Chereads / Lego Ninjago / Chapter 20 - Crystalized

Chapter 20 - Crystalized

The new "New Ninjas" group appears in Ninjago City, fighting vengestone smugglers. The ninja team has lost faith and broken up. Nya roams the Endless Sea as a water dragon but begins to recover her memories. She meets Nyad, who helps her to find her way back home.

The ninjas reunite and uncover a secret shipment of vengestone in a subway tunnel. They are forced to fight Miss Demeanor and her thugs but are humiliated when the New Ninjas defeat the villains.

Nya returns to the monastery in her aqueous form and Zane freezes her to maintain her shape. The team decides to break Aspheera out of Kryptarium prison to steal her staff so that Aspheera can drain Nya's elemental power and return her back to her human form. Skylor helps to keep Nya frozen while they retrieve Aspheera and the staff.

During their mission, the ninja are forced to fight the New Ninja and Kai accidentally reveals their identities, making them fugitives.

Aspheera agrees to help them in exchange for her freedom and returns Nya to her human form. The New Ninjas arrive at the monastery and arrest the entire ninja team except for Nya. Aspheera escapes and is recruited by a stranger known as the Crystal King.

The ninjas are sentenced to five years in Kryptarium prison. They find themselves surrounded by their old enemies, including Pythor. Lloyd is visited by the Crystal King's messenger, who warns him that the Crystal King is gathering Lloyd's enemies against him.

When Pythor is recruited by the messenger and broken out of prison, the ninjas try to stop him but fail.

The ninjas eventually escape with the help of Nya, disguised as Samurai X, and Dareth, but find themselves wandering the desert while pursued by sheriff HoundDog McBrag.

On the road, they are picked up by a young singer who is making her way to Ninjago City and Zane learns the benefits of emotions.

The ninjas reunite at Twitchy Tim's gas station, where Fugi-Dove helps them escape from McBrag. They confront The Mechanic in his lair and subdue him, allowing Lloyd to impersonate him at the Council of the Crystal King.

There he meets the other members, who are Aspheera, Pythor, King Vangelis, and Mr. F, a rebuilt version of Mr.E, but his identity is discovered and he is captured. The Crystal King's messenger reveals herself to be Harumi, whom Lloyd believed to be dead.

Harumi explains that, after her death, she was resurrected by the Crystal King and agreed to serve him, even after learning his true identity as the Overlord. Using vengestone bought from Vangelis prior to his defeat by the ninja, Harumi built an army that can negate the ninja's elemental powers. Harumi reveals her plan to steal the Golden Weapons from the monastery and Lloyd vows to stop her.

Kai, Jay, Zane, and Cole are attacked by explosive Crystal Spiders, trapping them underground. This enrages Lloyd, who believes his friends to be dead, and awakens his previously dormant Oni powers.

The Crystal Council (now joined by the Mechanic) attack the monastery, destroying it and taking the Golden Weapons. Wu, Skylor, and Pixal are saved by MiniPix 7, one of Pixal's miniature robot assistants, while Nya escapes in her Samurai X armor.

As Nya rescues the trapped ninja, Aspheera performs a ritual that corrupts the Golden Weapons and allows the Overlord to take physical form once again.

The Overlord uses his powers to grant the Crystal Council new abilities, bring the Crystal Army to life, and make the Oni Temple airborne. Lloyd refuses to join him and escapes, taking Harumi with him, and they both fall off the temple into the jungle.

The ninja head to Primeval's Eye to rescue Lloyd, just as he and Harumi are found by the Crystal Council. Lloyd is forced to abandon Harumi and escape with his friends, informing them of the Overlord's return.

The Crystal Army begins marching toward Ninjago City, corrupting everyone in their path. The ninjas try to stop them, but find that the crystals are draining their vehicles. Wu and Lloyd track down Garmadon living in an apartment in Ninjago City.

Garmadon reveals that since his departure, he has started a journey of self-improvement, by caring for a potted plant he named Christofern. He agrees to help the ninjas after the Crystal Army destroys his apartment and damages Christofern.

Wu theorizes that the powers of Creation and Destruction are the only things that can harm the Overlord, and reaches out to Misako for research on a powerful Dragon form. Meanwhile, Garmadon tries to teach Lloyd how to master his Oni powers, but he is reluctant to give in to his negative emotions.

After Pixal upgrades the ninjas' vehicles to be powered by the crystals instead, they again fight the Crystal Army while Wu confronts the Overlord. The Overlord defeats Wu and unleashes a powerful weapon that crystalizes all of Ninjago City, destroying the ninjas' vehicles.

Wu takes shelter with a group of newspaper kids and he broadcasts a message to inspire others. Nya reawakens her elemental powers to save herself and Jay, and they set out to find help.

HoundDog McBrag finds Garmadon and Lloyd and tries to arrest the latter, but is left speechless after Lloyd saves him from a crystalized Serpentine. Pixal finds a broken Zane (who has been returned to his Ice Emperor persona) and brings him to Borg Tower.

Kai and Cole are rescued by Skylor and join Wu and other refugees at the newspaper warehouse, while Lloyd and Garmadon search for the missing Serpentine.

Wu re-establishes a communication link with the ninja and they decide to reach out to all their allies for help. Cyrus Borg provides Ronin and his fugitives with mechs and fixes Zane before Pixal restores his memory with an emotional outreach.

Nya uses her powers to contact the Merlopians, while Racer 7 escorts Cole across Ninjago City to broadcast a distress call to Shintaro.

The ninjas regroup at the warehouse and make their final stand against the Crystal Army, while Lloyd and Garmadon confront the Overlord.

Kai, Jay, Zane, and Cole unlock their Dragon forms, defeat the Crystal Council, and restore the Golden Weapons to their original form. The Overlord reveals that he corrupted the Great Devourer in order to make Garmadon evil, causing Harumi to switch sides to help Lloyd and Garmadon, because the Great Devourer killed Harumi's biological parents.

Garmadon is seemingly killed, triggering Lloyd's Oni form, but he resists using his rage to win. The ninjas combine the Golden Weapons, releasing their elemental powers to form a four-headed dragon to prevent the Overlord from stealing, corrupting, and absorbing the powers of creation while corrupting the ninja. Lloyd rides the dragon and defeats the Overlord before escaping the crumbling Oni Temple with Harumi and Garmadon, who faked his death. In the aftermath, the ninjas' elemental powers return to their source of origin, Garmadon plants Christofern atop a mountain, and the ninjas rebuild the monastery alongside their friends and allies.