"Would You Please Stop..."
The bodyguard said it in a pleasant manner while blocking everyone from entering the restroom area. "You can use it after my lady boss has finished using it," the bodyguard remarked.
Thomas is powerless to perform any action other than to wait in front of the restroom with the rest of the people. He was attending a very formal dinner party and did not want to cause any disruptions.
Eve has just caught sight of her archenemy at this party, which has caused her anger to reach a boiling point. It is imperative that she convince her spouse to get away from Elsa immediately.
In the beginning, she intended to make tonight's use of the aphrodisiac medicine for the benefit of herself. It is important for Eve to ensure that she will become pregnant with one of his seeds once more.
This time, she needs to become pregnant with the seed that was planted by her husband. She is, in fact, keeping a horrible secret about her most recent pregnancy hidden from everyone.
She puts the medicine into the glass of drink that is in front of her and then takes it to her husband, who is waiting by the toilet for his former flame.
As Elsa was leaving the restroom, she paused to talk to Thomas who was standing just outside the door to the restroom.
"... cough... " When Elsa turns around, she sees Thomas standing in front of her with Eve by his side. This causes her to choke on her own saliva because of the shock.
Elsa took the glass of water that Thomas had taken from Eve's hand and handed it to her. This makes Eve really angry because her husband still cares about his ex-girlfriend.
Thomas was reflected passing the glass of water to Elsa, who received it without thinking a lot about it. Because Elsa drank it directly from the glass, Eve was unable to put an end to the uproar that had ensued.
Ben is recognising the couple from the investigation into the history of his former lady boss as they come into view during his observations. He hushes his voice and whispers in his boss's ear to alert him.
After giving a brief nod, Jay quickly got to his feet and departed the presence of the ambassador. He approaches his wife by walking.
"Wow, have a look at the young duckling that has transformed into an overnight princess tonight."
Eve says to her with cynicism, "You run away from your past and here we are again." Eve is addressing her with this word.
"I do not have anything with me that I can give to you."
"I can't believe I let myself be duped by all of your lies and manipulations. I was genuinely trying to help you, and yet here you are, paying me with all of this," Elsa responds with a quiver in her voice as she says this. She is unable to get over the treatment she received from her former best friend.
"Have you completed everything?" Jay is snuggling up to her and placing one of his arms behind her hips.
"Ahhh, that was a good job."
Eve is making a remark to the effect that she thinks "You are already picking up your next client in here."
"It makes no difference to me if I am her customer or not. Who are you to have the audacity to make a comment like that?" The piercing and icy looks that Jay is giving her are making her tremble.
The aphrodisiac began to work on her body, which resulted in her becoming excited and feeling extremely aroused. When she is so heated, it makes her seem as though there is something wrong with her mind.
Elsa had a death grip on Jay's arm as she pleaded with him to cease the fight and goes away with her.
Jay learns about his wife's health and gives her the approval to carry out her wishes. He motions for his subordinate to accompany him and his wife as they leave the hall.
Ben remains behind to finish everything off with the ambassador in order to ensure that the host is not inconvenienced by his boss's unexpected departure.
"Jay, my body temperature is so high..."
Elsa is clenching his arm so hard and grinding her body against his as she says, "Something is wrong with my body."
At long last, Jay has come to the realisation that his wife was drugged during the dinner party. He is yelling at his chauffeur to get them to their hotel room as quickly as possible.
Ben is going to stay behind to fill in for his employer and provide entertainment for the person who is hosting the dinner party. Following their business meeting, Max will accompany his employer as they make their way back to their hotel room.
Before Jay satisfies his wife's need for the drug, he is walking back to the hotel room while holding his wife on his arm. This time, she truly does beg him until the crack of dawn, and she does it again and over again.
Jay is reawakening next to his wife as they share their bed. After giving her a quick kiss on the cheek, he excuses himself to use the restroom. He prepares himself for his morning workout by putting on his workout clothes, and then he heads off to the gym with his trusty bodyguard.
Jay had just finished his workout with Max when he found Ben already inside the suite with the butler. He does not waste any time and walks straight to his room, where he checks on his sleeping wife who is still in a deep sleep.
Jay is heading to the restroom to change his clothing before sitting up at the dining table to read Ben's daily report. Once he's done, Jay will head back to the bathroom.
"Max, are you able to track down the person who had the audacity to drug my wife?" Everyone in the room is getting the impression that death is imminent from the way Jay is dressed and acting.
Max is going away to find out what his boss wishes by saying, "I will check and liaise with the embassy protocol to find out," before he returns.