Sofia took a deep breath before she knocked on Emir's office door.
She didn't expect an answer—she knew he'd let her in without a word.
And after what she'd just heard between him and Quinn, she couldn't leave without saying her piece.
She'd been silent about it long enough.
The door swooshed open and she stepped inside.
Emir barely looked up from his work, as if he'd been expecting her all along.
She felt a chill run through her, but she swallowed it down, steeling herself as she approached his desk.
"You're upset."
Sofia folded her arms, her expression icy but her voice soft, nearly a whisper:
Emir sighed, finally looking away from the terminal and meeting her gaze.
"What is it this time, Sofia?"
"...You... you're spending too much time on her."
Her answer came almost immediately, wavering with a hint of bitterness.
"It's unfair."
He raised an eyebrow.