Storms continued to whip around Canden and the surrounding towns. As the hours passed, the sounds of the tempests grew deeper and more ominous. Ravenna knew that the townspeople had yet to discover her return to their village, and used the time to ready herself. Lucifer's words echoed in her mind, –I have not seen a storm this violent since my own Fall.– On the chance that the Fallen man was correct, and the storms were a sign of the Ruler's wrath, she needed to be ready. Lucifer had promised her that no matter where Michael Fell, they would find him.
As she worried about the storm and Lucifer's prediction, Ravenna took the bags that held her meager belongings from her travels with Michael. She placed the bags containing her dresses, two blankets, and the spare set of Michael's undergarments in her rebuilt room, and continued to pace along the floorboards of her home. Her thoughts turned to the infirmary, where Lucifer seemed to expect Michael to reside within a few days.
–But what can even heal such large wounds? Lucifer's scars were so large, and his wings looked like they were stolen from him in such a violent way. If he is right, then Michael will have broken bones, torn muscles, his skin…– Ravenna leaned in the doorway to her infirmary as the thoughts of the wings being ripped from Michael's back turned her stomach. –I have no plants or balms or poultices prepared, and I'm not sure it is safe to gather right now. But he will need me.–
Entering the infirmary, Ravenna explored what the villagers had prepared in anticipation for her return. Her heart warmed as she thought about the amount of time and effort that must have been put into the rebuilding of the Hawthorne home, and how much attention the villagers had paid to the care they had been given over the years. Opening a few drawers, Ravenna found needles and suturing thread, alcohol for cleansing wounds, and small rolls of linen for bandages. She opened the last drawer, and found a single occupant. Tears spilled from her eyes as she picked up the tiny knitted angel toy that she had often given to her patients to hold to bring them comfort as she worked. The doll had been singed, but was still intact.
Ravenna held the small angel to her chest and sat on the nearest patient bed, allowing herself to feel the grief that she had repressed. Anne was gone, maliciously stolen from her. Her grandmother, her mentor, her friend. The tears trickled down her freckled cheeks, landing on the tiny angel.
Ravenna's anguish soon turned to anger. She fully understood Michael now. –The Ruler allows so many terrible things to happen, and Michael just wants to make Him care again! He has the power to stop this, to stop all of these things, and chooses complacency! No wonder Lucifer wants Michael to fight against the Ruler with him! My kidnapping, Anne and Samuel's death, the Sickness…none of this needed to happen! And now the same Ruler is going to cast Michael from the Kingdom for wanting a better way?– Her mind's rage matched that of the storm outside her home, but quickly returned to its sadness.
–But Michael is going to Fall because he chose to help me. Because I was the one he thought was worth Falling for. –
Ravenna's misery washed over her, and she cried until sleep claimed her.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
In a farming town northeast of Canden, Richard Cassia left his small home to check on the horses in the stable. The storm had knocked down several branches around the stable, and he wanted to make sure that the animals in the stable and barn were safe. The wind whipped leaves and raindrops into his face, and Richard brushed them aside. He pushed open the door to the stable, glad to have a moment's reprieve from the rain. He softly touched the mane of the stallion, trying to calm the horse from the howling of the wind.
Richard secured the stable door, and entered the barn to check on the rest of the animals that his family cared for. He stepped into the barn, and lit the lantern that waited in the doorway. Thunder roared, and lightning cracked across the sky. Richard assumed that lightning must have struck nearby, judging by the loud crashing sound outside the barn. Ensuring the cattle were unharmed, the farmer left the barn, turning to see the hay bales stacked outside ablaze. The farmer quickly rushed to fill a bucket from the rainwater barrel to douse the flames; again assuming that the lightning must have struck the bales.
After Richard had put out the fire, he tossed the bucket aside, heaving a sigh of relief. He thanked the Ruler that only the hay bales had caught fire, and that the flames did not spread to the barn. The bucket did not clatter against the barn wall, and Richard turned to see what had happened to the container. He brushed the rain from his eyes, and gasped. A young man was lying on his side, unconscious in the hay. His golden curls plastered against his head from the rain, and both his eyes were blackened. The man's back was bleeding badly, and he wore no clothes other than a pair of black tattered pants. Richard knelt next to the man, seeing many bruises and lacerations decorating his skin. –Who is this man? How did he get here? What happened to him? Is he going to wake up?–
The farmer left the young man for a moment as he ran to get his wife Adriana from their home. The couple soon returned to the barn, looking at the young man who laid bleeding into the hay. Adriana bent down, touching the unconscious man's shoulder.
"The Ruler only knows how he got here, Richard."
Richard sighed, pushing the rain from his face. "I've heard of a healer in the next town, over in Canden. Hackthorne, or something like that. Help me get him onto the cart, Adriana, we need to get him help, and the Ruler knows it is beyond our ability"
The farmer's wife looked bewildered at her husband. "Now? My darling, I want to help him like you do, but the storm has not let up, and Canden is nearly a half-day's trip with the horse. Are you sure?"
Richard Cassia embraced his wife. "It is the right thing to do, my treasure. And if we do the right thing now, perhaps the Ruler will bless our harvest in the coming months."
As her husband released her from their embrace, Adriana pressed her lips together. Richard was right, and they needed a blessing from the Ruler to ensure a bountiful harvest after the tough spring season. She nodded. "You are right, we do need to get this man help. We need to do the right thing. Bring the cart here, we should not waste any more time to help him. I'm sure the Hackthorne healer will be able to help."
Richard pulled the cart to the side of the barn, where the young man still lay, his wounds no longer bleeding profusely. The man showed no signs of regaining consciousness, even as the Cassias pulled him onto the cart. Adriana had insisted they put sacks on the cart to make the wooden planks softer to lie on, as the young man was badly injured. She took the ropes from the barn, and wrapped the ropes around his waist, trying to make sure he did not fall during the ride to Canden.
Adriana kissed her husband farewell, and watched him and the mysterious man on the cart fade away into the nighttime, the rain pattering softly against her skin.