Chereads / Tread Lightly: Among Monsters And Men / Chapter 322 - Cutting Dirt Through Rock

Chapter 322 - Cutting Dirt Through Rock


Wyatt Graves

With a powerful kick, I break through part of the weakened portion of the vault door that has been heavily melted with Earl's weird tar-like substance. The door, though partially damaged, is still challenging to shatter as it bends and contorts, but it yields to my foot after the fourth kick. I peek through behind it, finding our long-awaited exit. Or what appears to be an exit. A long series of stairs heads upward with a door at the top. It's exactly as Virgil said it would be.

I glance back at Virgil and Earl, waving for the both of them to follow me, and they quickly squeeze through the hole in the vault with me. However, Earl takes a bit as he has to move the clanking and heavy canister of the melted vault's steel.

Only moments pass before I'm at the top, and I place my hand on the door handle before opening it.

As the door swings open, a rush of anticipation courses through me. Only to be quickly dropped as I find another long corridor. I step into the tunnel beyond, the walls rough and rocky, a stark contrast to the coziness of the theater underground, of course, after all the puppets were destroyed. The darkness surrounds me, but I press on, guided by the hope of finally escaping this underground labyrinth. We need to be out of here as fast as possible. I hope Edward, Lennon, and the rest aren't as stuck as we are.

Each step feels like a journey toward freedom, the tunnel stretching ahead like a lifeline to the surface. The path is treacherous, uneven, and unforgiving, just like the path to this tunnel. I'm really starting to hate the darkness, even if I can see through it. I'm sure Earl's furious at being able to see for only small portions of this entire venture.

As I reach the end of the tunnel, the wall abruptly stopping for no reason, a sense of confusion surges within me.

"A dead end?"

I can't help but speak aloud at the absurdity, but the moment I do, a rumble comes from above me.

The ceiling begins to slide open above, revealing a sliver of light from the world above. The sensation is akin to emerging from the depths of the earth, reborn into the daylight.

With a final burst of energy, I ascend toward the surface, jumping and grappling the top before pulling myself up. My heart pounds with anticipation as I worry about what I might find, and again, I'm disappointed. The air is stale as I'm greeted by the familiar surroundings of the main entrance to the bunker, where this pointless journey began.

A voice to my side brings my attention. Twisting, I find Johnny shouting at me.

"Wyatt!? Where did you all go? Once you five passed through the tunnel, the thing vanished like you guys?"

I reach down and haul Earl up as he lifts his hands for help. Meanwhile, Virgil Flickers upward and answers for me.

"Us three found each other deep below. It seems as though Eli is just trying to distract us and buy time. We need to get away from here as soon as possible. Dominions are about to clash nearby, and we don't want to be within the same horizon. As for Lennon and Edward, I'm not sure. We didn't see or hear them. Kwakiteh, either. What about you? What did you guys find?"

After giving his report to Johnny, Virgil glances around, taking in the sight of packs set down and small tents placed around the vast entrance of the bunker. Johnny opens one hand as he curses.

"Dominions... By the Devil. Is he acting already? Well, we found fucking nothing. This floor is a veritable maze with not only no end but no reward. Abraham was trying to reach you all constantly but couldn't. Some suppressive effects on widespread Ether must be in place."

I nod to Johnny and tell him what we agreed to and decided.

"We need to leave Johnny—without Ed. Taking him is too big a risk for humanity. Eli says he's needed for Vincent's apotheosis, and we can't waste the time or lives to take him. Eli gave us a crash course on the traps and preparations he has to stop invaders, and I do not want to see any more than I already have."

Johnny's brows furrow as Tomas strides closer, his face just as deep in thought. He must have heard of it from wherever he was. The gunslinger then twists to face Tomas but stops halfway as a rumble appears in the wall beside him.

Everyone immediately draws their weapons as a supremely bloody hand claws its way to the wall before dragging its owner out. Edward. Behind him is stumbling Lennon, as both seem to be severely wounded. I gape at their injuries due to their strengths as Johnny surges forward to catch Edward and help him walk.

"What happened!? Did you two run into Eli?!"

Edward nods as he coughs, blood running down his lips already.

"Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine. Just need a few minutes. Lennon's got it worse than me."

"Do not."

Lennon's gruff voice cuts through as he plops on the hard stone, his blade nestled on his shoulder as he groans heavily. The Bloodied Beast doesn't argue, however, and sits his ass down as well.

"Good to see you three made it out as well. I assume you've come to similar conclusions as I based on your faces, Johnny. We must hurry back to Blackstone, then break for Gravecross."

What? Why? Why can't we just—oh... We left people behind.

Johnny nods as he seems to put things together. He grabs a cigar from a box on his belt as the man finally seems to reach his highest level of stress, something I haven't seen since he and Primrose nearly died in Rustbank.

His face falls to the stone as I, too, realize the severity of our situation.

"Dominions are coming. That means so are their lessers. If they are coming here to Blackcrink, then Blackstone is in their way. Too many Unsigiled and non-combatants are there without any powerful defenders capable of holding all those armies back. Plus, there is zero chance all of us made it to Gravecross in time without the Steam Train. Dawn is there, and so is Elizabeth... How long do you reckon we have, Edward?"

Shit. Shit. Shit. We have to have time to get there and back, right? Elizabeth, Esther, and Virgil's whole family are back there. The man of darkness' face is hidden from me, but I can see his hands clasped tightly within themselves.

The Bloodied Beast coughs, wiping his hand against his lip as I notice he has a new piece of attire on his neck. A pendant with chains and a balance. How odd. And despite his wounds that still leak red liquids, he stands shakily.

"We have until midnight when we must be gone. That means... hours. At most, we have a few hours as the sun is already setting. I'd say... three at max for there and back before serious deaths start to pile up. The Cross's Claws are there and should buy us some time, but those three cannot handle an army of the three races."

No... A few hours? It took us four hours just to get here with everyone! I don't recognize who he mentions, but Johnny does as he exhales a puff of his cigar.

"Laura's there? That gives me some confidence we'll make it there in time. Mindsplitter is quite the Lumen, but you're right. She and her two partners can match an Angel but not multiple. Even if she's arguably the strongest Forerunner now that Lennon ascended, I still think we might be too slow. Her grandfather didn't come with?"

Edward replies with a simple shrug that Johnny curses at. I don't know who her grandfather is, but based on their reactions, he's someone strong enough to change the situation. The news just gets worse and worse, and I can't help but burst out as they keep spitting out more negatives.

"Then what? What do we do? Do we let them all die!?"

Tomas laughs, his low voice from his squat echoing in the chamber as more and more people gather from the noise.

"No. We run, Wyatt. But we can only take the fastest. That means you, Virgil, Lennon, Johnny, Edward, and I. We are all they will get as reinforcements."

My eyes widen as I realize it will be just the six of us against a three-part army. I glance around, searching for anyone else who could keep up with our speed, and I only find one man.

"Bonfire. He can keep up. We need as many as possible to save as many as we can, right? Believe in him."

The pyromaniac glances up from his deck of cards in his hand, confused as he wasn't paying attention.


Edward scoffs and strikes the man off with a wave of his hand, but Johnny vouches for him.

"No. Wyatt's right. Bonfire can make it, too. The slayer of Darkstep shouldn't be so easily looked down upon."

Johnny's words make Edward's eyebrows rise in admiration, and I smile as Tomas grabs Bonfire by the coat and lifts him into the air. His voice raises as he addresses everyone else in the area.

"Alright, then. We need to get going right this instant. Anyone who is not going to Blackstone! Spread the word to flee to Gravecross! Help as many make it to the elevator to lift up the plateau before midnight! That is the only place that will be safe! Once people start evacuating, wait by the train station here! We will pick you up!"

I breathe in and out, attempting to steady my heartbeat as I fret over my current situation. My Ether saturation is high, and I don't feel too comfortable for a large-scale battle. Yet, at the same time, neither is anyone else. Most others are exhausted or wounded as well. Burdenless is my secret weapon to not run out of fumes before anyone else.

Earl gives me a high five as he slips me a vial of a deep, dark, abyssal black liquid with a whisper. His voice is high-pitched, the kind of tone he has when he's about to freak out.

"This is a last resort, okay? I know you're tough, but the Bloody Palm ain't awake right now. Play this careful. I'll stay with Abraham and make sure he's awake. If any of you get too injured, fall asleep as fast as you can. He'll pull you back, and the rest of us can focus on keeping you alive. Let the others know once you leave. But... Wyatt? Get Elizabeth and Esther. Please."

I look into his eyes and nod with a promise more heartfelt than any before.

"I will. I promise I will."

Earl releases a sigh of relief before twisting away, heading toward the tents as the rest quickly pack up. I then hear Edward's shout.

"NOW! Wyatt! Bonfire! Let's go!"

Pivoting my foot, I propel myself to the exit and climb up the giant stairs as quickly as possible before arriving beside the Angels and Virgil. Bonfire also lands beside me in a hurry with a piece of steak in his mouth. He doesn't even look ashamed as he chews and speaks.

"Hungry. Can't fight on an empty stomach."

Johnny smacks him upside the head, but Bonfire reacts fast enough, the hand going straight through his noggin of fire. The gunslinger gets visibly angry as Bonfire laughs, and he raises his hand again, Ether visible upon his palm.

The threat has Bonfire raise his hands, offering for peace.

"Okay—okay—okay! I'll be serious. I know it's a big deal. I just need to keep my emotions down. You know that. Food works best if I can't gamble or joke."

My head sinks as I understand Bonfire's silliness. His anger is a threatening thing to himself, us, and his enemies. The worse it burns, the more it hurts. And even if he can combust and turn into fire, there is a limit. Those violet flames do, in fact, hurt him. His burn wounds are only getting worse as time passes.

Soon, they'll be visible on his face. They are already creeping up his shoulders toward his neck.

Johnny places a hand on Bonfire's shoulder as he sighs and looks at the rest of us.

"Fine. Just... hold it in until we get there. When it comes to clearing large swathes of enemies, I think you'll do the best. Leave the bigguns to us."

And with that, I turn to see Edward already gone, the man racing through the streets of Blackcrink with bloody footsteps as the few people are ushered out by Earl and the others who are staring. I wave to Blake as she bites her lip, seeing us leave.

She waves sadly back at me before turning and focusing on her task.

An audible flame explodes beside me as Bonfire soars to the roof of a building with fire on his heels. Then, he bursts forward, another explosion sending him hurtling through the air. It's not entirely flying like that of a bird or a Bado, but I don't think it's that far from it.

Speaking of, perhaps Skyswain should come with us? I completely forgot about her swift speed. Yes! She's perfect!

The following two to leave are Lennon and Johnny, as they move far more naturally than Bonfire or Edward. Their paces are simply beyond the speed of the average eye to follow, cracking stone beneath their feet. Lennon doesn't even need that crazed Dzil of his to do that, and Johnny can only do it after seconds of building up Accelerate.

Shaking my head, I turn and search for Skyswain with my eyes as I see her sitting on the top of a roof, staring downwardly aimlessly. Rushing forward, I leap, grabbing a sizeable metallic light fixture before lifting myself up and onto the roof after an even more significant leap delivers my hand to its edge.

"Hey! Skyswain! Come with us! You're fast! We could use more help!"

Skyswain twists her head and stares at me with those beady eyes of hers. Her eyes crinkle, and the skin on the edge of her beak widens, denoting that of a Bado's smile.

"You forgot about me, didn't you? Was Bonfire really faster in your eyes than me? It hurts, y'know."

I bite my lip as I feel bad. I don't know how I forgot about her. Was she not down there? That was it!

"Hey! You weren't down there when I was looking for people."

Skyswain scoffs and nods, pointing upward.

"Of course. I was above searching for any threats that might be coming. Someone has to be on the lookout, and I can't hear you all from up there unless you specifically scream for me. So, let's go. I was about to follow on my own once I saw you leave. Figured you'd be the easiest to pursue."

Huh? I'm the easiest to track? That doesn't make sense.

"Why am I the easiest to pursue?"

Skyswain stands, her wings unfolding with all the splendor Skychaser's wings once had. Only now do I notice she possesses a 6th Sigil, her chains dark blue, the same pigment as mine. Everyone is growing with the pressures pushing down on us.

The thought makes me smile even as she makes fun of me.

"Well, let me see. Edward, Johnny, and Lennon are far too fast to follow. At best, I could hope to keep up with Edward, but he left first before I was ready. Bonfire is too dangerous to track. I'd rather not get hit in the air by a stray bolt of fire. And... that shadow behind you? Fuck that. I ain't finding him in a bright-ass desert with a compass that points to him. So, it's you, kid."

Twisting around at her words, I find Virgil leaning against the part of the building that comes out for an entrance to the roof like a shack. He shakes his head at me.

"I knew you'd get distracted somehow, so I stayed. C'mon. At least it was for a good purpose."

I grin at him and clench my fist slightly at the joke. He's not wrong. I'm really good at getting sidetracked. Offering a last series of words, I run toward the edge of the roof, and jump, Ether already flowing through my veins.

"Well, Dakota, Esther, and Elizabeth are waiting on me, and you have your own families! Let's fucking go!"

Knowing that I still possess a Burdenless to consume, I use everything, focusing purely on speed. It is a little reckless, but I have a countermeasure.

Madnesses with Lily as the core contorts my flesh, bone, and muscle, shifting my legs to look more like grotesque flower stems than legs as I move with even greater alacrity. Breakneck, Strugglers Defiance, and Painsforge from my lingering wounds from the earlier fights pump with my heart as the center, forcing me over the buildings with an extreme speed.

I move faster, faster, and faster as I ramp up my Ether. The sound of Painsforge roars through Blackcrink before I exit the city with a great leap that lands me on the flat stone of Blackreach.

The urgency of the situation fuels my every stride, the weight of exhaustion a secondary concern to the looming threat. The many hours of travel to reach the city quickly fade into a singular hour as I accelerate to a pace that nearly matches Johnny's, as I don't have to worry about Ether saturation. Time is shed away in our haste, our minds focused entirely on moving through the terrain. Gradually, I approach the city's boundaries. But once I do, the sight of the dark stone on the horizon, the distant sounds of conflict grow audible—a cacophony of battle cries and the clash of steel.

My heart pounds in my chest as we draw closer, a mixture of unease and resolve coursing through my veins. I see Lennon has already entered the city as a visible line of air cuts into the sky, slicing apart a thin line of clouds high above with a roar that reaches even me.


That's not good. I pump my legs even harder as I try to match Johnny, who is not far in front of me, sprinting beside Edward. Far above, I notice Skyswain's crackling lightning, but no sign of Virgil exists as usual. I give a cursory glance for Bonfire and find him, surprisingly, already in the city.

It's hard to be sure from this far, but the gout of flame entering the sky is either him or...

It's him.

My breaths come out ragged, hurried, and pained as my whole body screams of exhaustion. My brain pounds like that of the deadliest maul that bashes me to pieces, but I hold it together with the cool steel of my right hand on my forehead. I can handle physical exhaustion. That is something I have always been able to push through. It's the Ether saturation that's truly bad. Soon, very, very soon, I'll have to use Burdenless.

There is nothing inherently wrong about that, either. It's just that once I use it, I have no more secret or hidden tricks to rely on. Shiver isn't mastered, and Painsforge works best with the Bloody Palm to keep me at a certain level of injury.

Gritting my teeth, I force myself onto the cobbled streets of Blackstone as I twist around a corner, the sounds of an imminent clash screaming into my ear.

The battle occurring nearly brings my mind to a pause.