Chereads / Canceled, See: Secrets of the Lonely / Chapter 8 - The First Semester (Part 6) Class Dynamics

Chapter 8 - The First Semester (Part 6) Class Dynamics

The class seemed hesitant about Ayume's idea at first. It didn't take long for another boy to stand up, voicing his agreement with her suggestion. I could already tell where this scenario was heading. Everyone would soon form cliques.

"I agree. It's an important step. I'm Toshikawa Neo."

Everyone reluctantly began introducing themselves. It was a simple process. They would stand up and say their name. When it came to my turn, I didn't stand up. Instead, I merely stated my name in my usual tone: "Mizune Akari"

The boy smiled awkwardly at my nonchalance and Ayume seemed unperturbed. I had long since stopped caring about appearances. I had decided on a role to play, One that would keep me out of suspicion. "The cold, but surprisingly friendly, beauty", the role itself was quite easy to pull off. Just be cold, closed off, and put quite a bit of care into my appearance. I'd feign an average level of intelligence, well an average for this school, anyway.

I stared out the window as Toshikawa stood next to Ayume. This whole interaction was awkward, and it felt forced because it was. He continued to speak. "Well, I think those of us in Class C need to form some kind of democratic voting system."

Ayume nodded as she stood next to him. "I agree, but we can't do a 50/51. There are 25 students, but having it set as 50/51 would be easy to manipulate. If anyone wanted to betray us, having it set up that way would make it easy."

She was exactly correct, and I immediately realized that she was attempting to gain the class' trust. If she didn't say anything about a 50/51 voting system, she would have been taking a gamble. Someone could have accused her of being a spy later on. I thought she made the right choice.

Toshikawa nodded. "I agree. We should have it set as a 59/41 split instead. If 59 of us are in agreement, then the motion would proceed."

I pondered that for a moment. 'While it is a safer option, it's not without its flaws. Especially once people form their various cliques. Still, though...this is a good baseline for us to start at. I can work with this.'

Ayume nodded. "I agree. This should be our mode of voting. If anyone isn't on board, then please speak up."

No one said anything, and I admired Ayume's ruse. She was quite the good actress when she needed to be. Though, she's a lot more fun to be around when she's being her true to self.

*Bzz* My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I could tell everyone else's did as well. Pulling my phone out and glancing at the screen, I internally smirked at the content of the message.

[To: All First Year Students

Now that the class placement exams have concluded, the first individual exam will begin on Friday. Each class is to vote on a class President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The details of this event are not being released at this time. You have until 11:59 PM on Wednesday (two days) to finalize your votes. Any class that fails to complete a vote will have their point total for next week swapped with the class beneath them and will forfeit their participation in the upcoming individual exam, taking last place. The whole class will not be informed of who is officially elected. Only those elected will be informed.

You may place your votes by tapping on this link: **************

Additionally, each of your phones have been pre-loaded with an app called "Intel" that will include information you may find vital. ]

'Oh? What's this? Is an individual exam starting so soon? They have jumped right into it.' I internally smiled, knowing that this would be truly interesting and a great form of entertainment.

Toshikawa sighed before speaking. He beat Ayume to the punch. "This is...strange. If we as a class decide to vote for specific people, we should know who is elected. We should all keep that in mind. That being said, we should be mindful of subterfuge."

Ayume nodded. "I nominate Toshikawa as President."

Toshikawa nodded at Akame. "I nominate Horishia Ayume for Vice President." He walked up to the whiteboard and wrote up a small list before continuing. "Does anyone else have any nominations?

Hasewa Kuromi, a boisterous girl in the back of the classroom pointed at me. "I nominate Mizune for Treasurer."

I sighed, speaking before Toshikawa could write my name. "Don't nominate me. I don't want the position." I sat back in my seat before continuing. "I don't know what this event even is, and I don't want to be nominated for things arbitrarily."

Toshikawa forced a small smile. "You'll have to be a team player if you want to succeed in this school, you know."

I thought about it for a moment. His words had almost painted me as a future traitor, and I couldn't allow that to happen. I had to play my role better. "Hais, You're right. Apologies, I'm not used to relying on others. Please proceed, it's fine with me."

He smiled warmly. "No worries, It's alright. Everyone has their weaknesses." He wrote my name on the whiteboard underneath Treasurer.

It was around here when I decided he would be the most annoying part of this class. His assertive attitude and astute observations would make it difficult for Ayume and I to maneuver around.

A boy sitting up front suddenly stood up. "I nominate Hoshide Nori for Secretary."

Toshikawa nodded at him. The boy who nominated him seemed to be a friend of Toshikawa's. I had already noted a few methods and strategies to "cheat" this part, pretty much ensuring our victory. That, however, wasn't our goal.

Ayume looked at the class. "Are there any other nominations? If not, we will adjourn for today and reconvene to vote tomorrow."

It was bold of her to say that. Toshikawa took notice, voicing his concern. "Shouldn't we vote right now?"

Ayume shook her head. "We should theorize what this event is before voting. I don't want any of this to leak to other classes; my instincts tell me that would be catastrophic. I have some theories I want to run by you tonight. We should swap numbers." She whispered the last part to him, and he silently nodded along.

"Alright, we will reconvene tomorrow after class to put all of our votes in." He was now agreeing with Ayume's suggestion, and I internally smirked before sending her a message.

[To: Horishia Ayume:

I have some ideas, visit my room tonight.]

All of the students hurriedly left the classroom, heading off to entertain themselves in some way or another. I was the last one to leave, aside from Toshikawa and Akame.

I walked up to them, my face a mask of cold indifference. "Any thoughts so far? Ideas maybe?"

Toshikawa nodded. "It seems probable that the school will likely have us list the other class' representatives."

I nodded, slightly widening my eyes as if enlightened. Internally, I sneered. That was the best he could come up with? There were so many loopholes it was impossible to ignore them. I spoke coldly. "I see, please keep me in the loop, let's exchange numbers."

After doing that, I bid them farewell and headed off to the library in search of a new book. I picked: "On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous" by Ocean Vuong.


Ayume knocked on my door, and I allowed her to enter. She smirked at me. "So you have some ideas already?"

I nodded as I let her enter. Her mask fell away and she sighed. "Urgh, that guy is troublesome, he keeps sending me messages. At least I gained his trust. Anyways, what are your ideas?"

I quickly wrapped my hair in a microfiber towel. I soon began to use some facelift oil and moisturizer. Ayume quirked an eyebrow. "What the hell are you doing?"

I spoke coldly. "Playing my role, the cold beauty. That's not important. Here are some observations: One, I'm certain not everyone needs to vote. If even one person voted for their chosen candidates once, it would be enough. Second, the message said nothing about having a different person for each role. Nothing is stopping us from voting for one single person and having them fulfill every role."

Ayume seemed to think for a moment. "What makes you say that number one is the case? I had already picked up on the second one."

I sighed. "If they wanted every person in the class to vote, It would have been said. The school is notorious for giving ALL of the details. With these two things in mind, do you have any ideas?"