The school's first practitioners installed the magic stacks in a fold in space. They blew a little bubble in spacetime that expanded into a tiny, empty dimension, then stuck that bubble on the side of our dimension. Kinks in the passage between your dimension and the bubble limit how much material flows in or out at once to keep it stable. It also keeps out those who aren't studying pattern magic and lack a patterned library card.
You spent more time in this part of the library than you did in your dorm room, so it's no trouble to find the study rooms.
As you walk, the past spreads through the present like ink in water, until you reach your destination to find Darcy and Manish waiting for you.
Back to the Past
Sophomore Year, Elective
The study rooms line the back of the magic stacks. A long rectangular window shows each room's table and six chairs. Recessed ceiling fixtures provide soft yellow light to make it easy to read.
When Darcy sees you, she waves you over. "Took you long enough. I've only had this guy for company, and he's boring." She gives Manish's shoulder a gentle shove.
"Jerk," Manish says with a smile.
You close the study room door behind you, shutting out what little noise there is in the magic section.
"So what's the plan?" Darcy asks.