
Building upon the aftermath of the third world war and the downfall of TAF, "The Nachtwache Projekt" emerges as a riveting spinoff. Originating from Germany after the war's conclusion in late 2019, the Nachtwache Projekt (TNP) arises as a private military company (PMC), tasked with eliminating residual enemies in the post-war landscape. Spearheaded by Heinrich and Frye, TNP expands its influence on an international scale, forging a collaborative partnership with The Phoenix Cooperation (PhoCo), an esteemed research and development team specializing in advanced weaponry and military equipment.

However, a critical turning point occurred in 2020, when a botched operation by TNP resulted in the loss of a highly valued operative. This tragedy forced TNP to reevaluate their recruitment, training, and deployment strategies, ultimately integrating female operatives into the frontlines. Recognizing the unique skills and perspectives they bring, TNP embraced the inclusion of women in combat roles, while male operatives assumed command, support, and specialized positions such as commanders, generals, and artillery support teams.

TNP's primary adversaries, Krasnyj Medved and Eisenfust, emerged as formidable rivals. Krasnyj Medved, founded by a former KGB agent and devoted scientists with unwavering loyalty to communist ideology, relentlessly pursues the development of powerful weapons and technologies to achieve their objectives. Among their creations is the formidable coilgun. On the other hand, Eisenfust represents a renegade military unit, exploiting advanced technologies to establish a ruthless empire rooted in slavery and exploitation. Their sinister ambitions germinated in the aftermath of the war.

Within the ranks of TNP, operatives are equipped with artificial endoskeletons and implanted AI microchips seamlessly integrated into their brains. Pioneered by PhoCo, these groundbreaking technologies enhance operative capabilities in combat and serve as a means to retrieve critical information should circumstances go awry. Intelligence gathered by the operatives can be effortlessly uploaded and downloaded from the cloud, ensuring swift access and analysis.

With this tantalizing backdrop set, "The Nachtwache Projekt" unveils a gripping narrative, weaving a tapestry of courage, redemption, and the pursuit of justice. Join us as we embark on a thrilling adventure, where the fate of nations and the future of humanity hang in the balance.