I opened my eyes to darkness, but it wasn't what I was used to.
It wasn't all-encompassing.
Even through the haze of my first moments, I could make out a few things, mainly the ceiling that was far above, made of plywood and some sort of metal, likely aluminum, in the shape of a truss.
That wasn't on my mind at that moment, however, as my focus was almost immediately on the person holding the target, or rather, me, by my legs.
Right, currently, I was being dragged by someone, likely a man, if his rough and calloused hands were any indication.
Then, I felt it—a hard floor scraping beneath me as I was pulled forward, hard, my head smacking against cold tiles with his every step.
Each hit echoed, jarring, leaving bursts of pain shooting through my skull.
My already blurred vision blurred even further, and I could barely make out the figure ahead of me, no matter how many times I tried.