Despite dealing with Wilcox, you're better off limiting how much alcohol you have. And they won't have sodas at the dinner table.
You wait impatiently in the line for the bar until you can pay for a soda.
"What an unusual drink," Alex says. "It has an unstable mix of gasses."
You consider the bubbles rising in your soda. That's part of its charm.
"It tickles. What an odd sensation."
You make your way into the Derby Room, the large multifunction room at the center of the activity center. Round tables draped in white fill the space, reminding you of the luncheon you attended with Dr. Lewis and Kayla. Each has eight seats and eight place settings with quietly sweating glasses of tea and water. A small stage and lectern have been set up at the front, with rings of tables orbiting it in half-circles.
"Does the mathematician want your attention?" Alex says. Sure enough, on the right side of the room, Kayla is signaling you while trying not to look like she's signaling you. She's lifting her hand and then lowering it in bursts.
You make your way to her. "I hoped you'd be here," Kayla says.
"I believe she is relieved," Alex comments.
Yeah, I don't think she likes her department much. Indeed, Kayla looks lost. "Glad to see you." To the others at the table, she says, "This is Dr. Bomomsay Clestenrogo .. He and I are first-year faculty peers."
This pronouncement is met with a stifling level of apathy.
"Why don't you sit with me?" Kayla asks.