"If that's it, I've got lots to do," Hayden says.
"All those alligators?" you ask, which wins a smile from them. "I don't want to keep you."
But you're torn. Yes, you've got lots to do, but it might be cool to see the actual theater part of the theater. You may not get back here again unless the college buys the building, and then they'll have renovated it.
You fight the front door open and emerge onto the sidewalk outside the theater, blinking in the morning light. "I'll relay your concerns to the college," you say.
"And I'll take your advice when I talk to them. Won't even fess up that you suggested what to do."
"That's kind of you," you say.
They climb into their white van, pushing aside a hockey stick that slid from the passenger seat. The van starts up with the phlegmy coughs of someone with serious lung trouble. They give you a two-fingered salute and drive off.
One Task Finished, At Least