Chapter 8 - Marked


 Caydon's Pov 

 A soft moan came from beside me,causing me to open my eyes and look over in confusion. A very naked chasity was next to me. "Oh this is not good ." I groaned softly. When I sat up a sharp pain radiated through my shoulder. "Ah ." A groan left me as I my hand instinctively moved to my shoulder. Pulling my hand back to see blood. "Shit" . I groaned. Standing only to realize I was as equally naked and my clothes where no where to be found . After a moment of unsuccessfully looking for my clothes , I glanced at the time on the clock on chastity's bed side table. 7:45. Everyone will be up soon , maybe I could beat them if I hurry. I moved into the bathroom grabbing a towel to wrap around my waist just to get back to my room. Chasitiys room is on the Alphas floor. My room is in the floor directly below . Thankfully not many people are on these to two floors. Taking one last look at Chasity to make sure she was still asleep . Before I poked my head out to look down the deserted hall. Moving down the all quickly and quietly as possible. Not wanting to run into any one in the elevator I ran down the stairs. Though I got the the 6th floor. Their Chris was outside my door,here we go. Chris rose his hand to knock,however he turned straight to me. Then fell forward full laughter. "Do I want to know?" He chuckled then made a face , no doubt smelling our combined scents. "I thought you couldn't forgive chasity" He asked . I am not sure if he was concerned or confused. " I don't ...ah I'm confused I don't remember . The last thing I remember is heading out of the pack hospital." This seemed to confuse him further. 

" Caydon that was 3 days ago." Chris looked me over concerned. " What? " I looked at him as if he had three heads. "It can't be-" Chris pulled out his phone his screen faceing me . Clear across his screen it read. Wednesday December 8 ,2012. How uh .. I groaned . Began rubbing my temples. " Towel " Chris reminded me as it was about to come off . Quickly I grabed the hem and groaned. "I'll just take a quick shower a d be right out. You can chill in the room if you want." I headed into the room leaving the door open slightly for Chris to follow. If he liked no since and meeting up els where I would only take a minute. He followed shutting the door, as I was headed into the bathroom. 

 After the worlds quickest shower I dressed throwing . A few changes of clothes and toiltfires in a bag . Alright I'm ready I hope I did t hold you up to long." I came out to see Chris passing. "No your good . " He answered a bit abruptly. " What's wrong? " I asked him . I'm worried . You say you haven't had a change of heart with chasity,and I get it I really do. I love her but she don't deserve you after the way she has treated you. But sine how she marked you. What will that do to the both if you?" He asked. " I didn't mark her back so maybe it will fade in time. There have been instances where a mark has faded because the bind was not fully sealed. ". 

"Maybe but I truly don't know , I'm concerned. ". I won't let it come to her death .,Chris if that is the case . I will complete the bond I promise . I just really hope I can bounce back from this,I don't know what happened. " I said honestly. Chris sighed a little . "I'm afraid for you both for the record ." He said. "I know 

I cleared my throat we should get going though. If not we will be late to Maxwell's coronation." I stated the obvious . "Good point." Chris exited the room I grabbed my bag and followed.