"This brings us to the matter of this month's budget allocation," says Winston. "Roman Halama, every month you'll have to decide how to spend MetaHuman's budget. Developing Enhancements may be costly in the short term but will bring in more money for the company in the long term. If you check your tablet, you'll see I've outlined the main options available to you."
In game terms, during your monthly staff meetings, you'll have the opportunity to "spend" your Resources stat. Resources can be used to develop new Enhancements (within certain stat requirements), or it can be allocated to more general options, such as increasing Research Staffing, Witchery, or Superscience. Remember that your Resources stat is fully replenished at the beginning of each month—you don't have to worry about conserving points.
Developing Enhancements will improve MetaHuman's monthly revenue stream—the more quickly you can develop these Enhancements, the sooner they will start earning money for MetaHuman. Also keep in mind that you only start receiving this revenue once an Enhancement is 100% developed. And so, one fully developed Enhancement is more valuable than two or three partially developed Enhancements.
You can check your Stats Screen at any time to see which Enhancements are currently under development.