Chereads / The Gods of the Himalayas. / Chapter 1 - Wanderlust: A Journey Unfolds

The Gods of the Himalayas.

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Chapter 1 - Wanderlust: A Journey Unfolds

This poignant tale begins with a turning point in my life when I reached the milestone age of 18...

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MY SON," my mother joyfully exclaimed. Gratefully, I replied, "Thank you, Mom."

With a sense of earnestness, she imparted her wisdom, saying, "Now, my dear, you bear greater and weightier responsibilities. You have stepped into adulthood at the age of 18!"

A mischievous smile crept across my face as I playfully asked, "Well, Mom, where lies my long-awaited gift?"

Regret momentarily filled my mother's eyes as she confessed, "Oh, my dear Juros, I must admit I momentarily forgot about your gift. Please accept it now."

Gratitude welled up within me as I declared with heartfelt sincerity, "Thank you, Mom. You truly are the epitome of the best mother in the entire world."

Eagerly, I unwrapped the gift, revealing a ring adorned with an exquisite, shimmering green stone, casting a mesmerizing glow.

Disappointed by the nature of the gift, I couldn't help but express my discontent, "Alas! A ring! This gift does not resonate with my desires, Mom. I yearn for something truly remarkable, something that exudes coolness."

Taken aback by my reaction, my mother replied with a hint of disappointment, "Oh, my child, I genuinely believed this ring would capture your fancy. I chose it with utmost care, hoping it would bring you joy."

Concerned, I noticed my mother's sneezes and inquired with genuine care, "Are you unwell, Mom? Have you caught a cold?"

"Yes, dear, it is but a minor cold. However, fret not, for I assure you I am on the mend," she reassured me.

Seeking reassurance, I queried, "Did you take your medicine, Mom?"

"Yes, indeed, I did. Now, my dear, let us cut the cake and retire for the night, for it is already the midnight hour," she suggested.

The events of that night would haunt my memory as a harrowing nightmare. The following day, the sun had reached its zenith when I finally awoke. Startled and bewildered, I cried out in despair, "MOM! Why did you not wake me up?" Alas, no reply came forth. In a hushed tone, I called out, "Mom? Mom?" Approaching her bedroom, I discovered her lifeless form resting on the bed. Drawing nearer, I called out to her once more, "Mom?" Yet, no response echoed through the room. A chilling touch confirmed the unthinkable truth—I felt the coldness of her body, saw the pallor of her complexion, and noticed her stillness. SHE HAD PASSED AWAY! Overwhelmed by grief, I let out a desperate cry, "MOMMM!!!" But silence remained my only companion.

After the devastating loss of my beloved mother, a series of unfortunate events unfolded, casting a shadow over my life. It seemed as though the universe had conspired against me, testing my resilience and challenging my spirit.

The weight of grief clung to me like an oppressive cloak, obscuring my vision and dampening my every step. The void left by my mother's absence was immeasurable, and each day felt like an insurmountable struggle. But life, relentless in its march, pushed me forward, compelling me to face the trials that lay ahead.

In the wake of my mother's passing, financial hardships befell our family. Her untimely death had left us with medical bills to settle and a mountain of debts that seemed insurmountable. The weight of responsibility fell squarely on my young shoulders, as I became the sole breadwinner, striving to keep our fragile existence afloat.

Days turned into nights, and nights into days, as I tirelessly toiled to make ends meet. Exhaustion etched lines on my face, and the weight of the world settled upon my weary frame. Despite the challenges, I refused to succumb to despair, clinging to a flickering ember of hope within my heart.

As time passed, life continued to hurl obstacles in my path. Relationships crumbled, friendships faded, and opportunities slipped through my fingers like grains of sand. It felt as though I was trapped in an unending labyrinth of disappointment, desperately seeking an exit that remained elusive.

As the years wore on, the weight of my struggles took an increasingly heavy toll on my spirit. The burden of grief, financial strain, and the ceaseless barrage of obstacles became too much to bear. Despite my best efforts to stay afloat, I found myself sinking deeper into the grips of depression.

Each day became a battle against the relentless darkness that enveloped me. The world lost its colors, and even the simplest tasks felt insurmountable. The once vibrant dreams I held in my heart now seemed like distant mirages, forever out of reach.

Isolation became my closest companion as I withdrew from the world around me. Friends and family, once a source of solace, now felt like distant echoes. Their attempts to lift my spirits fell on deaf ears, and their well-intentioned words felt hollow.

Days turned into a monotonous blur, punctuated by tear-stained nights filled with an overwhelming sense of emptiness. The smile that once graced my face became a rarity, replaced by a mask of melancholy that I wore to conceal the depths of my pain.

The pursuit of education and writing, once my refuge, lost its luster. The creative spark that once ignited my soul flickered, and the once comforting escape of storytelling now felt like a cruel reminder of my own inadequacies.

Desperation consumed me as I sought solace in various remedies, clinging to fleeting moments of relief. Therapy sessions became a lifeline, offering a glimmer of hope in the vast expanse of despair. Medications were prescribed, their effects a mixed bag of temporary respite and unsettling side effects.

But despite the interventions and support, the black cloud of depression remained a constant presence, casting a suffocating shadow over my existence. It whispered lies of worthlessness and hopelessness, eroding my self-esteem and distorting my perception of reality.

The battle against depression is not one easily won. It is a relentless foe that tests the limits of one's resilience. And for me, the fight is ongoing, a constant struggle to find a glimmer of light in the suffocating darkness.

However, in the midst of my pain, I have come to realize that depression does not define me. It is a part of my journey, an unwelcome companion that I have learned to live with. It may rob me of moments of joy and cloud my vision, but it does not extinguish the flicker of hope that still resides within.

So, as I continue on this arduous path, I cling to the belief that one day, the weight of depression may lessen. That perhaps, through perseverance, support, and a flicker of resilience, I can find a semblance of peace and reclaim moments of happiness.

Though the road may be long and fraught with obstacles, I refuse to surrender to the grips of depression. For even in the depths of despair, there lies a glimmer of strength—an unyielding spirit that whispers, "Keep going, one step at a time." And so, I press on, holding onto the hope that one day, the heavy fog will lift, and I will find solace in the light once again.