"How could you have kept that from me?" Ivy asked Selena with a scowl as they got into the car.
Ivy took the drivers seat, and Selena went to sit at the back, leaving Gabe to sit in front with Ivy.
"Your reaction right now is the exact reason I never told you, to avoid your dramas and teasing," Selena said without remorse and Ivy turned in her seat to look at her.
"Yet you told Gabe about it…"
"Yes. Apart from the fact that he is my best friend, I know he won't be overly dramatic as you…."
"Oh, really? And before Gabe showed up in your life who did you confide in? You know what? I blame myself for helping you find Gabe and…"
"No, you didn't help me find him. I found him myself. You only contacted him," Selena cut in and Gabe grinned as he listened to the exchange while staring at Ivy who was now kneeling on the driver's seat so she could argue with Selena.