"Your instincts are correct, sir. I'm afraid our string of unfortunate events hasn't yet reached its end."
You step out from your bedroom. Gerard is taking off his jacket, placing it carefully on a hanger in the closet. It looks like he won't be going back out for a while. "What's going on, Gerard?" you ask.
He slips behind his desk and sits down with a sigh. You can tell that he's been busy all day—the life of a vampire's retainer is rarely dull. "Ms. Alisha Grey was attacked by a coterie of Tremere this evening," he says. "After she thwarted the assassination, the perpetrator fled into the sewers. Ms. Grey followed, along with her ghoul, Jonathan, and some mortal bodyguards. There was an entire coterie of Warlocks down there, hiding out in flagrant violation of the Fifth Tradition."
"They arrived and stayed in the city unannounced," you say. "That's not going to sit well with anyone, and it's a bad look for Corliss."
Gerard nods. "Alisha escaped and went directly to your sire. Jonathan is dead. Ms. Corliss had no choice, sir. She's ordered a raid to drive the Tremere out of Ottawa. You'll be joining them first thing at sundown."
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