Just as Sofia was preparing herself mentally, Emir entered the classroom.
He was right on time, as always, like he'd timed his entrance to interrupt the most frantic part of everyone's pre-exam panic.
Emir looked as relaxed as ever, like he was stepping in for an afternoon coffee instead of about to drop a bomb on a roomful of anxious students.
He glanced around the room, his gaze lingering just a bit longer on the more nervous faces. "Everyone ready for this?"
No one dared answer.
The class practically held its breath.
They were not only feeling completely unprepared but also most of them weren't brave enough to speak, afraid that the other students might jump them.
"Alright then."
Emir smirked as if he'd expected as much.
With a soft gesture, he turned on the large holoscreen to the left of his podium.