Before you can try to move—not that you're left with anywhere to go—you see Michelle's hand shoot out, slamming palm-first into the werewolf's nose.
The werewolf's head whips back as he lets out a choked gasp, but Michelle doesn't stop. Her arm moves like a piston, drawing back rapidly before blasting back into her assailant's face again and again and again.
Finally, the werewolf drops her, staggering away and clutching his face with hands that are already dripping with blood. Michelle lands on her feet, jerking forward with terrifying speed. Her foot hits him full in the chest, sending the massive figure staggering backwards out of the doorway, making the room shudder as he crashes against the corridor wall.
Michelle strides up to the doorway, looking out at the crumpled form of the werewolf. After a moment, she says, "No refunds," before slamming the door closed on him.
The zombie looks around the room, as though the previous events were a mildly entertaining diversion. "Well," she says, "that's about it as far as the tour's concerned. Welcome to your new home, human." She crouches, digging under her bed before emerging with a dark, unlabeled bottle. "Nightcap?"
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