Chereads / Futa Diaries / Chapter 36 - Tsunade's Debt

Chapter 36 - Tsunade's Debt


Kinks / Themes : Naruto Fanfic, Tsunade MC, Prostitution, Bukkake, Gangbang, 'Dark', Moral Degredation

Yes, this is a Naruto Fanfic inside the Futa Diaries; recently, I've been thinking about certain anime and how they have 'potential', so of course this is something that I wanted to do, and after a lot of deliberation I said 'fuck it' and decided that I'll put Fanfic entries inside here as well, since this is NEVER going to be monetized, and if it is I will remove these Fanfic entries before hand.

I just didn't want to start a 'new' book to put all of the Fanfic entries, so... yeah. 

Anyways, enjoy, if you have an idea about things I could do for Fanfic entries let me know, I'll keep them in mind; I already have entries for Danmachi, Konosuba, and Reincarnated as a Slime planned, so...

And... that 'Dark' tag means this is a bit 'unpalatable' for some, but not drastic? 

Pretty much the prostitution can be seen as 'forced' but not really, and this is the Tsunade before she meets Naruto, so she's... jaded and 'damaged' mentally, so this entire thing is going to be tinged with that jaded and damaged mentality of hers...

Also, inspiration for this is 457497 on that one funny website~!


"Please listen to me Lady Tsunade! Please! You're running us deep into the red! The debts accrued are monumental!"

I pinched my nose and sighed as I looked away from Shizune, my trusted aide and reminder of what once was...

She was rightfully worried; I knew just how much money I had lost, how deeply that would affect the two of us as we moved from place to place, but the memories...

All of them, each fleeting moment from what had happened all those years ago... they haunted me, and I needed a source of comfort, something to distract my mind and keep me sane.

Sadly, despite being the legendary Senju Princess, despite being a member of the Sannin, despite being such an unrivaled Kunoichi in so many facets of the profession, my mental fortitude was something that was lacking...

I fell into addiction readily; liquor numbed the pain, and to take away the rest of it, I gambled away everything, relishing the atmosphere of a casino or any gambling table I could find myself at, doing everything I could to wipe my mind of those horrific memories, only to put myself and my charge at risk.

But... like any addiction, I KNEW that I was doing something wrong, that I was damaging not only myself, but also my precious student, and yet... I couldn't stop; I wasn't able to stop, because when I did stop... everything I wanted to keep away came rushing back.

The blood.

The screams.

The helplessness...

All of it circled my heart and mind, drowning me in a frigid, dark lake of despair and agony with no way out, and...

I was scared.

So, so scared to return to it, that I would jeopardize my own life, the life of Shizune, all so I could run from those memories.

If the village could see me now, they would recognize nothing about me; a coward is what I am now, not a legendary hero or someone worthy of respect...

And yet, I cannot change that, not now, not with how I currently am, but I simply don't care either.

After all...

"I... I'll figure it out, Shizune. Just like I have before... Just like I always will. Now, where's that other bottle of sake at?"

My dark haired aide gave me a worried look, her innocent gaze making what I was about to do even harder to bear, but I was willing to shoulder another burden if it meant that innocence could remain...

It was what she deserved, after all.

After everything that happened... it was the least I could do, even if I disliked each second of it.

Waiting for her to fall asleep, waiting to betray her image of me once again, I conjured up my chakra and utilized my vast array of knowledge on physiology to place Shizune in a deep, deep slumber, the younger woman slipping into the wonderful embrace of sleep as I tapped a few pressure points, chakra points, and layered a jutsu over her body, ensuring she would remain asleep.

Another reason the people of Konoha wouldn't remember me was simple; I was no valorous Kunoichi, but instead a simple prostitute who sucked whatever cock she could to earn some coin, or used her oversized chest to squeeze the sperm out of those cocks, before drinking down their seed like it was a fine sake...

Sometimes - very rarely, but sometimes - when the coin was just right, I would shake my ass and let random futanari fuck me like a whore, cumming inside me and trying to get me pregnant as we had sex in exchange for coin.

Sex earned me more money than saving someone's life funnily enough, and that was my plan as I donned my favorite soft green haori and tugged at the robe beneath, ensuring that the two gigantic mountains that were my tits were on full display, causing me to smile wryly as I shook my head, wondering for a brief moment what my ancestors thought of this...

Only to sigh again and cast the thought from my mind, already feeling down enough about what I was about to do... and slightly expectant, something that was far too conflicting for me to analyze at the moment.

So, I glanced back at Shizune for a few seconds, staring at the sleeping woman I was responsible for before slipping out of the room we had rented at the inn, making my way into the common area and searching for the woman I was far too acquainted with.

Men and women laughed and joked together deep into the night, alcohol in hand as they enjoyed themselves to the fullest, blowing through their coin as they descended further into the embrace of liquor and lust, many of them already getting handsy with one another.

Some were quietly smirking at one another as they 'hiddenly' pleasured each other, whilst others were moaning already as they indulged more openly; some talked and walked away, and some watched on with interest, taking it all in and finding their pleasure that way.

Eyes found their way to me, and I had to hold back a shiver as men looked at me with such blatant lust, something I had come to slowly despise after having the one I truly cared for ripped away...

It made me feel dirty, and yet when I walked through the boisterous inn towards a woman who was doing the same, I was surprisingly neutral to the way she grinned at me lecherously, her black eyes lost inside my cleavage as she admired my breasts.

Futanari were a... conundrum to me, in the sense that I never minded when women stared at me with envy or lust, and now that they had penises attached to them, it didn't bother me, whilst the idea of a burly or fat man doing the same made me...

This futanari in particular was one I was familiar with, hence why she was smirking at me with such blatant lust and confidence, which only spiked as I took a seat at her table, looking down over the wooden cards laid flush in the center.

"Ah, if it isn't my favorite~ Kunoichi ever... the one, the only, Lady Tsunade~!"

I gave her a flat stare as I sat down, the older futanari just chuckling as she leaned forwards, those black eyes not matching her appearance at all with how sharp and youthful they looked; wrinkled features and greying hair, Yaeko was a woman who was surprisingly old at 60 something years old, yet she maintained a 'mature' look.

Thin lips and sharp eyebrows, Yaeko never used makeup to cover up her 'blemishes', instead going entirely natural and leaving her rather amused expression on display, whilst her thin body was covered by a 'simple' black robe, the only sign of her wealth being the darker black threads woven into the robe in the shapes of lotuses, as well as the silver cuffs at the edge of her sleeves.

Tall and thin, amused yet not 'kind', Yaeko was a cutthroat businesswoman who had money to spare for three generations, and money to fund another four comfortably, which she was doing; her mother, herself and her wife, her two children, and her single grandchild.

A 'devoted' wife, Yaeko was a frequent to these types of establishments, where she made deals and had chats with other important people, though her wife's digging could never discover how those deals were far different than what she was told...

"What can I do for you, Lady Tsunade? Perhaps a game of Koi Koi to take the edge off? Buy in is a mere 1,000 Ryo!"

She gave me an 'innocent' smile that let me know she understood my situation perfectly, and as soon as I wordlessly nodded, her smile grew even more as she gestured towards the thin man at the table, who began to shuffle and lay out the Hanafuda cards, beginning the matching game.

Sitting beside me, the futanari reached over and began to caress my thigh, trailing her fingers of my haori and snaking her way towards my pussy, before pulling away, teasing me; my breath caught in my throat as I felt my lower lips moisten already, something that made me blush a bit with shame, though I masked that with the sake that was poured for me.

The game was simple, and I began to play without a care, creating the pairs of matching cards and taking some risks as I created streaks of matching, earning myself more points and eventually winning my first game, going from 1,000 Ryo to 10,000 Ryo, which Yaeko handed to me with a smile.

So, I placed one of those ten bills onto the table and went again, and again, and again; I played for a half hour, drinking and chatting quietly with the people at the table as I was subjected to Yaeko's whims, the businesswoman playing with me like a toy, before she eventually got bored and simply undid her robe, smirking at me.

The area around us was suddenly screened off, the private area she had in the inn working to her advantage as the futanari revealed her tall and thin cock, which matched her body.

"Tsunade, how much did you need~?"

My eyes lingered on the throbbing penis beside me, before I looked up into those voids of black that Yaeko called eyes, making me gulp as I felt a mixture of arousal and 'fear' begin to swell inside my heart.

"Around... 475,000 Ryo..."

Her smile widened, and she just gestured to her cock before waving at her peers, sending the men away and leaving only the women.

"You understand what will happen, correct? Last time it was 200,000 Ryo, Tsunade... and I know you went to a different loaner too for another 100,000... Tsk tsk."

Shaking her head, she curled her finger and signaled for me to get closer, before her hand landed on my collar as she added "I don't appreciate that, though I have to admit having the information on Hana was valuable. Her own wives weren't too pleased, and she's currently in the midst of an internal feud... which made it easy to swallow up her businesses~! So all is well that ends well, Tsunade..."

Pulling my haori to the side, she licked her lips as she revealed one of my breasts, the large mountain of flesh capturing her attention so easily, though the main concern of the businesswoman was simple; she wanted her cock milked, and that was where I would earn my money.

"Make it end well, Tsunade. Each shot is worth 10,000 Ryo. Make me cum, and you get paid. Make them cum, and you get paid. It's up to you to make it end well, Tsunade... The decision is yours~!"

The glee in her voice as she released me and moved to sit on the table was grating and infuriating, but I could only swallow my pride and swallow her cock as I leaned forwards, my blonde hair held in her hands as she began to enjoy a blowjob.

Her cock wasn't the largest I had ever taken, but it was by far the longest, so as I kissed her groin I couldn't help but groan as I felt her scrape the back of my throat, the musk of a futanari wafting into my nostrils as I buried my nose into her neatly trimmed bush.

The bitter taste of her precum as she stroked my head as I blew her cock made me shiver, and I blushed with embarrassment as my pussy got even more wet then before, memories of taking thick creampies on this woman's bed rushing into my mind as I eagerly slurped on her penis, getting myself into the mood despite taking a hit to my pride.

Sadly, my real pride took that hit, but a secondary pride swelled as Yaeko gasped softly, her hands stroking my head gently as the older woman muttered "Such a good cock sucker... Oh by the Sage, you're such a good cock sucker! Best 10,000 Ryo I've ever spent!"

Her hips jerked up into my mouth as she got close to cumming, the woman's testicles heavy with sperm that yearned for release, and I gagged slightly as her long cock scraped the back of my throat, reaching a place that only food and drink would normally reach...

Though, I guess sperm was a type of beverage, was it not? 

Like sake, just... unprocessed and delec-

My eyes widened as Yaeko gasped again, her testicles clenching and rising as she hissed "Drink it down, bitch! Oh Sage... drink my sperm! Drink it!"

Her derogatory words would normally ignite anger inside my heart, but now I only felt... excitement at them, which made me confused, though I couldn't remain confused for long as her scalding hot cum was ejaculated straight into my throat, the older woman groaning above me as I earned my first 10,000 Ryo of the night.

She shot multiple thick ropes of cum into my mouth, and I swallowed them all dutifully before releasing her cock with an audible, wet plop, the thin penis standing tall and proud as testament to its achievement; using my mouth as a convenient hole to blow its load.

"Good... Good job, Tsunade! That's 10,000 Ryo. You only need to do that 47 more times to reach your goal~! Now, I don't think I can manage 47 ejaculations, even with such a dedicated and renowned healer like yourself tending to my needs, but..."

The businesswoman grinned down at me, waving her hand around at the various other futanari who were smirking at this situation, stroking their cocks and staring at me with lust, making my cheeks darken for a moment before I let out a sigh, nodding my head.

Their robes and shoes created a cacophony as they stood up and approached me, eagerly jerking off as they looked down at me with such blatant desire to fuck me like a whore and disrespect me however they could...

I blinked a few times as I was surrounded by a variety of cocks, before shrugging as I grabbed two and took a third into my mouth, beginning my work once more... something that I was only beginning to realize I didn't hate as I pleasured three futanari directly.

A shorter, yet thicker cock wrenched my jaw apart, the owner of it grabbing my head and grinning like a loon as she swung her hips forwards and used my puckered lips to jerk off; meanwhile, the two on either side of me were watching me such a cock like a dirty whore with smirks of their own, all while I pumped at their penises and got them off.

The scent of cum and the stronger, dominant scent of futanari hormones washed over me, making my cheeks darken some more as I fell into a 'drunken' state, far too horny to care that I was ruining my imagine so very much once more, and far too horny to say no to any of these cocks.


I was a whore.

And... that didn't make me feel ashamed at all, even as the futanari in front of me grunted and came inside my mouth, filling it with sperm, before pulling out and forcing my lips apart so that the two futanari on either side of me could cum in my mouth as well, filling it with their semen.

Swallowing it all down, I licked my lips and parted them again to show that I had swallowed it all without difficulty, my ability to do so honed over years of sucking wealthy cocks and drink their disgusting seed no matter what; the fact that - just like liquor - it no longer tasted disgusting only proved that point.

I was a cock sucking whore, and I didn't feel any shame as I got drunk off of the cum, taking a fifth cock without hesitation and sucking on it like it was a treat, bobbing my head back and forth expertly as I made the futanari cum in only half a minute, taking her seed and swallowing it down before returning to Yaeko's cock.

The futanari were all grinning at one another, and they watched as I sucked the cock of their leader once more, leaving me alone to pleasure her before lunging back onto me, slapping their cocks against my face and getting me to suck them off again.

My lips were wrapped around thin cocks, thick cocks, veiny cocks, long cocks, short cocks, pale cocks, tanned cocks... there was such a variety available to me as I sat in that room, draining their balls for 10,000 Ryo an ejaculation and drinking it all down, filling my stomach with sperm at a rapid pace.

Each time I gave a futanari an ejaculation, I drowned in their musk as I kissed their groins, taking their penises deep into my mouth and ensuring that their entire length was drenched in my saliva, all while their pubes tickled my face and spread more of their scent into my nostrils.

By the time that I had made each of them cum three times, my jaw was beginning to hurt, causing me to stop the next futanari as I rubbed at the joints, trying to ease the aching from keeping my mouth open for so long... before I went crimson as I burped, the taste of their cum coming back up with that belch, something that made them all grin at me.

"I... I can't keep sucking your cocks, so..?"

Reaching down for my cum soaked haori - despite having tried to drink down all of their cum, sometimes they filled my mouth to the brim and some of it dripped out, or sometimes they blasted so much cum so quickly that it missed my mouth and splashed against my tits, which only made them harder and made me hornier - I pulled it down and revealed my breasts to them, something that got their attention immediately.

"Perhaps... I can use these instead? And my hands, of course, just... not my mouth?"

Yaeko grinned at me the older woman still just as hard as before as she nodded, saying "Who would deny a tittyfuck from Tsunade?! The woman with some of the largest breasts ever?! Not me!"

My cheeks darkened again, but this time solely from lust as I approached Yaeko, the woman watching me with her grin as I raised my chest and dropped it onto her lap, burying her cock between my mountains.

Moaning softly at the heat that permeated my chest, I shivered as someone grabbed my hand and placed it on their slimy penis, before I swiftly wrapped my other arm around my tits and secured them together, making sure Yaeko got to fuck my tits properly.

"You're such a high class whore, Tsunade! Raise those udders higher! Let me fuck 'em like I was fucking your pussy from below!"

Her slightly strained voice as she began to thrust up into my tits made me moan again, my heart pounding inside my chest to the beat of her thrusts as she slapped her hips against the underside of my boobs, her long cock poking out of my cleavage with each thrust.

Yaeko grunted wildly as she slapped her hips against my breasts, each thrust sending ripples throughout their surface and making me moan to her rhythm, much to her arousal as she watched me closely.

Meanwhile, the pudgy futanari beside me enjoying a hand job grunted as well, her eyes glued to my tits too as she slowly reached her ejaculation, which she promptly sprayed onto my face and atop my breasts, covering me in sticky, smelly, delicious cum.

As soon as her cock exploded with sperm, another futanari took her place and had me pump her cock swiftly, only for me to blink in surprise as Yaeko hissed "Suck my tip! Drink my sperm down, Tsunade!"

Feeling her penis throb between my tits, I swiftly wrapped my lips around her tip and drank down the deluge of sperm that flooded my mouth, my aching jaw forgotten as I sucked her cock dry.

When she pulled away from my lips, Yaeko shot her remaining rope of cum across my tits, before moving to the side and letting another take her place, the futanari eagerly grabbing my tits and fucking them like a pussy, her hips slapping against the front of my breasts and squishing my perky nipples with each thrust.

Pumping my hand up and down the other's cock, I serviced two futanari's at once, my face covered in a small amount of cum from the pudgy futanari's ejaculation, though that was joined quickly by the ejaculation of someone else, a futanari jerking off to the sight of me getting used and cumming straight onto my face, covering me with sperm.

The viscous, hot liquid dripped down my cheeks and onto my tits, lubing my cleavage some more for further use as more and more futanari began to make use of my body for 10,000 Ryo per ejaculation, treating me like the whore I am as they came and came on my tits, on my face, and in my mouth.

My stomach was bloated with semen, and yet each time they demanded I open my mouth to take their creamy loads, I welcomed their cum with an outstretched tongue, gulping it down like a fine sake, only to then feel another barrage of heat assault my breasts.

Cum covered my pale skin and clumped up my blonde hair, and yet I couldn't care at all as I remained seated, my only movements this entire time being to jerk off a cock, bounce my tits for their cocks, or suck on a cock; no where was I allowed to do anything else, and I couldn't care less as I just saw them as dispensers of Ryo...

All this sticky semen meant I was making enough money to pay off my debts, which only made Yaeko's cock taste even better as the woman slapped my cheek with her thin penis before grabbing my head and fucking my throat again, uncaring of my aching jaw and demand to use only my hands and tits.

That was what made it easier for me to swallow her sperm and consider her offer as she sent everyone away, the bukkake finished; all of the futanari's who had been using my body to cum were sent away, their balls emptied and their wallets significantly emptier as they paid Yaeko, who then gave the money to me.

And I watched as a second stack identical to the one that I had earned was placed on the table, my eyes widening as Yaeko leaned over and whispered "Come to my room, Tsunade, and let me and my guards have a taste of you again... Just me, you, and two others, or just me and you. I care not. All I want is to make love to you again, to fuck that pussy of yours and stuff it full of my cum... For double the amount you wanted. And to be generous, I'll round it up to 1,000,000 Ryo and give you a 500,000 Ryo tab at my casino, as well as three bottles of my finest sake. So, what do you say?"

Staring at the bills, I didn't bother to clean off my face, which was plastered with sperm, or cover my tits, which were also plastered with sperm; my belly was bulging slightly with their loads, and I could tell that I had cum multiple times already, my legs shaky and drenched with something besides semen.

I... I had already done it before, and I had just 'endured' so much just now, so what would some more be..?

Besides, I had let Yaeko have sex with me before for much less, and I could remember the wonders of that night even now; the way she - a weakling - pinned me down and fucked me like she owned me, using her status, her money, and my mission against me to make me her bitch for an entire night.

Something I could have escaped from, but after being forced to suck her cock from lunch to dinner - as well as those of her guards - I had let her blackmail me into being her bitch, and she had even gotten me pregnant that night... though I had terminated the pregnancy before it could come to fruition, of course...

So... I agreed, nodding my head and making the thin businesswoman grin as she showed me her throbbing cock again, resting her hand atop my head and ruffling my hair as I started to suck her penis once more, taking the long, thin dick into my throat and giving the woman some more service.

Not because I was paid to, but because I wanted to taste her cum again, to savor its flavor one more time before I was going to taste it in a different hole, something that made me shiver as I sucked her cock as best I could, blowing this normal woman with such zeal she couldn't help but cum in a mere minute, ejaculating inside my mouth like she was trying to inseminate me from this hole, depositing her sperm inside my stomach alongside the dozens of other loads I had already drank down tonight.

Yaeko handed me a towel to clean myself off before gesturing for me to walk beside her, the older woman confidently grabbing my ass and parading me somewhat through the casino, taking me to her room and leaving behind plenty of rumors for the inhabitants of the casino; rumors that they kept within these walls as they went back to their own rooms to jerk off, imagining being in Yaeko's position...

To be able to fondle my breasts and slap my ass before having me warm their beds for the night, drinking down their sperm with both my mouth and my lower lips, taking it all in like a good slut as I earned my Ryo for the day, something that made Yaeko's perverse attitude bearable as I let her grope my butt, all while I caressed her cock.

Reaching her room, Yaeko grinned at me as she stripped swiftly, watching me with pursed lips as I made a show of it for her, making my tits bounce before turning around and bending over to reveal my juicy, drenched pussy to her, my neatly trimmed hair already dripping slightly thanks to earlier.

My skin reeked of cum, and yet I couldn't think of a fragrance I would want to smell of at the moment besides that, something that made it even easier for me to accept Yaeko's hand as she guided me onto her bed, the businesswoman licking her lips now as she raked her eyes over my body.

"So, so beautiful, Tsunade... no one in this whole world can compare to you. No one. And to think that such beauty is available for purchase..! I imagine Hiruzen would have a heart attack if he knew that the Senju Princess was whoring herself out~! Or how hard Jiraiya would be to learn of this... Good thing I keep him away from my casinos, hm~?"

I smiled back at her, not focusing on the words themselves but instead the woman herself as she ran her hands over my skin, eventually grabbing my tits and giving them a firm squeeze, drawing out a moan from my lips as I stared up at her with lust filled eyes.

"Tell me, Tsunade..."

Leaning down, Yaeko kissed my nipple before sucking on it, the older woman poking my stomach with her rock hard cock as she stared straight at me, indulging herself even as two shadows fell over us both.

With an audible plop, Yaeko released my breasts and moved down towards my hips, sitting up again and pressing her cock against my soaked pussy, her features twisting slightly in arousal as she asked "Are you going to pleasure just me, or pleasure my two guards as well..?"

Rubbing her penis against my pussy, the businesswoman grinned down at me as she watched her two guards whip out their cocks, my gaze alternating between the three of them before I moaned as Yaeko decided to finally penetrate me, sliding her slimy, thin penis into my pussy and breaching my womb in a single thrust.

In response, I grabbed their dicks and began to jerk them off, with one of them rubbing her penis against my breast whilst the other turned my head to the side and parted my lips, having me suck her off instead.

Yaeko grabbed at my ass from below and swung her hips forwards, setting a quick rhythm as she stroked her tip with my cervix, the businesswoman groaning with so much pleasure as she started to fuck me hard, filling me with her non Shinobi cock.

Instinctively, I wrapped my legs around her waist and accepted her deep thrusts, all while her two muscular guards grunted on either side of me, one matching her boss as she speedily fucked my mouth whilst the other let me set the pace as I jerked her off, her precum dripping onto my tit as she rubbed against my nipple.

No one said anything, too lost in pleasure to mutter a single word as we sought out more and more pleasure, with Yaeko being the one getting the most as she hastily smacked her hips against mine.

The sound of her thighs smacking against my butt echoed throughout the room, mixing with the sloppy sound of the guard fucking my mouth and their grunts, the plapping and squelching making my mind go blank as I felt my pussy quiver.

I was already drenched from before, but now that I had a penis inside my pussy again, the ecstasy that had built up inside my womb flooded out in the form of an orgasm as I squirted, unable to contain myself as I came from being fucked by Yaeko and her two guards.

Immorality of being fucked like a whore made it all the sweeter as the guard inside my mouth grunted once more, her bitter seed exploding onto my tongue as she came alongside me, flooding my throat with her thick semen and almost choking me on it.

Pulling out, she came on my face to end her ejaculation, and without hesitation the other guard grabbed my head and turned me towards her, moving from jerking off on my tit to stuffing my cum filled mouth with her cock, having me swallow down another load of cum a few moments later.

Yaeko just repeatedly thrusted away at my vagina, speedily fucking me before she too grunted as she filled my womb with her sperm, cumming harder than she had downstairs.

Sperm gushed out of her cock as she tried to knock me up, adding to my orgasm as I trembled on the bed, two cocks in my hand and a cock in my pussy; unbecoming of the Senju Princess, and yet I couldn't care as I laid there, basking in this orgasmic bliss, only to whimper as Yaeko pulled out, leaving my pussy feeling empty despite the seed that was clinging to my inner walls.

"Fucking hells... That was incredible..."

Muttering to herself, she wiped off her brow before grinning at me, staring at my likely flushed - and very much so cum covered - face as I whined "Fuck me again, Yaeko~! Shove your penis back inside me and stir up your cum~!"

Looking at her two guards, she just shrugged as she did as I wanted, guiding her penis back into my vagina and fucking me again, going just as hard and fast as before as she stirred up my cum soaked pussy, all while the two guards alternated between skull fucking me and wiping their cum and my saliva off on my tits.

Ejaculating inside me again, Yaeko grunted as she poured her seed deep inside my womb with her long penis, bloating my stomach slightly as she watched the two guards cum alongside her, spraying their sperm onto my face and painting me white.

Gesturing at them, Yaeko laid on my body and pulled me onto her chest, rolling over and keeping her cock submerged inside my vagina as she grabbed my ass, thrusting upwards and stirring around her previous loads as she began round three, all while her fingers dug deep into my cheeks and spread them apart, revealing my tight, unused asshole to the world.

One of the guards grabbed my ass as well, smacking her fat cock against my cheeks and making me moan as understanding dawned within my mind, the idea of being double penetrated down below only making me hornier as I accepted the cock of the other guard into my throat, consoling her until it was her turn to fuck me as well.

Pressing her cum covered cock against my butt, the other guard grunted as she continued to grope my butt, her hands joining Yaeko's as the two ogled my juicy bottom, before she pushed herself inside me without a care as I screamed in agonized glee at having a third cock enter me now.

The guard crouched behind me and started to relentlessly drill my ass, pounding her hips down into mine and scraping out my insides as she fucked me hard and good, her cock pressing against Yaeko's and making me feel even more stuffed than I already was.

The businesswoman just laid beneath me and slowly pushed her penis in and out of my vagina, letting her seed drip down onto her thighs and soak her balls as she enjoyed herself, all while she listened to me choke on a dick and get drilled in the ass.

Such a thick, burly penis rampaging inside my butt was not something I was expecting, but I welcomed it as the guard spanked me, making me moan before I squirted as the steady pounding and scraping made me cum, something that caused Yaeko to chuckle as I further soiled her lower half.

Meanwhile, the third guard was holding my messy hair in her hands and raping my throat, choking me with her cock and ensuring I sucked her as good as I had before as she gyrated her hips around, making me kiss her groin as she watched the her coworker speedily slap her thighs into my butt over and over again as she pounded me into the bed.

Cum soaked my face and matted my hair, while Yaeko began to roughly suckle on my tits, licking them clean and biting my nipples as she tormented me sexually, doing things I had no idea I liked...

When the guard flooded my ass with her sperm, she pulled out and shot the remaining ropes of semen onto my back, panting exhaustedly as she unloaded her energy inside me, before taking her coworkers place and having me service her cock whilst the other began to spread apart my asshole again, the semen inside it acting as lube and allowing her to fuck me as hard as she wanted right off the bat.

Sandwiched between the three women like a cheap whore, I was used like a cocksleeve for Sage knows how long, but I was damn sure that the amount of cum shot into and onto me was enough to get me pregnant a few times over, which...

Feeling Yaeko's sperm flooding my womb once more, my pussy spasmed as I thought about her knocking me up, something that she seemed to sense as I got tighter around her thin cock, the businesswoman still fucking me from below.

Two pairs of testicles rested on my ass as Yaeko and one of the guards ejaculated inside me together, their creampies filling me completely and making my head spin when they finally pulled out, letting their cum squirt out of my ass and vagina as they released me.

The last guard ejaculated on my face and my tits again, showering me in sperm and watching in amusement as I opened my mouth to catch some of it, drinking it down without hesitation even though my stomach was almost bursting with the amount of cum inside of it.

Yaeko spoke to the two, but I couldn't understand words at this moment as I laid on that bed, twitching and squirting and leaking, completely numb in my mind as the pleasure only continued to grow, robbing me of my ability to think.

Time passed by slowly, but when I came back around, Yaeko was sipping on a bottle of sake beside me, the businesswoman's cock flaccid for the first time in a long time as she stared at the wall, waiting for me to awaken.

Hearing my groan turned moan, she glanced at me and smirked, and I watched in a mixture of needy lust and aching reluctance as her thin cock got erect again, something that the businesswoman caught as she said "Sit, drink. You need some rest, and I want to talk. Then we can indulge some more~?"

She patted the bed beside her, and I crawled forwards and rested my cum soaked body beside her, something the woman found amusing as she watched me begin to wipe away all of the sperm, occasionally bringing it to my lips when my willpower faded.

"The Senju Princess Tsunade, lapping up the cum of those weaker than her and those not of the purest hearts... I think Hiruzen would have a heart attack if he learned about this, Tsunade~!"

I just gave her a small glare before wiping the cum off of my brow, getting it before it dripped into my eye.

"What do you... want to talk about, Yaeko..?"

My voice was raspy, my throat raw from all the moaning, but primarily from all the cocks I had sucked in the last few hours, causing Yaeko's boner to reach new heights as she beamed at me, her eyes raking over my body and making me shiver slightly.

"A few things... Tsunade, I was thinking about moving into Konoha soon, opening a casino there despite the firm and strict rules. It'd be a help if I had the agreement of one of the Sannin, wouldn't it?"

"What... would be in it for me..?"

Chuckling, Yaeko draped her arm over my shoulders and pulled me closer, her hand landing on my tit as she whispered "Many things, Tsunade... Room and board for free, all you can drink sake for a year, 75,000 Ryo a day for you to gamble with - house money - with all earnings going straight to your pockets, no tax. I'll even arrange a special room for you, with any number of futanari's on call for you to pick from~! After all..."

Her hand squeezed my large breast, and I moaned again, my body heating up not with someone else's sperm, but with lust as I bit my cheek, staring at her as she fondled me.

"You ARE a needy, horny woman, and you might try to deny it, but you love cock... otherwise, you wouldn't agree to letting my guards fuck you in the ass like a whore, or let me cum inside you relentlessly~!"

My cheeks darkened somewhat as she said that, and I let out a sigh as I gave up trying to deny it, knowing it would just be a bunch of lies; I had realized it, from the first time I sucked her cock tonight to now, that I really, really liked sex, and it helped me forget... everything.

It's hard to think about anything when a thick cock is in your throat, or when a woman is pounding your womb or ass selfishly...

"Fine... I think... I think I can work something out with Hiruzen. It'd bring a bunch of money to the village, at the very least..."

Yaeko grinned, nodding her head and guiding my hand to her cock, moaning softly as I started to jerk her off again, my fingers dancing over her slimy shaft as I teased her tip.

"Next, I have a more personal question, Tsunade... fuck, that's so~ good..! Sit on my lap!"

Her sudden demand made me shiver, and before I realized it was I swinging my leg over hers and guiding her cock into my pussy, mounting her lap and fucking her once more, something the futanari found arousing as she buried her face between my breasts, enjoying herself between them.

Grabbing my ass, she started to pump her semen into my womb again, and I shuddered as I was creampied again, unable to hold myself back as I gyrated my hips, finding the position to take her as deep as I could so that I could feel her cum spurting against the back of my womb.

Grunting, Yaeko leaned back and let out a relieved sigh, her expression twisted with pleasure as she continued to cum inside me, only to slap my ass and say "Shake your hips some more, Tsunade! I'm old, yes, but I can cum some more!"

My moans filled the room as we lost ourselves to some fun, her previous questions forgotten for now as she fondled my big butt and kept cumming inside me, eventually ejaculating enough to sit back and relax again.

"Tsunade, become my woman."

Staring me straight in the eye, Yaeko wore a serious expression, stunning me as she remained motionless beneath me, her hands resting on my butt whilst her cock remained nestled inside my womb.


Blinking, I couldn't comprehend what she had said, thinking I was too cum drunk to understand or that I had misheard, causing Yaeko to sigh as she spoke again, her voice crystal clear.

"I know I'm married already, and have a family, but damnit! I want you, Tsunade! I want to hold you and fuck you each night, I want to get you pregnant and have you bear my children!"

Her hands firmly groped my ass as she started to fuck me again, pushing me onto my back and pounding my pussy hard as she showed me her lust, showed me what she wanted to do to me each and every night.

My moans filled the room again as I was assaulted with her desires, the older futanari muttering "Get pregnant!" and "Be my woman!" over and over into my ears, slapping her testicles into my ass and shooting more and more sperm inside me as she tried to fuck me into submission.

Each thrust scrambled my brain, and when Yaeko got me onto my hands and knees and started fucking me in the ass instead, I screamed in glee as she stuffed that hole full too, her hands beating my cheeks and yanking on my tits as we indulged in lust.

By the time that Yaeko finally ran empty, the older woman was panting and watching as the sun began to rise in the windows, her cock laying across my face and twitching as it dripped cum onto my cheek, all while her musk permeated the air around me, further adding to the pleasure coursing through my veins.

My bloated stomach - both from the anal creampies and vaginal creampies - made me look like I was at least five months pregnant, the sheer weight of the cum I had taken in over the course of a single night enough to fill a few buckets...

Panting above me, Yaeko rested her penis and her testicles on my face and basked in her orgasmic bliss for as long as she could, the sense of superiority she must have felt for conquering not only a Shinobi, but a Sannin in bed giving her quite the high, but the focus of the futanari wasn't on that conquering of my body, nor the pleasure she had felt, but instead on the answer to her question as she leaned down, taking herself off of my face only to chuckle wryly as I latched onto her cock on instinct, sucking it greedily and draining her urethra of any leftover sperm.

"Tell me, Tsunade... will you become my woman? Will you have my children..?"

She watched as I laid on my stomach, swallowing her cock to the root and raising my ass into the air, swaying it enticingly as I tried to convince her to go again, my creamy pussy dripping with need for another pounding whilst my asshole twitched invitingly, waiting for another penis to come and spread it open again.

My lips were wrapped around her thin shaft and kissing her groin as I gave the businesswoman the sloppiest, best blowjob of her life, my inhibitions long gone as I sucked her cock like the biggest, greatest whore to ever live, sending her slipping back into lust alongside me as she stroked my messy hair.


Yaeko poured another helping of semen into my throat, but this load was thin and watery, making me frown as she pulled out and squirted the remaining sperm onto my face, dragging in a breath as she swayed above me.

Panic welled inside me for a moment, and it cut through the lustful haze that shrouded my mind as I swiftly brought my chakra to bear, healing her and making sure she was healthy as I laid her down gently, a wry, concerned smile on my lips as she stroked my thigh.

Her cock remained hard, and after a few moments of rest the futanari asked "What is your answer, Tsunade? Can I make you mine, or..?"

Swallowing, I blushed as I continued to taste her cum, while her hand trailed up to my stomach as she laid there, showing her age for the first time as she laid her slightly frail hand on the 'pregnant' bump, her eyes a tad misty as she waited for an answer.


Yaeko stared at me, trailing her fingers down to my pussy as she started to finger me, making me moan as I spread my legs open and allowed her to start finger banging me, the futanari adamantly trying to get me to say yes.

"I... ah~ I... I don't..! M-Maybe not your exclusive... woman... but perhaps..! Ah~! Hah~! Mmm..."

Rocking my hips back and forth, I rode her fingers and loudly moaned "I'll bear your children~! Two, three, even four~! B-But..."

Yaeko grinned as she sat up, continuing to churn my pussy and tease my clit as she got me to cum again, my pussy squirting her sperm onto the bed and making me tremble as I moaned "I-I w-won't just have s-sex with you~!"

"Oh..? Is that a challenge then? I can get you pregnant... but someone else could as well..? Interesting, Tsunade... very interesting... Either way, I need to ensure my busty, wide hipped woman is with my child first, no~? Heal me."

The way she instantly ordered me to heal her some more made me shiver, and I blushed as she leaned forwards and whispered "I'll throw all the money in the world at you, Tsunade... Even if you were my exclusive woman, I'd throw all of it at you... Even though you aren't, I'll use my wealth to make you regret not becoming my wife. Though..."

As I continued to cum on her fingers, Yaeko smirked as her testicles puffed up, my healing jutsu having a surprisingly good effect at restoring not just... blood... but also sperm, something that made Yaeko quite happy as she whispered "Bend over and let me inseminate you, Tsunade..."

Without hesitation I did as she asked, and before I knew it Yaeko was fucking me hard despite it being morning, the futanari filling me back up with sperm before grinning as I told her that I was almost guaranteed to be pregnant, the businesswoman fucking me some more after that.

When her guards returned, they started fucking me as well, filling my ass again and taking turns with me, something that Yaeko loved to watch as she brought some of the others in from last night, having me suck their cocks again and make us both some more money...

All that while, Shizune was fast asleep, the woman unaware that her Master and trusted guardian was getting gang banged some more, swallowing down semen like it was water before taking dozens of anal creampies from whoever had the Ryo.

By the time we finished, the sun was well above the horizon, and I left their room reeking of sperm and sex, my body thoroughly abused and stained with random futanari's cum...

And I didn't give a damn about it as I made my way into my room, my womb fertilized and my lust no longer an issue as I bathed and cleaned myself up, before I woke Shizune up and left town with her, heading back to Konoha.

Yaeko would find me again, and by that point... I would likely be noticeably pregnant with her child, and ready to serve her again and again.


8.2k words of story

Probably going to return to this Tsunade eventually since I had a lot~ of fun writing this; my kinks - in regards to fiction and fiction ONLY - are rather degenerate, and they tend to be Free Use, Public Use, Prostitution, and Group related kinks.

Which I know is something most people probably shy away from, and something I very much don't like in real life, but in fiction, when there are no real ramifications, I really like those kinks, so writing this slutty, 'morally corrupt' Tsunade was something that I personally enjoyed a lot, so...

Don't worry though, I have a few vanilla and tamer stories being written, and I love those a lot too, but this is a really good way to get my 'pent up' lust gone, and I hope it helps you too, I guess... as weird as that is for me to write and you to read...

Anyways, just know that Naruto Fanfictions are going to be more common since I've read and watched a lot of it, and this AU of Tsunade will be most of those Fanfictions that pop up... though not all of them, just most of them...


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