The Ruler called for the lower-ranking messenger angel, Uriel, who was busy at the other end of the Great Hall. The messenger angel stepped between the realms to stand before the Ruler, wasting no time walking the length of the Hall.
The Ruler told Uriel that He wanted the Seraphim on duty to come into the Great Hall and find the Brother who was supposed to be serving. Uriel quickly left the Ruler's presence with a bow and went to look for the Seraphim, Michael.
Uriel was a younger angel, about Michael's age. He was significantly shorter than Michael, and his red hair was brilliant against his light skin. His grey eyes did not often look up, as he was a low-ranking angel whose job was to serve.
Uriel's reflection followed him through the mirrored hallway, his footsteps echoing softly in the silent Palace. He passed many other lower-ranking angels, who were busy polishing and cleaning, ensuring the Palace of the Ruler was flawless.
Uriel searched the Palace, worrying. Michael was never hard to find, as the wrath of the Ruler was fearsome. No angel of any rank wished to be involved when the Ruler felt the need to hand out any punishments.
Having searched the main floor of the Palace, Uriel moved to the second floor, his urgency increasing with every step. Where was Michael? Why was he not nearby to serve the Ruler? Uriel's efforts grew faster and more urgent. The Ruler would punish him if Michael was not found.
The low-ranking angel ran into the gardens. Perhaps Michael had come out to the gardens, and Uriel had not seen. Uriel was busy looking left as he jogged and ran directly into Remiel. "My sincerest apologies, Seraphim Remiel!" Uriel bowed deeply.
Remiel stood a few inches taller than Uriel, looking downward at the lower-ranking angel in disdain. He smoothed back his short, brown hair as if Uriel bumping into him had a chance of ruining his perfectly maintained hairstyle. Remiel frowned. "Where are you off to in such a hurry?" It was not like Uriel to travel with such urgency. The low-ranking angel seemed distressed. "Stand, Uriel."
Uriel stood upright and bowed only his head. He was, after all, in the presence of a Seraphim, the highest ranking of the angels. "I am sorry, Seraphim Remiel. The Ruler had commanded me to find Seraphim Michael. It is his day to serve. The Ruler did not say why He wanted him in the Great Hall. He just ordered me to find him. I have looked everywhere in the Palace, he is nowhere to be found."
Remiel's eyes narrowed. "Have you seen Michael at all today, Uriel?"
The low-ranking angel did not raise his head, but his eyes looked down as well. "No, Seraphim Remiel."
Remiel's lips pressed together. "Interesting. Take me to the Ruler. I wish to speak with Him."
Uriel swallowed hard. Remiel ranked higher than he did, and Uriel must do as he was told. But Remiel had a severe and sinister tone to his voice, and Uriel did not want to bring him to the Ruler. Remiel knew the way and would get there one way or another, but if Uriel refused to escort the Seraphim to the Ruler, there would be more punishment than simply not returning to the Ruler without Michael.
Uriel bowed. "Of course, Seraphim Remiel. Please, come with me." His chest panged- he had liked Michael and did not like how Remiel spoke. His voice dripped with disgust as if he had a sour taste.
Uriel left Remiel outside the Great Hall and spoke with the Ruler. Informing Remiel he would return for him in a moment, Uriel entered the Hall. He bowed low before the Ruler, who was enraged that the low-ranking angel had returned alone.
"Greetings, Mighty Ruler, I-"
"You are not the one I asked for. Where is Seraphim Michael?" The Ruler's voice echoed loudly through the Hall, causing Uriel to wince.
"Dear Ruler, please, Seraphim Michael was not on the grounds of the Palace. I searched everywhere for -"
"You will be punished for such incompetence!" The Ruler reached for whips that were near the Throne.
"Please, Mighty Ruler! I have Seraphim Remiel outside the Hall. He says there is something important to tell you about Seraphim Michael! If it is irrelevant, I accept my punishment graciously, but please, Mighty Ruler, please, will you allow Seraphim Remiel to speak?" Uriel no longer bowed, but his knees hit the floor, pleading.
The Ruler leaned back on the Throne, intrigued by Uriel's words. "Stand, Uriel. Bring in Seraphim Remiel. We will see what he has to say. His words define your fate."
Uriel stood, his shoulders and chest heaving from his quick breaths. "Thank you, Gracious One, I will lead in Seraphim Remiel for you right away."
Uriel left the Great Hall and found Remiel leaning against the wall, inspecting his fingernails. After letting the lower-ranking angel continue to panic for a moment, Remiel looked up, seemingly bored with his nails. "Shall we then, Uriel?"
Uriel opened the door for Remiel, and the pair entered the Great Hall. Uriel's soft footsteps made no sound on the hard floor, and Remiel's hard shoes made sharp clicks on the white marble. Both angels bowed low; their wings spread far and parallel to the floor.
"Greetings, Mighty Ruler," the angels spoke in unison.
"You may rise. Seraphim Remiel, Uriel here tells me you have something of interest regarding the whereabouts of the Seraphim Michael?" The Ruler's powerful voice rang through the Great Hall.
Remiel stood, his wings neatly folded, his arms behind his back. His chest stood out proudly. His face was smug, his smile that of a predator.
"Indeed I do, Mighty Ruler."
Uriel pressed his lips together and closed his eyes. The look on Remiel's face did not bode well for Michael.