Putting both of my hands together and blowing a sign of annoyance, I stare back at her and point to my bed. "Why. Is. There. Dirt. In my. Bed!"
"Oh well, I thought you would also miss sleeping on the soft soil, so I grabbed some extra for you before boarding the ship," she replies.
"Also, why is the ship so wobbly? Is that even safe? It makes my head feel like it's spinning."
"I guess you've never been on a boat before, huh?" I respond.
She shortly replies, "No, I have," before going green in the face and vomiting into a wooden trash bin lined with a cotton bag to hold trash.
"We haven't even left yet. Let me go find if the ship has a healer that can help with your nausea," I say.
Trying to say thank you as I leave, she just vomits again into the can.
I head down the wooden planks of the ship's main deck reinforced with tough steel to handle the ocean waves. I end up finding Cliff towards the end, where the captain of the ship is, and he is slumped over in exhaustion.