Chereads / Tread Lightly: Among Monsters And Men / Chapter 366 - The Long Sea Shanty

Chapter 366 - The Long Sea Shanty

More days swing by, each one faster than the last, until it is the day of the challenge. Every day was... fun as Autumn took me all over the island, constantly doing this. And looking back, I think she did it on purpose. However, I'm not sure if it was to help her reminisce on her early life or if it was to thank me in some way for taking this burden off her.


Autumn never asks me to train or practice. She simply enjoys our time. Of course, we're not alone. Virgil and Abraham come with us almost everywhere. Bonfire's best friend, however, is still down. Getting him to go with us to the casino was brutal. He's always staring at that necklace of his, the one his mother gave him. I heard from Bonfire a long time ago that Abraham's mother believed in a God to soothe her troubles. I don't remember which one, though.


There was a funeral pyre yesterday. It was for the fallen crew members of Maddox who perished in their most recent raid. Abraham snuck out and found us thereafter refusing to attend at first.


I think he just didn't want us to see him cry. The fire was leagues below Emmet's in heat, but it reminded me of the man. Not knowing is what hurts the most. I don't know if he's truly dead or worse. I only know that he isn't here with us.


My reminiscent thoughts pause as Virgil steps past me, his gait far more stable than a few days ago. Nightowls sure do heal fast. His hand flicks out and tosses out a folded piece of clothing, a dark fabric that lands with some heft onto the table I'm sitting at. He's almost fully recovered. Perhaps I underestimated him.


Still, the fabric draws my attention as I immediately know what it is. I've worn it for a long, long time, after all.


"Is that Adumbral? I thought I told you I wanted you to keep it."


Virgil shakes his head at me, drawing a chair out as he plops down beside me. The man lowers his mask to reveal his face now that he is hidden from the burning sun with a tight grimace.


"I appreciate the gesture, truly, but it won't last that much longer. I've gone all over the island, searching for someone that can fix it. I could not. It's taken too much damage and is too rare for anyone here to know how to repair it, Wyatt. Whatever makes up its fabric has lost much of its... touch. I think the Sigil inside is fading from the damage."


I nod to him as I understand what he's saying. Reaching forward, I unfurl the overcoat that has saved my life more times than I can possibly remember. The dark cloth is so tough it can stop bullets and halt blades, but... in this world, there are things more powerful than guns and knives. There are even ones that can pierce beyond it, anyway. I know it couldn't stop Virgil's dagger if he was determined to get through it.


Vast lacerations encompass the back and front of the coat, with long lines of holes along the arms. Tiny holes, likely bitten into by the 'sands' of the wasteland, garnish the whole of Adumbral.


I sigh as I confirm what he's thinking with a wavering tone.


"One last ride for this? I must say... it makes me emotional. We found it within Emund's Vault."


Virgil extends his hand onto the coat and nods profoundly. Then, he slides Mars to me, the Colt grinding against the wood of the inn's table.


"Indeed. I reckon this fight will make it lose the rest of what makes it special. And... take this."


I take a moment to inspect the Colt. Lily doesn't say anything as she's wholly quiet in my mind at the moment, resting on my hip. But as I focus on the Mars, I can't bring myself to take the weapon.


The old memory of Lily growing angry at my touching another Colt burns into my mind. That's not all that stops me, however. She's more than a weapon with tendencies and preferences. She's a person.


Taking another weapon in place of her would be a betrayal. Lily might not have a bullet in the chamber for me to fire, but I'd take her any day over all the other weapons in the world. She has been practicing. She can fight even without a bullet. Still... Mars might be more useful. Regardless, I will not take it.


Why? I can't help but wonder. The answer is easy.


She's never failed me. She's always cared. Even when miles away, hardly able to do anything, she still reached out to save me.


With an open palm, I slide the Mars back to Virgil, refusing his second offer.


"I know you're trying to help, but I can't do that to Lily. I'm a one Colt man. Not to mention, she'd be furious with me if I took it. I will wear Adumbral, though."


Virgil coughs into his arm lightly as he holsters his Colt, lamenting on his own powerful weapon that he's unable to grasp.


"Makes sense. Does have me regretting setting down that scythe to kill those Crimlimes, though. Damn, that thing was nice but just too heavy to outrun a train with. I hope no one gave it away or sold it. 7th Sigil Claymores are hard to come by. It's no Lumen, but it ain't far from one. The old blacksmiths of the Nahullo were something else."


I laugh softly as I recall him hauling it around shortly after we killed that demon together. Haen. She was inexhaustible—as brutal as me and as deadly as Virgil.


"What was the ability of that scythe anyway? Did you figure it out?"


My friend waves his hand in a rotational motion to say he's not sure before elaborating.


"Kind of? I learned that all its wounds naturally fester unless stopped with intricate Ether, essentially making all wounds to low-Sigileds lethal without a high-Sigiled medic. It also tethers itself to a soul and is able to soar through the air to the owner with enough force to cut through seemingly anything. The distance obviously has a limit, or I'd have it back right now. Beyond that, I'm not sure what was Haen's Power or the Claymore's abilities."


I scratch my head at his words, remembering the many strengths and abilities that Haen displayed. From the impenetrable fog she created to the incredible swiftness she demonstrated, she was quite a formidable foe. And that's not to mention the 'Corpse Explosion' thing she did. One wound opened by her would quickly detonate into death.


Apparently, I was the only one to ever survive it. Virgil simply evaded it within his Flicker. I wonder if that was the Power of the scythe and the rest were its other Sigil's abilities. That would make sense.


But then, what was Haen's Power? It might have been that fog of darkness. She seemed to be able to teleport or was simply extremely fast within it, and her scythe's blade grew thicker thanks to the mist attaching to it. So, I doubt any of that will come with the scythe.


While I'm lost in thought, Autumn steps through the door, entering our rented-out room in this inn. She glances around shortly before focusing on me. By the look in her eyes, I can tell what she wants to say before she even opens her mouth.


It's time.


"Let's go, Wyatt. The duel is in an hour on my father's ship. You don't want to be late."


I stand up to follow her, wrapping my body in the tattered form of Adumbral as I walk. She glances at the badly damaged overcoat with confusion, and Abraham, leaning against the doorway outside, explains.


"That's a Bulwark, miss. Rare, I know. Though, it does look like utter shit, doesn't it? Wyatt isn't all that good at... not breaking things. Take a gander at his arms. Believe it or not, he's lost both. He's probably about to lose another one."


I glare at the pale man as I brush past him, grinding my shoulder against him. He laughs and waves his hands up in surrender as I can't help but smile a little at him. He's not normal, but at least he's joking again.


"Fuck you. Believe it or not, I've seen you lose limbs, too. If it weren't for Heath back then, you'd be without somethings, too jackass."


Autumn's eyes shift back and forth before she wags her head and grabs me by the arm, leading me out of the building. The other two follow, but after we exit the inn, it seems as though hundreds of pairs of eyes are watching us.


The people of Kingstown are excited about this duel. They are... nearly salivating for it. We step through the open streets of Kingstown with the sun high in the air. It isn't quite noon yet, the time of the battle, but the whole city is abuzz with chatter.


Bloodthirsty gazes dig into both Autumn and me. It feels as though people are primarily looking into me, curious about what I'm doing with Autumn. Some even shout out, questioning me for being with a woman who is already dead. The reasons are simple to me. I want that Lumen. I want to keep my friend from dying. And finally, Maddox will let Autumn become his heir after this, allowing us some leeway and a potential close partnership with the pirate.


I don't reply to the chatter, instead electing to focus and speak to Blodwyn as we walk. We have gotten far closer in the past few days. His vocabulary is snowballing, and soon, I reckon he'll be able to speak enough to make some sense.


"We got a big fight coming up, buddy. You ready?"


Blodwyn growls in acceptance and excitement, the bloody gurgling coming up and out of my hand through my chest into the air. The noise scares off some of the observers, but others scrutinize me even further. Again, I ignore them, listening to Blodwyn.


"Yes. Little hungry."


A laugh comes from myself before I can even stop myself. Blodwyn is constantly fucking hungry. When is the artifact not? At least he isn't eating me anymore, preferring other artifacts or meat and blood from Sigileds. I think he likes human-based things the most, simply based on old experience, but I appreciate that he doesn't ask for it.


It seems even his relatively austere mind can realize we shouldn't be eating my kind. I reply to him with a smile as the Rising Tide comes into view.


"Sure thing. After this, I'll score you an artifact to eat."


The ship captivates my attention, forcing me to forget Blodwyn's reply as the Rising Tide dominates the horizon with its looming silhouette. Its imposing figure stretches across the canvas of the sea. The ship, while still damaged, has gone under vast repairs, gradually returning to its former self.


Faces stare at us from every direction as Virgil whispers to us. The shadowy man takes Abraham and slides to the side with all the other people who are creating a kind of path onto the plank of the ship.


"You two go on ahead. I'll be watching. The whole city has been waiting for this for days. I've fully recovered, other than my broken foot. If I think you will die, I will do what I can to intervene."


I nod to Virgil as we continue, walking through the wide berth given to us. Glares still tear into me from all over, but they don't dare do anything. We're this close to the Sea's Shadow, after all.


As we navigate the chaotic walkway, the eyes of the gathered pirates shift between Autumn and me, curiosity and speculation etched into their unique gazes. They assume that she's the challenger here for a duel, unaware that I am the one who will be taking her place in the forthcoming duel. I release a slight smirk from my lips as we walk up the long wooden plank that acts as a stairway to the ship. All the crew uses it, and so we will, too.


And in only moments, the groaning plank beneath my boots leads me onto the massive vessel. The air pulsates with a cacophony of cheers and jeers from everyone around. As we reach the top of the plank, I genuinely understand how insane this thing I'm walking onto is.


The Rising Tide is more than a mere boat. It is a walking arsenal. There have to be a hundred cannons on each side of the ship with enough room to hold thousands of people onboard at once.


The expansive deck, normally bustling with the fervor of a life of raiding and pillaging, now stands eerily empty. Only two figures occupy the space—the imposing figure of the ship's captain, a weathered visage marked by the trials of the high seas, and his son, a younger but equally formidable presence. Their eyes fixate on us, a mix of wariness and curiosity in their gaze.


Autumn turns to me and grabs my fleshy arm with a wavering pair of pupils that practically scream the fact she wants to say something. I return the gaze, but she seems odd. Her face is scrunched, and she appears to be holding her breath.


"Is something wrong? Do we need to fall back?"


My friend shakes her head as she inhales a deep breath, patting down her clothes before stepping onto the deck of the ship. She motions for me to follow, and I do. There is no going back. I said I would do this. And I will.


A duel to the death, huh? He won't be the first man I kill, but he will be the first who might not deserve it. At the very least, Lily should rise today. I'm unsure how this whole thing will work after we get the final kill, but we will figure it out later.


The captain and lord of Kingstown is dressed in the most gaudy suit I've ever seen, a bright smile on his face as if he's at a merry carnival. The look frustrates me, but I say nothing.


Maddox, undeterred by the unexpected turn of events of my arrival, stares right at me with simple inquisitiveness. His voice, deep and resonant, cuts through the ambient noise, summoning Autumn to the center stage of the impending duel. The scene is set, the stage laid, and the tension aboard the Rising Tide becomes palpable as the duel awaits Autumn and Ryder.


"Come, daughter. Is this who will bury you should you fail?"


The Sea's Shadow, a man with a gnarly scar on his cheek that only covers a fraction of the blemishes on his face, waves his arms for his daughter and son to fight to the death. But Autumn has a different idea.


She steps behind me, placing a hand on my back with a bold but shaky voice.


"There are no rules to these, Father. As such, I should have someone fight in my place. Is that fine?"


The whole intensity of the world shifts in a single moment as Autumn brings up my existence. Maddox's eyes of a rampaging sea collapse onto me as he chuckles softly into the salty air. At the same time, I notice Ryder's eyes fall as if betrayed or disappointed. Did he want to kill his sister that badly? No matter. If he's that awful, it only makes it easier for me.


I return my focus to Maddox. The old raider steps backward, making distance up the stairs as he advances onto the higher portion of the ship. He nearly doubles over in laughter on his way up, the noise a grating one despite being from a place of joy. I don't know anything beyond deck, masts, and sails, so I can't label where he stands.


Nevertheless, he remains in front of the wheel, still laughing his ass off before replying. I hold my breath, waiting to see if he'll truly honor the lack of rules as his voice echoes across the sea.


"Very well, then daughter. I never thought someone would use that in this way. Clever girl, but you will still die should you lose. The only question is... have you brought someone capable enough? May you introduce yourself, young man?"


The concentration of all the people and Maddox himself falls to me as I stride into the center of the ship, feeling the roughness of the wood beneath me. This vessel isn't made of simple materials. I can already tell the dark wood is as tough as steel, if not more so.


Once I land across from Ryder, I place my right arm on my chest, the metal still warped and broken due to Earl being in a far-off place. Then, I open my mouth to the world.


I can't help but feel a sense of excitement as I speak. Fights are not something I'd say I enjoy, but they get my blood pumping. And even though I don't genuinely want to kill this man, I can't lie. My heart is beating thunderously but not out of desperation for once.


This time, I want to fight. I want to have Lily grow. I want to grow stronger. Lennon was always right. A challenge is the only way to grow.


"I am Wyatt Graves, Maddox Adkins. And I am here to fight on Autumn's behalf."


I watch the ship's captain cautiously, prepared to use Shadowed from Adumbral and all the other Ether loaded into my flesh to run should he attack. But he doesn't. Maddox leans forward and furrows his brows as he places his arms on the railing of his ship, squinting at me.


"Ohoho... now this is interesting. Been a while since I seen one of you folk 'round here. And how are you being compensated for this, Graves? Money? Wealth? Power? Her...?"


I shake my head at the older man's insinuations and clench my prosthetic. The metal creaks and groans as I sense Blodwyn moving Ether around our body in preparation.


"Nothing of the sort. I am doing this because she asked. Nothing more. Nothing less."


At my response, Maddox leans back, guffawing with a hand on his stomach into the sky. With his laughter, others around the ship join him in the heart laugh, having me realize that there are many more people aboard this ship than I thought. In a quick glance, I see a dozen 6th Sigileds sitting on the vessel's edges or hanging on the masts.


The threats put me on guard, and I lower my attention to Ryder as the man steps forward, finding his time to do so. He doesn't speak, however, preferring to let his father do so.


"She must have you twirled around her finger, boy. Well, no matter. A Graves in the family would be ideal. Let us begin. Take your places, and agree to any rules should you two want. Should you win, Wyatt Graves, Autumn shall take Ryder's place. And you... well we shall see about you later."


Maddox's final words don't give me much reassurance, but I'm already here. I can't take this back anymore. I take my hands out before me and ready them as Ryder draws a cutlass and his Lumen, the Falling Rain. The weapon immediately has Lily speak into my mind with alarm, the Colt forcing herself to do so. She usually can't speak so freely.


"Watch out for that one! He's strong! I think between Adumbral, Petalshield, and Blodwyn, though, we should be able to block the bullets!"


I nod inwardly to my dear companion, glaring at Ryder as he speaks to me. The man doesn't seem as abhorrently confident as others say he is. He looks... at peace? Maybe a tad bit disappointed? It's hard to tell. Nevertheless, he doesn't say much.


"There are no rules I wish to extend. No rules are preferred."


Relief fills me as Ryder neglects to bestow any rules. These challenges are such weird things. There are no rules, but if the participants agree, rules can be made. I was really hoping that he wouldn't levy a rule against Colts after recognizing the one at my hip. Not that I would agree, of course, but there is always a chance Maddox forces it through. Yet, for some reason, even after staring right at Lily, neither brought it up.


Is he that confident? Or is he resigned to death?


I'm not sure.


But it's time to start the fight.