It was both a sunny and rainy day in the middle of May when a treasury officer's wife gave birth to a 👧 girl 👶 baby at the stroke of midnight. Dogs howled loudly in the pitch dark when the baby 👶 opened her eyes and cried due to hunger.The nurse fed the baby formula milk with the help of a small piece of cotton.
No one had any idea that the baby girl would become famous in her adulthood. After a ten day stay at a private hospital 🏥 the 💑 couple returned home. Since she was the first child, the couple took good care of her. After the 👶 baby girl was one and half years old her mother gave birth to a 👶 👨🍼 baby boy. Along with the mother the girl 👧 also looked after the 🚼 infant. The 💑 couple had all their desires
fulfilled and thought that there was none other happier than themselves. When the girl reached two years and ten months she was admitted to school 🏫. Here she was very interested and excelled in learning.With her father's guidance and love ❤️ 😍 she practised writing and reading at home.She diligently completed her homework and went outside to play with friends. At such an young age she felt that she had everything at her disposal and felt very contented with her life.Doted 💕 by her parents she felt like a princess 👸.She was in this state of mind till she reached fifteen years of age.She used to help her mother 👩 with daily chores.But her 👨 father asked her to concentrate on her studies.