Chapter 7 - Chapter 7

"You really know where the Room of Requirement is? This isn't some lame joke to distract me, and stop me asking about your date?" Tracey asked as she followed her best friend up another staircase. She had asked the same question every fifty feet or so since they had left their dorm room.

"It was not a date!" Daphne stamped her foot, facing her friend angrily. "It wasn't a date, damn it."

"All right. Calm down, I'm just giving you grief." Tracey said, hands held up in surrender.

"Well, I don't need it. Don't you think my bloody life is problematic enough as it is!? I don't need you constantly reminding me that I am stuck with him!" the blonde said irritably, her face reddening with her frustration.

"Ok. I'm sorry. I was just trying to lighten your mood here. I don't know why you're not embracing this. You've got something that more than half the female populace would kill for. Even girls in our house would love to get their claws into him."

Daphne shook her head and started off again. She didn't want to think about Pansy Parkinson snogging Harry Potter, or worse, Millicent Bulstrode taking full advantage of her size and getting what she wanted from the Boy-Who-Lived. Daphne suppressed a gag and shook her head clear of that image.

"So where is it, again?" Tracey asked, a faint smile on her jovial face.

"Seventh floor. Come on."

The two girls finished the trek to the seventh floor in silence. They had decided they were going to experiment with the Room of Requirement that evening. The idea had come as Tracey was absentmindedly babbling about the perfect bathroom, and luxuriating in a bath that smelled of vanilla and peach, and soothing music would be played while she soaked and relaxed. Earlier that day, They had been using their own cramped bathroom with their roommates, Pansy and Millicent. It had been cramped and Pansy had nearly exploded with rage when Daphne accidentally bumped her while she was applying make-up.

All day Tracey had been fantasizing about a bathroom that she could relax in a bath instead of a shower. Someplace she wouldn't have to share with others. Her own private sanctuary. This had Daphne thinking as well.

Daphne had suddenly remembered Harry's words about the Room of Requirement becoming whatever you needed it to be, and the idea was born.

And so the two girls had decided to go to the room and experiment to see if they could create the perfect bathroom.

"Ok, so we're supposed to walk in front of this portrait three times concentrating on what we need." Daphne said as they approached the Portrait of Barnubus the Barmy.

"So what do we need?" Tracey asked. "We should be asking for the same thing right?"

"Let's just ask for a room with a bathtub. We can figure the rest out later." Daphne suggested.

They began pacing in front of the portrait, both of them concentrating hard on a room with a large bath tub. On the third try, they stopped and looked about.

"Ok, what next?" Tracey asked.

"That was it. There's supposed to be a door here." Daphne pointed.

"Maybe we did it wrong. Try it by yourself. Maybe both of us thinking is confusing it or something." Tracey suggested.

Daphne nodded and once again began pacing in front of where the room was supposed to be, thinking hard of a bathroom. But when she stopped, nothing had happened.

"What the hell? I did exactly as he said." Daphne complained. "Why isn't it working?"

"Maybe you forgot to do something, or maybe he didn't tell you everything. Ask him about it when you see him on Wednesday."

"I'm going to make him show me how this damned room works." Daphne huffed, folding her arms across her chest. "I bet he just told me all that stuff just to see if I'd try it so he could have a good laugh."

"I still think you did it wrong." Tracey said rubbing her friend's back as they walked away.

"I'm going to make him sorry he played some silly prank on me." Daphne vowed.

As they walked away, neither girl noticed a door forming out of the wall they had just left. When the door was fully formed, Draco Malfoy stepped out, looking a little ill. His normally pale skin had a greenish tinge to it, and he was sweating profusely.

He looked carefully down the hall to make sure no one was present and he left the Room of Requirement. The door faded from existence and Draco slumped against the wall, breathing heavily.

He had heard the two girls complaining about not being able to get into the room, and was thankful that the Room had not granted access. He neither wanted nor needed questions as to his actions. Draco began rubbing his left forearm soothingly.

It had been close. He had been close to being caught, and Draco began to wonder if he should get lookouts. Crabbe and Goyle would do it, but he couldn't use them. If anyone saw them hanging out in this corridor they would get suspicious, and Draco couldn't afford that. The last thing he needed was someone following him about. Now, he would need another solution.

But he was tired now. He needed rest desperately. Draco pulled himself up off the floor and began making his way down to the dungeons. In the morning, he would give some thought on getting someone to watch out for him.

"Oh, Harry. I'm really sorry." Hermione said sympathetically. She and Harry had found an empty classroom where they were trying some new spells Harry had looked up. He was almost positive now that he would not be learning any advanced spells in his lessons with Dumbledore, but felt strange about asking the Headmaster about it.

Though it was frustrating, the Headmaster was still a teacher, and someone who Harry respected, though he was beginning to question that as well. But at the moment, none of that mattered. Harry had just shared his conversation with Ginny from the evening before. Ron was serving a detention with McGonagall, which Harry was thankful for, because he was sure he would feel uncomfortable talking about Ginny in front of her brother.

"I don't even know why I asked. It's not like we could have been together."

"That doesn't change your feelings, though. I kind of feel responsible. I'm the one who told her she should try to get over her crush on you. She was always so embarrassed in front of you. I knew that you'd never notice her if she couldn't even hold a conversation with you. I thought it was good she was getting out there and becoming more comfortable with who she was." Hermione shrugged.

"It was. I liked that she was talking to me, and she didn't turn bright red all the time. I don't even why I suddenly started noticing her." Harry said, flicking his wand but not uttering the spell. He was trying hard to master non-verbal spells, with little success.

"Why can't I get this?!" He shouted in frustration.

"Maybe we should quit for tonight." Hermione suggested. "You're not focusing, and you're upset."

"I'm fine." Harry snarled.

"No, you're not, Harry." Hermione countered. "Why do you have to be so bloody noble all the damn time?"

Harry stood straight and looked at his best friend oddly. He had never heard Hermione curse. In fact she was always chastising he and Ron for their language.

"It's me, Harry. You don't need to always lock away your feelings. I'm your friend, and I'm here for you. I'm not going to judge you or think less of you. I want to help you, but I can't if you're just going to lock everything up." She said crossly.

"What do you want me to say, Hermione? That I got my heart broken? That this stupid contract is making me miserable? That I feel like my life isn't my own at all? The whole world sees me as the answer to all their problems. I'm supposed to fight and somehow kill the most powerful dark wizard ever known, and I don't have a bloody clue how to do that! On top of that, now I have a magically binding contract that says I have to marry a girl I have no interest in. What next? Am I'm going to have to care for Snape and Trelawney's love child? I've had enough of having all the decisions in my life made for me, and I'm bloody sick to death of everyone trying to tell me to make the best of it!"

With that Harry thought of the Blasting curse and blew a hole in the wall of the classroom. Both he and Hermione were stunned by the damage he had leveled on the wall. Silently, Harry thanked who ever was watching over them that he hadn't been pointing his wand at Hermione.

"Whoa." Hermione whispered.

"I guess I've got a handle on the Blasting curse now." Harry said softly.

"I don't even think I can repair that. We're going to have to get…"

But at that moment Professor Flitwick happened by and quickly stepped into the class.

"My goodness, is everyone alright? He asked in his squeaky little voice.

"Yes, sir." Harry uttered. "I'm not sure how I did it."

"No matter, so long as no one was hurt. But please, be careful in the future. Someone could have been walking by and been hurt by the wall exploding." the Charms professor gave a swish of his wand and the wall repaired itself, leaving no trace that Harry had blasted a super-size hole in it.

"Perhaps it would be best if you went back to your Common Room. Maybe worked on an essay or read a book? Just give the spell practice a rest for the night." the diminutive professor said cheerily, waving them out of the class.

Harry and Hermione gathered up their things and headed up to Gryffindor Tower.

"That was a really powerful spell, Harry. How did you manage to put so much power behind it? Was it because you're really frustrated, you think?"

"I don't want to talk about it, Hermione. Let's just drop it." Harry said gloomily.

"Oh, good. Mr. Broody's back. What a treat." Hermione said icily.


"I hate when you get like this. I know your life is anything but fair, and yes there's a lot on your shoulders, but I'm trying to help. Maybe instead of whining about all your problems you should step up and do something about them. Grow up and take charge of the situation"

"And what do you suggest Hermione? I simply ask Voldemort to leave everyone alone? Wag my finger at him and say 'bad dog'? And what exactly do you propose I do about the contract? I can't just tear it up." Harry raged.

"You are such a child when you're like this. Fine. I'll spell it out for you. Ask Dumbledore to show you something other than memories. Demand it. As for your romance problem, you might just get your head out of your arse and make an effort with Daphne." Hermione all but shrieked in frustration and stomped off, leaving a very annoyed Harry alone in the corridor, seething at how his best friend had just spoken to him.

What angered Harry the most was that she was most likely right. Though his life was a mess right now, only he truly had the power to change it.

Harry didn't speak to Hermione the rest of the night. When he got back to the tower, he went straight to bed. The first Quidditch match of the season was the next morning, and Harry was sure he wasn't going to sleep well. There was far too much to think about now.

Harry's anger didn't fade during the night. In fact it seemed to grow in intensity. He got up and prepared himself for breakfast, grumbling to himself the entire time. When he made it down to the Great Hall, he joined Ron who was sitting across from Hermione. The girl gave a spiteful look at Harry and buried herself behind her paper. Harry just pulled the plate of toast to himself and tore into a piece.

"Looks like a good day for it." Ron said, talking cheerily about the upcoming match.

"Yeah." Harry said trying to hide the bitterness.

"All right," Ron said irritably. "What is it? Ever since our last practice you've had this corncob up your arse and you've been in a right snit. What the hell is going on with you?"

"Nothing, Just leave it alone." Harry warned.

"Mate, this is getting really ridiculous. Maybe if you just told us, we might be able to…"

"You know what's ridiculous, Ron? Either of you knowing a damn thing that could help me. Neither of you has ever really dated anyone. Hermione's at least kissed someone, have you? For either of you to even contemplate being able to understand or help me is just plain delusional." Harry said slamming his fork onto the table and left the Great Hall, frightening few second years who were coming to breakfast.

"What the hell was that all about?" Ginny asked sitting down next to Hermione, who was fighting back tears. Ginny had overheard, as did most of the Great Hall, Harry's rant.

"I'm wondering the same thing." Ron said, still staring at the door Harry had just left through, trying desperately to hide his obvious embarrassment.

"It's the contract and what happened between you two the other night." Hermione sniffled.

"Oh." Ginny said knowingly.

"Can someone fill me in?" Ron said turning to face the two girls. Ginny explained how Harry had revealed his feelings and she had let him down. Ron looked astonished by the revelation.

"I thought you loved him."

"I had a crush on him. It's not the same thing." Ginny said sadly. "Then he told me it wouldn't have worked out because there's a marriage contract between him and someone else."

"Did he tell you who it was?" Hermione asked curiously.

"No, and I didn't ask. I told him he'll always be my friend and whatever HE wants to share with me, I'll be there to hear it."

"It's…"Ron began when Hermione cut him off.

"Harry's business!" She glared at the redhead. "If he wants Ginny to know, he'll say something. Personally, I think Harry and this girl have a chance at something really good, but he's so stubborn and angry right now, he's not giving it a chance. Not that she's helping it, either."

"Come on, Ron. We've got to get out to the pitch. We can talk about this later." Ginny said raising. Ron stood as well and the siblings left their friend alone with her paper and her thoughts.

Hermione just wanted to see her best friend happy. Harry was a truly wonderful person, she knew better than most what he was capable of. He was one of the kindest, most generous, sweetest boys she had ever known. He had been through so much pain, and still had remained truly amazing.

Hermione glanced across the hall to the blonde Slytherin girl who was sitting alone, twirling her fork among her eggs and reading the morning edition of the Daily Prophet. The girl who was to one day be Harry's wife. Daphne Greengrass. Hermione had spoken to her a few days before when the blonde had approached her with questions regarding Harry. Hermione had helped the girl, because she felt she was helping Harry to find some kind of happiness.

From all reports, their encounter had gone well. Harry had even mentioned that Daphne had made him laugh. Hermione didn't know much about Daphne. Only that she was very intelligent, and a good student, usually top in class right behind herself. Perhaps it was time to change that. "Maybe," Hermione thought. "I need a new friend. I have been hanging out with boys too much."

In the history of Hogwarts Quidditch matches, today's match was one of the fiercest, most intense nail-biters ever. From the first whistle, both teams set out to prove their superiority. Several times there was a serious race for the Snitch, but the elusive little ball always slipped away as Harry and the new Seeker for the Slytherin team pushed, and nudged, and maneuvered to be the one to catch the Golden Snitch first.

Ginny led the Gryffindor Chasers well. She, Demlza and Katie had become the very best Chaser's Gryffindor had ever had. They moved well together, almost as if they could read each other's thoughts. Very quickly they elevated Gryffindor's score, while keeping the Quaffle out of Slytherin's hands.

The most talked about part of the game was not the Seekers or the Chasers, however. It was the new, more confident Ron Weasley. From the moment he took the sky, he had everyone's attention. In the past, it was to see how fantastically he would screw up even the most basic of blocks, but no more. Today he was bold, and stunning with his saves. The Slytherin team had a very hard time getting the Quaffle past him. Harry had to admit he'd never seen Ron perform better.

Ron's new found confidence in front of the hoops was commented upon much by the games commentator, Zacharias Smith, who had begun the game by insulting Harry's choices in picking out his new team. However, Smith was forced to eat his words only moments later when Harry's team began to show the entire school what Gryffindor was capable of.

It was a spectacular victory for the scarlet and gold team. Gryffindor won over Slytherin 240 - 70. It had been a spectacular end to an already intense game when Harry and the Seeker for Slytherin once again found themselves racing after the Snitch together. Harry was clearly in the lead, but the opposing Seeker was not going to just roll over and let Harry have it. The two soared as fast as their brooms could manage. The Snitch was proving to be just barely unreachable, but the Seekers did not let up in their pursuit.

The Slytherin Seeker was able to get alongside Harry, and began slamming his bigger body into Harry, hoping to knock Harry off his broom, or lose momentum, anything to slow the Gryffindor Seeker down. Several times, Harry reached out to grab the Snitch, but his rival would smash his body into Harry's shoulder, allowing the Snitch to escape. They followed the Snitch closely and as they drew close to the ground, the Snitch began barreling near the stands. This gave Harry an idea.

As the Slytherin seeker began to set himself to ram Harry's side once again, Harry pulled up, and barrel rolled over the bigger boy, who crashed hard in to the stands, smashing his broom in the crash. Harry leaned as far forward as he could and snatched the little golden ball out of the air. The crowd exploded in cheers and jeers as the Gryffindor Golden Boy raised his hand in victory, the little golden ball struggling for freedom.

Ron and Harry were the last two in the locker room after the game, and Ron sat heavily on the bench, staring angrily at his best friend. Harry looked at Ron waiting for the explosion.

"I'm going to say this, and I want you to listen very carefully. You were out of line this morning." Ron said coolly. Harry looked up, a bit confused. He had expected Ron to just start yelling, possibly even swinging his fists.

"Those things I told you were in confidence. Not for you to blurt out when you got annoyed with me. No matter how angry I am at you, I would never tell someone your secrets. That was really low."

Harry, who had vented much of his anger on the pitch, flying like a bat out of hell all day, suddenly began feeling guilty. He nodded slowly as he thought on Ron's words. The red head was right, Harry had hit below the belt that morning. He hadn't meant to just blurt out Ron's feelings for Hermione while the very witch was sitting across from them, but his anger at Hermione, and his annoyance with people trying to interfere had reached it's limit.

The worst part was, Harry knew they weren't trying to interfere, but just be good friends and help him. Such was his ire, that he didn't choose to see it that way. Now that time had passed and the match had gone well, Harry was thinking a bit clearer.

"I'm sorry, mate. It's just that I'm all messed up right now. I'm feeling really pressured by everything, and it got away from me."

"I understand. No one should ever have to go through what you have, much less have so much heaped upon you. It's a right shame, but that doesn't mean you can treat me, or Hermione, like you did. We're only trying to help you here."

"I know. I got it. But this thing with Greengrass, I have to do it alone."

"I get it. Just remember who you're friends are, and try not to make more enemies. I think you've got enough on you plate already." With that, Ron got up and left his best friend to think over what he had said.

Harry truly felt horrible. Ron and Hermione were just trying to help him, quite possibly the only ones who were, in fact. And here he was, treating them like rubbish. What's worse, it was Ron, the one who Hermione swore had the emotional range of a teaspoon, who had pointed it out. Ron, who was so bloody thick he couldn't see that Hermione shared similar feelings to his own.

It couldn't get much worse, Harry thought. He finished changing and began making his way back to Gryffindor Tower, where surely the party would be in full swing. As he walked, Harry thought how he really didn't feel like celebrating, yet he knew he should talk to Hermione. He needed his friends. Who else would he turn to when things got dark? Who else could he laugh with, cry with? Who else truly knew him?

As expected, the Gryffindor Common Room was a wall of noise as he passed through the portrait hole. Seamus greeted him with a pat on the back, while Parvati, who was on Seamus' arm, gave a friendly wave, before the two disappeared into the crowd. Colin and Dennis Creevey, who had been taking photographs of the party, stopped to shake his hand. Several younger girls tried chatting him up, but he politely excused himself to seek out his friends.

His stomach gave a lurch and sank when he saw Dean and Ginny celebrating together in a corner, but his world nearly crashed when he finally found Hermione and Ron.

They were standing together in the back of the Common Room, very closely. Hermione looked happy, though there were a few tears on her cheeks. Ron was holding her hands in his, and he had a goofy kind of smile. They were whispering, or appeared to be anyway, as it was so loud in the Common Room. Then, Ron bent forward and gently kissed Hermione's lips.

Harry stopped cold, and his breath hitched. He turned and left the party, seeking some place quiet. He wasn't angry, per se. But he suddenly felt more alone than he ever had. He scolded himself for his jealousy. Hermione and Ron deserved to be happy just as much as he did, and who the hell was he to stop it?

"My life is so unfair." He growled when he made it to the Astronomy Tower. He leaned on the wall and stared out over the grounds. He was angrier than he'd ever felt. Angry at himself for his jealousy and pettiness. Angry at Ron and Hermione for finally finding the courage to admit their feelings. Angry at Ginny for not returning his feelings for her. Angry at Dumbledore for not being able to destroy the Marriage Contract. Angry at his parents for signing the damned thing, and angry at Daphne Greengrass because she existed.

And then it all evaporated and became something worse. Hopelessness. Harry sank down to the floor and hung his head in shame and self pity. For the first time in his life, Harry Potter actually contemplated ending it all, just so he wouldn't fell so pathetic, helpless and alone anymore.

"Harry?" called a voice.

"The map says he's up here." said another.

Hermione came out into the cold night air and gasped when she saw her best friend sitting against the wall looking so sad.

"Oh, dear. Harry, are you alright?" She asked.

"Oi, mate. What happened?"

Harry looked at his two best friends in the world, and was suddenly overcome by all of his emotion. For the first time in all the time that Hermione and Ron had ever known him, Harry Potter broke down.

"I can't do this anymore." He said through his tears. "I can't do any of it. It's just too much."

Hermione sat next to her friend and wrapped her arms around him, holding him tightly.

"Yes, you can, Harry." She said softly. "You're stronger than you realize."

"I'm alone. I'm so lost."

"You've never been alone." Ron said sadly. "We've always been with you."

"Not anymore. You've finally taken the leap. There's no place for me anymore." Harry said mournfully.

Hermione looked a little guiltily at Ron, who suddenly found the sky very interesting. She sighed and held Harry a bit tighter.

"Listen to me, Harry." Hermione said, with as much confidence and pride as she could. "There is always going to be a place for you with us. If it wasn't for you, Ron and I might never have gotten the courage to admit our feelings. I know you were angry this morning, and what you said hurt, but it was true, and when Ron got back to the Common Room, we talked. It's because of you that we're together, and we wanted to tell you first."

"I saw you in the Common Room, and then I came here. I couldn't handle it all." Harry admitted.

"Not how we wanted you to find out." Ron shrugged, as he to sat down on the cold stone floor.

"It's not fair. I'm happy for you guys, I really am. But I…"

"Feel cheated?" Hermione queried. "It's horrible that you're not free to make your own choices, or that Ginny as moved on just when you're finally seeing her for who she really is. But Harry, you have to move on. Dwelling on it isn't going to fix anything, and you're going to miss out if you keep pining over Ginny.

"I know. It just really hurts right now." Harry said, finally settling down. He took several long breaths and calmed himself. He was now thoroughly embarrassed by his show of weakness.

"You have every right to feel hurt, Harry. But you've got to let it all go." Hermione said, loosening her grip on her friend.

"It isn't just that. You were right last night, Hermione. I need real help from Dumbledore. I have to find a way to defeat Voldemort."

"You can count on us, mate." Ron said confidently. "We'll be with you all the way and we'll stand right beside you when it comes down to you and…" Ron took a great gulp of air, as if steeling himself, and then turned to face Harry. "V-Voldemort."

It came out in a whisper, but Harry had seen something he never imagined he would see. His friend, who, like so many in their world, had been deathly afraid to speak the name had finally done it. Ron Weasley had spoken the Dark Lord's name.

"Wow." Hermione said stunned.

Harry felt something in his chest he hadn't felt in a while. Pride.

"It means a lot, Ron. Thanks, mate."

Ron merely nodded, still shaking a bit, as if he expected the Dark Lord to materialize and take vengeance upon the redhead.

"We should get back to the tower. It's getting late." Hermione said as she rose to her feet, reaching out to take both Harry's and Ron's hands. Both boys reached out and got a little help getting up from their friend.

"Look, Harry. We know things are going to change, but that doesn't make our friendship any less important." Ron said meaningfully.

"We're always going to be here when you need us." Hermione nodded, as she was enveloped by Ron.

"I know." Harry said. "And I really am happy for you both. I just need some time to adjust. Give me that, will you?"

"Of course." Hermione smiled gently as Ron nodded. Harry knew it would be tough, but he would get through this. His only wish was that Sirius was still around so he could have someone else to talk to about things. So, with a heavy heart, Harry followed the new couple back to Gryffindor Tower, where he climbed into bed and fell asleep, exhausted from his emotional hurricane.