Chereads / Save the Last Bullet for me / Chapter 61 - USE YOUR BRAINS

Chapter 61 - USE YOUR BRAINS

Lena nodded slowly with a smirk. 

Sean eyed the woman 50m in front of him keenly, seeing his reflection in her armoured eye visor . Lena is dressed head to toe in a suit of armour made of Draxian steel that looks like a fusion of Ming Dynasty era Chinese armour, WW1 era German uniforms and Renaissance plate armour. 

"That's a full set of Draxian steel armour made by the Dynasty," thought Sean. "She is probably an Extremist. Gotta be careful. Her magic talent and proficiency should be high."

He peeked at his loaded FN 5-7 pistol. "5.7mm pistol rounds should be enough to penetrate her limb armour plates, I should keep my distance from her," he thought, strategizing.

Xiao Tian suddenly shot a projectile from the left gauntlet of his Exo-suit, which Lena swiftly dodged. 

"You missed," smirked Lena as she elevated into the air, fitting of her subspecies affinity as a Draco. She landed on a platform above them, connected by stairs. 

She then suddenly shot out orbs of slimes from her scythe, which landed around and in front of Xiao Tian and Sean, transforming into water golems, gel like autonomous humanoid creatures with limited intelligence but humongous strength. 

"Great..." muttered Sean. Now they have to fight close quarters. 

"How many we got?" asked Sean. 

"12," said Xiao Tian, decisively raising his pistol and charging forward. 

Sean did the same, opening fire. 

A golem dissipated once it made contact with Xiao Tian, reforming behind him. Nonetheless, Xiao Tian had anticipated that, turning around swiftly, jabbing his plasma blade into the golem's chest, then finishing it off with a shot to the head with his QSZ-92A. 

He then assisted Sean by firing a shotgun shell from his right Exo-suit gauntlet at a golem attacking Sean, before quickly bending down, shooting a golem ahead of him. 

Sean fired his FN 5-7 at the golem attacking him, then throwing a wind blade at 2 more, slicing their heads off. He dashed forward, deploying his retractable riot shield, using it to block off the golems' lunges while he advanced forward. 

Sean's pistol locked empty, just as he started to reload, a golem tried to attack him, only for Sean to force it against a pillar with his shield, immobilising it. He then punched through the golem's head, destroying it and the pillar behind. 

In the meantime, Xiao Tian is making short work of the golems, stabbing, shooting and slicing his way through them. 

Sean drew his tactical axe, throwing it at the golem ahead, injuring it. He then fired his pistol, firing twice to the torso and then once to the head, finishing it off. 

"Arrgh!" he groaned when another golem dissipated and reformed itself behind him, catching him in a tight grip. Sean grunted, shaking the golem off and blasting it into smithereens with a shotgun shell from his right gauntlet, but Lena suddenly landed in front of him, catching him off guard. 

In the ensuing brawl, Lena first disarmed Sean of his pistol using advanced telekinesis, then zapping his Exo-suit with a strong surge of lightning when Sean managed to free himself, causing a short circuit in its internal systems, erroneously ejecting Sean out, rendering without any armour except for a bulletproof vest which is of little use against the onslaught of magic attacks. Sean sighed, recovering his tactical axe from the golem's body using telekinesis, and infused it with his Cosmic Energy. He has no choice but to fight Lena head on. 

He switched to a reverse grip with his tactical axe. This allows him to make fast and flexible slices to make up for his lack of armour and to somewhat negate the distance advantage Lena has with her longer scythe. His strategy is to fight fast and use his superior skills to make up for the gap in armour and magical proficency. 

He charged, generating ice blocks to shield his vital areas and important joints. Lena too readied her scythe and charged. 

She sliced downwards at Sean with her scythe, which Sean swiftly deflected leftwards. He then quickly followed up with a counter slash, which Lena blocked quickly with a generated ice block, causing Sean to render his torso exposed. She generated 2 ice daggers, shooting them at Sean's torso.

Sean quickly parried the 2 daggers off with his tactical axe, also quickly jumping to avoid the undercut from Lena's scythe. Quickly readjusting himself, he went on the offensive, catching Lena's right hand in a hand lock, allowing him to disarm her. It also helped to close the distance between the 2, allowing Sean's shorter weapon to do more damage. Unfortunately, Lena quickly channeled an immense amount of Cosmic Energy into her scythe, which blasted Sean's grip loose. Sean grunted, recovering and sliced at Lena's face.

Lena hurriedly parried the blow with an ice block, Sean then quickly sliced again, which Lena barely managed to block in time with a wind blow that directed it away. She staggered back, then making a slash with her scythe, which easily penetrated the ice block Sean was using to shield himself. 

Sean quickly bent down, narrowly missing the scythe's blade by inches. Seizing an opening in Lena's defence, he made a decisive lunge, stabbing into the gap between her left shoulder armour and her chest plate. He then quickly channeled all of the Cosmic Energy he could into the axe, slicing rightwards into her chest plate. Lena cried in pain, using a Cosmic Energy blast to blow Sean away. 

Lena stared in shock at the fresh deep wound in her shoulder and the shallow slice across her chest, unable to believe that someone managed to injure her. 

"His magic capabilities are weak, but his combat skills are above mine," she thought, panting in pain. "Still..." 

Sean groaned, feeling a salty taste in his mouth. He had suffered from some internal bleeding from the shockwave, had not be for his enhanced physique, he would have been killed. 

"The raw difference in strength is still hard to bridge," he thought. 

Just then, Xiao Tian finally finished off the last golem, rushing to Sean's aid. 

"You ok?" asked Xiao Tian worriedly, helping Sean up. 

"Yeah..." groaned Sean. Suddenly, a wave of pain struck his limbs, causing him to collapse down, shocking Xiao Tian. Bewildered, Sean tried to stand back up, only to find out to his shock that he cannot feel his limbs, dropping his tactical axe. 

To his horror, he turned around to see that all of the Sellardraxian combatants, including his comrades and the remaining Vanguard terrorists, have also lost their mobility. A bewildered Khai is then thrown into a pile of debris by Lena's telekinesis, burying him inside, rendering him immobile. 

"What's...going...on..." muttered Louis, trying in vain to move. 

Lena laughed. "How silly, you honestly think that I will really fight an Artemis on fair terms?" 

"That energy blast I used is a specialised burst of cosmic energy. It cuts off your brain electric signals to your limbs for 30 minutes, rendering you paralysed!" she gloated, looking at her watch. "Oh, did I forget to mention that the reactors are projected to blow also in 30 minutes?"

"Too bad I still haven't figured out how to make it work on humans," she lamented, looking at Xiao Tian. "Well, it doesn't matter, I can kill you with my eyes closed," she declared condescendingly. 

"So, you also plan to kill your own men while doing so?" asked Xiao Tian. "That's no way to be a leader." 

"So much chatter from someone that's about to die. Don't you all have a saying in Chinese, Lieutenant Colonel? "The victor becomes king, the defeated becomes the outlaw". Since I am the one that wins, I get to decide what is a good leader," laughed Lena. 

"An unjust cause finds little support, same goes for an unjust leader," remarked Xiao Tian coldly. "You all have hurt enough people, you all are nothing but a bunch of murderous cowards who can't even control YOUR own world, and somehow you still think that you all can aid the Vanguard movement, how pathetic," sneered Xiao Tian, trying to piss her off. "So much for being a so called superior species, I wonder what does Vidar's glassed remains on Spain say about that?" 

"HOW DARE YOU SAY HIS NAME!" roared Lena in rage, lunging forward, attacking Xiao Tian ferociously, wanting to end the battle quickly so that she can unleash her fury at Xiao Tian. 

She attacked, while Xiao Tian immediately used the ascension hooks and rocket thrusters in his Exo-suit to outmaneuver her, dodging her attacks with relative ease. 

"STOP RUNNING YOU F***ING COWARD! FIGHT ME!" roared Lena, moving quickly. She shot a huge fireball at Xiao Tian. Xiao Tian quickly moved out of the way, but a speck of flames still caught him, he hurriedly put it out, which distracted him momentarily, causing Lena to hit him hardly with her scythe. The Cosmic Energy infused blade tore through his right leg armour, cutting his right knee. 

Xiao Tian staggered back, groaning in pain. He is then lifted up and pinned against the wall with a strong telekinesis attack. 

"Any last words?" sneered Lena, channeling a huge burst of Cosmic Energy, similar to the one she blasted Sean with. 

"Run..." muttered Sean. He knows that Xiao Tian's natural human body cannot withstand such a blast. 

Suddenly, the energy burst fizzled out. Puzzled, Lena tried to redo it, only to find out to her shock that her connection to Cosmic Energy had somehow been severed, leaving her unable to use magic. She lost her grip on the telekinesis lock, dropping Xiao Tian back onto the ground. 

"What's happening?!" she asked frantically. 

Xiao Tian stood up. "Seems like the formula needs to be refined more." 

Hearing his words, her eyes widened in shock. "What did you do?" 

"A little tweak of experimental chemistry," remarked Xiao Tian. "It took way longer than expected though." 

"No way..." gasped Lena, looking at the projectile that Xiao Tian had shot at her earlier. It must have been the source. 

Sean realised it too, looking at Xiao Tian proudly. "It worked on her because her set of armour doesn't have CBRN protection, while our Exo-suits does!" 

"A gaseous dampener?" she asked. 

Xiao Tian shook his head. "That's none of your business." 

Lena yelled, making a desparate attack at Xiao Tian. Xiao Tian countered her attack with ease now that she no longer can use Cosmic Energy, swiftly disarming her of her scythe. 

2 gunshots then rang out in the room. Lena is then kicked back by Xiao Tian. 

She stared wide-eyed at the 2 holes in her belly, clutching it as she collapsed, blood oozing out. 

Xiao Tian kicked the scythe away, reloading his pistol. 

"You really think that I would fight those extremely strong in magic without some tricks of my own? Use your brains," he mused.