Ahhhh! Toosh, dooosh, boom. "What in the…" Rising out of a drunken sleep with a grumble and wobble a freckled brown haired man stumbled over to his window throwing open the shutters. "Can I get some peace!" he shouted out the windows with eyes half way shut. "I mean…" rubbing the matter out of one eye the other shot open at a black flaming ball of energy heading his way. Spinning around in attempt to make a break for it, boom, the blast hit his building destroying a portion of it while leaving another portion on the Ruach.
Crawling from under the debris with a menacing cough due to the dust floating in the air the Ruach peered up at obsidian claws which would hold their gleam even in the dark. "Don't eat me!" were the words he was able to utter upon sight of the beast.
Rotating its head at the request of its prey the Quintessence opened its arrow head to reveal gnashing teeth made specifically to rip morsel to shreds. Lowering its head to partake in the vulnerable ruach peeyom a green laser beam hit it in the shoulder of its front right leg hurling it backwards a few feet.
"It seems that your perceptions are correct once again." spoke a cocky man penetrating the thin layer of dust still lingering in the air.
"All I did was simply analyze the characteristics of the Quint which led me here."
"Well as usual it seems you were right on point. And at the right moment it appears." replied the man with a toss of his weapon onto his shoulder. "Any later and this ruach here would've found itself minced meat." Watching the quintessence roll to its feet a grin rose on the face of the cocky giant. "I hope you will be an efficient bounty."
"What do you mean? This quint pays more than enough…" Going silent from his captain's stare a third member of their group gazed off at the now light blue and orange sky. "But what's the pleasure of that if you don't live to your heart's content."
"So you are aware." Holding his eyes on the Quint the mercenary told his troop. "Be cautious, I sense a threat in this one." Sliding to a halt while throwing up hand symbols the EVOL hollered. "Pirouette Stanchion!"
Throwing up hand signs in return the disciples shouted. "Pirouette's Pulse."
Growling at the rumbling earth the Quint head slung left and right taking in the stone pillars popping out of the ground in three layers of four trapping it in an electrical cage.
Watching the stone columns rotate the three bounty hunters began throwing a second set of hand signs in unison. "Pirouette's Exigence."
Woom, trembling from the gravitonic pulse pressing down on it, awooo, with a howl and a glimmer of the indigo gem on its eyeless face, boom, unleashing a devastating wave of energy and washing over the spinning stone columns disintegrating into nothingness the Quintessence shook the effects of the attack off.
"Perseverance." Grinning with a lowering of his machine gun of weapon his firearm became an arm. "That is the way of the warrior. So is defeat. So prepare to become acquainted." Cocking his arm back in an explosion of energy the bounty hunter pounced.
~ ~
"We are truly grateful for your aid." Turning his head from the flames, JunBee's eyes rose to meet their clients, spectating, watching him stir a stew and add spices as he spoke. "For there have been rumors of a terrible beast that have been ravishing towns and devouring the souls of all that cross its path."
"What manner of beast do they say this creature is again?" Asked Tecto with a slant of his head.
"It has been given the name Voisasarow for it must have come from the abyss; with its dark spiky fur, jagged teeth, and ability to take souls." Shaking at the thought of the beast the merchant took a swift gander at his wife and child. "It is even rumored that the creature projects beams of energy.
Taking in the information Tecto asked their client one final question. "How far was the most recent attack?"
"There was just one a couple days ago." Tapping his foot the man said. "If I'm correct the village is called Huette." Pointing in the direction of the village the merchant told them. "It's about two three day travel that way."
Nodding his head, Tecto tossed his head back. "JunBee do you feel like partaking in an extracurricular experience?"
Eyes glowing JunBee bounced onto his feet. "You want me to go on a hunt?"
"Of course. I want you to devour the devour. Take its strength and add to your own." Turning to his sister Tecto asked her. "Would that be satisfactory?"
Smiling at the child skishpping around the fire Nutri replied. "It would be best if I stay and assist you."
Grinning JunBee's eyes went red and his body began to metamorph into the last Quintessence he ate. "No worries." Shoveling his hooves in the dirt in a whip of his oxtail and a flap of his blackish red wings, woof, he took a flight. "I will track you down once my mission is complete."
Dropping his spoon in the pot the merchant took a few steps back. "What manner of beings are you?"
~ ~
"Pealim…Pealim…" shouted Sarai with a dash across the Mermot's armored back. "Tell me a story." she said with a yawn.
"You wish for me to spin you a tale my Warrior Princess." Rubbing Sarai on the head Abbott asked her. "What do you wish to hear?"
"Your name."
Chuckling Abbott mumbled to himself. "Rex never ceased to establish his light in some way." Hugging the Princess tightly his eyes wandered off to Samson who appeared to be lost within himself. "Samson." he called softly yet deep enough to awaken the young Evol out of his trance.
Opening his eyes in an almost groggy state Samson peered up at his Pealim. "Do you wish to partake in the origin of my name?" Samson nodded his head slowly. "Excellent." Said Abbott with a peek out into the darkness of the dimly lit tunnel they traversed. "I will tell you the tale of The Omega and how all around him met its end. Including himself and all those he loved."
~ ~
Boooom shhh. "You were able to dodge me." said JunBee with a stroll through the dust floating in the air. Stopping at a squeak, SouBei looked down at a tattered piece of rubble left from the demolition caused by his crash land. Stomping on the wooden plank the Evol head slung up and his eyes pierced through the veil of dust, settling on the Voisarro. "Which one are you?" he asked the creature with a step forth. "Predator…or Prey."
Howling menacingly, woom, with the self destruction of its protective energetic barrier the Voisarro answered JunBee's question while simultaneously clearing the dust from the space revealing two other ruins that were once places of residency.
Covering his face to block both dust and the shove of the energy waves, JunBee took a peek through his arm to investigate the presence of a red light the SouBei eyes flew open. "You are the prey!" Cocking his arm back, zing, JunBee claws sliced through a beast blast like butter. Falling to all fours as if the wind from the two halves explosions tipped him over the SouBei lunged forward in a flap of his wings.
Crouching low, the voisarro released both a high pitch tone and a red ring of energy from the shard in the middle of its eyeless forehead. Tawoosh, shrouding itself in a sphere of all the souls it has collected the Quintessence absorbed them causing itself to undergo an evolution.
Woosh, pulling back in a flick of his wings, the SouBei put distance between them. "Grrr" plowing the ground with a growl JunBee hyenic nose twitched in frustration.
Eee uu umm, absorbing the energetic sphere upon its completion of its transformation doogoosh, do do do dooosh, the Quintessance commence to unleashing flares which lashed out at buildings, trees, and anything else in their path all while scraping up the nnliearth simultaneously.
Bouncing, twirling, zipping, then zooming out of the way of the flares, JunBee found an escape thirteen feet up in the air. Peering down at the Quint becoming familiar with his now humanoid form. "Alright." Inhaling deeply JunBee allowed Instinct to kick in.
Turning its head at the presence of its prey, voosh black shadows flung in the air to protect the Voisarro from its aggressors blade claws. Taking a step backwards and rotating his body with the movements it's foe the Voisarro went in for the kill.
Lowering into a crouch with a twist of JunBee's leg and torso boosh, boosh, booosh boosh, boosh trails of full grown spikes came spranging from the ground chasing down the Quintessence until it finally catapulted out of their reach. "Raaa, ra, ra, ra…"Slashing through the air, hurling claw strikes at a couple pillars, JunBee cut them down into knife size shards which hung in the air under his control.
Howling at the projectiles the Voisarro unleashed a beam of energy from the orangish red gem embedded in its chest then teleported in a writhing of shadows.
Covering his face and growling from the dirt and debris raining on him, yeeum JunBee's body took the wheel by spinning him around and forcing him to throw an upward slash.
Voosh, teleporting in the back corner of its foe the Voisarro chest lit up with power at the firing of the beam from his chest.
Bingggg, blocking and deflecting the beam of energy with his claws, JunBee eyes narrowed in on his prey's movement. Watching the Quintessence dodge its own beam by teleporting out of the way the SouBei eyes swished with the outstretch of the Voisarro's dark spiky arms.
Snatching a twelve foot limb out of the air the Voisarro spun around lashing its arm out like a fishing rod. Zing, zing, zing, slicing down the tree limb in a flash JunBee stood face to face with his opponent fist burning with glowing red hot energy.
Clenching its jaws with a growl the Voisarro manifested three clones of itself from the surrounding shadows. Boom, taking a flaming punch to the face, its clone sword met the back of his aggressor before its paws left the dirt and its body was tossed a couple yards away.
Grabbing hold to the sword of his attacker with a screech and a flex of JunBee wings, razor edged feathers shot out in all directions pinning themselves on the clones before blowing them to smithereens. "Raaa" growling with pleasure, boom the explosion from his attack launched the SouBei at his enemy.
Voosh, teleporting out of the way voosh the Voisarro came back with a tail whip to his foes head but the SouBei ducked and rolled under his spiky scaled-armor of a tail.
"Raa" Rolling to his feet with a whip of his arm and a thin wiry strand which flung from his black feathered arms like a yo yo JunBee leaped like a frog at his enemy as it dodged the first attack by a hair.
Growling with the evasion of one, two, no three of the wiry yo yo like strands the Voisarro teleported above. Throwing his head up at the drawing in of the Quintessence breath the SouBei swung but the beast vanished in a writhing inky smoke which lashed out grabbing hold to JunBee. "Waa" reappearing in front of the SouBei the Voisarro unleashing a blast which engulfed JunBee before exploding.
Wooosh the sound of wind rushing past him staticked in JunBee ears as he sailed across space unconscious from the shockwave of the blast. Thump waking up from the impact of bouncing off the ground, the SouBei twisted then landed on all fours in a rage at his near death. "Grrr" Peering up at the Quintessence with beaming red eyes pooosh black and red tentacles of energy began to coil and uncoil around him.
"Saying the words alone isn't enough, you must feel it. Let it flow then flow with it." Recalling training, JunBee could finally understand the meaning of Nutri words. He could feel the motion of energy surrounding him like a mist, he could feel the flames in his chest, and he could feel the tingle of his body causing him to tremble. Noticing his short rapid breaths as the smoke and flames built up inside JunBee made a decision. Closing his eyes, picturing a jar which held the beast he kept inside JunBee let it go.
Poooosh, allowing the energy to flow out of him, it began to ascend upwards in a flaming wave. Taking a breath of acceptance and inhaling the power back within him, foosh, JunBee's hooves caught fire, followed by his forearms. Exhaling flames the outlines of his feathers lit up like Christmas lights. Inhaling a second time his eyes became a cross breed of both an ox and falcon's eye. Taking a final inhale with howl booosh feathers sprang from his back like missiles.
Throwing up black inky tentacles to protect itself, the SouBei was already in the Voisarro guards delivering an explosive punch to the gut hurling it backwards through the air. Falling to all fours after his attack JunBee took control of the earth causing it to spring up and drive into the Quintessence back while his feathers collided with his target exploding one after the other.
Arrrrf howling in pain the Voisarro head jerked up at the presence of the SouBei above him.
"Raaa" plummeting into the Voisarro driving it to the earth like a comet, JunBee wings plopped out catching the wind like a sail blowing him back in the air while threaded feathers shot out like devil tails plunging into Quint's body.