Chereads / Building Base In Apocalypse / Chapter 28 - Chapter 28: Discussion

Chapter 28 - Chapter 28: Discussion

"Hey, isn't the equipment for this wall too advanced? If we have a gun that operates by itself, everything is powered by A.I. won't our civilization be more advanced?" Amy questioned as we walked on the wall.

"Our civilization is advanced, Amy. There are many talented people on our base, just like in the old world. So, what do they lack to be unable to make something like this?" Souta asked.

"Materials, isn't it? The cost for these materials is expensive. Having trial and error, investors wouldn't risk something like this," Steff explained.

"Correct. Because they don't have the budget, they'll just abandon the project. But ours is different. With my system and those talented people who have gathered, they can make whatever they wish, no matter how advanced it is, as I am the one providing them the materials with the system," Souta clarified.

"So even if they fail many times, it doesn't matter, right? Because they can just redo it again and learn from their past mistakes," Amy finally understood.

Zack and his commanders, who were also looking around the big wall they just created, came to Souta, praising his work. "This is amazing! I've never seen something so advanced!" Zack exclaimed.

"Right!? Souta is amazing, right? After all, that's Souta, the genius!" Amy said with a smug on her face.

"You're overpraising me. This is not made by me alone, but instead with the help of my people, and thanks to you, Zack, we completed something like this," Souta said modestly.

Zack smiled, "We're getting benefits also, so of course I would help you. Not only because I will gain something, but because it's you, Souta, the man befitting to marry my sister Shana."

"I am honored," said Souta.

"Oh? Isn't that Jana! It's been a while since the last time we met!" Amy greeted Jana as she walked towards them with her commanders Garp and Kisse.

"Zack, this is Jana, and Jana, this is Zack, the leader of the other base, our ally," Souta introduced them to each other.

Jana then bowed slightly. "I am honored to meet you."

"Oh, well, it doesn't matter. As Souta said, I am Zack. I assume you are the Jana that will take command of this wall?" Zack inquired, feeling a bit disappointed that she doesn't treat him like a kid.

"Yes," Jana replied.

"Since Souta trusts you, I'll trust you as well," Zack stated.

"Thank you," Jana said gratefully.

Suddenly, Souta's phone rang, "You two can talk, I'll take this first," and he walked away for a moment, "Hello?"

"This is Shana. We figured out who was the one who attacked you the other day," Shana revealed.

"That's good. Did you hear that everything from the spy?" Souta asked.

"No, there is no spy. After asking the soldiers who encountered them and the bases nearby, only one has matched, and it seems like they have the same tactics. That's why it feels like they are copying you," Shana explained.

"Okay then, I'll ask you for the whole details later," Souta replied.

"Yes, tell Zack I said Hi," Shana requested.

"Sure," Souta said and hung up.

"Who's that?" Amy asked, curious.

"It was Shana. It seems like they found out who is the one that attacked us the other day. Oh, by the way, Zack, Shana said Hi," Souta informed them.

He smiled, "Since we're at it, how about we let Jana deal with this one? For her to be acknowledged by soldiers," Zack suggested.

I looked at Jana, "I'm fine with it," she agreed.

When they got to the castle and Shana told them about the base, this base is one of the early base that was established just like us. Their soldiers were also trained well, and they have commanders that are from the military so fighting this will be troublesome, since they use the same tactics as us it was the right call for Jana to be the one in command this time.

Several days have passed since the discussion, and Jana began her move. Her fighting style is rather unique or old-fashioned. She first sends an envoy to the enemy's base, knowing fully well that the envoy she sends will die, but sending a prisoner might cause them trouble since what if it was all a misunderstanding? and the prisoner messed things up, causing a war, so we got surprised when things turned to be unexpected.

"Huh? HAHAHAHAHA!! what the hell!?" Souta laughed

"That was reckless," Steff said

"Jana..." Amy was worried

"This is interesting, that Jana has some guts," Shana said

The four of them watched her in the living room with the maids.

"Hoh?" Zack impressed and got interested as he kept watching on his base with his commanders

"I never thought a little girl like her can pull something like this! HAHAHAHAH" Roger laughed

"Ready the troops," Rex said, worried

The two commanders said their thoughts as they watched on the military base thanks to Souta's system, connecting it to a TV for them to judge Jana.

While Jenny keeps her silence as she watches on her office.

Some laughed, and some were impressed, while others were worried. The envoy was no other than Jana herself. We all are watching using my and Zack's system. Since she's our ally, we can watch her with her permission.

Riding motorcycles, she was on front of the wall of the enemies, all guns pointed to her, she showed her face, "I came here as an envoy! there seems to be a misunderstanding from both sides, and I want to fix it!" She said, leaving the guards on silence.

"We can't decide on our own,"

"This will lead to an all-out war if we kill her."

"Let's call the commander."

The guards murmured as they discussed what to do. After just 5 minutes, they let her in, inspecting her. "She's clear. She doesn't carry anything," one of the guards said after inspecting her.

Jana noticed that the guard that inspected her was a girl, "Good, looks like you'll have to meet with the leader of our base," The guard smirk "Goodluck with that" soldiers came and escorted her.

They are fully armed, judging from their appearance, and they've been on a rough training. They then went inside a car where dozens of cars escorted her. They arrived inside their military base. There, they went inside a large tent where the commanders and the leader of the base were waiting.

4 commanders, she noticed this quickly since they were wearing uniforms, one girl with suit and on the middle a beautiful girl, a beauty! but what she's wearing is... a tracksuit? she's in the middle, so she must be the leader, right? but why is she wearing a tracksuit? this makes Jana confused.

"You must be confused. Let us first introduce ourselves, I am Rome, and this is Harley, Chester, and Blaze, the 4 commanders of this base."

Thou he said that he still didn't let me know what they are commanding, that's fine, I guess, Jana thought to herself.

"I am Jana, an envoy from the neighboring base that you encountered the other day, and I want to discuss this misunderstanding," She said, getting straight to the point.

The girl wearing a suit talk, "I know that you are confused why there is a girl here wearing a tracksuit in a important discussion, please excuse her, let me introduce her, she's the leader of our base, the hikineet Hana"

"Hey! you don't have to add the hikineet!" Hana said

"But you are a hikineet, even telling us that as your reason to not do work," the girl on a suit said

"Tch, fine,"

"That aside, Miss Jana, you told us that it was a misunderstanding, but how so?" The girl on a suit asked

"We are clearing a city near us as it is possing a threat to us when we encounter your military and suddenly open fire on us making us no choice but to fight back," Jana explained

"There is a reason for us to open fire that time. As we came to the city first before you guys, we suddenly received a report that a large military is heading towards the city, and as soon as it gets inside there they send their helicopters and start shooting" Rome explained their side

"Eh? I'm sorry, but we sent the helicopters to lure the zombies in a open area, that's also the reason why we fired our guns, though it is also our fault that we didn't first check the city before hand" Said Jana

"I see, so it was all just a misunderstanding, huh.." Rome said, looking on their leader to make the decision

"Yes, it was all a misunderstanding, so please -" Just before she finished, she got interrupted by Hana

"I understand that it is a misunderstanding, but that doesn't mean that we can just accept as it is. some of my soldiers died during that 'misunderstanding' of yours. Do you think that their family will accept that?" Said Hana

"With respect, can we settle this down with a peaceful agreement? or do you want to have many of your people die before accepting?" Jana said, threatening them.

Hana glared at her, "That's some big words you have there, I'm not dumb enough to continue this pointless war. What I want is compensation, with all that equipment and clearing the city your leader must already know about the system, right? as a fellow landlord owner! give me 10 million Z points, and we'll settle this."