gameplay now. And I'll look over your previous engagements too."

"Sure thing Capytan."

"Ooooh I like you."

The videocall ended and he loaded back up. This time the board DIDN'T have a 5 star contract so he looked at the four star offerings. He smirked at one.

"reinforce a squad at the right trench flank and hold for reinforcements. Payout is 200."

He took it and the commander nodded without speaking. Tyler loaded the shotgun as he ran along the trench to the indicated line.

"So he's off on a support mission now equipped as he is."

Selena was watching her new apprentice's movements on a screen in the ambulance they rode in. They were heading to Boston General since it was situated in a city with some of the best internet coverage in the country. The captain noted his current ammo count since the watch feature told the watcher everything about the one they watched. Weapons equipped, level, health, rank, ammo count both in the magazine and in total, distance to target, waypoints, and even the player's mood. The blonde soldier noted the mood was happy and excited.

"Looks like he's enjoying himself in there."

Michelle looked at her.

"what are we going to do to keep him safe, Captain?"

She looked at the screen as Tyler spotted the trench section in question.

"For now we'll see how he handles the current mission."

Tyler leapt into the trench and was met by a group of men all watching the tree line. He set the shotgun beside him and took his carcano rifle out and pulled the bolt back. He aimed at the tree line as a flash was seen for a brief instance in the tree to his left. He dropped even before the flash had vanished and a round whizzed over his head.

"CONTACT, tree line west flank 50 yards! Unknown sniper in tree!"

he popped back up, aimed, fired, and dropped back down all in the span of 5 seconds. The sniper dropped from the tree and Tyler smirked.

"GOTCHYA bitch."

The enemy machineguns opened up as a probe attack was underway. Tyler popped back up and leaned against the wall of the trench before dropping a grenadier as he went to throw and the live bomb fell into his foxhole. It exploded and four more men were killed.


He smirked and swung the rifle to aim for the Vickers machinegun and pulled the trigger. The gunner's head exploded and Tyler took one of HIS grenades. Tearing the pin out with his teeth, he lobed it in a high arc that had it explode just ABOVE the machinegun, and setting IT off too. The result was the enemy force's attack getting stopped dead in its tracks before it even began.

"So he's a tactical sniper. And a SMART one too. Plus his reactions are ungodly fast."

Selena was impressed by Tyler's hair trigger reflexes and razor intuition.

"The grenade was well placed and he never once exposed himself more then absolutely necessary. He has experience in these situations. That much is obvious."

Michelle sighed.

"He plays Airsoft."

"So that's where it came from."

The captain watched as Tyler looted some grenades of a dead comrade.

"And he's a scavenger too. Smart-"

A sound of gunfire rang out and Tyler dropped as a surprise counterattack was launched by the enemy. A group of men made it into the trench and his rifle was too awkward to use in such close quarters.

"Plan B."

The 1887 lever action shotgun was lifted as the carcano was dropped and the first blast blew a hole in the enemy soldier. Tyler spun the shotgun and it cocked. He pulled the trigger and the spread tore through another. He walked like the terminator along the trench firing the gun with a slow, methodical pace that saw the invaders dropping like flies. Then as he crossed a point, a weight landed on him from above and a man had a knife over his heart. Tyler had the gun up blocking the knife like a bar and they were locked in a test of strength….only for the wily teenager to SPIT IN THE MAN'S EYE. He recoiled and the shorter shotgun was brought to bare.

"Fuck you."

His head was blown off and that was it for the fight.

"Okay he is a badass."

The ambulance whistled at the extremely unorthodox counter and Selena smiled.

"So he is able to remain calm in even those types of life and death situations. And he even had a backup plan for it. Kid thinks ahead."

Michelle was frowning.

"If he could think however many steps ahead of them he is now, why couldn't he do it out here?"

Selena smiled as she watched tyler leap back into the trench to look the loot over.

"Out here he was just your normal teenage smartass. You'd be amazed what people are capable of when their life is on the line."

Tyler was looking the dead weapons over his former comrades had dropped while looting some shotgun shells from the same.

"Hm. There's a relic. M1897Trench gun 12 bore. 8 round tube. Base model it's six. Looks like 24 shells too. I am going to have to keep the 1887 12 gauge from the 1889 12-bore."

He claimed the trench gun and moved on before he shrugged.

"eh nothin else has my attention."

The teenager left the trench and went to the commander who tossed him his pay.

"3,400. Not bad PFC."

The soldier merely shrugged and went back to his tent. There he set his weaponry out for cleaning and look overs. The carcano rifle had leveled up again top level 4 and he had four unlocks this time. The first was a new barrel that lengthened the weapon by an extra four inches and increased range, bullet velocity, and accuracy by sizable margins. Same time it also increased the overall weight of the weapon too. Next was a new chassis for the rifle itself. Whereas it was solid wood now, he could now swap the wood out for a lighter one for increased speed, a weightier one for increased stability but slower speeds, or a stock more in the middle. The next was a new bolt assembly that increased rechamber speed but decreased accuracy, one that slowed DOWN the rechamber but increased accuracy, and a third option that was in the middle. The last attachment was a new sling. The soldier smiled as he looked at his options. I prefer speedy accuracy. So if I upgrade the bolt for speed, upgrade the barrel for accuracy, the stock for both, I'll keep my setup nice and balanced. He looked at his available funds.

"All told I got 9,780‬. Alright."

He went to the Quartermaster and the man smiled as Tyler walked over.

"I got some new stock just in."

"Thanks QM."

The soldier went to the upgrades for his carcano rifle and picked out a neon blue bolt assembly for 2500, a deep tan barrel for 3,000, and a forest green wooden stock for 3,500. All told: he blew all but 780‬ bucks on upgrades. He got his parts and returned to the tent where his radio blipped.

"Selena to speak with Private Goreleech."

He set the tool beside him and the screen appeared with the blonde captain on it. He smirked.

"Mind if I work an talk?"

She nodded as he noted the room behind her was indeed a hospital room.

"I just finished reviewing your previous engagements since you dived."


The blue eyed lady smirked as she eyed him disassembling his rifle.

"YOU know what you're doing. And are a SCARY tac sniper. So. I see you spent some money. Update?"

"Okay. I'm increasing the rechamber speed with the bolt, but losing accuracy. Same time I am increasing accuracy with the new barrel but losing speed. That stock increases speed and accuracy while decreasing weight. Plus, given it's color splash, will be next to invisible when placed in that forest cover."

She whistled as he replaced the barrel.

"Clever. And great balancing act there. Neon blue?"

"I can see it better even at night. Same time, THEY cannot. Which is the important thing."

"Scary kit. And the new addition?"

"M1887 trench gun with the 8 round tube."

"a classic. So. Funds now?"

"I blew a lot. All I got is 780 left. Had 9k. But to be expected. Upgrades not cheap."

Michelle crossed her arms.

"So tomorrow."

"I'll be back on the line. See if I can't plug their trench commander. I do THAT, we can take their trench and advance the frontline into the forest itself."

"You do know we're not gonna LET you, right?"

He chuckled and looked at RIGHT at Selena.

"YOU don't have a choice. I love my job and will continue doing it since I want to get to the higher floors."

The captain nodded.

"So far that seems your only option for escape, reaching floor 175. The devs that made TOWG went dark and their company headquarters were empty when the FBI raided them. So for now they're falling back on anime for their plans since it has more stories like this as a rule."

Tyler shrugged as he peered down his now neon blue iron sights, before noticing they were misaligned by a hair. A screwdriver later he had it fixed.

"Makes sense. I don't really NEED to know how to get out since I'm just gonna enjoy myself for a bit."

The blonde nodded.

"Right now, Tyler, going off reports from other Advisors assigned to other players, YOU are the only one anywhere NEAR a warzone right now. Everyone else is cowering in the starting area."

"You CAN starve to death in here and FEEL everything happening to you until you do."

"WE know. And we told the players that as well. They're convinced they'll be rescued by hackers and high tier computer wizards out here. What they DON'T realize,"

"Is TWOG was coded from the ground up to FIGHT hacking with everything it had. I heard they developed a high grade Artificial Intelligence just to fight hackers and cheaters."

she sighed.

"Exactly. And they quickly found out the hard way if you start screwing with the code of the game, there's a suicide code that makes your character swallow a bullet. It was SUPPOSED to be a troll way to catch cheaters. Oh hey, Marki just swallowed a bullet. I KNEW he was a cheater. That kinda thing. But now it's the cause of over 15,000 deaths."

Tyler shrugged as he looked to his 1887 shotgun now.

"So we're here to stay. Makes sense. So your role."

The captain smiled.

"Provide military expertise to you while you're inside the game. Advice, insight, and basically helping you. But you proved you don't NEED any help as of yet so for the time being I will merely observe."

"Take notes."

"Cocky prick."

He chuckled and pulled a bottle from his bag.


And his foster mother exploded as the bottle of whiskey was seen.


He took a healthy swig and Selena smirked.

"NOW you like you came from vietnam."

He chuckled and pulled a pack of cigs from the duffel.

"I been around a time or two."

Michelle had a look of thunder on her face as he lit the thing.

"Put. That. OUT. And THROW the bottle out. I will NOT have an alcoholic and a smoker in MY HOUSE."

Tyler smirked as he blew a smoke ring.

"Jealous I get to play and it be consequence FREE?"

selena busted up laughing at that point.

"I forgot they didn't include cancer or any of the diseases to their game world. He can go on a drunken bender with every whore in the city and the only thing that'd happen is he'd be exhausted. Ha. Lucky."

"Put a helmet on."

"I am afraid they just might reopen the wholesale helmet use for military training since it's proven viable."

"I'll just be over here."

The teenager enjoyed his sig as he took the lever action shotgun apart with the manual beside him.

"Looks like the thing is level 9. And is merely a quarter of the way to the level up. Makes sense since this is the highest level gun I have."

He looked at the list of attachments the gun had,

"This is your last warning, Tyler. Put. The alcohol and the cigarettes, in the garbage. Or ELSE."

"Or else what, Michelle?"

He looked right at the screen now and smirked.

"I am in a videogame. TRAPPED. In a VIDEOGAME. Where I KILL PEOPLE, FOR A LIVING. I mean. Ha. Like I used to. But not the issue. YOU have NO say in ANYTHING I choose to do anymore. So sit down, SHUT UP, and enjopy the show."

The woman was beside herself.

"That is IT. I am stripping your room of your toys. When you get out of that game you are NOT getting them back. And I am throwing your guns away too. Since you can't listen to direction, this is the natural consequence."

Tyler shrugged and went back to his shotgun.

"No you won't. Touch my shit. Selena. Is about to tell you why."

The captain chuckled and looked at the irate woman.

"ALL his belongings were moved out of your home and into a secure storage facility due to the fact we don't know HOW long he'll be in there. The estimated completion of the 175 floors on one life put forth by our experts places it at well over two years of nonstop work. WITH revives enabled. WITHOUT, the number doubles."

Tyler smiled.

"There ARE revives in the game. If a medic gets to you soon enough, they can revive you like in battlefield. Since this IS a videogame, they had to draw the line somewhere. So merely stabbing some dead guy with a syringe puts them on their feet. And if you got blown to pieces, the head works. Medics armed with the medical bag can see the heads of players downed and if they have a body attached, stab them anywhere. A head, the eye. You get the idea."

Selena deflated from relief.

"That's a relief. Injuries?"

"either a medic will stich you up, or you do it yourself. If the medic does it, you heal faster and have less scarring. Plus it's more efficient too."

The blonde smiled.


"Buy your own or if you're on the line and you run out a nearby NPC might have a resupply on them. If you want to run around resupplying bullets to the players, go for it. It's just a more hardcore version of battlefield. In VR."

HE flicked the dead cig out the tent and took another swig of his bottle while he found something in the 1887 gun list.

"Oh sick. I can get a choke for the spread. PERFECT. That was my one gripe out there. The spread was too wide for a decent punch. Hmm."

The soldier looked at available ammo types and smirked.

"I'll pick up slugs too. Make a point."

He rebuilt the gun and noted the sun had gone down. And yawned.

"I'll crash now. See ya in the morning."

The feed died as he laid in his secured tent and rested the schofield by his hand, and his knife by his other hand. Tyler smiled as he relaxed on his bedroll.

"I'll upgrade these in the morning."

"Okay. My Assigned Player, or AP, has skill in First Person Shooters, plays airsoft and has extensive experience handling firearms. That's MORE then I dared hope for."

Selena sighed with relief as she rewatched Tyler's efforts in the trench from various angles. Even using a bullet camera to follow his shots to perfection.

"He's a skilled sniper and every shot he took he hit a head or upper torso. Dead before they hit the ground. Add to the fact he's using iron sights and it becomes very impressive."

Michelle was rubbing her head in pain.

"He's drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes all at the age of 16. Videogame or NOT there ARE RULES. He will never be able to readjust to the real world if we do not rein him in. Selena. NO FIGHTING FOR HIM TOMORROW."

"That's not you're choice."

"He is my FOSTER CHILD!"

"And he is fighting for his life in a WAR! At 16, his VIDEOGAME, is trying to KILL him. And I haven't seen him complain. Or even FLINCH. NOT even when the bombs dropped."

Michelle sighed at that.

"It's NOT. REAL. It is a videogame. YOU need to stop treating it as reality and remember he is both a minor and a mentally challenged boy handling firearms, SMOKING, and drinking alcohol. As. A. MINOR."

"Lady whoever put him with you made a HORRID judgement call. WHERE is he mentally challenged?"

"He's on the spectrum for autism. Asperger's to be exact. He is also Oppositional Defiant as well. Tell him what to do and he fights you. On EVERYTHING. Plus he is also Sexually inappropriate with girls his own age and is a labeled danger."

Selena sighed deeply now and looked at the recording of the boy with the rifle fighting in a virtual war with a smile on his face.

"That poor boy. No WONDER he's not phased by the carnage. His entire life he's been screwed over and told there's something wrong with him. I-huh?"

Tyler was jerked awake after a few hours of sleep by a two tone wailing and groaned as he grabbed his weapons.

"fucking NIGHT RAID? SERIOUSLY? Uuugh I don't get paid enough for this."

He slung his Carcano on his shoulder, holstered his schofield on his belt, hung the 1887 on his back. All his ammo went with him as he ran from the tent.

"Private! Left flank third section! Provide antisniper cover for our boys!"

"Yes SIR! What are we dealing?"

The sergeant roared orders as he replied,

"Night assault! A BIG one too! You! Get the medics to the back ranks! You get more bullets to the front!"

Tyler slammed the carcano in his hands as he dodged howling artillery rounds and mortar shots as he ran. I shoulda seen this coming. Fucking TROPES. The sniper leapt into his trench and threw a frag over the lip. The thing blew and a mass of screams were heard from the now mush attackers in their crater. Tyler popped up and sighted a sniper in a tree across the No-Mans-Land illuminated in the dark of night by machinegun fire and the explosions of the bombs. Tyler fired and added his own small explosion to the cacophony of war while his target would never get to add their own bark to the thunder due to the hole in her head as she dropped. Tyler pulled the neon blue bolt back and sighted a rushing man wit5h a flamethrower.



Tyler pulled the shotgun now as he laid flat in the trench while the antipersonnel frag grenade exploded by the man carrying the tanks of volatile liquid. The result was a massive explosion that set a mass of men alight. Tyler laughed as the scent of frying meat hit his nostrils.

"Fuck you ya Nazeriks! Welcome to hell!"

He popped up suddenly and was faced with a group of three men holding shotguns of their own….only for the ever thinking three steps ahead soldier to fire his own shoty. The result was the legs of all three men getting taken out and Tyler stabbing each in the face with his KABAR rather then waste bullets. The bodies where then stacked in a manner like sandbags for the sniper while he tossed their kit in the trench for later review. He sighted in again.


And fired. A machinegunner dropped with a third eye.


He took aim at another sniper beaming people in his trench and dropped him.


He took aim as a heavy weight slammed into his shoulder.



Tyler had taken a round to the shoulder and the result was him dropping into the trench as an NPC medic came running.

"Stay calm I gotchya."


"Ha. Good man."

Tyler reloaded his rifle with his left arm while his right was bandaged up by the medic before his health was refilled and he could fight again.

"That's gonna hurt in the morning."

He popped up with his reloaded rifle and sighted something in the trees.


The Mark IV thundered out of the forest firing it's machineguns and it's 6 pound guns into the densely packed trench, making the air rain blood and body parts. Tyler was once again covered from head to foot in blood, dirt, and spattered soldiers as he spotted a rocket launcher on the back of another soldier.

"Your launcher!"

"Here sir! I got two more rounds!"

Tyler extended the tube and flipped the sights before getting into position and jumping up. He popped over the rim of the trench, fired the antitank rocket and ducked back done as the tank spotted him. The round slammed into the track of the tank and the explosion crippled it.

"Gotchya, ONE more."

He slammed the next round in the tube and popped up in another spot. He hit the hole he'd blown in the tank's armor again and the tank was blown clean in half by the impact.


"Yes sir! YOU ready the tubes!"

Tyler had the carcano up again as the burning tank's smoke was blown into the Narziks' faces. Six shots and six more bodies before he dropped down to reload.



"Adjusting! Ready!"


"all tubes, PULL!"

The result was a set of deep thuds from the 50mm mortar rounds leaving their tubes to fly through the air and slam into the Nazerkian trench packed with troops. Tyler smiled wickedly as the sky rained blood and viscera. But all fire from his section stopped.


And he was out of the trench and rushing the breach in the enemy lines with a bayonet affixed to his Carcano rifle and a set of four stick shaped grenades on a string being twirled. He flicked the explosives into the trench on the right and the things' pins were pulled. The result was the men inside bracing for the attack were blown to bits as Tyler jumped into the enemy trench. He stabbed one man to death with the bayonet, pulled his schofield and shot dead the man's friend before the 1887 was out and bellowed into the mass of enemy troops on the left. He flipped the lever action weapon and was after the troops on the right while his friendlies attacked the men on the left. The 12 shell tube and 6 shot revolver paying dividends as he fired each one single handedly until they ran out of ammo and he had the now a spear carcano up. A man charged him with his own bayoneted rifle only for the skilled teenager to step, deflect the stab with his rifle butt, spin, shoot two in the face, then trip the first man to the ground and stab him with a knife.


Tyler ducked around a small corner in the trench as the enemy opened fire en mass. He merely reloaded his shotgun and revolver and tossed another frag around the corner. There was a yell before it blew and The soldier was through the smoke the next instant. A whistle was heard then and the enemy forces retreated into the forest as their line had been broken. Tyler was shooting at the fleeing men and dropped a solid number before he was slapped on the back.

"Ceasefire Private. Let em run."

"Yes sarge."

Tyler flipped the safety on his gun and stood tall with a yawn.

"That was fun. Their next line is two miles that way, right, Sarge?"

The NPC Sargeant smirked.

"It sure is kid. And we're going after em. That line is the last one between us and the border. We take it, we can push them OUT of our home and WE can invade THEIRS."

"Sounds like fun. I'll help out in the morning."

"Good kid! Dismissed."

Tyler yawned and looked around and the enemy weaponry before he spotted one that made him smirk.

"A cachalot automatic rifle. Underslung banana clip with 25 rounds. Ha. An old relic to be sure."

He took the thing and added it to the duffel bag before he looked around at the remainder.

"Hm. Let's see. Oh hello. A Type 93 Arisaka. Not bad. I need more automatics though. En I look the QM over in the morning."

He took the bolt action sniper and headed back to his tent where he got splashed with a bucket of water to get the majority of the blood, dirt, and grime off his frame by an enthusiastic nurse. The woman smiled sweetly as the soldier walked by.

"There. Now you look like you're not dead yet."

"Thanks Miss."

"Manners too? Uh-oh."

"I'm not hard to find. Usually."

She smiled sweetly. The woman was a head shorter then he was with curled blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Her skin was white and her lips a lovely cherry red while her bust was large in her pure white nurse outfit. In her black hair was a white cap with a red cross and he noted she was basically wearing a naughty nurse outfit. Her voice was breathy as she eyed the tall guy's frame.

"well. I see you need more aid then I first feared. Come. I will assist."

"I think you're more dangerous then the enemy soldiers, Miss. THEY just want to kill me."

"I am Candice."

"My name is Tyler GORELEECH Naamani. Just call me Gore."

She took his arm with a smile.

"So, Gore, your tent?"

"Over here Nurse Candice."

They went in and the woman kissed him lightly on the lips.

"allow me."

She undid her sash around her middle and the thing spilled open to reveal her naked body. Her bust was large and so were her nipples. She had a uniform tan that indicated ample nude sunbathing and her slit was bald. The nurse then smiled as he stripped and her toy for the night was revealed.

"Oh dear. I like big guns."

"Makes sense. Yours are the biggest in the place."

"Be careful! They're more fragile then you thing."

"Oh I am VERY gentle with the delicate aspects of lovely ladies, Nurse Candice. Here. Allow ME."

He kissed her and laid her gently on her back as she bucked to get his shaft into her slit then he started thrusting into the tight sexy nurse under him as she moaned.

"Oh dear I love it!"

"Wow. Yous a naughty nurse aren't ya? Good thing I'm sinful."

she giggled at that as the ride picked up speed and the pair sated their lust fully on each other. She got a creamed pie and orgasm before he held the lovely lady to him with a smile.

"Such a prize you are, Gore. Wonderful sex and cuddles after? And I a mere camp whore?"

"There's not a MERE anything about you, Candice, you're YOU."

she shivered and smiled lovingly as the now happy nurse rested on her one night lover.

"OH dear. You are quite skilled in many things. I shall have to warn the other ladies. You'll steal their hearts!"

"I can't steal something when it is freely given."

"You are a rogue."

"YOU are a BEAUTY."

She sighed happily.

"enough. Let my poor heart recover."

"Sure thing. Good night, Candice."

"Good night, Gore. I loved it."

Selena had to drink some ice cold water after watching the hot session with the lovely Nurse Candice shown through Tyler's eyes.

"And he is a player. AN ELOQUENT player. Ha. OH crap."

She sighed and Michelle rubbed her eyes again.

"and now he;s gone full indulgent in there too. Now he'll become a sex addict and will need even more intense therapy. He picked up a whore for god's sake! Call him."

"I will do no such thing."

Selena shut her down and glared at the indignant foster mother.

"He's going indulgent and has been breaking EVERY RULE WE HAVE FOR HOURS NOW! His escapade ends HERE. Either you call him or I will."

Selena had enough.



"I said. OUT. No. I am NOT tolerating you anymore. Not when I have enough to handle with my strategy plans for kit suggestions for that poor boy in the morning. Get out or I call security. Come back in the morning."

Michelle exploded.

"He is my foster child! I am not leaving him unsupervised in there! He clearly can't make the proper choices on his own-"


Only for the extremely harsh, firm, and hard shout from the captain to shut her down. Selena had her cellphone out now.

"Security to room 66 please. I have a belligerent woman refusing to leave the room and is endangering the patient. I see. Thank you."

She hung up and glared at Michelle with a look of ice.

"You're being escorted out of the building and will be allowed to return in the morning, when I call for you. Refuse and be arrested."

The controlling woman was led ranting from the room and Selena slumped from exhaustion.

"Oooh that poor kid. Okay. WWI weaponry and equipment. And he said he needed a better set of automatics."