Emir lowered his head.
"That's a steep price for a guy like me... I'll meet you at two fifty."
Mr. King tutted, wagging his finger.
"Two fifty for a piece of this quality? It has memories embedded in it! Imagine the knowledge it holds. Let's say… three hundred, final offer."
After a moment's thought, Emir nodded.
"Three hundred it is, then."
They shook on it, sealing the deal.
Mr. King's grin widened, satisfied at getting his price, while Emir, who allowed him to get that price, felt a thrill at acquiring something of such potential value.
He already knew what he was going to do with it, or rather, who he was going to give it to.
Though he previously planned to have Mr. Player transfer the dimensional item's properties into his shades, the quality he was presented with changed everything.
It simply was too good to destroy, its purpose beyond being a convenient storage room.